#============================================================+ # File name : tcpdf.rb # Begin : 2002-08-03 # Last Update : 2007-03-20 # Author : Nicola Asuni # Version : 1.53.0.TC031 # License : GNU LGPL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html) # # Description : This is a Ruby class for generating PDF files # on-the-fly without requiring external # extensions. # # IMPORTANT: # This class is an extension and improvement of the Public Domain # FPDF class by Olivier Plathey (http://www.fpdf.org). # # Main changes by Nicola Asuni: # Ruby porting; # UTF-8 Unicode support; # code refactoring; # source code clean up; # code style and formatting; # source code documentation using phpDocumentor (www.phpdoc.org); # All ISO page formats were included; # image scale factor; # includes methods to parse and printsome XHTML code, supporting the following elements: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, b, u, i, a, img, p, br, strong, em, font, blockquote, li, ul, ol, hr, td, th, tr, table, sup, sub, small; # includes a method to print various barcode formats using an improved version of "Generic Barcode Render Class" by Karim Mribti (http://www.mribti.com/barcode/) (require GD library: http://www.boutell.com/gd/); # defines standard Header() and Footer() methods. # # Ported to Ruby by Ed Moss 2007-08-06 # #============================================================+ # # TCPDF Class. # @package com.tecnick.tcpdf # @@version = "1.53.0.TC031" @@fpdf_charwidths = {} PDF_PRODUCER = 'TCPDF via RFPDF 1.53.0.TC031 (http://tcpdf.sourceforge.net)' module TCPDFFontDescriptor @@descriptors = { 'freesans' => {} } @@font_name = 'freesans' def self.font(font_name) @@descriptors[font_name.gsub(".rb", "")] end def self.define(font_name = 'freesans') @@descriptors[font_name] ||= {} yield @@descriptors[font_name] end end # This is a Ruby class for generating PDF files on-the-fly without requiring external extensions.
# This class is an extension and improvement of the FPDF class by Olivier Plathey (http://www.fpdf.org).
# This version contains some changes: [porting to Ruby, support for UTF-8 Unicode, code style and formatting, php documentation (www.phpdoc.org), ISO page formats, minor improvements, image scale factor]
# TCPDF project (http://tcpdf.sourceforge.net) is based on the Public Domain FPDF class by Olivier Plathey (http://www.fpdf.org).
# To add your own TTF fonts please read /fonts/README.TXT # @name TCPDF # @package com.tecnick.tcpdf # @@version 1.53.0.TC031 # @author Nicola Asuni # @link http://tcpdf.sourceforge.net # @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html LGPL # class TCPDF include RFPDF include Core::RFPDF include RFPDF::Math cattr_accessor :k_cell_height_ratio @@k_cell_height_ratio = 1.25 cattr_accessor :k_blank_image @@k_blank_image = "" cattr_accessor :k_small_ratio @@k_small_ratio = 2/3.0 cattr_accessor :k_path_cache @@k_path_cache = Rails.root.join('tmp') cattr_accessor :k_path_url_cache @@k_path_url_cache = Rails.root.join('tmp') cattr_accessor :decoder attr_accessor :barcode attr_accessor :buffer attr_accessor :diffs attr_accessor :color_flag attr_accessor :default_table_columns attr_accessor :default_font attr_accessor :draw_color attr_accessor :encoding attr_accessor :fill_color attr_accessor :fonts attr_accessor :font_family attr_accessor :font_files cattr_accessor :font_path attr_accessor :font_style attr_accessor :font_size_pt attr_accessor :header_width attr_accessor :header_logo attr_accessor :header_logo_width attr_accessor :header_title attr_accessor :header_string attr_accessor :images attr_accessor :img_scale attr_accessor :in_footer attr_accessor :is_unicode attr_accessor :lasth attr_accessor :links attr_accessor :listordered attr_accessor :listcount attr_accessor :lispacer attr_accessor :n attr_accessor :offsets attr_accessor :orientation_changes attr_accessor :page attr_accessor :page_links attr_accessor :pages attr_accessor :pdf_version attr_accessor :prevfill_color attr_accessor :prevtext_color attr_accessor :print_header attr_accessor :print_footer attr_accessor :state attr_accessor :tableborder attr_accessor :tdbegin attr_accessor :tdwidth attr_accessor :tdheight attr_accessor :tdalign attr_accessor :tdfill attr_accessor :tempfontsize attr_accessor :text_color attr_accessor :underline attr_accessor :ws # # This is the class constructor. # It allows to set up the page format, the orientation and # the measure unit used in all the methods (except for the font sizes). # @since 1.0 # @param string :orientation page orientation. Possible values are (case insensitive): # @param string :unit User measure unit. Possible values are:
A point equals 1/72 of inch, that is to say about 0.35 mm (an inch being 2.54 cm). This is a very common unit in typography; font sizes are expressed in that unit. # @param mixed :format The format used for pages. It can be either one of the following values (case insensitive) or a custom format in the form of a two-element array containing the width and the height (expressed in the unit given by unit). # @param boolean :unicode TRUE means that the input text is unicode (default = true) # @param String :encoding charset encoding; default is UTF-8 # def initialize(orientation = 'P', unit = 'mm', format = 'A4', unicode = true, encoding = "UTF-8") # Set internal character encoding to ASCII# #FIXME 2007-05-25 (EJM) Level=0 - # if (respond_to?("mb_internal_encoding") and mb_internal_encoding()) # @internal_encoding = mb_internal_encoding(); # mb_internal_encoding("ASCII"); # } #Some checks dochecks(); begin @@decoder = HTMLEntities.new rescue @@decoder = nil end #Initialization of properties @barcode ||= false @buffer ||= '' @diffs ||= [] @color_flag ||= false @default_table_columns ||= 4 @default_font ||= "FreeSans" if unicode @default_font ||= "Helvetica" @draw_color ||= '0 G' @encoding ||= "UTF-8" @fill_color ||= '0 g' @fonts ||= {} @font_family ||= '' @font_files ||= {} @font_style ||= '' @font_size ||= 12 @font_size_pt ||= 12 @header_width ||= 0 @header_logo ||= "" @header_logo_width ||= 30 @header_title ||= "" @header_string ||= "" @images ||= {} @img_scale ||= 1 @in_footer ||= false @is_unicode = unicode @lasth ||= 0 @links ||= [] @listordered ||= false @listcount ||= 0 @lispacer ||= "" @n ||= 2 @offsets ||= [] @orientation_changes ||= [] @page ||= 0 @page_links ||= {} @pages ||= [] @pdf_version ||= "1.3" @prevfill_color ||= [255,255,255] @prevtext_color ||= [0,0,0] @print_header ||= false @print_footer ||= false @state ||= 0 @tableborder ||= 0 @tdbegin ||= false @tdwidth ||= 0 @tdheight ||= 0 @tdalign ||= "L" @tdfill ||= 0 @tempfontsize ||= 10 @text_color ||= '0 g' @underline ||= false @ws ||= 0 #Standard Unicode fonts @core_fonts = { 'courier'=>'Courier', 'courierB'=>'Courier-Bold', 'courierI'=>'Courier-Oblique', 'courierBI'=>'Courier-BoldOblique', 'helvetica'=>'Helvetica', 'helveticaB'=>'Helvetica-Bold', 'helveticaI'=>'Helvetica-Oblique', 'helveticaBI'=>'Helvetica-BoldOblique', 'times'=>'Times-Roman', 'timesB'=>'Times-Bold', 'timesI'=>'Times-Italic', 'timesBI'=>'Times-BoldItalic', 'symbol'=>'Symbol', 'zapfdingbats'=>'ZapfDingbats'} #Scale factor case unit.downcase when 'pt' ; @k=1 when 'mm' ; @k=72/25.4 when 'cm' ; @k=72/2.54 when 'in' ; @k=72 else Error("Incorrect unit: #{unit}") end #Page format if format.is_a?(String) # Page formats (45 standard ISO paper formats and 4 american common formats). # Paper cordinates are calculated in this way: (inches# 72) where (1 inch = 2.54 cm) case (format.upcase) when '4A0' ; format = [4767.87,6740.79] when '2A0' ; format = [3370.39,4767.87] when 'A0' ; format = [2383.94,3370.39] when 'A1' ; format = [1683.78,2383.94] when 'A2' ; format = [1190.55,1683.78] when 'A3' ; format = [841.89,1190.55] when 'A4' ; format = [595.28,841.89] # ; default when 'A5' ; format = [419.53,595.28] when 'A6' ; format = [297.64,419.53] when 'A7' ; format = [209.76,297.64] when 'A8' ; format = [147.40,209.76] when 'A9' ; format = [104.88,147.40] when 'A10' ; format = [73.70,104.88] when 'B0' ; format = [2834.65,4008.19] when 'B1' ; format = [2004.09,2834.65] when 'B2' ; format = [1417.32,2004.09] when 'B3' ; format = [1000.63,1417.32] when 'B4' ; format = [708.66,1000.63] when 'B5' ; format = [498.90,708.66] when 'B6' ; format = [354.33,498.90] when 'B7' ; format = [249.45,354.33] when 'B8' ; format = [175.75,249.45] when 'B9' ; format = [124.72,175.75] when 'B10' ; format = [87.87,124.72] when 'C0' ; format = [2599.37,3676.54] when 'C1' ; format = [1836.85,2599.37] when 'C2' ; format = [1298.27,1836.85] when 'C3' ; format = [918.43,1298.27] when 'C4' ; format = [649.13,918.43] when 'C5' ; format = [459.21,649.13] when 'C6' ; format = [323.15,459.21] when 'C7' ; format = [229.61,323.15] when 'C8' ; format = [161.57,229.61] when 'C9' ; format = [113.39,161.57] when 'C10' ; format = [79.37,113.39] when 'RA0' ; format = [2437.80,3458.27] when 'RA1' ; format = [1729.13,2437.80] when 'RA2' ; format = [1218.90,1729.13] when 'RA3' ; format = [864.57,1218.90] when 'RA4' ; format = [609.45,864.57] when 'SRA0' ; format = [2551.18,3628.35] when 'SRA1' ; format = [1814.17,2551.18] when 'SRA2' ; format = [1275.59,1814.17] when 'SRA3' ; format = [907.09,1275.59] when 'SRA4' ; format = [637.80,907.09] when 'LETTER' ; format = [612.00,792.00] when 'LEGAL' ; format = [612.00,1008.00] when 'EXECUTIVE' ; format = [521.86,756.00] when 'FOLIO' ; format = [612.00,936.00] #else then Error("Unknown page format: #{format}" end @fw_pt = format[0] @fh_pt = format[1] else @fw_pt = format[0]*@k @fh_pt = format[1]*@k end @fw = @fw_pt/@k @fh = @fh_pt/@k #Page orientation orientation = orientation.downcase if orientation == 'p' or orientation == 'portrait' @def_orientation = 'P' @w_pt = @fw_pt @h_pt = @fh_pt elsif orientation == 'l' or orientation == 'landscape' @def_orientation = 'L' @w_pt = @fh_pt @h_pt = @fw_pt else Error("Incorrect orientation: #{orientation}") end @cur_orientation = @def_orientation @w = @w_pt/@k @h = @h_pt/@k #Page margins (1 cm) margin = 28.35/@k SetMargins(margin, margin) #Interior cell margin (1 mm) @c_margin = margin / 10 #Line width (0.2 mm) @line_width = 0.567 / @k #Automatic page break SetAutoPageBreak(true, 2 * margin) #Full width display mode SetDisplayMode('fullwidth') #Compression SetCompression(true) #Set default PDF version number @pdf_version = "1.3" @encoding = encoding @b = 0 @i = 0 @u = 0 @href = '' @fontlist = ["arial", "times", "courier", "helvetica", "symbol"] @issetfont = false @issetcolor = false SetFillColor(200, 200, 200, true) SetTextColor(0, 0, 0, true) end # # Set the image scale. # @param float :scale image scale. # @author Nicola Asuni # @since 1.5.2 # def SetImageScale(scale) @img_scale = scale; end alias_method :set_image_scale, :SetImageScale # # Returns the image scale. # @return float image scale. # @author Nicola Asuni # @since 1.5.2 # def GetImageScale() return @img_scale; end alias_method :get_image_scale, :GetImageScale # # Returns the page width in units. # @return int page width. # @author Nicola Asuni # @since 1.5.2 # def GetPageWidth() return @w; end alias_method :get_page_width, :GetPageWidth # # Returns the page height in units. # @return int page height. # @author Nicola Asuni # @since 1.5.2 # def GetPageHeight() return @h; end alias_method :get_page_height, :GetPageHeight # # Returns the page break margin. # @return int page break margin. # @author Nicola Asuni # @since 1.5.2 # def GetBreakMargin() return @b_margin; end alias_method :get_break_margin, :GetBreakMargin # # Returns the scale factor (number of points in user unit). # @return int scale factor. # @author Nicola Asuni # @since 1.5.2 # def GetScaleFactor() return @k; end alias_method :get_scale_factor, :GetScaleFactor # # Defines the left, top and right margins. By default, they equal 1 cm. Call this method to change them. # @param float :left Left margin. # @param float :top Top margin. # @param float :right Right margin. Default value is the left one. # @since 1.0 # @see SetLeftMargin(), SetTopMargin(), SetRightMargin(), SetAutoPageBreak() # def SetMargins(left, top, right=-1) #Set left, top and right margins @l_margin = left @t_margin = top if (right == -1) right = left end @r_margin = right end alias_method :set_margins, :SetMargins # # Defines the left margin. The method can be called before creating the first page. If the current abscissa gets out of page, it is brought back to the margin. # @param float :margin The margin. # @since 1.4 # @see SetTopMargin(), SetRightMargin(), SetAutoPageBreak(), SetMargins() # def SetLeftMargin(margin) #Set left margin @l_margin = margin if ((@page>0) and (@x < margin)) @x = margin end end alias_method :set_left_margin, :SetLeftMargin # # Defines the top margin. The method can be called before creating the first page. # @param float :margin The margin. # @since 1.5 # @see SetLeftMargin(), SetRightMargin(), SetAutoPageBreak(), SetMargins() # def SetTopMargin(margin) #Set top margin @t_margin = margin end alias_method :set_top_margin, :SetTopMargin # # Defines the right margin. The method can be called before creating the first page. # @param float :margin The margin. # @since 1.5 # @see SetLeftMargin(), SetTopMargin(), SetAutoPageBreak(), SetMargins() # def SetRightMargin(margin) #Set right margin @r_margin = margin end alias_method :set_right_margin, :SetRightMargin # # Enables or disables the automatic page breaking mode. When enabling, the second parameter is the distance from the bottom of the page that defines the triggering limit. By default, the mode is on and the margin is 2 cm. # @param boolean :auto Boolean indicating if mode should be on or off. # @param float :margin Distance from the bottom of the page. # @since 1.0 # @see Cell(), MultiCell(), AcceptPageBreak() # def SetAutoPageBreak(auto, margin=0) #Set auto page break mode and triggering margin @auto_page_break = auto @b_margin = margin @page_break_trigger = @h - margin end alias_method :set_auto_page_break, :SetAutoPageBreak # # Defines the way the document is to be displayed by the viewer. The zoom level can be set: pages can be displayed entirely on screen, occupy the full width of the window, use real size, be scaled by a specific zooming factor or use viewer default (configured in the Preferences menu of Acrobat). The page layout can be specified too: single at once, continuous display, two columns or viewer default. By default, documents use the full width mode with continuous display. # @param mixed :zoom The zoom to use. It can be one of the following string values or a number indicating the zooming factor to use. # @param string :layout The page layout. Possible values are: # @since 1.2 # def SetDisplayMode(zoom, layout = 'continuous') #Set display mode in viewer if (zoom == 'fullpage' or zoom == 'fullwidth' or zoom == 'real' or zoom == 'default' or !zoom.is_a?(String)) @zoom_mode = zoom else Error("Incorrect zoom display mode: #{zoom}") end if (layout == 'single' or layout == 'continuous' or layout == 'two' or layout == 'default') @layout_mode = layout else Error("Incorrect layout display mode: #{layout}") end end alias_method :set_display_mode, :SetDisplayMode # # Activates or deactivates page compression. When activated, the internal representation of each page is compressed, which leads to a compression ratio of about 2 for the resulting document. Compression is on by default. # Note: the Zlib extension is required for this feature. If not present, compression will be turned off. # @param boolean :compress Boolean indicating if compression must be enabled. # @since 1.4 # def SetCompression(compress) #Set page compression if (respond_to?('gzcompress')) @compress = compress else @compress = false end end alias_method :set_compression, :SetCompression # # Defines the title of the document. # @param string :title The title. # @since 1.2 # @see SetAuthor(), SetCreator(), SetKeywords(), SetSubject() # def SetTitle(title) #Title of document @title = title end alias_method :set_title, :SetTitle # # Defines the subject of the document. # @param string :subject The subject. # @since 1.2 # @see SetAuthor(), SetCreator(), SetKeywords(), SetTitle() # def SetSubject(subject) #Subject of document @subject = subject end alias_method :set_subject, :SetSubject # # Defines the author of the document. # @param string :author The name of the author. # @since 1.2 # @see SetCreator(), SetKeywords(), SetSubject(), SetTitle() # def SetAuthor(author) #Author of document @author = author end alias_method :set_author, :SetAuthor # # Associates keywords with the document, generally in the form 'keyword1 keyword2 ...'. # @param string :keywords The list of keywords. # @since 1.2 # @see SetAuthor(), SetCreator(), SetSubject(), SetTitle() # def SetKeywords(keywords) #Keywords of document @keywords = keywords end alias_method :set_keywords, :SetKeywords # # Defines the creator of the document. This is typically the name of the application that generates the PDF. # @param string :creator The name of the creator. # @since 1.2 # @see SetAuthor(), SetKeywords(), SetSubject(), SetTitle() # def SetCreator(creator) #Creator of document @creator = creator end alias_method :set_creator, :SetCreator # # Defines an alias for the total number of pages. It will be substituted as the document is closed.
# Example:
	# class PDF extends TCPDF {
	# 	def Footer()
	# 		#Go to 1.5 cm from bottom
	# 		SetY(-15);
	# 		#Select Arial italic 8
	# 		SetFont('Arial','I',8);
	# 		#Print current and total page numbers
	# 		Cell(0,10,'Page '.PageNo().'/{nb}',0,0,'C');
	# 	end
	# }
	# :pdf=new PDF();
	# :pdf->alias_nb_pages();
# @param string :alias The alias. Default valuenb}. # @since 1.4 # @see PageNo(), Footer() # def AliasNbPages(alias_nb ='{nb}') #Define an alias for total number of pages @alias_nb_pages = escapetext(alias_nb) end alias_method :alias_nb_pages, :AliasNbPages # # This method is automatically called in case of fatal error; it simply outputs the message and halts the execution. An inherited class may override it to customize the error handling but should always halt the script, or the resulting document would probably be invalid. # 2004-06-11 :: Nicola Asuni : changed bold tag with strong # @param string :msg The error message # @since 1.0 # def Error(msg) #Fatal error raise ("TCPDF error: #{msg}") end alias_method :error, :Error # # This method begins the generation of the PDF document. It is not necessary to call it explicitly because AddPage() does it automatically. # Note: no page is created by this method # @since 1.0 # @see AddPage(), Close() # def Open() #Begin document @state = 1 end # alias_method :open, :Open # # Terminates the PDF document. It is not necessary to call this method explicitly because Output() does it automatically. If the document contains no page, AddPage() is called to prevent from getting an invalid document. # @since 1.0 # @see Open(), Output() # def Close() #Terminate document if (@state==3) return; end if (@page==0) AddPage(); end #Page footer @in_footer=true; Footer(); @in_footer=false; #Close page endpage(); #Close document enddoc(); end # alias_method :close, :Close # # Adds a new page to the document. If a page is already present, the Footer() method is called first to output the footer. Then the page is added, the current position set to the top-left corner according to the left and top margins, and Header() is called to display the header. # The font which was set before calling is automatically restored. There is no need to call SetFont() again if you want to continue with the same font. The same is true for colors and line width. # The origin of the coordinate system is at the top-left corner and increasing ordinates go downwards. # @param string :orientation Page orientation. Possible values are (case insensitive): The default value is the one passed to the constructor. # @since 1.0 # @see TCPDF(), Header(), Footer(), SetMargins() # def AddPage(orientation='') #Start a new page if (@state==0) Open(); end family=@font_family; style=@font_style + (@underline ? 'U' : ''); size=@font_size_pt; lw=@line_width; dc=@draw_color; fc=@fill_color; tc=@text_color; cf=@color_flag; if (@page>0) #Page footer @in_footer=true; Footer(); @in_footer=false; #Close page endpage(); end #Start new page beginpage(orientation); #Set line cap style to square out('2 J'); #Set line width @line_width = lw; out(sprintf('%.2f w', lw*@k)); #Set font if (family) SetFont(family, style, size); end #Set colors @draw_color = dc; if (dc!='0 G') out(dc); end @fill_color = fc; if (fc!='0 g') out(fc); end @text_color = tc; @color_flag = cf; #Page header Header(); #Restore line width if (@line_width != lw) @line_width = lw; out(sprintf('%.2f w', lw*@k)); end #Restore font if (family) SetFont(family, style, size); end #Restore colors if (@draw_color != dc) @draw_color = dc; out(dc); end if (@fill_color != fc) @fill_color = fc; out(fc); end @text_color = tc; @color_flag = cf; end alias_method :add_page, :AddPage # # Rotate object. # @param float :angle angle in degrees for counter-clockwise rotation # @param int :x abscissa of the rotation center. Default is current x position # @param int :y ordinate of the rotation center. Default is current y position # def Rotate(angle, x="", y="") if (x == '') x = @x; end if (y == '') y = @y; end if (@rtl) x = @w - x; angle = -@angle; end y = (@h - y) * @k; x *= @k; # calculate elements of transformation matrix tm = [] tm[0] = ::Math::cos(deg2rad(angle)); tm[1] = ::Math::sin(deg2rad(angle)); tm[2] = -tm[1]; tm[3] = tm[0]; tm[4] = x + tm[1] * y - tm[0] * x; tm[5] = y - tm[0] * y - tm[1] * x; # generate the transformation matrix Transform(tm); end alias_method :rotate, :Rotate # # Starts a 2D tranformation saving current graphic state. # This function must be called before scaling, mirroring, translation, rotation and skewing. # Use StartTransform() before, and StopTransform() after the transformations to restore the normal behavior. # def StartTransform out('q'); end alias_method :start_transform, :StartTransform # # Stops a 2D tranformation restoring previous graphic state. # This function must be called after scaling, mirroring, translation, rotation and skewing. # Use StartTransform() before, and StopTransform() after the transformations to restore the normal behavior. # def StopTransform out('Q'); end alias_method :stop_transform, :StopTransform # # Apply graphic transformations. # @since 2.1.000 (2008-01-07) # @see StartTransform(), StopTransform() # def Transform(tm) x = out(sprintf('%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f cm', tm[0], tm[1], tm[2], tm[3], tm[4], tm[5])); end alias_method :transform, :Transform # # Set header data. # @param string :ln header image logo # @param string :lw header image logo width in mm # @param string :ht string to print as title on document header # @param string :hs string to print on document header # def SetHeaderData(ln="", lw=0, ht="", hs="") @header_logo = ln || "" @header_logo_width = lw || 0 @header_title = ht || "" @header_string = hs || "" end alias_method :set_header_data, :SetHeaderData # # Set header margin. # (minimum distance between header and top page margin) # @param int :hm distance in millimeters # def SetHeaderMargin(hm=10) @header_margin = hm; end alias_method :set_header_margin, :SetHeaderMargin # # Set footer margin. # (minimum distance between footer and bottom page margin) # @param int :fm distance in