module CodeRay module Scanners # HTML Scanner class HTML < Scanner include Streamable register_for :html KINDS_NOT_LOC = [ :comment, :doctype, :preprocessor, :tag, :attribute_name, :operator, :attribute_value, :delimiter, :content, :plain, :entity, :error ] ATTR_NAME = /[\w.:-]+/ ATTR_VALUE_UNQUOTED = ATTR_NAME TAG_END = /\/?>/ HEX = /[0-9a-fA-F]/ ENTITY = / & (?: \w+ | \# (?: \d+ | x#{HEX}+ ) ) ; /ox PLAIN_STRING_CONTENT = { "'" => /[^&'>\n]+/, '"' => /[^&">\n]+/, } def reset super @state = :initial end private def setup @state = :initial @plain_string_content = nil end def scan_tokens tokens, options state = @state plain_string_content = @plain_string_content until eos? kind = nil match = nil if scan(/\s+/m) kind = :space else case state when :initial if scan(//m) kind = :comment elsif scan(//m) kind = :doctype elsif scan(/<\?xml.*?\?>/m) kind = :preprocessor elsif scan(/<\?.*?\?>|<%.*?%>/m) kind = :comment elsif scan(/<\/[-\w.:]*>/m) kind = :tag elsif match = scan(/<[-\w.:]+>?/m) kind = :tag state = :attribute unless match[-1] == ?> elsif scan(/[^<>&]+/) kind = :plain elsif scan(/#{ENTITY}/ox) kind = :entity elsif scan(/[<>&]/) kind = :error else raise_inspect '[BUG] else-case reached with state %p' % [state], tokens end when :attribute if scan(/#{TAG_END}/) kind = :tag state = :initial elsif scan(/#{ATTR_NAME}/o) kind = :attribute_name state = :attribute_equal else kind = :error getch end when :attribute_equal if scan(/=/) kind = :operator state = :attribute_value elsif scan(/#{ATTR_NAME}/o) kind = :attribute_name elsif scan(/#{TAG_END}/o) kind = :tag state = :initial elsif scan(/./) kind = :error state = :attribute end when :attribute_value if scan(/#{ATTR_VALUE_UNQUOTED}/o) kind = :attribute_value state = :attribute elsif match = scan(/["']/) tokens << [:open, :string] state = :attribute_value_string plain_string_content = PLAIN_STRING_CONTENT[match] kind = :delimiter elsif scan(/#{TAG_END}/o) kind = :tag state = :initial else kind = :error getch end when :attribute_value_string if scan(plain_string_content) kind = :content elsif scan(/['"]/) tokens << [matched, :delimiter] tokens << [:close, :string] state = :attribute next elsif scan(/#{ENTITY}/ox) kind = :entity elsif scan(/&/) kind = :content elsif scan(/[\n>]/) tokens << [:close, :string] kind = :error state = :initial end else raise_inspect 'Unknown state: %p' % [state], tokens end end match ||= matched if $CODERAY_DEBUG and not kind raise_inspect 'Error token %p in line %d' % [[match, kind], line], tokens, state end raise_inspect 'Empty token', tokens unless match tokens << [match, kind] end if options[:keep_state] @state = state @plain_string_content = plain_string_content end tokens end end end end