
501 lines
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require 'SVG/Graph/Graph'
module SVG
module Graph
# === For creating SVG plots of scalar data
# = Synopsis
# require 'SVG/Graph/Plot'
# # Data sets are x,y pairs
# # Note that multiple data sets can differ in length, and that the
# # data in the datasets needn't be in order; they will be ordered
# # by the plot along the X-axis.
# projection = [
# 6, 11, 0, 5, 18, 7, 1, 11, 13, 9, 1, 2, 19, 0, 3, 13,
# 7, 9
# ]
# actual = [
# 0, 18, 8, 15, 9, 4, 18, 14, 10, 2, 11, 6, 14, 12,
# 15, 6, 4, 17, 2, 12
# ]
# graph ={
# :height => 500,
# :width => 300,
# :key => true,
# :scale_x_integers => true,
# :scale_y_integerrs => true,
# })
# graph.add_data({
# :data => projection
# :title => 'Projected',
# })
# graph.add_data({
# :data => actual,
# :title => 'Actual',
# })
# print graph.burn()
# = Description
# Produces a graph of scalar data.
# This object aims to allow you to easily create high quality
# SVG[] scalar plots. You can either use the
# default style sheet or supply your own. Either way there are many options
# which can be configured to give you control over how the graph is
# generated - with or without a key, data elements at each point, title,
# subtitle etc.
# = Examples
# http://www.germane-software/repositories/public/SVG/test/plot.rb
# = Notes
# The default stylesheet handles upto 10 data sets, if you
# use more you must create your own stylesheet and add the
# additional settings for the extra data sets. You will know
# if you go over 10 data sets as they will have no style and
# be in black.
# Unlike the other types of charts, data sets must contain x,y pairs:
# [ 1, 2 ] # A data set with 1 point: (1,2)
# [ 1,2, 5,6] # A data set with 2 points: (1,2) and (5,6)
# = See also
# * SVG::Graph::Graph
# * SVG::Graph::BarHorizontal
# * SVG::Graph::Bar
# * SVG::Graph::Line
# * SVG::Graph::Pie
# * SVG::Graph::TimeSeries
# == Author
# Sean E. Russell <serATgermaneHYPHENsoftwareDOTcom>
# Copyright 2004 Sean E. Russell
# This software is available under the Ruby license[LICENSE.txt]
class Plot < Graph
# In addition to the defaults set by Graph::initialize, sets
# [show_data_values] true
# [show_data_points] true
# [area_fill] false
# [stacked] false
def set_defaults
:show_data_values => true,
:show_data_points => true,
:area_fill => false,
:stacked => false
self.top_align = self.right_align = self.top_font = self.right_font = 1
# Determines the scaling for the X axis divisions.
# graph.scale_x_divisions = 2
# would cause the graph to attempt to generate labels stepped by 2; EG:
# 0,2,4,6,8...
attr_accessor :scale_x_divisions
# Determines the scaling for the Y axis divisions.
# graph.scale_y_divisions = 0.5
# would cause the graph to attempt to generate labels stepped by 0.5; EG:
# 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, ...
attr_accessor :scale_y_divisions
# Make the X axis labels integers
attr_accessor :scale_x_integers
# Make the Y axis labels integers
attr_accessor :scale_y_integers
# Fill the area under the line
attr_accessor :area_fill
# Show a small circle on the graph where the line
# goes from one point to the next.
attr_accessor :show_data_points
# Set the minimum value of the X axis
attr_accessor :min_x_value
# Set the minimum value of the Y axis
attr_accessor :min_y_value
# Adds data to the plot. The data must be in X,Y pairs; EG
# [ 1, 2 ] # A data set with 1 point: (1,2)
# [ 1,2, 5,6] # A data set with 2 points: (1,2) and (5,6)
def add_data data
@data = [] unless @data
raise "No data provided by #{conf.inspect}" unless data[:data] and
data[:data].kind_of? Array
raise "Data supplied must be x,y pairs! "+
"The data provided contained an odd set of "+
"data points" unless data[:data].length % 2 == 0
return if data[:data].length == 0
x = []
y = []
data[:data].each_index {|i|
(i%2 == 0 ? x : y) << data[:data][i]
sort( x, y )
data[:data] = [x,y]
@data << data
def keys
@data.collect{ |x| x[:title] }
def calculate_left_margin
label_left = get_x_labels[0].to_s.length / 2 * font_size * 0.6
@border_left = label_left if label_left > @border_left
def calculate_right_margin
label_right = get_x_labels[-1].to_s.length / 2 * font_size * 0.6
@border_right = label_right if label_right > @border_right
X = 0
Y = 1
def x_range
max_value = @data.collect{|x| x[:data][X][-1] }.max
min_value = @data.collect{|x| x[:data][X][0] }.min
min_value = min_value<min_x_value ? min_value : min_x_value if min_x_value
range = max_value - min_value
right_pad = range == 0 ? 10 : range / 20.0
scale_range = (max_value + right_pad) - min_value
scale_division = scale_x_divisions || (scale_range / 10.0)
if scale_x_integers
scale_division = scale_division < 1 ? 1 : scale_division.round
[min_value, max_value, scale_division]
def get_x_values
min_value, max_value, scale_division = x_range
rv = []
min_value.step( max_value, scale_division ) {|v| rv << v}
return rv
alias :get_x_labels :get_x_values
