Installing gems for testing =========================== Remove your .bundle/config if you've already installed Redmine without the test dependencies. Then, run `bundle install`. Running Tests ============= Run `rake --tasks test` to see available tests. Run `rake test` to run the entire test suite (except the tests for the Apache perl module, see below). You can run `ruby test/unit/issue_test.rb` for running a single test case. Before running tests, you need to configure both development and test databases. Creating test repositories ========================== Redmine supports a wide array of different version control systems. To test the support, a test repository needs to be created for each of those. Run `rake --tasks test:scm:setup` for a list of available test-repositories or run `rake test:scm:setup:all` to set up all of them. The repositories are unpacked into {redmine_root}/tmp/test. If the test repositories are not present, the tests that need them will be skipped. Creating a test ldap database ============================= Redmine supports using LDAP for user authentications. To test LDAP with Redmine, load the LDAP export from test/fixtures/ldap/test-ldap.ldif into a testing LDAP server. Make sure that the LDAP server can be accessed at on port 389. Setting up the test LDAP server is beyond the scope of this documentation. The OpenLDAP project provides a simple LDAP implementation that should work good as a test server. If the LDAP is not available, the tests that need it will be skipped. Running tests ======================== (work in progress) Running the tests for the perl module needs a bit more setup. You need an Apache server with mod_perl, mod_dav_svn and configured. See: You need an empty repository accessible at Then, you can run the tests with: `ruby test\extra\redmine_pm\repository_subversion_test.rb`