# Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require 'redmine/scm/adapters/abstract_adapter' require 'rexml/document' module Redmine module Scm module Adapters class DarcsAdapter < AbstractAdapter # Darcs executable name DARCS_BIN = Redmine::Configuration['scm_darcs_command'] || "darcs" class << self def client_command @@bin ||= DARCS_BIN end def sq_bin @@sq_bin ||= shell_quote_command end def client_version @@client_version ||= (darcs_binary_version || []) end def client_available !client_version.empty? end def darcs_binary_version darcsversion = darcs_binary_version_from_command_line.dup if darcsversion.respond_to?(:force_encoding) darcsversion.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT') end if m = darcsversion.match(%r{\A(.*?)((\d+\.)+\d+)}) m[2].scan(%r{\d+}).collect(&:to_i) end end def darcs_binary_version_from_command_line shellout("#{sq_bin} --version") { |io| io.read }.to_s end end def initialize(url, root_url=nil, login=nil, password=nil, path_encoding=nil) @url = url @root_url = url end def supports_cat? # cat supported in darcs 2.0.0 and higher self.class.client_version_above?([2, 0, 0]) end # Get info about the darcs repository def info rev = revisions(nil,nil,nil,{:limit => 1}) rev ? Info.new({:root_url => @url, :lastrev => rev.last}) : nil end # Returns an Entries collection # or nil if the given path doesn't exist in the repository def entries(path=nil, identifier=nil, options={}) path_prefix = (path.blank? ? '' : "#{path}/") if path.blank? path = ( self.class.client_version_above?([2, 2, 0]) ? @url : '.' ) end entries = Entries.new cmd = "#{self.class.sq_bin} annotate --repodir #{shell_quote @url} --xml-output" cmd << " --match #{shell_quote("hash #{identifier}")}" if identifier cmd << " #{shell_quote path}" shellout(cmd) do |io| begin doc = REXML::Document.new(io) if doc.root.name == 'directory' doc.elements.each('directory/*') do |element| next unless ['file', 'directory'].include? element.name entries << entry_from_xml(element, path_prefix) end elsif doc.root.name == 'file' entries << entry_from_xml(doc.root, path_prefix) end rescue end end return nil if $? && $?.exitstatus != 0 entries.compact! entries.sort_by_name end def revisions(path=nil, identifier_from=nil, identifier_to=nil, options={}) path = '.' if path.blank? revisions = Revisions.new cmd = "#{self.class.sq_bin} changes --repodir #{shell_quote @url} --xml-output" cmd << " --from-match #{shell_quote("hash #{identifier_from}")}" if identifier_from cmd << " --last #{options[:limit].to_i}" if options[:limit] shellout(cmd) do |io| begin doc = REXML::Document.new(io) doc.elements.each("changelog/patch") do |patch| message = patch.elements['name'].text message << "\n" + patch.elements['comment'].text.gsub(/\*\*\*END OF DESCRIPTION\*\*\*.*\z/m, '') if patch.elements['comment'] revisions << Revision.new({:identifier => nil, :author => patch.attributes['author'], :scmid => patch.attributes['hash'], :time => Time.parse(patch.attributes['local_date']), :message => message, :paths => (options[:with_path] ? get_paths_for_patch(patch.attributes['hash']) : nil) }) end rescue end end return nil if $? && $?.exitstatus != 0 revisions end def diff(path, identifier_from, identifier_to=nil) path = '*' if path.blank? cmd = "#{self.class.sq_bin} diff --repodir #{shell_quote @url}" if identifier_to.nil? cmd << " --match #{shell_quote("hash #{identifier_from}")}" else cmd << " --to-match #{shell_quote("hash #{identifier_from}")}" cmd << " --from-match #{shell_quote("hash #{identifier_to}")}" end cmd << " -u #{shell_quote path}" diff = [] shellout(cmd) do |io| io.each_line do |line| diff << line end end return nil if $? && $?.exitstatus != 0 diff end def cat(path, identifier=nil) cmd = "#{self.class.sq_bin} show content --repodir #{shell_quote @url}" cmd << " --match #{shell_quote("hash #{identifier}")}" if identifier cmd << " #{shell_quote path}" cat = nil shellout(cmd) do |io| io.binmode cat = io.read end return nil if $? && $?.exitstatus != 0 cat end private # Returns an Entry from the given XML element # or nil if the entry was deleted def entry_from_xml(element, path_prefix) modified_element = element.elements['modified'] if modified_element.elements['modified_how'].text.match(/removed/) return nil end Entry.new({:name => element.attributes['name'], :path => path_prefix + element.attributes['name'], :kind => element.name == 'file' ? 'file' : 'dir', :size => nil, :lastrev => Revision.new({ :identifier => nil, :scmid => modified_element.elements['patch'].attributes['hash'] }) }) end def get_paths_for_patch(hash) paths = get_paths_for_patch_raw(hash) if self.class.client_version_above?([2, 4]) orig_paths = paths paths = [] add_paths = [] add_paths_name = [] mod_paths = [] other_paths = [] orig_paths.each do |path| if path[:action] == 'A' add_paths << path add_paths_name << path[:path] elsif path[:action] == 'M' mod_paths << path else other_paths << path end end add_paths_name.each do |add_path| mod_paths.delete_if { |m| m[:path] == add_path } end paths.concat add_paths paths.concat mod_paths paths.concat other_paths end paths end # Retrieve changed paths for a single patch def get_paths_for_patch_raw(hash) cmd = "#{self.class.sq_bin} annotate --repodir #{shell_quote @url} --summary --xml-output" cmd << " --match #{shell_quote("hash #{hash}")} " paths = [] shellout(cmd) do |io| begin # Darcs xml output has multiple root elements in this case (tested with darcs 1.0.7) # A root element is added so that REXML doesn't raise an error doc = REXML::Document.new("" + io.read + "") doc.elements.each('fake_root/summary/*') do |modif| paths << {:action => modif.name[0,1].upcase, :path => "/" + modif.text.chomp.gsub(/^\s*/, '') } end rescue end end paths rescue CommandFailed paths end end end end end