desc "Run the Continous Integration tests for Redmine" task :ci do # RAILS_ENV and ENV[] can diverge so force them both to test ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'test' RAILS_ENV = 'test' Rake::Task["ci:setup"].invoke Rake::Task["ci:build"].invoke Rake::Task["ci:teardown"].invoke end # Tasks can be hooked into by redefining them in a plugin namespace :ci do desc "Setup Redmine for a new build." task :setup do Rake::Task["ci:dump_environment"].invoke Rake::Task["tmp:clear"].invoke Rake::Task["db:create"].invoke Rake::Task["db:migrate"].invoke Rake::Task["db:schema:dump"].invoke Rake::Task["test:scm:update"].invoke end desc "Build Redmine" task :build do Rake::Task["test"].invoke end # Use this to cleanup after building or run post-build analysis. desc "Finish the build" task :teardown do end desc "Creates and configures the databases for the CI server" task :database do path = 'config/database.yml' unless File.exists?(path) database = ENV['DATABASE_ADAPTER'] ruby = ENV['RUBY_VER'].gsub('.', '').gsub('-', '') branch = ENV['BRANCH'].gsub('.', '').gsub('-', '') dev_db_name = "ci_#{branch}_#{ruby}_dev" test_db_name = "ci_#{branch}_#{ruby}_test" case database when 'mysql' raise "Error creating databases" unless system(%|mysql -u jenkins --password=jenkins -e 'create database #{dev_db_name} character set utf8;'|) && system(%|mysql -u jenkins --password=jenkins -e 'create database #{test_db_name} character set utf8;'|) dev_conf = { 'adapter' => (RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' ? 'mysql2' : 'mysql'), 'database' => dev_db_name, 'host' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'jenkins', 'password' => 'jenkins', 'encoding' => 'utf8' } test_conf = { 'adapter' => (RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' ? 'mysql2' : 'mysql'), 'database' => test_db_name, 'host' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'jenkins', 'password' => 'jenkins', 'encoding' => 'utf8' } when 'postgresql' raise "Error creating databases" unless system(%|psql -U jenkins -d postgres -c "create database #{dev_db_name} owner jenkins encoding 'UTF8';"|) && system(%|psql -U jenkins -d postgres -c "create database #{test_db_name} owner jenkins encoding 'UTF8';"|) dev_conf = { 'adapter' => 'postgresql', 'database' => dev_db_name, 'host' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'jenkins', 'password' => 'jenkins' } test_conf = { 'adapter' => 'postgresql', 'database' => test_db_name, 'host' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'jenkins', 'password' => 'jenkins' } when 'sqlite3' dev_conf = { 'adapter' => 'sqlite3', 'database' => "db/#{dev_db_name}.sqlite3" } test_conf = { 'adapter' => 'sqlite3', 'database' => "db/#{test_db_name}.sqlite3" } else raise "Unknown database" end, 'w') do |f| f.write YAML.dump({'development' => dev_conf, 'test' => test_conf}) end end end desc "Dump the environment information to a BUILD_ENVIRONMENT ENV variable for debugging" task :dump_environment do ENV['BUILD_ENVIRONMENT'] = ['ruby -v', 'gem -v', 'gem list'].collect do |command| result = `#{command}` "$ #{command}\n#{result}" end.join("\n") end end