== Redmine changelog Redmine - project management software Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Jean-Philippe Lang http://www.redmine.org/ == v1.0.0 Adds context menu to the roadmap issue lists == 2010-05-01 v0.9.4 Filters collapsed by default on issues index page for a saved query Fixed: When categories list is too big the popup menu doesn't adjust (ex. in the issue list) Fixed: remove "main-menu" div when the menu is empty Fixed: Code syntax highlighting not working in Document page Fixed: Git blame/annotate fails on moved files Fixed: Failing test in test_show_atom Fixed: Migrate from trac - not displayed Wikis Fixed: Email notifications on file upload sent to empty recipient list Fixed: Migrating from trac is not possible, fails to allocate memory Fixed: Lost password no longer flashes a confirmation message Fixed: Crash while deleting in-use enumeration Fixed: Hard coded English string at the selection of issue watchers Fixed: Bazaar v2.1.0 changed behaviour Fixed: Roadmap display can raise an exception if no trackers are selected Fixed: Gravatar breaks layout of "logged in" page Fixed: Reposman.rb on Windows Fixed: Possible error 500 while moving an issue to another project with SQLite Fixed: backslashes in issue description/note should be escaped when quoted Fixed: Long text in
 disrupts Associated revisions
Fixed: Links to missing wiki pages not red on project overview page
Fixed: Cannot delete a project with subprojects that shares versions
Fixed: Update of Subversion changesets broken under Solaris
Fixed: "Move issues" permission not working for Non member
Fixed: Sidebar overlap on Users tab of Group editor
Fixed: Error on db:migrate with table prefix set (hardcoded name in principal.rb)
Fixed: Report shows sub-projects for non-members
Fixed: 500 internal error when browsing any Redmine page in epiphany
Fixed: Watchers selection lost when issue creation fails
Fixed: When copying projects, redmine should not generate an email to people who created issues
Fixed: Issue "#" table cells should have a class attribute to enable fine-grained CSS theme
Fixed: Plugin generators should display help if no parameter is given

== 2010-02-28 v0.9.3

Adds filter for system shared versions on the cross project issue list
Makes project identifiers searchable
Remove invalid utf8 sequences from commit comments and author name
Fixed: Wrong link when "http" not included in project "Homepage" link
Fixed: Escaping in html email templates
Fixed: Pound (#) followed by number with leading zero (0) removes leading zero when rendered in wiki
Fixed: Deselecting textile text formatting causes interning empty string errors
Fixed: error with postgres when entering a non-numeric id for an issue relation
Fixed: div.task incorrectly wrapping on Gantt Chart
Fixed: Project copy loses wiki pages hierarchy
Fixed: parent project field doesn't include blank value when a member with 'add subproject' permission edits a child project
Fixed: Repository.fetch_changesets tries to fetch changesets for archived projects
Fixed: Duplicated project name for subproject version on gantt chart
Fixed: roadmap shows subprojects issues even if subprojects is unchecked
Fixed: IndexError if all the :last menu items are deleted from a menu
Fixed: Very high CPU usage for a long time when fetching commits from a large Git repository

== 2010-02-07 v0.9.2

* Fixed: Sub-project repository commits not displayed on parent project issues
* Fixed: Potential security leak on my page calendar
* Fixed: Project tree structure is broken by deleting the project with the subproject
* Fixed: Error message shown duplicated when creating a new group
* Fixed: Firefox cuts off large pages
* Fixed: Invalid format parameter returns a DoubleRenderError on issues index
* Fixed: Unnecessary Quote button on locked forum message
* Fixed: Error raised when trying to view the gantt or calendar with a grouped query
* Fixed: PDF support for Korean locale
* Fixed: Deprecation warning in extra/svn/reposman.rb

== 2010-01-30 v0.9.1

* Vertical alignment for inline images in formatted text set to 'middle'
* Fixed: Redmine.pm error "closing dbh with active statement handles at /usr/lib/perl5/Apache/Redmine.pm"
* Fixed: copyright year in footer set to 2010
* Fixed: Trac migration script may not output query lines
* Fixed: Email notifications may affect language of notice messages on the UI
* Fixed: Can not search for 2 letters word
* Fixed: Attachments get saved on issue update even if validation fails
* Fixed: Tab's 'border-bottom' not absent when selected
* Fixed: Issue summary tables that list by user are not sorted
* Fixed: Issue pdf export fails if target version is set
* Fixed: Issue list export to PDF breaks when issues are sorted by a custom field
* Fixed: SQL error when adding a group
* Fixes: Min password length during password reset always displays as 4 chars

== 2010-01-09 v0.9.0 (Release candidate)

