There are 2 ways to select a set of issues on the issue list: * by using checkbox and/or the little pencil that will select/unselect all issues (#567) * by clicking on the rows (but not on the links), Ctrl and Shift keys can be used to select multiple issues Context menu was disabled on links so that the default context menu of the browser is displayed when right-clicking on a link (#545). All this was tested with Firefox 2, IE 6/7, Opera 8 (use Alt+Click instead of Right-click) and Safari 2/3. git-svn-id: e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
572 lines
22 KiB
572 lines
22 KiB
_gloc_rule_default: '|n| n==1 ? "" : "_plural" '
actionview_datehelper_select_month_names: Ianuarie,Februarie,Martie,Aprilie,Mai,Iunie,Iulie,August,Septembrie,Octombrie,Noiembrie,Decembrie
actionview_datehelper_select_month_names_abbr: Ian,Feb,Mar,Apr,Mai,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_day: 1 zi
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_day_plural: %d zile
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_hour_about: aproximativ o ora
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_hour_about_plural: aproximativ %d ore
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_hour_about_single: aproximativ o ora
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_minute: 1 minut
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_minute_half: 30 de secunde
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_minute_less_than: mai putin de un minut
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_minute_plural: %d minute
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_minute_single: 1 minut
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_second_less_than: mai putin de o secunda
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_second_less_than_plural: mai putin de %d secunde
actionview_instancetag_blank_option: Va rog selectati
activerecord_error_inclusion: nu este inclus in lista
activerecord_error_exclusion: este rezervat
activerecord_error_invalid: este invalid
activerecord_error_confirmation: nu corespunde confirmarii
activerecord_error_accepted: trebuie acceptat
activerecord_error_empty: nu poate fi gol
activerecord_error_blank: nu poate fi gol
activerecord_error_too_long: este prea lung
activerecord_error_too_short: este prea scurt
activerecord_error_wrong_length: are lungimea eronata
activerecord_error_taken: deja a fost luat/rezervat
activerecord_error_not_a_number: nu este un numar
activerecord_error_not_a_date: nu este o data valida
activerecord_error_greater_than_start_date: trebuie sa fie mai mare ca data de start
activerecord_error_not_same_project: nu apartine projectului respectiv
activerecord_error_circular_dependency: Aceasta relatie ar crea dependenta circulara
general_fmt_age: %d an
general_fmt_age_plural: %d ani
general_fmt_date: %%m/%%d/%%Y
general_fmt_datetime: %%m/%%d/%%Y %%I:%%M %%p
general_fmt_datetime_short: %%b %%d, %%I:%%M %%p
general_fmt_time: %%I:%%M %%p
general_text_No: 'Nu'
general_text_Yes: 'Da'
general_text_no: 'nu'
general_text_yes: 'da'
general_lang_name: 'Română'
general_csv_separator: ','
general_csv_encoding: ISO-8859-1
general_pdf_encoding: ISO-8859-1
general_day_names: Luni,Marti,Miercuri,Joi,Vineri,Sambata,Duminica
general_first_day_of_week: '7'
notice_account_updated: Contul a fost creat cu succes.
notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Numele utilizator sau parola este invalida.
notice_account_password_updated: Parola a fost modificata cu succes.
notice_account_wrong_password: Parola gresita
notice_account_register_done: Contul a fost creat cu succes. Pentru activarea contului folositi linkul primit in e-mailul de confirmare.
notice_account_unknown_email: Utilizator inexistent.
notice_can_t_change_password: Acest cont foloseste un sistem de autenticare externa. Parola nu poate fi schimbata.
notice_account_lost_email_sent: Un e-mail cu instructiuni de a seta noua parola a fost trimisa.
notice_account_activated: Contul a fost activat. Acum puteti intra in cont.
notice_successful_create: Creat cu succes.
notice_successful_update: Modificare cu succes.
notice_successful_delete: Stergere cu succes.
notice_successful_connection: Conectare cu succes.
notice_file_not_found: Pagina dorita nu exista sau nu mai este valabila.
notice_locking_conflict: Informatiile au fost modificate de un alt utilizator.
notice_not_authorized: Nu aveti autorizatia sa accesati aceasta pagina.
notice_email_sent: Un e-mail a fost trimis la adresa %s
notice_email_error: Eroare in trimiterea e-mailului (%s)
notice_feeds_access_key_reseted: Parola de acces RSS a fost resetat.
error_scm_not_found: "Articolul sau reviziunea nu exista in stoc (Repository)."
