# Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. class CustomField < ActiveRecord::Base include Redmine::SubclassFactory has_many :custom_values, :dependent => :delete_all acts_as_list :scope => 'type = \'#{self.class}\'' serialize :possible_values validates_presence_of :name, :field_format validates_uniqueness_of :name, :scope => :type validates_length_of :name, :maximum => 30 validates_inclusion_of :field_format, :in => Redmine::CustomFieldFormat.available_formats validate :validate_custom_field before_validation :set_searchable def set_searchable # make sure these fields are not searchable self.searchable = false if %w(int float date bool).include?(field_format) # make sure only these fields can have multiple values self.multiple = false unless %w(list user version).include?(field_format) true end def validate_custom_field if self.field_format == "list" errors.add(:possible_values, :blank) if self.possible_values.nil? || self.possible_values.empty? errors.add(:possible_values, :invalid) unless self.possible_values.is_a? Array end if regexp.present? begin Regexp.new(regexp) rescue errors.add(:regexp, :invalid) end end if default_value.present? && !valid_field_value?(default_value) errors.add(:default_value, :invalid) end end def possible_values_options(obj=nil) case field_format when 'user', 'version' if obj.respond_to?(:project) && obj.project case field_format when 'user' obj.project.users.sort.collect {|u| [u.to_s, u.id.to_s]} when 'version' obj.project.shared_versions.sort.collect {|u| [u.to_s, u.id.to_s]} end elsif obj.is_a?(Array) obj.collect {|o| possible_values_options(o)}.reduce(:&) else [] end when 'bool' [[l(:general_text_Yes), '1'], [l(:general_text_No), '0']] else possible_values || [] end end def possible_values(obj=nil) case field_format when 'user', 'version' possible_values_options(obj).collect(&:last) when 'bool' ['1', '0'] else values = super() if values.is_a?(Array) values.each do |value| value.force_encoding('UTF-8') if value.respond_to?(:force_encoding) end end values || [] end end # Makes possible_values accept a multiline string def possible_values=(arg) if arg.is_a?(Array) super(arg.compact.collect(&:strip).select {|v| !v.blank?}) else self.possible_values = arg.to_s.split(/[\n\r]+/) end end def cast_value(value) casted = nil unless value.blank? case field_format when 'string', 'text', 'list' casted = value when 'date' casted = begin; value.to_date; rescue; nil end when 'bool' casted = (value == '1' ? true : false) when 'int' casted = value.to_i when 'float' casted = value.to_f when 'user', 'version' casted = (value.blank? ? nil : field_format.classify.constantize.find_by_id(value.to_i)) end end casted end # Returns a ORDER BY clause that can used to sort customized # objects by their value of the custom field. # Returns false, if the custom field can not be used for sorting. def order_statement return nil if multiple? case field_format when 'string', 'text', 'list', 'date', 'bool' # COALESCE is here to make sure that blank and NULL values are sorted equally "COALESCE((SELECT cv_sort.value FROM #{CustomValue.table_name} cv_sort" + " WHERE cv_sort.customized_type='#{self.class.customized_class.base_class.name}'" + " AND cv_sort.customized_id=#{self.class.customized_class.table_name}.id" + " AND cv_sort.custom_field_id=#{id} LIMIT 1), '')" when 'int', 'float' # Make the database cast values into numeric # Postgresql will raise an error if a value can not be casted! # CustomValue validations should ensure that it doesn't occur "(SELECT CAST(cv_sort.value AS decimal(60,3)) FROM #{CustomValue.table_name} cv_sort" + " WHERE cv_sort.customized_type='#{self.class.customized_class.base_class.name}'" + " AND cv_sort.customized_id=#{self.class.customized_class.table_name}.id" + " AND cv_sort.custom_field_id=#{id} AND cv_sort.value <> '' AND cv_sort.value IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1)" else nil end end def <=>(field) position <=> field.position end def self.customized_class self.name =~ /^(.+)CustomField$/ begin; $1.constantize; rescue nil; end end # to move in project_custom_field def self.for_all find(:all, :conditions => ["is_for_all=?", true], :order => 'position') end def type_name nil end # Returns the error messages for the given value # or an empty array if value is a valid value for the custom field def validate_field_value(value) errs = [] if value.is_a?(Array) if !multiple? errs << ::I18n.t('activerecord.errors.messages.invalid') end if is_required? && value.detect(&:present?).nil? errs << ::I18n.t('activerecord.errors.messages.blank') end value.each {|v| errs += validate_field_value_format(v)} else if is_required? && value.blank? errs << ::I18n.t('activerecord.errors.messages.blank') end errs += validate_field_value_format(value) end errs end # Returns true if value is a valid value for the custom field def valid_field_value?(value) validate_field_value(value).empty? end protected # Returns the error message for the given value regarding its format def validate_field_value_format(value) errs = [] if value.present? errs << ::I18n.t('activerecord.errors.messages.invalid') unless regexp.blank? or value =~ Regexp.new(regexp) errs << ::I18n.t('activerecord.errors.messages.too_short', :count => min_length) if min_length > 0 and value.length < min_length errs << ::I18n.t('activerecord.errors.messages.too_long', :count => max_length) if max_length > 0 and value.length > max_length # Format specific validations case field_format when 'int' errs << ::I18n.t('activerecord.errors.messages.not_a_number') unless value =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/ when 'float' begin; Kernel.Float(value); rescue; errs << ::I18n.t('activerecord.errors.messages.invalid') end when 'date' errs << ::I18n.t('activerecord.errors.messages.not_a_date') unless value =~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/ && begin; value.to_date; rescue; false end when 'list' errs << ::I18n.t('activerecord.errors.messages.inclusion') unless possible_values.include?(value) end end errs end end