
539 lines
20 KiB

_gloc_rule_default: '|n| n==1 ? "" : "_plural" '
actionview_datehelper_select_month_names: Janeiro,Fevereiro,Marco,Abrill,Maio,Junho,Julho,Agosto,Setembro,Outubro,Novembro,Dezembro
actionview_datehelper_select_month_names_abbr: Jan,Fev,Mar,Abr,Mai,Jun,Jul,Ago,Set,Out,Nov,Dez
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_day: 1 dia
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_day_plural: %d dias
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_hour_about: sobre uma hora
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_hour_about_plural: sobra %d horas
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_hour_about_single: sobre uma hora
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_minute: 1 minuto
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_minute_half: meio minuto
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_minute_less_than: menos que um minuto
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_minute_plural: %d minutos
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_minute_single: 1 minuto
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_second_less_than: menos que um segundo
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_second_less_than_plural: menos que %d segundos
actionview_instancetag_blank_option: Selecione
activerecord_error_inclusion: nao esta incluido na lista
activerecord_error_exclusion: esta reservado
activerecord_error_invalid: e invalido
activerecord_error_confirmation: confirmacao nao confere
activerecord_error_accepted: deve ser aceito
activerecord_error_empty: nao pode ser vazio
activerecord_error_blank: nao pode estar em branco
activerecord_error_too_long: e muito longo
activerecord_error_too_short: e muito comprido
activerecord_error_wrong_length: esta com o comprimento errado
activerecord_error_taken: ja esta examinado
activerecord_error_not_a_number: nao e um numero
activerecord_error_not_a_date: nao e uma data valida
activerecord_error_greater_than_start_date: deve ser maior que a data inicial
activerecord_error_not_same_project: doesn't belong to the same project
activerecord_error_circular_dependency: This relation would create a circular dependency
general_fmt_age: %d yr
general_fmt_age_plural: %d yrs
general_fmt_date: %%m/%%d/%%Y
general_fmt_datetime: %%m/%%d/%%Y %%I:%%M %%p
general_fmt_datetime_short: %%b %%d, %%I:%%M %%p
general_fmt_time: %%I:%%M %%p
general_text_No: 'Nao'
general_text_Yes: 'Sim'
general_text_no: 'nao'
general_text_yes: 'sim'
general_lang_name: 'Portugues Brasileiro'
general_csv_separator: ','
general_csv_encoding: ISO-8859-1
general_pdf_encoding: ISO-8859-1
general_day_names: Segunda,Terca,Quarta,Quinta,Sexta,Sabado,Domingo
general_first_day_of_week: '1'
notice_account_updated: Conta foi alterada com sucesso.
notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Usuario ou senha invalido.
notice_account_password_updated: Senha foi alterada com sucesso.
notice_account_wrong_password: Senha errada.
notice_account_register_done: Conta foi criada com sucesso.
notice_account_unknown_email: Usuario desconhecido.
notice_can_t_change_password: Esta conta usa autenticacao externa. E impossivel trocar a senha.
notice_account_lost_email_sent: Um email com instrucoes para escolher uma nova senha foi enviado para voce.
notice_account_activated: Sua conta foi ativada. Voce pode logar agora
notice_successful_create: Criado com sucesso.
notice_successful_update: Alterado com sucesso.
notice_successful_delete: Apagado com sucesso.
notice_successful_connection: Conectado com sucesso.
notice_file_not_found: A pagina que voce esta tentando acessar nao existe ou foi excluida.
notice_locking_conflict: Os dados foram atualizados por um outro usuario.
notice_scm_error: A entrada e/ou a revisao nao existem no repositorio.
notice_not_authorized: You are not authorized to access this page.
notice_email_sent: An email was sent to %s
notice_email_error: An error occurred while sending mail (%s)
notice_feeds_access_key_reseted: Your RSS access key was reseted.
mail_subject_lost_password: Sua senha do redMine.
mail_body_lost_password: 'Para mudar sua senha, clique no link abaixo:'
mail_subject_register: Ativacao de conta do redMine.