def field_width
values = get_x_values
max = @data.collect{|x| x[:data][X][-1]}.max
dx = (max - values[-1]).to_f / (values[-1] - values[-2])
(@graph_width.to_f - font_size*2*right_font) /
(values.length + dx - right_align)
def y_range
max_value = @data.collect{|x| x[:data][Y].max }.max
min_value = @data.collect{|x| x[:data][Y].min }.min
min_value = min_value<min_y_value ? min_value : min_y_value if min_y_value
range = max_value - min_value
top_pad = range == 0 ? 10 : range / 20.0
scale_range = (max_value + top_pad) - min_value
scale_division = scale_y_divisions || (scale_range / 10.0)
if scale_y_integers
scale_division = scale_division < 1 ? 1 : scale_division.round
return [min_value, max_value, scale_division]
def get_y_values
min_value, max_value, scale_division = y_range
rv = []
min_value.step( max_value, scale_division ) {|v| rv << v}
return rv
alias :get_y_labels :get_y_values
def field_height
values = get_y_values
max = @data.collect{|x| x[:data][Y].max }.max
if values.length == 1
dx = values[-1]
dx = (max - values[-1]).to_f / (values[-1] - values[-2])
(@graph_height.to_f - font_size*2*top_font) /
(values.length + dx - top_align)
def draw_data
line = 1
x_min, x_max, x_div = x_range
y_min, y_max, y_div = y_range
x_step = (@graph_width.to_f - font_size*2) / (x_max-x_min)
y_step = (@graph_height.to_f - font_size*2) / (y_max-y_min)
for data in @data
x_points = data[:data][X]
y_points = data[:data][Y]
lpath = "L"
x_start = 0
y_start = 0
x_points.each_index { |idx|
x = (x_points[idx] - x_min) * x_step
y = @graph_height - (y_points[idx] - y_min) * y_step
x_start, y_start = x,y if idx == 0
lpath << "#{x} #{y} "
if area_fill
@graph.add_element( "path", {
"d" => "M#{x_start} #@graph_height #{lpath} V#@graph_height Z",
"class" => "fill#{line}"
@graph.add_element( "path", {
"d" => "M#{x_start} #{y_start} #{lpath}",
"class" => "line#{line}"
if show_data_points || show_data_values
x_points.each_index { |idx|
x = (x_points[idx] - x_min) * x_step
y = @graph_height - (y_points[idx] - y_min) * y_step
if show_data_points
@graph.add_element( "circle", {
"cx" => x.to_s,
"cy" => y.to_s,
"r" => "2.5",
"class" => "dataPoint#{line}"
add_popup(x, y, format( x_points[idx], y_points[idx] )) if add_popups
make_datapoint_text( x, y-6, y_points[idx] ) if show_data_values
line += 1
def format x, y
"(#{(x * 100).to_i / 100}, #{(y * 100).to_i / 100})"
def get_css
return <<EOL
/* default line styles */
fill: none;
stroke: #ff0000;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: none;
stroke: #0000ff;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: none;
stroke: #00ff00;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: none;
stroke: #ffcc00;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: none;
stroke: #00ccff;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: none;
stroke: #ff00ff;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: none;
stroke: #00ffff;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: none;
stroke: #ffff00;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: none;
stroke: #ccc6666;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: none;
stroke: #663399;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: none;
stroke: #339900;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: none;
stroke: #9966FF;
stroke-width: 1px;
/* default fill styles */
fill: #cc0000;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
fill: #0000cc;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
fill: #00cc00;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
fill: #ffcc00;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
fill: #00ccff;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
fill: #ff00ff;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
fill: #00ffff;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
fill: #ffff00;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
fill: #cc6666;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
fill: #663399;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
fill: #339900;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
fill: #9966FF;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
/* default line styles */
fill: #ff0000;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: #0000ff;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: #00ff00;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: #ffcc00;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: #00ccff;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: #ff00ff;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: #00ffff;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: #ffff00;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: #cc6666;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: #663399;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: #339900;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: #9966FF;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;