error_scm_command_failed: "An error occurred when trying to access the repository: %s"
mail_subject_lost_password: Your Redmine password
mail_body_lost_password: 'To change your Redmine password, click on the following link:'
mail_subject_register: Redmine account activation
mail_body_register: 'To activate your Redmine account, click on the following link:'
gui_validation_error: 1 eroare
gui_validation_error_plural: %d erori
field_name: Nume
field_description: Descriere
field_summary: Sumar
field_is_required: Obligatoriu
field_firstname: Nume
field_lastname: Prenume
field_mail: Email
field_filename: Fisier
field_filesize: Marimea fisierului
field_downloads: Download
field_author: Autor
field_created_on: Creat
field_updated_on: Modificat
field_field_format: Format
field_is_for_all: Pentru toate proiectele
field_possible_values: Valori posibile
field_regexp: Expresie regulara
field_min_length: Lungime minima
field_max_length: Lungime maxima
field_value: Valoare
field_category: Categorie
field_title: Titlu
field_project: Proiect
field_issue: Tichet
field_status: Statut
field_notes: Note
field_is_closed: Tichet rezolvat
field_is_default: Statut de baza
field_tracker: Tip tichet
field_subject: Subiect
field_due_date: Data finalizarii
field_assigned_to: Atribuit pentru
field_priority: Prioritate
field_fixed_version: Versiune rezolvata
field_user: Utilizator
field_role: Rol
field_homepage: Pagina principala
field_is_public: Public
field_parent: Subproiect al
field_is_in_chlog: Tichetele sunt vizibile in changelog
field_is_in_roadmap: Tichetele sunt vizibile in roadmap
field_login: Autentificare
field_mail_notification: Notificari prin e-mail
field_admin: Administrator
field_last_login_on: Ultima conectare
field_language: Limba
field_effective_date: Data
field_password: Parola
field_new_password: Parola noua
field_password_confirmation: Confirmare
field_version: Versiune
field_type: Tip
field_host: Host
field_port: Port
field_account: Cont
field_base_dn: Base DN
field_attr_login: Atribut autentificare
field_attr_firstname: Atribut nume
field_attr_lastname: Atribut prenume
field_attr_mail: Atribut e-mail
field_onthefly: Creare utilizator on-the-fly (rapid)
field_start_date: Start
field_done_ratio: %% rezolvat
field_auth_source: Mod de autentificare
field_hide_mail: Ascunde adresa de e-mail
field_comments: Comentariu
field_url: URL
field_start_page: Pagina de start
field_subproject: Subproiect
field_hours: Ore
field_activity: Activitate
field_spent_on: Data
field_identifier: Identificator
field_is_filter: Folosit ca un filtru
field_issue_to_id: Articole similare
field_delay: Intarziere
field_assignable: La acest rol se poate atribui tichete
field_redirect_existing_links: Redirectare linkuri existente
field_estimated_hours: Timpul estimat
field_default_value: Default value
setting_app_title: Titlul aplicatiei
setting_app_subtitle: Subtitlul aplicatiei
setting_welcome_text: Textul de intampinare
setting_default_language: Limbajul
setting_login_required: Autentificare obligatorie
setting_self_registration: Inregistrarea utilizatorilor pe cont propriu este permisa
setting_attachment_max_size: Lungimea maxima al attachmentului
setting_issues_export_limit: Limita de exportare a tichetelor
setting_mail_from: Adresa de e-mail al emitatorului
setting_host_name: Numele hostului
setting_text_formatting: Formatarea textului
setting_wiki_compression: Compresie istoric wiki
setting_feeds_limit: Limita continut feed
setting_autofetch_changesets: Autofetch commits
setting_sys_api_enabled: Setare WS pentru managementul stocului (repository)
setting_commit_ref_keywords: Cuvinte cheie de referinta
setting_commit_fix_keywords: Cuvinte cheie de rezolvare
setting_autologin: Autentificare automata
setting_date_format: Formatul datelor
setting_cross_project_issue_relations: Tichetele pot avea relatii intre diferite proiecte
label_user: Utilizator
label_user_plural: Utilizatori
label_user_new: Utilizator nou
label_project: Proiect
label_project_new: Proiect nou
label_project_plural: Proiecte
label_project_all: Toate proiectele
label_project_latest: Ultimele proiecte
label_issue: Tichet
label_issue_new: Tichet nou
label_issue_plural: Tichete
label_issue_view_all: Vizualizare toate tichetele
label_document: Document
label_document_new: Document nou
label_document_plural: Documente
label_role: Rol
label_role_plural: Roluri
label_role_new: Rol nou
label_role_and_permissions: Roluri si permisiuni