millimeters # def SetFooterMargin(fm=10) @footer_margin = fm; end alias_method :set_footer_margin, :SetFooterMargin # # Set a flag to print page header. # @param boolean :val set to true to print the page header (default), false otherwise. # def SetPrintHeader(val=true) @print_header = val; end alias_method :set_print_header, :SetPrintHeader # # Set a flag to print page footer. # @param boolean :value set to true to print the page footer (default), false otherwise. # def SetPrintFooter(val=true) @print_footer = val; end alias_method :set_print_footer, :SetPrintFooter # # This method is used to render the page header. # It is automatically called by AddPage() and could be overwritten in your own inherited class. # def Header() if (@print_header) if (@original_l_margin.nil?) @original_l_margin = @l_margin; end if (@original_r_margin.nil?) @original_r_margin = @r_margin; end #set current position SetXY(@original_l_margin, @header_margin); if ((@header_logo) and (@header_logo != @@k_blank_image)) Image(@header_logo, @original_l_margin, @header_margin, @header_logo_width); else @img_rb_y = GetY(); end cell_height = ((@@k_cell_height_ratio * @header_font[2]) / @k).round(2) header_x = @original_l_margin + (@header_logo_width * 1.05); #set left margin for text data cell # header title SetFont(@header_font[0], 'B', @header_font[2] + 1); SetX(header_x); Cell(@header_width, cell_height, @header_title, 0, 1, 'L'); # header string SetFont(@header_font[0], @header_font[1], @header_font[2]); SetX(header_x); MultiCell(@header_width, cell_height, @header_string, 0, 'L', 0); # print an ending header line if (@header_width) #set style for cell border SetLineWidth(0.3); SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0); SetY(1 + (@img_rb_y > GetY() ? @img_rb_y : GetY())); SetX(@original_l_margin); Cell(0, 0, '', 'T', 0, 'C'); end #restore position SetXY(@original_l_margin, @t_margin); end end alias_method :header, :Header # # This method is used to render the page footer. # It is automatically called by AddPage() and could be overwritten in your own inherited class. # def Footer() if (@print_footer) if (@original_l_margin.nil?) @original_l_margin = @l_margin; end if (@original_r_margin.nil?) @original_r_margin = @r_margin; end #set font SetFont(@footer_font[0], @footer_font[1] , @footer_font[2]); #set style for cell border line_width = 0.3; SetLineWidth(line_width); SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0); footer_height = ((@@k_cell_height_ratio * @footer_font[2]) / @k).round; #footer height, was , 2) #get footer y position footer_y = @h - @footer_margin - footer_height; #set current position SetXY(@original_l_margin, footer_y); #print document barcode if (@barcode) Ln(); barcode_width = ((@w - @original_l_margin - @original_r_margin)).round; #max width writeBarcode(@original_l_margin, footer_y + line_width, barcode_width, footer_height - line_width, "C128B", false, false, 2, @barcode); end SetXY(@original_l_margin, footer_y); #Print page number Cell(0, footer_height, @l['w_page'] + " " + PageNo().to_s + ' / {nb}', 'T', 0, 'R'); end end alias_method :footer, :Footer # # Returns the current page number. # @return int page number # @since 1.0 # @see alias_nb_pages() # def PageNo() #Get current page number return @page; end alias_method :page_no, :PageNo # # Defines the color used for all drawing operations (lines, rectangles and cell borders). It can be expressed in RGB components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is created and the value is retained from page to page. # @param int :r If g et b are given, red component; if not, indicates the gray level. Value between 0 and 255 # @param int :g Green component (between 0 and 255) # @param int :b Blue component (between 0 and 255) # @since 1.3 # @see SetFillColor(), SetTextColor(), Line(), Rect(), Cell(), MultiCell() # def SetDrawColor(r, g=-1, b=-1) #Set color for all stroking operations if ((r==0 and g==0 and b==0) or g==-1) @draw_color=sprintf('%.3f G', r/255.0); else @draw_color=sprintf('%.3f %.3f %.3f RG', r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0); end if (@page>0) out(@draw_color); end end alias_method :set_draw_color, :SetDrawColor # # Defines the color used for all filling operations (filled rectangles and cell backgrounds). It can be expressed in RGB components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is created and the value is retained from page to page. # @param int :r If g et b are given, red component; if not, indicates the gray level. Value between 0 and 255 # @param int :g Green component (between 0 and 255) # @param int :b Blue component (between 0 and 255) # @param boolean :storeprev if true stores the RGB array on :prevfill_color variable. # @since 1.3 # @see SetDrawColor(), SetTextColor(), Rect(), Cell(), MultiCell() # def SetFillColor(r, g=-1, b=-1, storeprev=false) #Set color for all filling operations if ((r==0 and g==0 and b==0) or g==-1) @fill_color=sprintf('%.3f g', r/255.0); else @fill_color=sprintf('%.3f %.3f %.3f rg', r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0); end @color_flag=(@fill_color!=@text_color); if (@page>0) out(@fill_color); end if (storeprev) # store color as previous value @prevfill_color = [r, g, b] end end alias_method :set_fill_color, :SetFillColor # This hasn't been ported from tcpdf, it's a variation on SetTextColor for setting cmyk colors def SetCmykFillColor(c, m, y, k, storeprev=false) #Set color for all filling operations @fill_color=sprintf('%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f k', c, m, y, k); @color_flag=(@fill_color!=@text_color); if (storeprev) # store color as previous value @prevtext_color = [c, m, y, k] end if (@page>0) out(@fill_color); end end alias_method :set_cmyk_fill_color, :SetCmykFillColor # # Defines the color used for text. It can be expressed in RGB components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is created and the value is retained from page to page. # @param int :r If g et b are given, red component; if not, indicates the gray level. Value between 0 and 255 # @param int :g Green component (between 0 and 255) # @param int :b Blue component (between 0 and 255) # @param boolean :storeprev if true stores the RGB array on :prevtext_color variable. # @since 1.3 # @see SetDrawColor(), SetFillColor(), Text(), Cell(), MultiCell() # def SetTextColor(r, g=-1, b=-1, storeprev=false) #Set color for text if ((r==0 and :g==0 and :b==0) or :g==-1) @text_color=sprintf('%.3f g', r/255.0); else @text_color=sprintf('%.3f %.3f %.3f rg', r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0); end @color_flag=(@fill_color!=@text_color); if (storeprev) # store color as previous value @prevtext_color = [r, g, b] end end alias_method :set_text_color, :SetTextColor # This hasn't been ported from tcpdf, it's a variation on SetTextColor for setting cmyk colors def SetCmykTextColor(c, m, y, k, storeprev=false) #Set color for text @text_color=sprintf('%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f k', c, m, y, k); @color_flag=(@fill_color!=@text_color); if (storeprev) # store color as previous value @prevtext_color = [c, m, y, k] end end alias_method :set_cmyk_text_color, :SetCmykTextColor # # Returns the length of a string in user unit. A font must be selected.
# Support UTF-8 Unicode [Nicola Asuni, 2005-01-02] # @param string :s The string whose length is to be computed # @return int # @since 1.2 # def GetStringWidth(s) #Get width of a string in the current font s = s.to_s; cw = @current_font['cw'] w = 0; if (@is_unicode) unicode = UTF8StringToArray(s); unicode.each do |char| if (!cw[char].nil?) w += cw[char]; # This should not happen. UTF8StringToArray should guarentee the array is ascii values. # elsif (c!cw[char[0]].nil?) # w += cw[char[0]]; # elsif (!cw[char.chr].nil?) # w += cw[char.chr]; elsif (!@current_font['desc']['MissingWidth'].nil?) w += @current_font['desc']['MissingWidth']; # set default size else w += 500; end end else s.each_byte do |c| if cw[c.chr] w += cw[c.chr]; elsif cw[?c.chr] w += cw[?c.chr] end end end return (w * @font_size / 1000.0); end alias_method :get_string_width, :GetStringWidth # # Defines the line width. By default, the value equals 0.2 mm. The method can be called before the first page is created and the value is retained from page to page. # @param float :width The width. # @since 1.0 # @see Line(), Rect(), Cell(), MultiCell() # def SetLineWidth(width) #Set line width @line_width = width; if (@page>0) out(sprintf('%.2f w', width*@k)); end end alias_method :set_line_width, :SetLineWidth # # Draws a line between two points. # @param float :x1 Abscissa of first point # @param float :y1 Ordinate of first point # @param float :x2 Abscissa of second point # @param float :y2 Ordinate of second point # @since 1.0 # @see SetLineWidth(), SetDrawColor() # def Line(x1, y1, x2, y2) #Draw a line out(sprintf('%.2f %.2f m %.2f %.2f l S', x1 * @k, (@h - y1) * @k, x2 * @k, (@h - y2) * @k)); end alias_method :line, :Line def Circle(mid_x, mid_y, radius, style='') mid_y = (@h-mid_y)*@k out(sprintf("q\n")) # postscript content in pdf # init line type etc. with /GSD gs G g (grey) RG rg (RGB) w=line witdh etc. out(sprintf("1 j\n")) # line join # translate ("move") circle to mid_y, mid_y out(sprintf("1 0 0 1 %f %f cm", mid_x, mid_y)) kappa = 0.5522847498307933984022516322796 # Quadrant 1 x_s = 0.0 # 12 o'clock y_s = 0.0 + radius x_e = 0.0 + radius # 3 o'clock y_e = 0.0 out(sprintf("%f %f m\n", x_s, y_s)) # move to 12 o'clock # cubic bezier control point 1, start height and kappa * radius to the right bx_e1 = x_s + (radius * kappa) by_e1 = y_s # cubic bezier control point 2, end and kappa * radius above bx_e2 = x_e by_e2 = y_e + (radius * kappa) # draw cubic bezier from current point to x_e/y_e with bx_e1/by_e1 and bx_e2/by_e2 as bezier control points out(sprintf("%f %f %f %f %f %f c\n", bx_e1, by_e1, bx_e2, by_e2, x_e, y_e)) # Quadrant 2 x_s = x_e y_s = y_e # 3 o'clock x_e = 0.0 y_e = 0.0 - radius # 6 o'clock bx_e1 = x_s # cubic bezier point 1 by_e1 = y_s - (radius * kappa) bx_e2 = x_e + (radius * kappa) # cubic bezier point 2 by_e2 = y_e out(sprintf("%f %f %f %f %f %f c\n", bx_e1, by_e1, bx_e2, by_e2, x_e, y_e)) # Quadrant 3 x_s = x_e y_s = y_e # 6 o'clock x_e = 0.0 - radius y_e = 0.0 # 9 o'clock bx_e1 = x_s - (radius * kappa) # cubic bezier point 1 by_e1 = y_s bx_e2 = x_e # cubic bezier point 2 by_e2 = y_e - (radius * kappa) out(sprintf("%f %f %f %f %f %f c\n", bx_e1, by_e1, bx_e2, by_e2, x_e, y_e)) # Quadrant 4 x_s = x_e y_s = y_e # 9 o'clock x_e = 0.0 y_e = 0.0 + radius # 12 o'clock bx_e1 = x_s # cubic bezier point 1 by_e1 = y_s + (radius * kappa) bx_e2 = x_e - (radius * kappa) # cubic bezier point 2 by_e2 = y_e out(sprintf("%f %f %f %f %f %f c\n", bx_e1, by_e1, bx_e2, by_e2, x_e, y_e)) if style=='F' op='f' elsif style=='FD' or style=='DF' op='b' else op='s' end out(sprintf("#{op}\n")) # stroke circle, do not fill and close path # for filling etc. b, b*, f, f* out(sprintf("Q\n")) # finish postscript in PDF end alias_method :circle, :Circle # # Outputs a rectangle. It can be drawn (border only), filled (with no border) or both. # @param float :x Abscissa of upper-left corner # @param float :y Ordinate of upper-left corner # @param float :w Width # @param float :h Height # @param string :style Style of rendering. Possible values are: # @since 1.0 # @see SetLineWidth(), SetDrawColor(), SetFillColor() # def Rect(x, y, w, h, style='') #Draw a rectangle if (style=='F') op='f'; elsif (style=='FD' or style=='DF') op='B'; else op='S'; end out(sprintf('%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f re %s', x * @k, (@h - y) * @k, w * @k, -h * @k, op)); end alias_method :rect, :Rect # # Imports a TrueType or Type1 font and makes it available. It is necessary to generate a font definition file first with the makefont.rb utility. The definition file (and the font file itself when embedding) must be present either in the current directory or in the one indicated by FPDF_FONTPATH if the constant is defined. If it could not be found, the error "Could not include font definition file" is generated. # Support UTF-8 Unicode [Nicola Asuni, 2005-01-02]. # Example:
	# :pdf->AddFont('Comic','I');