* Unlimited subproject nesting
* Multiple roles per user per project
* User groups
* Inheritence of versions
* OpenID login
* "Watched by me" issue filter
* Project copy
* Project creation by non admin users
* Accept emails from anyone on a private project
* Add email notification on Wiki changes
* Make issue description non-required field
* Custom fields for Versions
* Being able to sort the issue list by custom fields
* Ability to close versions
* User display/editing of custom fields attached to their user profile
* Add "follows" issue relation
* Copy workflows between trackers and roles
* Defaults enabled modules list for project creation
* Weighted version completion percentage on the roadmap
* Autocreate user account when user submits email that creates new issue
* CSS class on overdue issues on the issue list
* Enable tracker update on issue edit form
* Remove issue watchers
* Ability to move threads between project forums
* Changed custom field "Possible values" to a textarea
* Adds projects association on tracker form
* Set session store to cookie store by default
* Set a default wiki page on project creation
* Roadmap for main project should see Roadmaps for sub projects
* Ticket grouping on the issue list
* Hierarchical Project links in the page header
* Allow My Page blocks to be added to from a plugin
* Sort issues by multiple columns
* Filters of saved query are now visible and be adjusted without editing the query
* Saving "sort order" in custom queries
* Url to fetch changesets for a repository
* Managers able to create subprojects
* Issue Totals on My Page Modules
* Convert Enumerations to single table inheritance (STI)
* Allow custom my_page blocks to define drop-down names
* "View Issues" user permission added
* Ask user what to do with child pages when deleting a parent wiki page
* Contextual quick search
* Allow resending of password by email
* Change reply subject to be a link to the reply itself
* Include Logged Time as part of the project's Activity history
* REST API for authentication
* Browse through Git branches
* Setup Object Daddy to replace test fixtures
* Setup shoulda to make it easier to test
* Custom fields and overrides on Enumerations
* Add or remove columns from the issue list
* Ability to add new version from issues screen
* Setting to choose which day calendars start
* Asynchronous email delivery method
* RESTful URLs for (almost) everything
* Include issue status in search results and activity pages
* Add email to admin user search filter
* Proper content type for plain text mails
* Default value of project jump box
* Tree based menus
* Ability to use issue status to update percent done
* Second set of issue "Action Links" at the bottom of an issue page
* Proper exist status code for rdm-mailhandler.rb
* Remove incoming email body via a delimiter
* Fixed: Custom querry 'Export to PDF' ignores field selection
* Fixed: Related e-mail notifications aren't threaded
* Fixed: No warning when the creation of a categories from the issue form fails
* Fixed: Actually block issues from closing when relation 'blocked by' isn't closed
* Fixed: Include both first and last name when sorting by users
* Fixed: Table cell with multiple line text
* Fixed: Project overview page shows disabled trackers
* Fixed: Cross project issue relations and user permissions
* Fixed: My page shows tickets the user doesn't have access to
* Fixed: TOC does not parse wiki page reference links with description
* Fixed: Target version-list on bulk edit form is incorrectly sorted
* Fixed: Cannot modify/delete project named "Documents"
* Fixed: Email address in brackets breaks html
* Fixed: Timelog detail loose issue filter passing to report tab
* Fixed: Inform about custom field's name maximum length
* Fixed: Activity page and Atom feed links contain project id instead of identifier
* Fixed: no Atom key for forums with only 1 forum
* Fixed: When reading RSS feed in MS Outlook, the inline links are broken.
* Fixed: Sometimes new posts don't show up in the topic list of a forum.
* Fixed: The all/active filter selection in the project view does not stick.
* Fixed: Login box has Different width
* Fixed: User removed from project - still getting project update emails
* Fixed: Project with the identifier of 'new' cannot be viewed
* Fixed: Artefacts in search view (Cyrillic)
* Fixed: Allow [#id] as subject to reply by email
* Fixed: Wrong language used when closing an issue via a commit message
* Fixed: email handler drops emails for new issues with no subject
* Fixed: Calendar misspelled under Roles/Permissions
* Fixed: Emails from no-reply redmine's address hell cycle
* Fixed: child_pages macro fails on wiki page history
* Fixed: Pre-filled time tracking date ignores timezone
* Fixed: Links on locked users lead to 404 page
* Fixed: Page changes in issue-list when using context menu
* Fixed: diff parser removes lines starting with multiple dashes
* Fixed: Quoting in forums resets message subject
* Fixed: Editing issue comment removes quote link
* Fixed: Redmine.pm ignore browse_repository permission
* Fixed: text formatting breaks on [msg1][msg2]
* Fixed: Spent Time Default Value of 0.0
* Fixed: Wiki pages in search results are referenced by project number, not by project identifier.
* Fixed: When logging in via an autologin cookie the user's last_login_on should be updated
* Fixed: 50k users cause problems in project->settings->members screen
* Fixed: Document timestamp needs to show updated timestamps
* Fixed: Users getting notifications for issues they are no longer allowed to view
* Fixed: issue summary counts should link to the issue list without subprojects
* Fixed: 'Delete' link on LDAP list has no effect

== 2009-11-15 v0.8.7

* Fixed: Hide paragraph terminator at the end of headings on html export
* Fixed: pre tags containing "