label_member: Membru
label_member_new: Membru nou
label_member_plural: Membrii
label_tracker: Tip tichet
label_tracker_plural: Tipuri de tichete
label_tracker_new: Tip tichet nou
label_workflow: Workflow
label_issue_status: Statut tichet
label_issue_status_plural: Statut tichete
label_issue_status_new: Statut nou
label_issue_category: Categorie tichet
label_issue_category_plural: Categorii tichete
label_issue_category_new: Categorie noua
label_custom_field: Camp personalizat
label_custom_field_plural: Campuri personalizate
label_custom_field_new: Camp personalizat nou
label_enumerations: Enumeratii
label_enumeration_new: Valoare noua
label_information: Informatie
label_information_plural: Informatii
label_please_login: Va rugam sa va autentificati
label_register: Inregistrare
label_password_lost: Parola pierduta
label_home: Prima pagina
label_my_page: Pagina mea
label_my_account: Contul meu
label_my_projects: Proiectele mele
label_administration: Administrare
label_login: Autentificare
label_logout: Iesire din cont
label_help: Ajutor
label_reported_issues: Tichete raportate
label_assigned_to_me_issues: Tichete atribuite pentru mine
label_last_login: Ultima conectare
label_last_updates: Ultima modificare
label_last_updates_plural: ultimele %d modificari
label_registered_on: Inregistrat la
label_activity: Activitate
label_new: Nou
label_logged_as: Inregistrat ca
label_environment: Mediu
label_authentication: Autentificare
label_auth_source: Modul de autentificare
label_auth_source_new: Mod de autentificare noua
label_auth_source_plural: Moduri de autentificare
label_subproject_plural: Subproiecte
label_min_max_length: Lungime min-max
label_list: Lista
label_date: Data
label_integer: Numar intreg
label_boolean: Variabila logica
label_string: Text
label_text: text lung
label_attribute: Atribut
label_attribute_plural: Attribute
label_download: %d Download
label_download_plural: %d Downloads
label_no_data: Nu exista date de vizualizat
label_change_status: Schimbare statut
label_history: Istoric
label_attachment: Fisier
label_attachment_new: Fisier nou
label_attachment_delete: Stergere fisier
label_attachment_plural: Fisiere
label_report: Raport
label_report_plural: Rapoarte
label_news: Stiri
label_news_new: Adauga stiri
label_news_plural: Stiri
label_news_latest: Ultimele noutati
label_news_view_all: Vizualizare stiri
label_change_log: Change log
label_settings: Setari
label_overview: Sumar
label_version: Versiune
label_version_new: Versiune noua
label_version_plural: Versiuni
label_confirmation: Confirmare
label_export_to: Exportare in
label_read: Citire...
label_public_projects: Proiecte publice
label_open_issues: deschis
label_open_issues_plural: deschise
label_closed_issues: rezolvat
label_closed_issues_plural: rezolvate
label_total: Total
label_permissions: Permisiuni
label_current_status: Statut curent
label_new_statuses_allowed: Drepturi de a schimba statutul in
label_all: toate
label_none: n/a
label_next: Urmator
label_previous: Anterior
label_used_by: Folosit de
label_details: Detalii
label_add_note: Adauga o nota
label_per_page: Per pagina
label_calendar: Calendar
label_months_from: luni incepand cu
label_gantt: Gantt
label_internal: Internal
label_last_changes: ultimele %d modificari
label_change_view_all: Vizualizare toate modificarile
label_personalize_page: Personalizeaza aceasta pagina
label_comment: Comentariu
label_comment_plural: Comentarii
label_comment_add: Adauga un comentariu
label_comment_added: Comentariu adaugat
label_comment_delete: Stergere comentarii
label_query: Raport personalizat
label_query_plural: Rapoarte personalizate
label_query_new: Raport nou
label_filter_add: Adauga filtru
label_filter_plural: Filtre
label_equals: egal cu
label_not_equals: nu este egal cu
label_in_less_than: este mai putin decat
label_in_more_than: este mai mult ca
label_in: in
label_today: azi
label_this_week: saptamana curenta
label_less_than_ago: recent
label_more_than_ago: mai multe zile
label_ago: in ultimele zile
label_contains: contine
label_not_contains: nu contine
label_day_plural: zile
label_repository: Stoc (Repository)
label_browse: Navigare
label_modification: %d modificare
label_modification_plural: %d modificari
label_revision: Revizie
label_revision_plural: Revizii
label_added: adaugat
label_modified: modificat
label_deleted: sters
label_latest_revision: Ultima revizie
label_latest_revision_plural: Ultimele revizii