mail_body_register: 'Para ativar sua conta do Redmine, clique no link abaixo:'
gui_validation_error: 1 erro
gui_validation_error_plural: %d erros
field_name: Nome
field_description: Descricao
field_summary: Sumario
field_is_required: Obrigatorio
field_firstname: Primeiro nome
field_lastname: Ultimo nome
field_mail: Email
field_filename: Arquivo
field_filesize: Tamanho
field_downloads: Downloads
field_author: Autor
field_created_on: Criado
field_updated_on: Alterado
field_field_format: Formato
field_is_for_all: Para todos os projetos
field_possible_values: Possiveis valores
field_regexp: Expressao regular
field_min_length: Tamanho minimo
field_max_length: Tamanho maximo
field_value: Valor
field_category: Categoria
field_title: Titulo
field_project: Projeto
field_issue: Tarefa
field_status: Status
field_notes: Notas
field_is_closed: Tarefa fechada
field_is_default: Status padrao
field_tracker: Tipo
field_subject: Titulo
field_due_date: Data devida
field_assigned_to: Atribuido para
field_priority: Prioridade
field_fixed_version: Versao corrigida
field_user: Usuario
field_role: Regra
field_homepage: Pagina inicial
field_is_public: Publico
field_parent: Sub-projeto de
field_is_in_chlog: Tarefas mostradas no changelog
field_is_in_roadmap: Tarefas mostradas no roadmap
field_login: Login
field_mail_notification: Notificacoes por email
field_admin: Administrador
field_last_login_on: Ultima conexao
field_language: Lingua
field_effective_date: Data
field_password: Senha
field_new_password: Nova senha
field_password_confirmation: Confirmacao
field_version: Versao
field_type: Tipo
field_host: Servidor
field_port: Porta
field_account: Conta
field_base_dn: Base DN
field_attr_login: Atributo login
field_attr_firstname: Atributo primeiro nome
field_attr_lastname: Atributo ultimo nome
field_attr_mail: Atributo email
field_onthefly: Criacao de usuario on-the-fly
field_start_date: Inicio
field_done_ratio: %% Terminado
field_auth_source: Modo de autenticacao
field_hide_mail: Esconder meu email
field_comments: Comentario
field_url: URL
field_start_page: Pagina inicial
field_subproject: Sub-projeto
field_hours: Horas
field_activity: Atividade
field_spent_on: Data
field_identifier: Identificador
field_is_filter: Used as a filter
field_issue_to_id: Related issue
field_delay: Delay
field_assignable: Issues can be assigned to this role
field_redirect_existing_links: Redirect existing links
field_estimated_hours: Estimated time
setting_app_title: Titulo da aplicacao
setting_app_subtitle: Sub-titulo da aplicacao
setting_welcome_text: Texto de boa-vinda
setting_default_language: Lingua padrao
setting_login_required: Autenticacao obrigatoria
setting_self_registration: Registro de si mesmo permitido
setting_attachment_max_size: Tamanho maximo do anexo
setting_issues_export_limit: Limite de exportacao das tarefas
setting_mail_from: Email enviado de
setting_host_name: Servidor
setting_text_formatting: Formato do texto
setting_wiki_compression: Compactacao do historio do Wiki
setting_feeds_limit: Limite do Feed
setting_autofetch_changesets: Autofetch commits
setting_sys_api_enabled: Ativa WS para gerenciamento do repositorio
setting_commit_ref_keywords: Referencing keywords
setting_commit_fix_keywords: Fixing keywords
setting_autologin: Autologin