	# # is equivalent to:
	# :pdf->AddFont('Comic','I','comici.rb');
# @param string :family Font family. The name can be chosen arbitrarily. If it is a standard family name, it will override the corresponding font. # @param string :style Font style. Possible values are (case insensitive): # @param string :file The font definition file. By default, the name is built from the family and style, in lower case with no space. # @since 1.5 # @see SetFont() # def AddFont(family, style='', file='') if (family.empty?) return; end #Add a TrueType or Type1 font family = family.downcase if ((!@is_unicode) and (family == 'arial')) family = 'helvetica'; end style=style.upcase style=style.gsub('U',''); if (style == 'IB') style = 'BI'; end fontkey = family + style; # check if the font has been already added if !@fonts[fontkey].nil? return; end if (file=='') file = family.gsub(' ', '') + style.downcase + '.rb'; end font_file_name = getfontpath(file) if (font_file_name.nil?) # try to load the basic file without styles file = family.gsub(' ', '') + '.rb'; font_file_name = getfontpath(file) end if font_file_name.nil? Error("Could not find font #{file}.") end require(getfontpath(file)) font_desc = TCPDFFontDescriptor.font(file) if (font_desc[:name].nil? and @@fpdf_charwidths.nil?) Error('Could not include font definition file'); end i = @fonts.length+1; if (@is_unicode) @fonts[fontkey] = {'i' => i, 'type' => font_desc[:type], 'name' => font_desc[:name], 'desc' => font_desc[:desc], 'up' => font_desc[:up], 'ut' => font_desc[:ut], 'cw' => font_desc[:cw], 'enc' => font_desc[:enc], 'file' => font_desc[:file], 'ctg' => font_desc[:ctg], 'cMap' => font_desc[:cMap], 'registry' => font_desc[:registry]} @@fpdf_charwidths[fontkey] = font_desc[:cw]; else @fonts[fontkey]={'i' => i, 'type'=>'core', 'name'=>@core_fonts[fontkey], 'up'=>-100, 'ut'=>50, 'cw' => font_desc[:cw]} @@fpdf_charwidths[fontkey] = font_desc[:cw]; end if (!font_desc[:diff].nil? and (!font_desc[:diff].empty?)) #Search existing encodings d=0; nb=@diffs.length; 1.upto(nb) do |i| if (@diffs[i]== font_desc[:diff]) d = i; break; end end if (d==0) d = nb+1; @diffs[d] = font_desc[:diff]; end @fonts[fontkey]['diff'] = d; end if (font_desc[:file] and font_desc[:file].length > 0) if (font_desc[:type] == "TrueType") or (font_desc[:type] == "TrueTypeUnicode") @font_files[font_desc[:file]] = {'length1' => font_desc[:originalsize]} else @font_files[font_desc[:file]] = {'length1' => font_desc[:size1], 'length2' => font_desc[:size2]} end end end alias_method :add_font, :AddFont # # Sets the font used to print character strings. It is mandatory to call this method at least once before printing text or the resulting document would not be valid. # The font can be either a standard one or a font added via the AddFont() method. Standard fonts use Windows encoding cp1252 (Western Europe). # The method can be called before the first page is created and the font is retained from page to page. # If you just wish to change the current font size, it is simpler to call SetFontSize(). # Note: for the standard fonts, the font metric files must be accessible. There are three possibilities for this:
# Example for the last case (note the trailing slash):
	# define('FPDF_FONTPATH','/home/www/font/');
	# require('tcpdf.rb');
	# #Times regular 12
	# :pdf->SetFont('Times');
	# #Arial bold 14
	# :pdf->SetFont('Arial','B',14);
	# #Removes bold
	# :pdf->SetFont('');
	# #Times bold, italic and underlined 14
	# :pdf->SetFont('Times','BIU');

# If the file corresponding to the requested font is not found, the error "Could not include font metric file" is generated. # @param string :family Family font. It can be either a name defined by AddFont() or one of the standard families (case insensitive):It is also possible to pass an empty string. In that case, the current family is retained. # @param string :style Font style. Possible values are (case insensitive):or any combination. The default value is regular. Bold and italic styles do not apply to Symbol and ZapfDingbats # @param float :size Font size in points. The default value is the current size. If no size has been specified since the beginning of the document, the value taken is 12 # @since 1.0 # @see AddFont(), SetFontSize(), Cell(), MultiCell(), Write() # def SetFont(family, style='', size=0) # save previous values @prevfont_family = @font_family; @prevfont_style = @font_style; family=family.downcase; if (family=='') family=@font_family; end if ((!@is_unicode) and (family == 'arial')) family = 'helvetica'; elsif ((family=="symbol") or (family=="zapfdingbats")) style=''; end style=style.upcase; if (style.include?('U')) @underline=true; style= style.gsub('U',''); else @underline=false; end if (style=='IB') style='BI'; end if (size==0) size=@font_size_pt; end # try to add font (if not already added) AddFont(family, style); #Test if font is already selected if ((@font_family == family) and (@font_style == style) and (@font_size_pt == size)) return; end fontkey = family + style; style = '' if (@fonts[fontkey].nil? and !@fonts[family].nil?) #Test if used for the first time if (@fonts[fontkey].nil?) #Check if one of the standard fonts if (!@core_fonts[fontkey].nil?) if @@fpdf_charwidths[fontkey].nil? #Load metric file file = family; if ((family!='symbol') and (family!='zapfdingbats')) file += style.downcase; end if (getfontpath(file + '.rb').nil?) # try to load the basic file without styles file = family; fontkey = family; end require(getfontpath(file + '.rb')); font_desc = TCPDFFontDescriptor.font(file) if ((@is_unicode and ctg.nil?) or ((!@is_unicode) and (@@fpdf_charwidths[fontkey].nil?)) ) Error("Could not include font metric file [" + fontkey + "]: " + getfontpath(file + ".rb")); end end i = @fonts.length + 1; if (@is_unicode) @fonts[fontkey] = {'i' => i, 'type' => font_desc[:type], 'name' => font_desc[:name], 'desc' => font_desc[:desc], 'up' => font_desc[:up], 'ut' => font_desc[:ut], 'cw' => font_desc[:cw], 'enc' => font_desc[:enc], 'file' => font_desc[:file], 'ctg' => font_desc[:ctg]} @@fpdf_charwidths[fontkey] = font_desc[:cw]; else @fonts[fontkey] = {'i' => i, 'type'=>'core', 'name'=>@core_fonts[fontkey], 'up'=>-100, 'ut'=>50, 'cw' => font_desc[:cw]} @@fpdf_charwidths[fontkey] = font_desc[:cw]; end else Error('Undefined font: ' + family + ' ' + style); end end #Select it @font_family = family; @font_style = style; @font_size_pt = size; @font_size = size / @k; @current_font = @fonts[fontkey]; # was & may need deep copy? if (@page>0) out(sprintf('BT /F%d %.2f Tf ET', @current_font['i'], @font_size_pt)); end end alias_method :set_font, :SetFont # # Defines the size of the current font. # @param float :size The size (in points) # @since 1.0 # @see SetFont() # def SetFontSize(size) #Set font size in points if (@font_size_pt== size) return; end @font_size_pt = size; @font_size = size.to_f / @k; if (@page > 0) out(sprintf('BT /F%d %.2f Tf ET', @current_font['i'], @font_size_pt)); end end alias_method :set_font_size, :SetFontSize # # Creates a new internal link and returns its identifier. An internal link is a clickable area which directs to another place within the document.
# The identifier can then be passed to Cell(), Write(), Image() or Link(). The destination is defined with SetLink(). # @since 1.5 # @see Cell(), Write(), Image(), Link(), SetLink() # def AddLink() #Create a new internal link n=@links.length+1; @links[n]=[0,0]; return n; end alias_method :add_link, :AddLink # # Defines the page and position a link points to # @param int :link The link identifier returned by AddLink() # @param float :y Ordinate of target position; -1 indicates the current position. The default value is 0 (top of page) # @param int :page Number of target page; -1 indicates the current page. This is the default value # @since 1.5 # @see AddLink() # def SetLink(link, y=0, page=-1) #Set destination of internal link if (y==-1) y=@y; end if (page==-1) page=@page; end @links[link] = [page, y] end alias_method :set_link, :SetLink # # Puts a link on a rectangular area of the page. Text or image links are generally put via Cell(), Write() or Image(), but this method can be useful for instance to define a clickable area inside an image. # @param float :x Abscissa of the upper-left corner of the rectangle # @param float :y Ordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle # @param float :w Width of the rectangle # @param float :h Height of the rectangle # @param mixed :link URL or identifier returned by AddLink() # @since 1.5 # @see AddLink(), Cell(), Write(), Image() # def Link(x, y, w, h, link) #Put a link on the page @page_links ||= Array.new @page_links[@page] ||= Array.new @page_links[@page].push([x * @k, @h_pt - y * @k, w * @k, h*@k, link]); end alias_method :link, :Link # # Prints a character string. The origin is on the left of the first charcter, on the baseline. This method allows to place a string precisely on the page, but it is usually easier to use Cell(), MultiCell() or Write() which are the standard methods to print text. # @param float :x Abscissa of the origin # @param float :y Ordinate of the origin # @param string :txt String to print # @since 1.0 # @see SetFont(), SetTextColor(), Cell(), MultiCell(), Write() # def Text(x, y, txt) #Output a string s=sprintf('BT %.2f %.2f Td (%s) Tj ET', x * @k, (@h-y) * @k, escapetext(txt)); if (@underline and (txt!='')) s += ' ' + dounderline(x, y, txt); end if (@color_flag) s='q ' + @text_color + ' ' + s + ' Q'; end out(s); end alias_method :text, :Text # # Whenever a page break condition is met, the method is called, and the break is issued or not depending on the returned value. The default implementation returns a value according to the mode selected by SetAutoPageBreak().
# This method is called automatically and should not be called directly by the application.
# Example:
# The method is overriden in an inherited class in order to obtain a 3 column layout:
	# class PDF extends TCPDF {
	# 	var :col=0;
	# 	def SetCol(col)
	# 		#Move position to a column
	# 		@col = col;
	# 		:x=10+:col*65;
	# 		SetLeftMargin(x);
	# 		SetX(x);
	# 	end
	# 	def AcceptPageBreak()
	# 		if (@col<2)
	# 			#Go to next column
	# 			SetCol(@col+1);
	# 			SetY(10);
	# 			return false;
	# 		end
	# 		else
	# 			#Go back to first column and issue page break
	# 			SetCol(0);
	# 			return true;
	# 		end
	# 	end
	# }
	# :pdf=new PDF();
	# :pdf->Open();
	# :pdf->AddPage();
	# :pdf->SetFont('Arial','',12);
	# for(i=1;:i<=300;:i++)
	#     :pdf->Cell(0,5,"Line :i",0,1);
	# }
	# :pdf->Output();
# @return boolean # @since 1.4 # @see SetAutoPageBreak() # def AcceptPageBreak() #Accept automatic page break or not return @auto_page_break; end alias_method :accept_page_break, :AcceptPageBreak def BreakThePage?(h) if ((@y + h) > @page_break_trigger and !@in_footer and AcceptPageBreak()) true else false end end alias_method :break_the_page?, :BreakThePage? # # Prints a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and character string. The upper-left corner of the cell corresponds to the current position. The text can be aligned or centered. After the call, the current position moves to the right or to the next line. It is possible to put a link on the text.