label_view_revisions: Vizualizare revizii
label_max_size: Marime maxima
label_on: 'din'
label_sort_highest: Muta prima
label_sort_higher: Muta sus
label_sort_lower: Mota jos
label_sort_lowest: Mota ultima
label_roadmap: Harta activitatiilor
label_roadmap_due_in: Rezolvat in
label_roadmap_overdue: %s intarziere
label_roadmap_no_issues: Nu sunt tichete pentru aceasta reviziune
label_search: Cauta
label_result_plural: Rezultate
label_all_words: Toate cuvintele
label_wiki: Wiki
label_wiki_edit: Editare wiki
label_wiki_edit_plural: Editari wiki
label_wiki_page: Pagina wiki
label_wiki_page_plural: Pagini wiki
label_current_version: Versiunea curenta
label_preview: Pre-vizualizare
label_feed_plural: Feeduri
label_changes_details: Detaliile modificarilor
label_issue_tracking: Urmarire tichete
label_spent_time: Timp consumat
label_f_hour: %.2f ora
label_f_hour_plural: %.2f ore
label_time_tracking: Urmarire timp
label_change_plural: Schimbari
label_statistics: Statistici
label_commits_per_month: Rezolvari lunare
label_commits_per_author: Rezolvari
label_view_diff: Vizualizare diferente
label_diff_inline: inline
label_diff_side_by_side: side by side
label_options: Optiuni
label_copy_workflow_from: Copiaza workflow de la
label_permissions_report: Raportul permisiunilor
label_watched_issues: Tichete urmarite
label_related_issues: Tichete similare
label_applied_status: Statut aplicat
label_loading: Incarcare...
label_relation_new: Relatie noua
label_relation_delete: Stergere relatie
label_relates_to: relatat la
label_duplicates: duplicate
label_blocks: blocuri
label_blocked_by: blocat de
label_precedes: precedes
label_follows: follows
label_end_to_start: de la sfarsit la capat
label_end_to_end: de la sfarsit la sfarsit
label_start_to_start: de la capat la capat
label_start_to_end: de la sfarsit la capat
label_stay_logged_in: Ramane autenticat
label_disabled: dezactivata
label_show_completed_versions: Vizualizare verziuni completate
label_me: mine
label_board: Forum
label_board_new: Forum nou
label_board_plural: Forumuri
label_topic_plural: Subiecte
label_message_plural: Mesaje
label_message_last: Ultimul mesaj
label_message_new: Mesaj nou
label_reply_plural: Raspunsuri
label_send_information: Trimite informatii despre cont pentru utilizator
label_year: An
label_month: Luna
label_week: Saptamana
label_date_from: De la
label_date_to: Pentru
label_language_based: Bazat pe limbaj
label_sort_by: Sortare dupa %s
label_send_test_email: trimite un e-mail de test
label_feeds_access_key_created_on: Parola de acces RSS creat cu %s mai devreme
label_module_plural: Module
label_added_time_by: Adaugat de %s %s mai devreme
label_updated_time: Modificat %s mai devreme
label_jump_to_a_project: Alege un proiect ...
button_login: Autentificare
button_submit: Trimite
button_save: Salveaza
button_check_all: Bifeaza toate
button_uncheck_all: Reseteaza toate
button_delete: Sterge
button_create: Creare
button_test: Test
button_edit: Editare
button_add: Adauga
button_change: Modificare
button_apply: Aplicare
button_clear: Resetare
button_lock: Inchide
button_unlock: Deschide
button_download: Download
button_list: Listare
button_view: Vizualizare
button_move: Mutare
button_back: Inapoi
button_cancel: Anulare
button_activate: Activare
button_sort: Sortare
button_log_time: Log time
button_rollback: Inapoi la aceasta versiune
button_watch: Urmarie
button_unwatch: Terminare urmarire
button_reply: Raspuns
button_archive: Arhivare
button_unarchive: Dezarhivare
button_reset: Reset
button_rename: Redenumire
status_active: activ
status_registered: inregistrat
status_locked: inchis
text_select_mail_notifications: Selectare actiuni pentru care se va trimite notificari prin e-mail.
text_regexp_info: de exemplu ^[A-Z0-9]+$
text_min_max_length_info: 0 inseamna fara restrictii
text_project_destroy_confirmation: Sunteti sigur ca vreti sa stergeti acest proiect si toate datele aferente ?
text_workflow_edit: Selecteaza un rol si un tip tichet pentru a edita acest workflow
text_are_you_sure: Sunteti sigur ?
text_journal_changed: modificat de la %s la %s
text_journal_set_to: setat la %s
text_journal_deleted: sters
text_tip_task_begin_day: activitate care incepe azi
text_tip_task_end_day: activitate care se termina azi
text_tip_task_begin_end_day: activitate care incepe si se termina azi
text_project_identifier_info: 'Se poate folosi caracterele a-z si cifrele.<br />Odata salvat identificatorul nu poate fi modificat.'
