Jean-Philippe Lang 8d54d97007 Simple time tracking functionality added. Time can be logged at issue or project level.
There's no aggregation reports for now, it's just possible to see all time entries for a project or an issue.
A new "activities" enumeration is added.
Permission for a role to log time must be set (new "Time tracking" section in role permissions screen).

git-svn-id: e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
2007-03-23 12:22:31 +00:00

161 lines
4.8 KiB

# Helpers to sort tables using clickable column headers.
# Author: Stuart Rackham <>, March 2005.
# License: This source code is released under the MIT license.
# - Consecutive clicks toggle the column's sort order.
# - Sort state is maintained by a session hash entry.
# - Icon image identifies sort column and state.
# - Typically used in conjunction with the Pagination module.
# Example code snippets:
# Controller:
# helper :sort
# include SortHelper
# def list
# sort_init 'last_name'
# sort_update
# @items = Contact.find_all nil, sort_clause
# end
# Controller (using Pagination module):
# helper :sort
# include SortHelper
# def list
# sort_init 'last_name'
# sort_update
# @contact_pages, @items = paginate :contacts,
# :order_by => sort_clause,
# :per_page => 10
# end
# View (table header in list.rhtml):
# <thead>
# <tr>
# <%= sort_header_tag('id', :title => 'Sort by contact ID') %>
# <%= sort_header_tag('last_name', :caption => 'Name') %>
# <%= sort_header_tag('phone') %>
# <%= sort_header_tag('address', :width => 200) %>
# </tr>
# </thead>
# - The ascending and descending sort icon images are sort_asc.png and
# sort_desc.png and reside in the application's images directory.
# - Introduces instance variables: @sort_name, @sort_default.
# - Introduces params :sort_key and :sort_order.
module SortHelper
# Initializes the default sort column (default_key) and sort order
# (default_order).
# - default_key is a column attribute name.
# - default_order is 'asc' or 'desc'.
# - name is the name of the session hash entry that stores the sort state,
# defaults to '<controller_name>_sort'.
def sort_init(default_key, default_order='asc', name=nil)
@sort_name = name || params[:controller] + params[:action] + '_sort'
@sort_default = {:key => default_key, :order => default_order}
# Updates the sort state. Call this in the controller prior to calling
# sort_clause.
def sort_update()
if params[:sort_key]
sort = {:key => params[:sort_key], :order => params[:sort_order]}
elsif session[@sort_name]
sort = session[@sort_name] # Previous sort.
sort = @sort_default
session[@sort_name] = sort
# Returns an SQL sort clause corresponding to the current sort state.
# Use this to sort the controller's table items collection.
def sort_clause()
session[@sort_name][:key] + ' ' + session[@sort_name][:order]
# Returns a link which sorts by the named column.
# - column is the name of an attribute in the sorted record collection.
# - The optional caption explicitly specifies the displayed link text.
# - A sort icon image is positioned to the right of the sort link.
def sort_link(column, caption=nil)
key, order = session[@sort_name][:key], session[@sort_name][:order]
if key == column
if order.downcase == 'asc'
icon = 'sort_asc.png'
order = 'desc'
icon = 'sort_desc.png'
order = 'asc'
icon = nil
order = 'desc' # changed for desc order by default
caption = titleize(Inflector::humanize(column)) unless caption
#params = {:params => {:sort_key => column, :sort_order => order}}
{:update => "content", :url => params.update( :sort_key => column, :sort_order => order)},
{:href => url_for(:params => params.update(:sort_key => column, :sort_order => order))}) +
(icon ? nbsp(2) + image_tag(icon) : '')
# Returns a table header <th> tag with a sort link for the named column
# attribute.
# Options:
# :caption The displayed link name (defaults to titleized column name).
# :title The tag's 'title' attribute (defaults to 'Sort by :caption').
# Other options hash entries generate additional table header tag attributes.
# Example:
# <%= sort_header_tag('id', :title => 'Sort by contact ID', :width => 40) %>
# Renders:
# <th title="Sort by contact ID" width="40">
# <a href="/contact/list?sort_order=desc&amp;sort_key=id">Id</a>
# &nbsp;&nbsp;<img alt="Sort_asc" src="/images/sort_asc.png" />
# </th>
def sort_header_tag(column, options = {})
if options[:caption]
caption = options[:caption]
caption = titleize(Inflector::humanize(column))
options[:title]= "Sort by #{caption}" unless options[:title]
content_tag('th', sort_link(column, caption), options)
# Return n non-breaking spaces.
def nbsp(n)
'&nbsp;' * n
# Return capitalized title.
def titleize(title) {|w| w.capitalize }.join(' ')