# If automatic page breaking is enabled and the cell goes beyond the limit, a page break is done before outputting. # @param float :w Cell width. If 0, the cell extends up to the right margin. # @param float :h Cell height. Default value: 0. # @param string :txt String to print. Default value: empty string. # @param mixed :border Indicates if borders must be drawn around the cell. The value can be either a number:or a string containing some or all of the following characters (in any order): # @param int :ln Indicates where the current position should go after the call. Possible values are: # Putting 1 is equivalent to putting 0 and calling Ln() just after. Default value: 0. # @param string :align Allows to center or align the text. Possible values are: # @param int :fill Indicates if the cell background must be painted (1) or transparent (0). Default value: 0. # @param mixed :link URL or identifier returned by AddLink(). # @since 1.0 # @see SetFont(), SetDrawColor(), SetFillColor(), SetTextColor(), SetLineWidth(), AddLink(), Ln(), MultiCell(), Write(), SetAutoPageBreak() # def Cell(w, h=0, txt='', border=0, ln=0, align='', fill=0, link=nil) #Output a cell k=@k; if ((@y + h) > @page_break_trigger and !@in_footer and AcceptPageBreak()) #Automatic page break x = @x; ws = @ws; if (ws > 0) @ws = 0; out('0 Tw'); end AddPage(@cur_orientation); @x = x; if (ws > 0) @ws = ws; out(sprintf('%.3f Tw', ws * k)); end end if (w == 0) w = @w - @r_margin - @x; end s = ''; if ((fill.to_i == 1) or (border.to_i == 1)) if (fill.to_i == 1) op = (border.to_i == 1) ? 'B' : 'f'; else op = 'S'; end s = sprintf('%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f re %s ', @x * k, (@h - @y) * k, w * k, -h * k, op); end if (border.is_a?(String)) x=@x; y=@y; if (border.include?('L')) s<0) # Go to next line @y += h; if (ln == 1) @x = @l_margin; end else @x += w; end end alias_method :cell, :Cell # # This method allows printing text with line breaks. They can be automatic (as soon as the text reaches the right border of the cell) or explicit (via the \n character). As many cells as necessary are output, one below the other.
# Text can be aligned, centered or justified. The cell block can be framed and the background painted. # @param float :w Width of cells. If 0, they extend up to the right margin of the page. # @param float :h Height of cells. # @param string :txt String to print # @param mixed :border Indicates if borders must be drawn around the cell block. The value can be either a number:or a string containing some or all of the following characters (in any order): # @param string :align Allows to center or align the text. Possible values are: # @param int :fill Indicates if the cell background must be painted (1) or transparent (0). Default value: 0. # @param int :ln Indicates where the current position should go after the call. Possible values are: # @since 1.3 # @see SetFont(), SetDrawColor(), SetFillColor(), SetTextColor(), SetLineWidth(), Cell(), Write(), SetAutoPageBreak() # def MultiCell(w, h, txt, border=0, align='J', fill=0, ln=1) # save current position prevx = @x; prevy = @y; #Output text with automatic or explicit line breaks if (w == 0) w = @w - @r_margin - @x; end wmax = (w - 2 * @c_margin); s = txt.gsub("\r", ''); # remove carriage returns nb = s.length; b=0; if (border) if (border==1) border='LTRB'; b='LRT'; b2='LR'; elsif border.is_a?(String) b2=''; if (border.include?('L')) b2<<'L'; end if (border.include?('R')) b2<<'R'; end b=(border.include?('T')) ? b2 + 'T' : b2; end end sep=-1; to_index=0; from_j=0; l=0; ns=0; nl=1; while to_index < nb #Get next character c = s[to_index]; if c == "\n"[0] #Explicit line break if @ws > 0 @ws = 0 out('0 Tw') end #Ed Moss - change begin end_i = to_index == 0 ? 0 : to_index - 1 # Changed from s[from_j..to_index] to fix bug reported by Hans Allis. from_j = to_index == 0 ? 1 : from_j Cell(w, h, s[from_j..end_i], b, 2, align, fill) #change end to_index += 1 sep=-1 from_j=to_index l=0 ns=0 nl += 1 b = b2 if border and nl==2 next end if (c == " "[0]) sep = to_index; ls = l; ns += 1; end l = GetStringWidth(s[from_j, to_index - from_j + 1]); if (l > wmax) #Automatic line break if (sep == -1) if (to_index == from_j) to_index += 1; end if (@ws > 0) @ws = 0; out('0 Tw'); end Cell(w, h, s[from_j..to_index-1], b, 2, align, fill) # my FPDF version else if (align=='J' || align=='justify' || align=='justified') @ws = (ns>1) ? (wmax-ls)/(ns-1) : 0; out(sprintf('%.3f Tw', @ws * @k)); end Cell(w, h, s[from_j..sep], b, 2, align, fill); to_index = sep + 1; end sep=-1; from_j = to_index; l=0; ns=0; nl += 1; if (border and (nl==2)) b = b2; end else to_index += 1; end end #Last chunk if (@ws>0) @ws=0; out('0 Tw'); end if (border.is_a?(String) and border.include?('B')) b<<'B'; end Cell(w, h, s[from_j, to_index-from_j], b, 2, align, fill); # move cursor to specified position # since 2007-03-03 if (ln == 1) # go to the beginning of the next line @x = @l_margin; elsif (ln == 0) # go to the top-right of the cell @y = prevy; @x = prevx + w; elsif (ln == 2) # go to the bottom-left of the cell @x = prevx; end end alias_method :multi_cell, :MultiCell # # This method prints text from the current position. When the right margin is reached (or the \n character is met) a line break occurs and text continues from the left margin. Upon method exit, the current position is left just at the end of the text. It is possible to put a link on the text.
# Example:
	# #Begin with regular font
	# :pdf->SetFont('Arial','',14);
	# :pdf->Write(5,'Visit ');
	# #Then put a blue underlined link
	# :pdf->SetTextColor(0,0,255);
	# :pdf->SetFont('','U');
	# :pdf->Write(5,'www.tecnick.com','http://www.tecnick.com');
# @param float :h Line height # @param string :txt String to print # @param mixed :link URL or identifier returned by AddLink() # @param int :fill Indicates if the background must be painted (1) or transparent (0). Default value: 0. # @since 1.5 # @see SetFont(), SetTextColor(), AddLink(), MultiCell(), SetAutoPageBreak() # def Write(h, txt, link=nil, fill=0) #Output text in flowing mode w = @w - @r_margin - @x; wmax = (w - 2 * @c_margin); s = txt.gsub("\r", ''); nb = s.length; # handle single space character if ((nb==1) and (s == " ")) @x += GetStringWidth(s); return; end sep=-1; i=0; j=0; l=0; nl=1; while(i wmax) #Automatic line break (word wrapping) if (sep == -1) if (@x > @l_margin) #Move to next line @x = @l_margin; @y += h; w=@w - @r_margin - @x; wmax=(w - 2 * @c_margin); i += 1 nl += 1 next end if (i == j) i += 1 end Cell(w, h, s[j, (i-1)], 0, 2, '', fill, link); else Cell(w, h, s[j, (sep-j)], 0, 2, '', fill, link); i = sep+1; end sep = -1; j = i; l = 0; if (nl==1) @x = @l_margin; w = @w - @r_margin - @x; wmax = (w - 2 * @c_margin); end nl += 1; else i += 1; end end #Last chunk if (i != j) Cell(GetStringWidth(s[j..i]), h, s[j..i], 0, 0, '', fill, link); end end alias_method :write, :Write # # Puts an image in the page. The upper-left corner must be given. The dimensions can be specified in different ways: # Supported formats are JPEG and PNG. # For JPEG, all flavors are allowed: # For PNG, are allowed: # but are not supported: # If a transparent color is defined, it will be taken into account (but will be only interpreted by Acrobat 4 and above).
# The format can be specified explicitly or inferred from the file extension.
# It is possible to put a link on the image.
# Remark: if an image is used several times, only one copy will be embedded in the file.
# @param string :file Name of the file containing the image. # @param float :x Abscissa of the upper-left corner. # @param float :y Ordinate of the upper-left corner. # @param float :w Width of the image in the page. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated. # @param float :h Height of the image in the page. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated. # @param string :type Image format. Possible values are (case insensitive): JPG, JPEG, PNG. If not specified, the type is inferred from the file extension. # @param mixed :link URL or identifier returned by AddLink(). # @since 1.1 # @see AddLink() # def Image(file, x, y, w=0, h=0, type='', link=nil) #Put an image on the page if (@images[file].nil?) #First use of image, get info if (type == '') pos = file.rindex('.'); if (pos == 0) Error('Image file has no extension and no type was specified: ' + file); end type = file[pos+1..-1]; end type.downcase! if (type == 'jpg' or type == 'jpeg') info=parsejpg(file); elsif (type == 'png') info=parsepng(file); else #Allow for additional formats mtd='parse' + type; if (!self.respond_to?(mtd)) Error('Unsupported image type: ' + type); end info=send(mtd, file); end info['i']=@images.length+1; @images[file] = info; else info=@images[file]; end #Automatic width and height calculation if needed if ((w == 0) and (h == 0)) #Put image at 72 dpi # 2004-06-14 :: Nicola Asuni, scale factor where added w = info['w'] / (@img_scale * @k); h = info['h'] / (@img_scale * @k); end if (w == 0) w = h * info['w'] / info['h']; end if (h == 0) h = w * info['h'] / info['w']; end out(sprintf('q %.2f 0 0 %.2f %.2f %.2f cm /I%d Do Q', w*@k, h*@k, x*@k, (@h-(y+h))*@k, info['i'])); if (link) Link(x, y, w, h, link); end #2002-07-31 - Nicola Asuni # set right-bottom corner coordinates @img_rb_x = x + w; @img_rb_y = y + h; end alias_method :image, :Image # # Performs a line break. The current abscissa goes back to the left margin and the ordinate increases by the amount passed in parameter. # @param float :h The height of the break. By default, the value equals the height of the last printed cell. # @since 1.0 # @see Cell() # def Ln(h='') #Line feed; default value is last cell height @x=@l_margin; if (h.is_a?(String)) @y += @lasth; else @y += h; end end alias_method :ln, :Ln # # Returns the abscissa of the current position. # @return float # @since 1.2 # @see SetX(), GetY(), SetY() # def GetX() #Get x position return @x; end alias_method :get_x, :GetX # # Defines the abscissa of the current position. If the passed value is negative, it is relative to the right of the page. # @param float :x The value of the abscissa. # @since 1.2 # @see GetX(), GetY(), SetY(), SetXY() # def SetX(x) #Set x position if (x>=0) @x = x; else @x=@w+x; end end alias_method :set_x, :SetX # # Returns the ordinate of the current position. # @return float # @since 1.0 # @see SetY(), GetX(), SetX() # def GetY() #Get y position return @y; end alias_method :get_y, :GetY # # Moves the current abscissa back to the left margin and sets the ordinate. If the passed value is negative, it is relative to the bottom of the page. # @param float :y The value of the ordinate. # @since 1.0 # @see GetX(), GetY(), SetY(), SetXY() # def SetY(y) #Set y position and reset x @x=@l_margin; if (y>=0) @y = y; else @y=@h+y; end end alias_method :set_y, :SetY # # Defines the abscissa and ordinate of the current position. If the passed values are negative, they are relative respectively to the right and bottom of the page. # @param float :x The value of the abscissa # @param float :y The value of the ordinate # @since 1.2 # @see SetX(), SetY() # def SetXY(x, y) #Set x and y positions SetY(y); SetX(x); end alias_method :set_xy, :SetXY # # Send the document to a given destination: string, local file or browser. In the last case, the plug-in may be used (if present) or a download ("Save as" dialog box) may be forced.
# The method first calls Close() if necessary to terminate the document. # @param string :name The name of the file. If not given, the document will be sent to the browser (destination I) with the name doc.pdf. # @param string :dest Destination where to send the document. It can take one of the following values:If the parameter is not specified but a name is given, destination is F. If no parameter is specified at all, destination is I.
