# redMine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. class Query < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :project belongs_to :user serialize :filters attr_protected :project, :user validates_presence_of :name, :on => :save @@operators = { "=" => :label_equals, "!" => :label_not_equals, "o" => :label_open_issues, "c" => :label_closed_issues, "!*" => :label_none, "*" => :label_all, " :label_in_less_than, ">t+" => :label_in_more_than, "t+" => :label_in, "t" => :label_today, ">t-" => :label_less_than_ago, " :label_more_than_ago, "t-" => :label_ago, "~" => :label_contains, "!~" => :label_not_contains } cattr_reader :operators @@operators_by_filter_type = { :list => [ "=", "!" ], :list_status => [ "o", "=", "!", "c", "*" ], :list_optional => [ "=", "!", "!*", "*" ], :date => [ "t+", "t+", "t", ">t-", " [ ">t-", " [ "~", "!~" ] } cattr_reader :operators_by_filter_type def initialize(attributes = nil) super attributes self.filters ||= { 'status_id' => {:operator => "o", :values => [""]} } self.is_public = true end def validate filters.each_key do |field| errors.add field.gsub(/\_id$/, ""), :activerecord_error_blank unless # filter requires one or more values (values_for(field) and !values_for(field).first.empty?) or # filter doesn't require any value ["o", "c", "!*", "*", "t"].include? operator_for(field) end if filters end def available_filters return @available_filters if @available_filters @available_filters = { "status_id" => { :type => :list_status, :order => 1, :values => IssueStatus.find(:all, :order => 'position').collect{|s| [s.name, s.id.to_s] } }, "tracker_id" => { :type => :list, :order => 2, :values => Tracker.find(:all, :order => 'position').collect{|s| [s.name, s.id.to_s] } }, "priority_id" => { :type => :list, :order => 3, :values => Enumeration.find(:all, :conditions => ['opt=?','IPRI']).collect{|s| [s.name, s.id.to_s] } }, "subject" => { :type => :text, :order => 8 }, "created_on" => { :type => :date_past, :order => 9 }, "updated_on" => { :type => :date_past, :order => 10 }, "start_date" => { :type => :date, :order => 11 }, "due_date" => { :type => :date, :order => 12 } } unless project.nil? # project specific filters @available_filters["assigned_to_id"] = { :type => :list_optional, :order => 4, :values => @project.users.collect{|s| [s.name, s.id.to_s] } } @available_filters["author_id"] = { :type => :list, :order => 5, :values => @project.users.collect{|s| [s.name, s.id.to_s] } } @available_filters["category_id"] = { :type => :list_optional, :order => 6, :values => @project.issue_categories.collect{|s| [s.name, s.id.to_s] } } @available_filters["fixed_version_id"] = { :type => :list_optional, :order => 7, :values => @project.versions.collect{|s| [s.name, s.id.to_s] } } # remove category filter if no category defined @available_filters.delete "category_id" if @available_filters["category_id"][:values].empty? end @available_filters end def add_filter(field, operator, values) # values must be an array return unless values and values.is_a? Array # and !values.first.empty? # check if field is defined as an available filter if available_filters.has_key? field filter_options = available_filters[field] # check if operator is allowed for that filter #if @@operators_by_filter_type[filter_options[:type]].include? operator # allowed_values = values & ([""] + (filter_options[:values] || []).collect {|val| val[1]}) # filters[field] = {:operator => operator, :values => allowed_values } if (allowed_values.first and !allowed_values.first.empty?) or ["o", "c", "!*", "*", "t"].include? operator #end filters[field] = {:operator => operator, :values => values } end end def add_short_filter(field, expression) return unless expression parms = expression.scan(/^(o|c|\!|\*)?(.*)$/).first add_filter field, (parms[0] || "="), [parms[1] || ""] end def has_filter?(field) filters and filters[field] end def operator_for(field) has_filter?(field) ? filters[field][:operator] : nil end def values_for(field) has_filter?(field) ? filters[field][:values] : nil end def statement sql = "1=1" sql << " AND issues.project_id=%d" % project.id if project filters.each_key do |field| v = values_for field next unless v and !v.empty? sql = sql + " AND " unless sql.empty? case operator_for field when "=" sql = sql + "issues.#{field} IN (" + v.each(&:to_i).join(",") + ")" when "!" sql = sql + "issues.#{field} NOT IN (" + v.each(&:to_i).join(",") + ")" when "!*" sql = sql + "issues.#{field} IS NULL" when "*" sql = sql + "issues.#{field} IS NOT NULL" when "o" sql = sql + "issue_statuses.is_closed=#{connection.quoted_false}" if field == "status_id" when "c" sql = sql + "issue_statuses.is_closed=#{connection.quoted_true}" if field == "status_id" when ">t-" sql = sql + "issues.#{field} >= '%s'" % connection.quoted_date(Date.today - v.first.to_i) when "t+" sql = sql + "issues.#{field} >= '" + (Date.today + v.first.to_i).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + "'" when "