setting_date_format: Date format
setting_cross_project_issue_relations: Allow cross-project issue relations
label_user: Usuario
label_user_plural: Usuarios
label_user_new: Novo usuario
label_project: Projeto
label_project_new: Novo projeto
label_project_plural: Projetos
label_project_all: All Projects
label_project_latest: Ultimos projetos
label_issue: Tarefa
label_issue_new: Nova tarefa
label_issue_plural: Tarefas
label_issue_view_all: Ver todas as tarefas
label_document: Documento
label_document_new: Novo documento
label_document_plural: Documentos
label_role: Regra
label_role_plural: Regras
label_role_new: Nova regra
label_role_and_permissions: Regras e permissoes
label_member: Membro
label_member_new: Novo membro
label_member_plural: Membros
label_tracker: Tipo
label_tracker_plural: Tipos
label_tracker_new: Novo tipo
label_workflow: Workflow
label_issue_status: Status da tarefa
label_issue_status_plural: Status das tarefas
label_issue_status_new: Novo status
label_issue_category: Categoria de tarefa
label_issue_category_plural: Categorias de tarefa
label_issue_category_new: Nova categoria
label_custom_field: Campo personalizado
label_custom_field_plural: Campos personalizado
label_custom_field_new: Novo campo personalizado
label_enumerations: Enumeracao
label_enumeration_new: Novo valor
label_information: Informacao
label_information_plural: Informacoes
label_please_login: Efetue login
label_register: Registre-se
label_password_lost: Perdi a senha
label_home: Pagina inicial
label_my_page: Minha pagina
label_my_account: Minha conta
label_my_projects: Meus projetos
label_administration: Administracao
label_login: Login
label_logout: Logout
label_help: Ajuda
label_reported_issues: Tarefas reportadas
label_assigned_to_me_issues: Tarefas atribuidas a mim
label_last_login: Utima conexao
label_last_updates: Ultima alteracao
label_last_updates_plural: %d Ultimas alteracoes
label_registered_on: Registrado em
label_activity: Atividade
label_new: Novo
label_logged_as: Logado como
label_environment: Ambiente
label_authentication: Autenticacao
label_auth_source: Modo de autenticacao
label_auth_source_new: Novo modo de autenticacao
label_auth_source_plural: Modos de autenticacao
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label_min_max_length: Tamanho min-max
label_list: Lista
label_date: Data
label_integer: Inteiro
label_boolean: Boleano
label_string: Texto
label_text: Texto longo
label_attribute: Atributo
label_attribute_plural: Atributos
label_download: %d Download
label_download_plural: %d Downloads
label_no_data: Sem dados para mostrar
label_change_status: Mudar status
label_history: Historico
label_attachment: Arquivo
label_attachment_new: Novo arquivo
label_attachment_delete: Apagar arquivo
label_attachment_plural: Arquivos
label_report: Relatorio
label_report_plural: Relatorio
label_news: Noticias
label_news_new: Adicionar noticias
label_news_plural: Noticias
label_news_latest: Ultimas noticias
label_news_view_all: Ver todas as noticias
label_change_log: Change log
label_settings: Ajustes
label_overview: Visao geral
label_version: Versao
label_version_new: Nova versao
label_version_plural: Versoes
label_confirmation: Confirmacao
label_export_to: Exportar para
label_read: Ler...