# @since 1.0 # @see Close() # def Output(name='', dest='') #Output PDF to some destination #Finish document if necessary if (@state < 3) Close(); end #Normalize parameters # Boolean no longer supported # if (dest.is_a?(Boolean)) # dest = dest ? 'D' : 'F'; # end dest = dest.upcase if (dest=='') if (name=='') name='doc.pdf'; dest='I'; else dest='F'; end end case (dest) when 'I' # This is PHP specific code ##Send to standard output # if (ob_get_contents()) # Error('Some data has already been output, can\'t send PDF file'); # end # if (php_sapi_name()!='cli') # #We send to a browser # header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); # if (headers_sent()) # Error('Some data has already been output to browser, can\'t send PDF file'); # end # header('Content-Length: ' + @buffer.length); # header('Content-disposition: inline; filename="' + name + '"'); # end return @buffer; when 'D' # PHP specific #Download file # if (ob_get_contents()) # Error('Some data has already been output, can\'t send PDF file'); # end # if (!_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].nil? && SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].include?('MSIE')) # header('Content-Type: application/force-download'); # else # header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); # end # if (headers_sent()) # Error('Some data has already been output to browser, can\'t send PDF file'); # end # header('Content-Length: '+ @buffer.length); # header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="' + name + '"'); return @buffer; when 'F' open(name,'wb') do |f| f.write(@buffer) end # PHP code # #Save to local file # f=open(name,'wb'); # if (!f) # Error('Unable to create output file: ' + name); # end # fwrite(f,@buffer,@buffer.length); # f.close when 'S' #Return as a string return @buffer; else Error('Incorrect output destination: ' + dest); end return ''; end alias_method :output, :Output # Protected methods # # Check for locale-related bug # @access protected # def dochecks() #Check for locale-related bug if (1.1==1) Error('Don\'t alter the locale before including class file'); end #Check for decimal separator if (sprintf('%.1f',1.0)!='1.0') setlocale(LC_NUMERIC,'C'); end end # # Return fonts path # @access protected # def getfontpath(file) # Is it in the @@font_path? if @@font_path fpath = File.join @@font_path, file if File.exists?(fpath) return fpath end end # Is it in this plugin's font folder? fpath = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fonts', file if File.exists?(fpath) return fpath end # Could not find it. nil end # # Start document # @access protected # def begindoc() #Start document @state=1; out('%PDF-1.3'); end # # putpages # @access protected # def putpages() nb = @page; if (@alias_nb_pages) nbstr = UTF8ToUTF16BE(nb.to_s, false); #Replace number of pages 1.upto(nb) do |n| @pages[n].gsub!(@alias_nb_pages, nbstr) end end if @def_orientation=='P' w_pt=@fw_pt h_pt=@fh_pt else w_pt=@fh_pt h_pt=@fw_pt end filter=(@compress) ? '/Filter /FlateDecode ' : '' 1.upto(nb) do |n| #Page newobj out('<>>>'; else l=@links[pl[4]]; h=!@orientation_changes[l[0]].nil? ? w_pt : h_pt; annots<>',1+2*l[0], h-l[1]*@k); end end out(annots + ']'); end out('/Contents ' + (@n+1).to_s + ' 0 R>>'); out('endobj'); #Page content p=(@compress) ? gzcompress(@pages[n]) : @pages[n]; newobj(); out('<<' + filter + '/Length '+ p.length.to_s + '>>'); putstream(p); out('endobj'); end #Pages root @offsets[1]=@buffer.length; out('1 0 obj'); out('<>'); out('endobj'); end # # Adds fonts # putfonts # @access protected # def putfonts() nf=@n; @diffs.each do |diff| #Encodings newobj(); out('<>'); out('endobj'); end @font_files.each do |file, info| #Font file embedding newobj(); @font_files[file]['n']=@n; font=''; open(getfontpath(file),'rb') do |f| font = f.read(); end compressed=(file[-2,2]=='.z'); if (!compressed && !info['length2'].nil?) header=((font[0][0])==128); if (header) #Strip first binary header font=font[6]; end if header && (font[info['length1']][0] == 128) #Strip second binary header font=font[0..info['length1']] + font[info['length1']+6]; end end out('<>'); open(getfontpath(file),'rb') do |f| putstream(font) end out('endobj'); end @fonts.each do |k, font| #Font objects @fonts[k]['n']=@n+1; type = font['type']; name = font['name']; if (type=='core') #Standard font newobj(); out('<>'); out('endobj'); elsif type == 'Type0' putType0(font) elsif (type=='Type1' || type=='TrueType') #Additional Type1 or TrueType font newobj(); out('<>'); out('endobj'); #Widths newobj(); cw=font['cw']; # & s='['; 32.upto(255) do |i| s << cw[i.chr] + ' '; end out(s + ']'); out('endobj'); #Descriptor newobj(); s='<>'); out('endobj'); else #Allow for additional types mtd='put' + type.downcase; if (!self.respond_to?(mtd)) Error('Unsupported font type: ' + type) else self.send(mtd,font) end end end end def putType0(font) #Type0 out('<>') out('endobj') #CIDFont newobj() out('<>') out('/FontDescriptor '+(@n+1).to_s+' 0 R') w='/W [1 [' font['cw'].keys.sort.each {|key| w+=font['cw'][key].to_s + " " # ActionController::Base::logger.debug key.to_s # ActionController::Base::logger.debug font['cw'][key].to_s } out(w+'] 231 325 500 631 [500] 326 389 500]') out('>>') out('endobj') #Font descriptor newobj() out('<>') out('endobj') end # # putimages # @access protected # def putimages() filter=(@compress) ? '/Filter /FlateDecode ' : ''; @images.each do |file, info| # was while(list(file, info)=each(@images)) newobj(); @images[file]['n']=@n; out('<>'); putstream(info['data']); @images[file]['data']=nil out('endobj'); #Palette if (info['cs']=='Indexed') newobj(); pal=(@compress) ? gzcompress(info['pal']) : :info['pal']; out('<<' + filter + '/Length ' + pal.length.to_s + '>>'); putstream(pal); out('endobj'); end end end # # putxobjectdict # @access protected # def putxobjectdict() @images.each_value do |image| out('/I' + image['i'].to_s + ' ' + image['n'].to_s + ' 0 R'); end end # # putresourcedict # @access protected # def putresourcedict() out('/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]'); out('/Font <<'); @fonts.each_value do |font| out('/F' + font['i'].to_s + ' ' + font['n'].to_s + ' 0 R'); end out('>>'); out('/XObject <<'); putxobjectdict(); out('>>'); end # # putresources # @access protected # def putresources() putfonts(); putimages(); #Resource dictionary @offsets[2]=@buffer.length; out('2 0 obj'); out('<<'); putresourcedict(); out('>>'); out('endobj'); end # # putinfo # @access protected # def putinfo() out('/Producer ' + textstring(PDF_PRODUCER)); if (!@title.nil?) out('/Title ' + textstring(@title)); end if (!@subject.nil?) out('/Subject ' + textstring(@subject)); end if (!@author.nil?) out('/Author ' + textstring(@author)); end if (!@keywords.nil?) out('/Keywords ' + textstring(@keywords)); end if (!@creator.nil?) out('/Creator ' + textstring(@creator)); end out('/CreationDate ' + textstring('D:' + Time.now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'))); end # # putcatalog # @access protected # def putcatalog() out('/Type /Catalog'); out('/Pages 1 0 R'); if (@zoom_mode=='fullpage') out('/OpenAction [3 0 R /Fit]'); elsif (@zoom_mode=='fullwidth') out('/OpenAction [3 0 R /FitH null]'); elsif (@zoom_mode=='real') out('/OpenAction [3 0 R /XYZ null null 1]'); elsif (!@zoom_mode.is_a?(String)) out('/OpenAction [3 0 R /XYZ null null ' + (@zoom_mode/100) + ']'); end if (@layout_mode=='single') out('/PageLayout /SinglePage'); elsif (@layout_mode=='continuous') out('/PageLayout /OneColumn'); elsif (@layout_mode=='two') out('/PageLayout /TwoColumnLeft'); end end # # puttrailer # @access protected # def puttrailer() out('/Size ' + (@n+1).to_s); out('/Root ' + @n.to_s + ' 0 R'); out('/Info ' + (@n-1).to_s + ' 0 R'); end # # putheader # @access protected # def putheader() out('%PDF-' + @pdf_version); end # # enddoc # @access protected # def enddoc() putheader(); putpages(); putresources(); #Info newobj(); out('<<'); putinfo(); out('>>'); out('endobj'); #Catalog newobj(); out('<<'); putcatalog(); out('>>'); out('endobj'); #Cross-ref o=@buffer.length; out('xref'); out('0 ' + (@n+1).to_s); out('0000000000 65535 f '); 1.upto(@n) do |i| out(sprintf('%010d 00000 n ',@offsets[i])); end #Trailer out('trailer'); out('<<'); puttrailer(); out('>>'); out('startxref'); out(o); out('%%EOF'); @state=3; end # # beginpage # @access protected # def beginpage(orientation) @page += 1; @pages[@page]=''; @state=2; @x=@l_margin; @y=@t_margin; @font_family=''; #Page orientation if (orientation.empty?) orientation=@def_orientation; else orientation.upcase! if (orientation!=@def_orientation) @orientation_changes[@page]=true; end end if (orientation!=@cur_orientation) #Change orientation if (orientation=='P') @w_pt=@fw_pt; @h_pt=@fh_pt; @w=@fw; @h=@fh; else @w_pt=@fh_pt; @h_pt=@fw_pt; @w=@fh; @h=@fw; end @page_break_trigger=@h-@b_margin; @cur_orientation = orientation; end end # # End of page contents # @access protected # def endpage() @state=1; end # # Begin a new object # @access protected # def newobj() @n += 1; @offsets[@n]=@buffer.length; out(@n.to_s + ' 0 obj'); end # # Underline text # @access protected # def dounderline(x, y, txt) up = @current_font['up']; ut = @current_font['ut']; w = GetStringWidth(txt) + @ws * txt.count(' '); sprintf('%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f re f', x * @k, (@h - (y - up / 1000.0 * @font_size)) * @k, w * @k, -ut / 1000.0 * @font_size_pt); end # # Extract info from a JPEG file # @access protected # def parsejpg(file) a=getimagesize(file); if (a.empty?) Error('Missing or incorrect image file: ' + file); end if (a[2]!='JPEG') Error('Not a JPEG file: ' + file); end if (a['channels'].nil? or a['channels']==3) colspace='DeviceRGB'; elsif (a['channels']==4) colspace='DeviceCMYK'; else colspace='DeviceGray'; end bpc=!a['bits'].nil? ? a['bits'] : 8; #Read whole file data=''; open(file,'rb') do |f| data< a[0],'h' => a[1],'cs' => colspace,'bpc' => bpc,'f'=>'DCTDecode','data' => data} end # # Extract info from a PNG file # @access protected # def parsepng(file) f=open(file,'rb'); #Check signature if (f.read(8)!=137.chr + 'PNG' + 13.chr + 10.chr + 26.chr + 10.chr) Error('Not a PNG file: ' + file); end #Read header chunk f.read(4); if (f.read(4)!='IHDR') Error('Incorrect PNG file: ' + file); end w=freadint(f); h=freadint(f); bpc=f.read(1)[0]; if (bpc>8) Error('16-bit depth not supported: ' + file); end ct=f.read(1)[0]; if (ct==0) colspace='DeviceGray'; elsif (ct==2) colspace='DeviceRGB'; elsif (ct==3) colspace='Indexed'; else Error('Alpha channel not supported: ' + file); end if (f.read(1)[0] != 0) Error('Unknown compression method: ' + file); end if (f.read(1)[0]!=0) Error('Unknown filter method: ' + file); end if (f.read(1)[0]!=0) Error('Interlacing not supported: ' + file); end f.read(4); parms='/DecodeParms <>'; #Scan chunks looking for palette, transparency and image data pal=''; trns=''; data=''; begin n=freadint(f); type=f.read(4); if (type=='PLTE') #Read palette pal=f.read( n); f.read(4); elsif (type=='tRNS') #Read transparency info t=f.read( n); if (ct==0) trns = t[1][0] elsif (ct==2) trns = t[[1][0], t[3][0], t[5][0]] else pos=t.include?(0.chr); if (pos!=false) trns = [pos] end end f.read(4); elsif (type=='IDAT') #Read image data block data< w, 'h' => h, 'cs' => colspace, 'bpc' => bpc, 'f'=>'FlateDecode', 'parms' => parms, 'pal' => pal, 'trns' => trns, 'data' => data} end # # Read a 4-byte integer from file # @access protected # def freadint(f) # Read a 4-byte integer from file a = f.read(4).unpack('N') return a[0] end # # Format a text string # @access protected # def textstring(s) if (@is_unicode) #Convert string to UTF-16BE s = UTF8ToUTF16BE(s, true); end return '(' + escape(s) + ')'; end # # Format a text string # @access protected # def escapetext(s) if (@is_unicode) #Convert string to UTF-16BE s = UTF8ToUTF16BE(s, false); end return escape(s); end # # Add \ before \, ( and ) # @access protected # def escape(s) # Add \ before \, ( and ) s.gsub('\\','\\\\\\').gsub('(','\\(').gsub(')','\\)').gsub(13.chr, '\r') end # # # @access protected # def putstream(s) out('stream'); out(s); out('endstream'); end # # Add a line to the document # @access protected # def out(s) if (@state==2) @pages[@page] << s.to_s + "\n"; else @buffer << s.to_s + "\n"; end end # # Adds unicode fonts.