text_caracters_maximum: maximum %d caractere.
text_length_between: Lungimea intre %d si %d caractere.
text_tracker_no_workflow: Nu este definit nici un workflow pentru acest tip de tichet
text_unallowed_characters: Caractere nepermise
text_comma_separated: Se poate folosi valori multiple (separate de virgula).
text_issues_ref_in_commit_messages: Referencing and fixing issues in commit messages
text_issue_added: Tichetul %s a fost raportat (by %s).
text_issue_updated: tichetul %s a fost modificat (by %s).
text_wiki_destroy_confirmation: Sunteti sigur ca vreti sa stergeti acest wiki si continutul ei ?
text_issue_category_destroy_question: Cateva tichete (%d) apartin acestei categorii. Cum vreti sa procedati ?
text_issue_category_destroy_assignments: Remove category assignments
text_issue_category_reassign_to: Reassing issues to this category
default_role_manager: Manager
default_role_developper: Programator
default_role_reporter: Creator rapoarte
default_tracker_bug: Defect
default_tracker_feature: Functionalitate
default_tracker_support: Suport
default_issue_status_new: Nou
default_issue_status_assigned: Atribuit
default_issue_status_resolved: Rezolvat
default_issue_status_feedback: Feedback
default_issue_status_closed: Rezolvat
default_issue_status_rejected: Respins
default_doc_category_user: Documentatie
default_doc_category_tech: Documentatie tehnica
default_priority_low: Redusa
default_priority_normal: Normala
default_priority_high: Ridicata
default_priority_urgent: Urgenta
default_priority_immediate: Imediata
default_activity_design: Design
default_activity_development: Programare
enumeration_issue_priorities: Prioritati tichet
enumeration_doc_categories: Categorii documente
enumeration_activities: Activitati (urmarite in timp)
label_index_by_date: Index by date
label_index_by_title: Index by title
label_file_plural: Files
label_changeset_plural: Changesets
field_column_names: Columns
label_default_columns: Default columns
setting_issue_list_default_columns: Default columns displayed on the issue list
setting_repositories_encodings: Repositories encodings
notice_no_issue_selected: "No issue is selected! Please, check the issues you want to edit."
label_bulk_edit_selected_issues: Bulk edit selected issues
label_no_change_option: (No change)
notice_failed_to_save_issues: "Failed to save %d issue(s) on %d selected: %s."
label_theme: Theme
label_default: Default
label_search_titles_only: Search titles only
label_nobody: nobody
button_change_password: Change password
text_user_mail_option: "For unselected projects, you will only receive notifications about things you watch or you're involved in (eg. issues you're the author or assignee)."
label_user_mail_option_selected: "For any event on the selected projects only..."
label_user_mail_option_all: "For any event on all my projects"
label_user_mail_option_none: "Only for things I watch or I'm involved in"
setting_emails_footer: Emails footer
label_float: Float
button_copy: Copy
mail_body_account_information_external: You can use your "%s" account to log into Redmine.
mail_body_account_information: Your Redmine account information
setting_protocol: Protocol
label_user_mail_no_self_notified: "I don't want to be notified of changes that I make myself"
setting_time_format: Time format
label_registration_activation_by_email: account activation by email
mail_subject_account_activation_request: Redmine account activation request
mail_body_account_activation_request: 'A new user (%s) has registered. His account his pending your approval:'
label_registration_automatic_activation: automatic account activation
label_registration_manual_activation: manual account activation
notice_account_pending: "Your account was created and is now pending administrator approval."
field_time_zone: Time zone
text_caracters_minimum: Must be at least %d characters long.
setting_bcc_recipients: Blind carbon copy recipients (bcc)
button_annotate: Annotate
label_issues_by: Issues by %s
field_searchable: Searchable
label_display_per_page: 'Per page: %s'
setting_per_page_options: Objects per page options
label_age: Age
notice_default_data_loaded: Default configuration successfully loaded.
text_load_default_configuration: Load the default configuration
text_no_configuration_data: "Roles, trackers, issue statuses and workflow have not been configured yet.\nIt is highly recommended to load the default configuration. You will be able to modify it once loaded."
error_can_t_load_default_data: "Default configuration could not be loaded: %s"
button_update: Update
label_change_properties: Change properties
label_general: General
label_repository_plural: Repositories
label_associated_revisions: Associated revisions
setting_user_format: Users display format
text_status_changed_by_changeset: Applied in changeset %s.
label_more: More
text_issues_destroy_confirmation: 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected issue(s) ?'