label_public_projects: Projetos publicos
label_open_issues: Aberto
label_open_issues_plural: Abertos
label_closed_issues: Fechado
label_closed_issues_plural: Fechados
label_total: Total
label_permissions: Permissoes
label_current_status: Status atual
label_new_statuses_allowed: Novo status permitido
label_all: todos
label_none: nenhum
label_next: Proximo
label_previous: Anterior
label_used_by: Usado por
label_details: Detalhes
label_add_note: Adicionar nota
label_per_page: Por pagina
label_calendar: Calendario
label_months_from: Meses de
label_gantt: Gantt
label_internal: Interno
label_last_changes: utlimas %d mudancas
label_change_view_all: Mostrar todas as mudancas
label_personalize_page: Personalizar esta pagina
label_comment: Comentario
label_comment_plural: Comentarios
label_comment_add: Adicionar comentario
label_comment_added: Comentario adicionado
label_comment_delete: Apagar comentario
label_query: Consulta personalizada
label_query_plural: Consultas personalizadas
label_query_new: Nova consulta
label_filter_add: Adicionar filtro
label_filter_plural: Filtros
label_equals: e
label_not_equals: nao e
label_in_less_than: e maior que
label_in_more_than: e menor que
label_in: em
label_today: hoje
label_this_week: this week
label_less_than_ago: faz menos de
label_more_than_ago: faz mais de
label_ago: dias atras
label_contains: contem
label_not_contains: nao contem
label_day_plural: dias
label_repository: Repository
label_browse: Browse
label_modification: %d change
label_modification_plural: %d changes
label_revision: Revision
label_revision_plural: Revisions
label_added: added
label_modified: modified
label_deleted: deleted
label_latest_revision: Latest revision
label_latest_revision_plural: Latest revisions
label_view_revisions: View revisions
label_max_size: Maximum size
label_on: 'em'
label_sort_highest: Mover para o inicio
label_sort_higher: Mover para cima
label_sort_lower: Mover para baixo
label_sort_lowest: Mover para o fim
label_roadmap: Roadmap
label_roadmap_due_in: Due in
label_roadmap_overdue: %s late
label_roadmap_no_issues: Sem tarefas para essa versao
label_search: Busca
label_result_plural: Resultados
label_all_words: Todas as palavras
label_wiki: Wiki
label_wiki_edit: Wiki edit
label_wiki_edit_plural: Wiki edits
label_wiki_page: Wiki page
label_wiki_page_plural: Wiki pages
label_index_by_title: Index by title
label_index_by_date: Index by date
label_current_version: Versao atual
label_preview: Previa
label_feed_plural: Feeds
label_changes_details: Detalhes de todas as mudancas
label_issue_tracking: Tarefas
label_spent_time: Tempo gasto
label_f_hour: %.2f hora
label_f_hour_plural: %.2f horas
label_time_tracking: Tempo trabalhado
label_change_plural: Mudancas
label_statistics: Estatisticas
label_commits_per_month: Commits por mes
label_commits_per_author: Commits por autor
label_view_diff: Ver diferencas
label_diff_inline: inline
label_diff_side_by_side: side by side
label_options: Opcoes
label_copy_workflow_from: Copiar workflow de
label_permissions_report: Relatorio de permissoes
label_watched_issues: Watched issues
label_related_issues: Related issues
label_applied_status: Applied status
label_loading: Loading...
label_relation_new: New relation
label_relation_delete: Delete relation
label_relates_to: related to
label_duplicates: duplicates
label_blocks: blocks
label_blocked_by: blocked by
label_precedes: precedes
label_follows: follows
label_end_to_start: end to start
label_end_to_end: end to end
label_start_to_start: start to start
label_start_to_end: start to end
label_stay_logged_in: Stay logged in
label_disabled: disabled
label_show_completed_versions: Show completed versions
label_me: me
label_board: Forum
label_board_new: New forum
label_board_plural: Forums
label_topic_plural: Topics
label_message_plural: Messages
label_message_last: Last message
label_message_new: New message
label_reply_plural: Replies
label_send_information: Send account information to the user
label_year: Year
label_month: Month
label_week: Week
label_date_from: From
label_date_to: To
label_language_based: Language based
label_sort_by: Sort by %s
label_send_test_email: Send a test email
label_feeds_access_key_created_on: RSS access key created %s ago
label_module_plural: Modules
label_added_time_by: Added by %s %s ago
label_updated_time: Updated %s ago
label_jump_to_a_project: Jump to a project...
button_login: Login
button_submit: Enviar
button_save: Salvar
button_check_all: Marcar todos
button_uncheck_all: Desmarcar todos
button_delete: Apagar
button_create: Criar
button_test: Testar
button_edit: Editar
button_add: Adicionar
button_change: Mudar
button_apply: Aplicar
button_clear: Limpar
button_lock: Bloquear
button_unlock: Desbloquear
button_download: Download
button_list: Listar
button_view: Ver
button_move: Mover
button_back: Voltar
button_cancel: Cancelar
button_activate: Ativar
button_sort: Ordenar
button_log_time: Tempo de trabalho
button_rollback: Voltar para esta versao
button_watch: Watch
button_unwatch: Unwatch
button_reply: Reply
button_archive: Archive
button_unarchive: Unarchive
button_reset: Reset
button_rename: Rename
status_active: ativo
status_registered: registrado
status_locked: bloqueado
text_select_mail_notifications: Selecionar acoes para ser enviado uma notificacao por email
text_regexp_info: eg. ^[A-Z0-9]+$
text_min_max_length_info: 0 siginifica sem restricao
text_project_destroy_confirmation: Voce tem certeza que deseja deletar este projeto e todas os dados relacionados?