# Based on PDF Reference 1.3 (section 5) # @access protected # @author Nicola Asuni # @since 1.52.0.TC005 (2005-01-05) # def puttruetypeunicode(font) # Type0 Font # A composite font composed of other fonts, organized hierarchically newobj(); out('<>'); out('endobj'); # CIDFontType2 # A CIDFont whose glyph descriptions are based on TrueType font technology newobj(); out('<>'); out('endobj'); # ToUnicode # is a stream object that contains the definition of the CMap # (PDF Reference 1.3 chap. 5.9) newobj(); out('<>'); out('stream'); out('/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin'); out('12 dict begin'); out('begincmap'); out('/CIDSystemInfo'); out('<> def'); out('/CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def'); out('/CMapType 2 def'); out('1 begincodespacerange'); out('<0000> '); out('endcodespacerange'); out('1 beginbfrange'); out('<0000> <0000>'); out('endbfrange'); out('endcmap'); out('CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop'); out('end'); out('end'); out('endstream'); out('endobj'); # CIDSystemInfo dictionary # A dictionary containing entries that define the character collection of the CIDFont. newobj(); out('<>'); out('endobj'); # Font descriptor # A font descriptor describing the CIDFont default metrics other than its glyph widths newobj(); out('<>'); out('endobj'); # Embed CIDToGIDMap # A specification of the mapping from CIDs to glyph indices newobj(); ctgfile = getfontpath(font['ctg']) if (!ctgfile) Error('Font file not found: ' + ctgfile); end size = File.size(ctgfile); out('<>'); open(ctgfile, "rb") do |f| putstream(f.read()) end out('endobj'); end # # Converts UTF-8 strings to codepoints array.
# Invalid byte sequences will be replaced with 0xFFFD (replacement character)
# Based on: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3629.html #
	# 	  Char. number range  |        UTF-8 octet sequence
	#       (hexadecimal)    |              (binary)
	#    --------------------+-----------------------------------------------
	#    0000 0000-0000 007F | 0xxxxxxx
	#    0000 0080-0000 07FF | 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
	#    0000 0800-0000 FFFF | 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
	#    0001 0000-0010 FFFF | 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
	#    ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	#   ABFN notation:
	#   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	#   UTF8-octets =#( UTF8-char )
	#   UTF8-char   = UTF8-1 / UTF8-2 / UTF8-3 / UTF8-4
	#   UTF8-1      = %x00-7F
	#   UTF8-2      = %xC2-DF UTF8-tail
	#   UTF8-3      = %xE0 %xA0-BF UTF8-tail / %xE1-EC 2( UTF8-tail ) /
	#                 %xED %x80-9F UTF8-tail / %xEE-EF 2( UTF8-tail )
	#   UTF8-4      = %xF0 %x90-BF 2( UTF8-tail ) / %xF1-F3 3( UTF8-tail ) /
	#                 %xF4 %x80-8F 2( UTF8-tail )
	#   UTF8-tail   = %x80-BF
	#   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# @param string :str string to process. # @return array containing codepoints (UTF-8 characters values) # @access protected # @author Nicola Asuni # @since 1.53.0.TC005 (2005-01-05) # def UTF8StringToArray(str) if (!@is_unicode) return str; # string is not in unicode end unicode = [] # array containing unicode values bytes = [] # array containing single character byte sequences numbytes = 1; # number of octetc needed to represent the UTF-8 character str = str.to_s; # force :str to be a string str.each_byte do |char| if (bytes.length == 0) # get starting octect if (char <= 0x7F) unicode << char # use the character "as is" because is ASCII numbytes = 1 elsif ((char >> 0x05) == 0x06) # 2 bytes character (0x06 = 110 BIN) bytes << ((char - 0xC0) << 0x06) numbytes = 2 elsif ((char >> 0x04) == 0x0E) # 3 bytes character (0x0E = 1110 BIN) bytes << ((char - 0xE0) << 0x0C) numbytes = 3 elsif ((char >> 0x03) == 0x1E) # 4 bytes character (0x1E = 11110 BIN) bytes << ((char - 0xF0) << 0x12) numbytes = 4 else # use replacement character for other invalid sequences unicode << 0xFFFD bytes = [] numbytes = 1 end elsif ((char >> 0x06) == 0x02) # bytes 2, 3 and 4 must start with 0x02 = 10 BIN bytes << (char - 0x80) if (bytes.length == numbytes) # compose UTF-8 bytes to a single unicode value char = bytes[0] 1.upto(numbytes-1) do |j| char += (bytes[j] << ((numbytes - j - 1) * 0x06)) end if (((char >= 0xD800) and (char <= 0xDFFF)) or (char >= 0x10FFFF)) # The definition of UTF-8 prohibits encoding character numbers between # U+D800 and U+DFFF, which are reserved for use with the UTF-16 # encoding form (as surrogate pairs) and do not directly represent # characters unicode << 0xFFFD; # use replacement character else unicode << char; # add char to array end # reset data for next char bytes = [] numbytes = 1; end else # use replacement character for other invalid sequences unicode << 0xFFFD; bytes = [] numbytes = 1; end end return unicode; end # # Converts UTF-8 strings to UTF16-BE.
# Based on: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2781.html #
	#   Encoding UTF-16:
		#   Encoding of a single character from an ISO 10646 character value to
	#    UTF-16 proceeds as follows. Let U be the character number, no greater
	#    than 0x10FFFF.
	#    1) If U < 0x10000, encode U as a 16-bit unsigned integer and
	#       terminate.
	#    2) Let U' = U - 0x10000. Because U is less than or equal to 0x10FFFF,
	#       U' must be less than or equal to 0xFFFFF. That is, U' can be
	#       represented in 20 bits.
	#    3) Initialize two 16-bit unsigned integers, W1 and W2, to 0xD800 and
	#       0xDC00, respectively. These integers each have 10 bits free to
	#       encode the character value, for a total of 20 bits.
	#    4) Assign the 10 high-order bits of the 20-bit U' to the 10 low-order
	#       bits of W1 and the 10 low-order bits of U' to the 10 low-order
	#       bits of W2. Terminate.
	#    Graphically, steps 2 through 4 look like:
	#    U' = yyyyyyyyyyxxxxxxxxxx
	#    W1 = 110110yyyyyyyyyy
	#    W2 = 110111xxxxxxxxxx
# @param string :str string to process. # @param boolean :setbom if true set the Byte Order Mark (BOM = 0xFEFF) # @return string # @access protected # @author Nicola Asuni # @since 1.53.0.TC005 (2005-01-05) # @uses UTF8StringToArray # def UTF8ToUTF16BE(str, setbom=true) if (!@is_unicode) return str; # string is not in unicode end outstr = ""; # string to be returned unicode = UTF8StringToArray(str); # array containing UTF-8 unicode values numitems = unicode.length; if (setbom) outstr << "\xFE\xFF"; # Byte Order Mark (BOM) end unicode.each do |char| if (char == 0xFFFD) outstr << "\xFF\xFD"; # replacement character elsif (char < 0x10000) outstr << (char >> 0x08).chr; outstr << (char & 0xFF).chr; else char -= 0x10000; w1 = 0xD800 | (char >> 0x10); w2 = 0xDC00 | (char & 0x3FF); outstr << (w1 >> 0x08).chr; outstr << (w1 & 0xFF).chr; outstr << (w2 >> 0x08).chr; outstr << (w2 & 0xFF).chr; end end return outstr; end # ==================================================== # # Set header font. # @param array :font font # @since 1.1 # def SetHeaderFont(font) @header_font = font; end alias_method :set_header_font, :SetHeaderFont # # Set footer font. # @param array :font font # @since 1.1 # def SetFooterFont(font) @footer_font = font; end alias_method :set_footer_font, :SetFooterFont # # Set language array. # @param array :language # @since 1.1 # def SetLanguageArray(language) @l = language; end alias_method :set_language_array, :SetLanguageArray # # Set document barcode. # @param string :bc barcode # def SetBarcode(bc="") @barcode = bc; end # # Print Barcode. # @param int :x x position in user units # @param int :y y position in user units # @param int :w width in user units # @param int :h height position in user units # @param string :type type of barcode (I25, C128A, C128B, C128C, C39) # @param string :style barcode style # @param string :font font for text # @param int :xres x resolution # @param string :code code to print # def writeBarcode(x, y, w, h, type, style, font, xres, code) require(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/barcode/barcode.rb"); require(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/barcode/i25object.rb"); require(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/barcode/c39object.rb"); require(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/barcode/c128aobject.rb"); require(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/barcode/c128bobject.rb"); require(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/barcode/c128cobject.rb"); if (code.empty?) return; end if (style.empty?) style = BCS_ALIGN_LEFT; style |= BCS_IMAGE_PNG; style |= BCS_TRANSPARENT; #:style |= BCS_BORDER; #:style |= BCS_DRAW_TEXT; #:style |= BCS_STRETCH_TEXT; #:style |= BCS_REVERSE_COLOR; end if (font.empty?) then font = BCD_DEFAULT_FONT; end if (xres.empty?) then xres = BCD_DEFAULT_XRES; end scale_factor = 1.5 * xres * @k; bc_w = (w * scale_factor).round #width in points bc_h = (h * scale_factor).round #height in points case (type.upcase) when "I25" obj = I25Object.new(bc_w, bc_h, style, code); when "C128A" obj = C128AObject.new(bc_w, bc_h, style, code); when "C128B" obj = C128BObject.new(bc_w, bc_h, style, code); when "C128C" obj = C128CObject.new(bc_w, bc_h, style, code); when "C39" obj = C39Object.new(bc_w, bc_h, style, code); end obj.SetFont(font); obj.DrawObject(xres); #use a temporary file.... tmpName = tempnam(@@k_path_cache,'img'); imagepng(obj.getImage(), tmpName); Image(tmpName, x, y, w, h, 'png'); obj.DestroyObject(); obj = nil unlink(tmpName); end # # Returns the PDF data. # def GetPDFData() if (@state < 3) Close(); end return @buffer; end # --- HTML PARSER FUNCTIONS --- # # Allows to preserve some HTML formatting.
