# Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require 'iconv' class Changeset < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :repository belongs_to :user has_many :changes, :dependent => :delete_all has_and_belongs_to_many :issues acts_as_event :title => Proc.new {|o| "#{l(:label_revision)} #{o.format_identifier}" + (o.short_comments.blank? ? '' : (': ' + o.short_comments))}, :description => :long_comments, :datetime => :committed_on, :url => Proc.new {|o| {:controller => 'repositories', :action => 'revision', :id => o.repository.project, :rev => o.identifier}} acts_as_searchable :columns => 'comments', :include => {:repository => :project}, :project_key => "#{Repository.table_name}.project_id", :date_column => 'committed_on' acts_as_activity_provider :timestamp => "#{table_name}.committed_on", :author_key => :user_id, :find_options => {:include => [:user, {:repository => :project}]} validates_presence_of :repository_id, :revision, :committed_on, :commit_date validates_uniqueness_of :revision, :scope => :repository_id validates_uniqueness_of :scmid, :scope => :repository_id, :allow_nil => true named_scope :visible, lambda {|*args| { :include => {:repository => :project}, :conditions => Project.allowed_to_condition(args.shift || User.current, :view_changesets, *args) } } def revision=(r) write_attribute :revision, (r.nil? ? nil : r.to_s) end # Returns the identifier of this changeset; depending on repository backends def identifier if repository.class.respond_to? :changeset_identifier repository.class.changeset_identifier self else revision.to_s end end def committed_on=(date) self.commit_date = date super end # Returns the readable identifier def format_identifier if repository.class.respond_to? :format_changeset_identifier repository.class.format_changeset_identifier self else identifier end end def project repository.project end def author user || committer.to_s.split('<').first end def before_create self.committer = self.class.to_utf8(self.committer, repository.repo_log_encoding) self.comments = self.class.normalize_comments( self.comments, repository.repo_log_encoding) self.user = repository.find_committer_user(self.committer) end def after_create scan_comment_for_issue_ids end TIMELOG_RE = / ( ((\d+)(h|hours?))((\d+)(m|min)?)? | ((\d+)(h|hours?|m|min)) | (\d+):(\d+) | (\d+([\.,]\d+)?)h? ) /x def scan_comment_for_issue_ids return if comments.blank? # keywords used to reference issues ref_keywords = Setting.commit_ref_keywords.downcase.split(",").collect(&:strip) ref_keywords_any = ref_keywords.delete('*') # keywords used to fix issues fix_keywords = Setting.commit_fix_keywords.downcase.split(",").collect(&:strip) kw_regexp = (ref_keywords + fix_keywords).collect{|kw| Regexp.escape(kw)}.join("|") referenced_issues = [] comments.scan(/([\s\(\[,-]|^)((#{kw_regexp})[\s:]+)?(#\d+(\s+@#{TIMELOG_RE})?([\s,;&]+#\d+(\s+@#{TIMELOG_RE})?)*)(?=[[:punct:]]|\s|<|$)/i) do |match| action, refs = match[2], match[3] next unless action.present? || ref_keywords_any refs.scan(/#(\d+)(\s+@#{TIMELOG_RE})?/).each do |m| issue, hours = find_referenced_issue_by_id(m[0].to_i), m[2] if issue referenced_issues << issue fix_issue(issue) if fix_keywords.include?(action.to_s.downcase) log_time(issue, hours) if hours && Setting.commit_logtime_enabled? end end end referenced_issues.uniq! self.issues = referenced_issues unless referenced_issues.empty? end def short_comments @short_comments || split_comments.first end def long_comments @long_comments || split_comments.last end def text_tag if scmid? "commit:#{scmid}" else "r#{revision}" end end # Returns the previous changeset def previous @previous ||= Changeset.find(:first, :conditions => ['id < ? AND repository_id = ?', self.id, self.repository_id], :order => 'id DESC') end # Returns the next changeset def next @next ||= Changeset.find(:first, :conditions => ['id > ? AND repository_id = ?', self.id, self.repository_id], :order => 'id ASC') end # Creates a new Change from it's common parameters def create_change(change) Change.create(:changeset => self, :action => change[:action], :path => change[:path], :from_path => change[:from_path], :from_revision => change[:from_revision]) end private # Finds an issue that can be referenced by the commit message # i.e. an issue that belong to the repository project, a subproject or a parent project def find_referenced_issue_by_id(id) return nil if id.blank? issue = Issue.find_by_id(id.to_i, :include => :project) if issue unless issue.project && (project == issue.project || project.is_ancestor_of?(issue.project) || project.is_descendant_of?(issue.project)) issue = nil end end issue end def fix_issue(issue) status = IssueStatus.find_by_id(Setting.commit_fix_status_id.to_i) if status.nil? logger.warn("No status macthes commit_fix_status_id setting (#{Setting.commit_fix_status_id})") if logger return issue end # the issue may have been updated by the closure of another one (eg. duplicate) issue.reload # don't change the status is the issue is closed return if issue.status && issue.status.is_closed? journal = issue.init_journal(user || User.anonymous, ll(Setting.default_language, :text_status_changed_by_changeset, text_tag)) issue.status = status unless Setting.commit_fix_done_ratio.blank? issue.done_ratio = Setting.commit_fix_done_ratio.to_i end Redmine::Hook.call_hook(:model_changeset_scan_commit_for_issue_ids_pre_issue_update, { :changeset => self, :issue => issue }) unless issue.save logger.warn("Issue ##{issue.id} could not be saved by changeset #{id}: #{issue.errors.full_messages}") if logger end issue end def log_time(issue, hours) time_entry = TimeEntry.new( :user => user, :hours => hours, :issue => issue, :spent_on => commit_date, :comments => l(:text_time_logged_by_changeset, :value => text_tag, :locale => Setting.default_language) ) time_entry.activity = log_time_activity unless log_time_activity.nil? unless time_entry.save logger.warn("TimeEntry could not be created by changeset #{id}: #{time_entry.errors.full_messages}") if logger end time_entry end def log_time_activity if Setting.commit_logtime_activity_id.to_i > 0 TimeEntryActivity.find_by_id(Setting.commit_logtime_activity_id.to_i) end end def split_comments comments =~ /\A(.+?)\r?\n(.*)$/m @short_comments = $1 || comments @long_comments = $2.to_s.strip return @short_comments, @long_comments end public # Strips and reencodes a commit log before insertion into the database def self.normalize_comments(str, encoding) Changeset.to_utf8(str.to_s.strip, encoding) end def self.to_utf8(str, encoding) return str if str.nil? str.force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") if str.respond_to?(:force_encoding) if str.empty? str.force_encoding("UTF-8") if str.respond_to?(:force_encoding) return str end enc = encoding.blank? ? "UTF-8" : encoding if str.respond_to?(:force_encoding) if enc.upcase != "UTF-8" str.force_encoding(enc) str = str.encode("UTF-8", :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :replace => '?') else str.force_encoding("UTF-8") if ! str.valid_encoding? str = str.encode("US-ASCII", :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :replace => '?').encode("UTF-8") end end else ic = Iconv.new('UTF-8', enc) txtar = "" begin txtar += ic.iconv(str) rescue Iconv::IllegalSequence txtar += $!.success str = '?' + $!.failed[1,$!.failed.length] retry rescue txtar += $!.success end str = txtar end str end end