text_workflow_edit: Selecione uma regra e um tipo de tarefa para editar o workflow
text_are_you_sure: Voce tem certeza ?
text_journal_changed: alterado de %s para %s
text_journal_set_to: setar para %s
text_journal_deleted: apagado
text_tip_task_begin_day: tarefa comeca neste dia
text_tip_task_end_day: tarefa termina neste dia
text_tip_task_begin_end_day: tarefa comeca e termina neste dia
text_project_identifier_info: 'Letras minusculas (a-z), numeros e tracos permitido.<br />Uma vez salvo, o identificador nao pode ser mudado.'
text_caracters_maximum: %d maximo de caracteres
text_length_between: Tamanho entre %d e %d caracteres.
text_tracker_no_workflow: Sem workflow definido para este tipo.
text_unallowed_characters: Unallowed characters
text_comma_separated: Multiple values allowed (comma separated).
text_issues_ref_in_commit_messages: Referencing and fixing issues in commit messages
text_issue_added: Tarefa %s foi incluída.
text_issue_updated: Tarefa %s foi alterada.
text_wiki_destroy_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete this wiki and all its content ?
text_issue_category_destroy_question: Some issues (%d) are assigned to this category. What do you want to do ?
text_issue_category_destroy_assignments: Remove category assignments
text_issue_category_reassign_to: Reassing issues to this category
default_role_manager: Analista de Negocio ou Gerente de Projeto
default_role_developper: Desenvolvedor
default_role_reporter: Analista de Suporte
default_tracker_bug: Bug
default_tracker_feature: Implementacao
default_tracker_support: Suporte
default_issue_status_new: Novo
default_issue_status_assigned: Atribuido
default_issue_status_resolved: Resolvido
default_issue_status_feedback: Feedback
default_issue_status_closed: Fechado
default_issue_status_rejected: Rejeitado
default_doc_category_user: Documentacao do usuario
default_doc_category_tech: Documentacao do tecnica
default_priority_low: Baixo
default_priority_normal: Normal
default_priority_high: Alto
default_priority_urgent: Urgente
default_priority_immediate: Imediato
default_activity_design: Design
default_activity_development: Desenvolvimento
enumeration_issue_priorities: Prioridade das tarefas
enumeration_doc_categories: Categorias de documento
enumeration_activities: Atividades (time tracking)
label_file_plural: Files
label_changeset_plural: Changesets
field_column_names: Columns
label_default_columns: Default columns
setting_issue_list_default_columns: Default columns displayed on the issue list
setting_repositories_encodings: Repositories encodings
notice_no_issue_selected: "No issue is selected! Please, check the issues you want to edit."
label_bulk_edit_selected_issues: Bulk edit selected issues
label_no_change_option: (No change)
notice_failed_to_save_issues: "Failed to save %d issue(s) on %d selected: %s."
label_theme: Theme
label_default: Default
label_search_titles_only: Search titles only
label_nobody: nobody
button_change_password: Change password
text_user_mail_option: "For unselected projects, you will only receive notifications about things you watch or you're involved in (eg. issues you're the author or assignee)."
label_user_mail_option_selected: "For any event on the selected projects only..."
label_user_mail_option_all: "For any event on all my projects"
label_user_mail_option_none: "Only for things I watch or I'm involved in"
setting_emails_footer: Emails footer
label_float: Float
button_copy: Copy
mail_body_account_information_external: You can use your "%s" account to log into Redmine.
mail_body_account_information: Your Redmine account information
setting_protocol: Protocol