# Supports: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, b, u, i, a, img, p, br, strong, em, font, blockquote, li, ul, ol, hr, td, th, tr, table, sup, sub, small # @param string :html text to display # @param boolean :ln if true add a new line after text (default = true) # @param int :fill Indicates if the background must be painted (1) or transparent (0). Default value: 0. # def writeHTML(html, ln=true, fill=0, h=0) @lasth = h if h > 0 if (@lasth == 0) #set row height @lasth = @font_size * @@k_cell_height_ratio; end @href = nil @style = {} html.gsub!(/[\t\r\n\f]/, "")#\0\x0B html.split(/(<[^>]+>)/).each do |element| if "<" == element[0,1] #Tag if (element[1, 1] == '/') closedHTMLTagHandler(element[2..-2].downcase); else #Extract attributes # get tag name tag = element.scan(/([a-zA-Z0-9]*)/).flatten.delete_if {|x| x.length == 0} tag = tag[0].downcase; # get attributes attr_array = element.scan(/([^=\s]*)=["\']?([^"\']*)["\']?/) attrs = {} attr_array.each do |name, value| attrs[name.downcase] = value; end openHTMLTagHandler(tag, attrs, fill); end else #Text if (@href) addHtmlLink(@href, element, fill); elsif (@tdbegin) if ((element.strip.length > 0) and (element != " ")) Cell(@tdwidth, @tdheight, unhtmlentities(element.strip), @tableborder, 0, @tdalign, @tdfill); elsif (element == " ") Cell(@tdwidth, @tdheight, '', @tableborder, 0, @tdalign, @tdfill); end elsif ((element.strip.length > 0) and (element != " ")) Write(@lasth, unhtmlentities(element), '', fill); end end end if (ln) Ln(@lasth); end end alias_method :write_html, :writeHTML # # Prints a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and html text string. The upper-left corner of the cell corresponds to the current position. After the call, the current position moves to the right or to the next line.
# If automatic page breaking is enabled and the cell goes beyond the limit, a page break is done before outputting. # @param float :w Cell width. If 0, the cell extends up to the right margin. # @param float :h Cell minimum height. The cell extends automatically if needed. # @param float :x upper-left corner X coordinate # @param float :y upper-left corner Y coordinate # @param string :html html text to print. Default value: empty string. # @param mixed :border Indicates if borders must be drawn around the cell. The value can be either a number:
  • 0: no border (default)
  • 1: frame
or a string containing some or all of the following characters (in any order):
  • L: left
  • T: top
  • R: right
  • B: bottom
# @param int :ln Indicates where the current position should go after the call. Possible values are:
  • 0: to the right
  • 1: to the beginning of the next line
  • 2: below
# Putting 1 is equivalent to putting 0 and calling Ln() just after. Default value: 0. # @param int :fill Indicates if the cell background must be painted (1) or transparent (0). Default value: 0. # @see Cell() # def writeHTMLCell(w, h, x, y, html='', border=0, ln=0, fill=0) if (@lasth == 0) #set row height @lasth = @font_size * @@k_cell_height_ratio; end if (x == 0) x = GetX(); end if (y == 0) y = GetY(); end # get current page number pagenum = @page; SetX(x); SetY(y); if (w == 0) w = @fw - x - @r_margin; end # store original margin values l_margin = @l_margin; r_margin = @r_margin; # set new margin values SetLeftMargin(x); SetRightMargin(@fw - x - w); # calculate remaining vertical space on page restspace = GetPageHeight() - GetY() - GetBreakMargin(); writeHTML(html, true, fill); # write html text currentY = GetY(); # check if a new page has been created if (@page > pagenum) # design a cell around the text on first page currentpage = @page; @page = pagenum; SetY(GetPageHeight() - restspace - GetBreakMargin()); h = restspace - 1; Cell(w, h, "", border, ln, 'L', 0); # design a cell around the text on last page @page = currentpage; h = currentY - @t_margin; SetY(@t_margin); # put cursor at the beginning of text Cell(w, h, "", border, ln, 'L', 0); else h = [h, (currentY - y)].max; SetY(y); # put cursor at the beginning of text # design a cell around the text Cell(w, h, "", border, ln, 'L', 0); end # restore original margin values SetLeftMargin(l_margin); SetRightMargin(r_margin); if (ln) Ln(0); end end alias_method :write_html_cell, :writeHTMLCell # # Process opening tags. # @param string :tag tag name (in upcase) # @param string :attr tag attribute (in upcase) # @param int :fill Indicates if the cell background must be painted (1) or transparent (0). Default value: 0. # @access private # def openHTMLTagHandler(tag, attrs, fill=0) #Opening tag case (tag) when 'table' if attrs['border'].nil? or attrs['border'] == '' @tableborder = 0; else @tableborder = attrs['border']; end when 'tr', 'td', 'th' # SetStyle('b', true) if tag == 'th' if ((!attrs['width'].nil?) and (attrs['width'] != '')) @tdwidth = (attrs['width'].to_i/4); else @tdwidth = ((@w - @l_margin - @r_margin) / @default_table_columns); end if ((!attrs['height'].nil?) and (attrs['height'] != '')) @tdheight=(attrs['height'].to_i / @k); else @tdheight = @lasth; end if ((!attrs['align'].nil?) and (attrs['align'] != '')) case (attrs['align']) when 'center' @tdalign = "C"; when 'right' @tdalign = "R"; when 'left' @tdalign = "L"; end end if ((!attrs['bgcolor'].nil?) and (attrs['bgcolor'] != '')) coul = convertColorHexToDec(attrs['bgcolor']); SetFillColor(coul['R'], coul['G'], coul['B']); @tdfill=1; end @tdbegin=true; when 'hr' Ln(); if ((!attrs['width'].nil?) and (attrs['width'] != '')) hrWidth = attrs['width']; else hrWidth = @w - @l_margin - @r_margin; end x = GetX(); y = GetY(); SetLineWidth(0.2); Line(x, y, x + hrWidth, y); SetLineWidth(0.2); Ln(); when 'strong' SetStyle('b', true); when 'em' SetStyle('i', true); when 'b', 'i', 'u' SetStyle(tag, true); when 'a' @href = attrs['href']; when 'img' if (!attrs['src'].nil?) # replace relative path with real server path attrs['src'] = attrs['src'].gsub(@@k_path_url_cache, @@k_path_cache); if (attrs['width'].nil?) attrs['width'] = 0; end if (attrs['height'].nil?) attrs['height'] = 0; end Image(attrs['src'], GetX(),GetY(), pixelsToMillimeters(attrs['width']), pixelsToMillimeters(attrs['height'])); #SetX(@img_rb_x); SetY(@img_rb_y); end when 'ul' @listordered = false; @listcount = 0; when 'ol' @listordered = true; @listcount = 0; when 'li' Ln(); if (@listordered) @listcount += 1 @lispacer = " " + (@listcount).to_s + ". "; else #unordered list simbol @lispacer = " - "; end Write(@lasth, @lispacer, '', fill); when 'blockquote', 'br' Ln(); if (@lispacer.length > 0) @x += GetStringWidth(@lispacer); end when 'p' Ln(); Ln(); when 'sup' currentfont_size = @font_size; @tempfontsize = @font_size_pt; SetFontSize(@font_size_pt * @@k_small_ratio); SetXY(GetX(), GetY() - ((currentfont_size - @font_size)*(@@k_small_ratio))); when 'sub' currentfont_size = @font_size; @tempfontsize = @font_size_pt; SetFontSize(@font_size_pt * @@k_small_ratio); SetXY(GetX(), GetY() + ((currentfont_size - @font_size)*(@@k_small_ratio))); when 'small' currentfont_size = @font_size; @tempfontsize = @font_size_pt; SetFontSize(@font_size_pt * @@k_small_ratio); SetXY(GetX(), GetY() + ((currentfont_size - @font_size)/3)); when 'font' if (!attrs['color'].nil? and attrs['color']!='') coul = convertColorHexToDec(attrs['color']); SetTextColor(coul['R'], coul['G'], coul['B']); @issetcolor=true; end if (!attrs['face'].nil? and @fontlist.include?(attrs['face'].downcase)) SetFont(attrs['face'].downcase); @issetfont=true; end if (!attrs['size'].nil?) headsize = attrs['size'].to_i; else headsize = 0; end currentfont_size = @font_size; @tempfontsize = @font_size_pt; SetFontSize(@font_size_pt + headsize); @lasth = @font_size * @@k_cell_height_ratio; when 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6' headsize = (4 - tag[1,1].to_f) * 2 @tempfontsize = @font_size_pt; SetFontSize(@font_size_pt + headsize); SetStyle('b', true); @lasth = @font_size * @@k_cell_height_ratio; end end # # Process closing tags. # @param string :tag tag name (in upcase) # @access private # def closedHTMLTagHandler(tag) #Closing tag case (tag) when 'td','th' @tdbegin = false; @tdwidth = 0; @tdheight = 0; @tdalign = "L"; @tdfill = 0; SetFillColor(@prevfill_color[0], @prevfill_color[1], @prevfill_color[2]); when 'tr' Ln(); when 'table' @tableborder=0; when 'strong' SetStyle('b', false); when 'em' SetStyle('i', false); when 'b', 'i', 'u' SetStyle(tag, false); when 'a' @href = nil; when 'sup' currentfont_size = @font_size; SetFontSize(@tempfontsize); @tempfontsize = @font_size_pt; SetXY(GetX(), GetY() - ((currentfont_size - @font_size)*(@@k_small_ratio))); when 'sub' currentfont_size = @font_size; SetFontSize(@tempfontsize); @tempfontsize = @font_size_pt; SetXY(GetX(), GetY() + ((currentfont_size - @font_size)*(@@k_small_ratio))); when 'small' currentfont_size = @font_size; SetFontSize(@tempfontsize); @tempfontsize = @font_size_pt; SetXY(GetX(), GetY() - ((@font_size - currentfont_size)/3)); when 'font' if (@issetcolor == true) SetTextColor(@prevtext_color[0], @prevtext_color[1], @prevtext_color[2]); end if (@issetfont) @font_family = @prevfont_family; @font_style = @prevfont_style; SetFont(@font_family); @issetfont = false; end currentfont_size = @font_size; SetFontSize(@tempfontsize); @tempfontsize = @font_size_pt; #@text_color = @prevtext_color; @lasth = @font_size * @@k_cell_height_ratio; when 'ul' Ln(); when 'ol' Ln(); when 'li' @lispacer = ""; when 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6' SetFontSize(@tempfontsize); @tempfontsize = @font_size_pt; SetStyle('b', false); Ln(); @lasth = @font_size * @@k_cell_height_ratio; end end # # Sets font style. # @param string :tag tag name (in lowercase) # @param boolean :enable # @access private # def SetStyle(tag, enable) #Modify style and select corresponding font style=''; ['b', 'i', 'u'].each do |s| style << s if tag.downcase == s and enable end SetFont('', style); end # # Output anchor link. # @param string :url link URL # @param string :name link name # @param int :fill Indicates if the cell background must be painted (1) or transparent (0). Default value: 0. # @access public # def addHtmlLink(url, name, fill=0) #Put a hyperlink SetTextColor(0, 0, 255); SetStyle('u', true); Write(@lasth, name, url, fill); SetStyle('u', false); SetTextColor(0); end # # Returns an associative array (keys: R,G,B) from # a hex html code (e.g. #3FE5AA). # @param string :color hexadecimal html color [#rrggbb] # @return array # @access private # def convertColorHexToDec(color = "#000000") tbl_color = {} tbl_color['R'] = color[1,2].hex.to_i; tbl_color['G'] = color[3,2].hex.to_i; tbl_color['B'] = color[5,2].hex.to_i; return tbl_color; end # # Converts pixels to millimeters in 72 dpi. # @param int :px pixels # @return float millimeters # @access private # def pixelsToMillimeters(px) return px.to_f * 25.4 / 72; end # # Reverse function for htmlentities. # Convert entities in UTF-8. # # @param :text_to_convert Text to convert. # @return string converted # def unhtmlentities(string) if @@decoder.nil? CGI.unescapeHTML(string) else @@decoder.decode(string) end end end # END OF CLASS #TODO 2007-05-25 (EJM) Level=0 - #Handle special IE contype request # if (!_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].nil? and (_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']=='contype')) # header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); # exit; # }