# Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require "digest/sha1" class User < Principal include Redmine::SafeAttributes # Different ways of displaying/sorting users USER_FORMATS = { :firstname_lastname => { :string => '#{firstname} #{lastname}', :order => %w(firstname lastname id), :setting_order => 1 }, :firstname_lastinitial => { :string => '#{firstname} #{lastname.to_s.chars.first}.', :order => %w(firstname lastname id), :setting_order => 2 }, :firstinitial_lastname => { :string => '#{firstname.to_s.gsub(/(([[:alpha:]])[[:alpha:]]*\.?)/, \'\2.\')} #{lastname}', :order => %w(firstname lastname id), :setting_order => 2 }, :firstname => { :string => '#{firstname}', :order => %w(firstname id), :setting_order => 3 }, :lastname_firstname => { :string => '#{lastname} #{firstname}', :order => %w(lastname firstname id), :setting_order => 4 }, :lastname_coma_firstname => { :string => '#{lastname}, #{firstname}', :order => %w(lastname firstname id), :setting_order => 5 }, :lastname => { :string => '#{lastname}', :order => %w(lastname id), :setting_order => 6 }, :username => { :string => '#{login}', :order => %w(login id), :setting_order => 7 }, } MAIL_NOTIFICATION_OPTIONS = [ ['all', :label_user_mail_option_all], ['selected', :label_user_mail_option_selected], ['only_my_events', :label_user_mail_option_only_my_events], ['only_assigned', :label_user_mail_option_only_assigned], ['only_owner', :label_user_mail_option_only_owner], ['none', :label_user_mail_option_none] ] has_and_belongs_to_many :groups, :join_table => "#{table_name_prefix}groups_users#{table_name_suffix}", :after_add => Proc.new {|user, group| group.user_added(user)}, :after_remove => Proc.new {|user, group| group.user_removed(user)} has_many :changesets, :dependent => :nullify has_one :preference, :dependent => :destroy, :class_name => 'UserPreference' has_one :rss_token, :class_name => 'Token', :conditions => "action='feeds'" has_one :api_token, :class_name => 'Token', :conditions => "action='api'" belongs_to :auth_source scope :logged, lambda { where("#{User.table_name}.status <> #{STATUS_ANONYMOUS}") } scope :status, lambda {|arg| where(arg.blank? ? nil : {:status => arg.to_i}) } acts_as_customizable attr_accessor :password, :password_confirmation, :generate_password attr_accessor :last_before_login_on # Prevents unauthorized assignments attr_protected :login, :admin, :password, :password_confirmation, :hashed_password LOGIN_LENGTH_LIMIT = 60 MAIL_LENGTH_LIMIT = 60 validates_presence_of :login, :firstname, :lastname, :mail, :if => Proc.new { |user| !user.is_a?(AnonymousUser) } validates_uniqueness_of :login, :if => Proc.new { |user| user.login_changed? && user.login.present? }, :case_sensitive => false validates_uniqueness_of :mail, :if => Proc.new { |user| user.mail_changed? && user.mail.present? }, :case_sensitive => false # Login must contain letters, numbers, underscores only validates_format_of :login, :with => /\A[a-z0-9_\-@\.]*\z/i validates_length_of :login, :maximum => LOGIN_LENGTH_LIMIT validates_length_of :firstname, :lastname, :maximum => 30 validates_format_of :mail, :with => /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i, :allow_blank => true validates_length_of :mail, :maximum => MAIL_LENGTH_LIMIT, :allow_nil => true validates_confirmation_of :password, :allow_nil => true validates_inclusion_of :mail_notification, :in => MAIL_NOTIFICATION_OPTIONS.collect(&:first), :allow_blank => true validate :validate_password_length before_create :set_mail_notification before_save :generate_password_if_needed, :update_hashed_password before_destroy :remove_references_before_destroy after_save :update_notified_project_ids scope :in_group, lambda {|group| group_id = group.is_a?(Group) ? group.id : group.to_i where("#{User.table_name}.id IN (SELECT gu.user_id FROM #{table_name_prefix}groups_users#{table_name_suffix} gu WHERE gu.group_id = ?)", group_id) } scope :not_in_group, lambda {|group| group_id = group.is_a?(Group) ? group.id : group.to_i where("#{User.table_name}.id NOT IN (SELECT gu.user_id FROM #{table_name_prefix}groups_users#{table_name_suffix} gu WHERE gu.group_id = ?)", group_id) } scope :sorted, lambda { order(*User.fields_for_order_statement)} def set_mail_notification self.mail_notification = Setting.default_notification_option if self.mail_notification.blank? true end def update_hashed_password # update hashed_password if password was set if self.password && self.auth_source_id.blank? salt_password(password) end end alias :base_reload :reload def reload(*args) @name = nil @projects_by_role = nil @membership_by_project_id = nil @notified_projects_ids = nil @notified_projects_ids_changed = false @builtin_role = nil base_reload(*args) end def mail=(arg) write_attribute(:mail, arg.to_s.strip) end def identity_url=(url) if url.blank? write_attribute(:identity_url, '') else begin write_attribute(:identity_url, OpenIdAuthentication.normalize_identifier(url)) rescue OpenIdAuthentication::InvalidOpenId # Invalid url, don't save end end self.read_attribute(:identity_url) end # Returns the user that matches provided login and password, or nil def self.try_to_login(login, password, active_only=true) login = login.to_s password = password.to_s # Make sure no one can sign in with an empty login or password return nil if login.empty? || password.empty? user = find_by_login(login) if user # user is already in local database return nil unless user.check_password?(password) return nil if !user.active? && active_only else # user is not yet registered, try to authenticate with available sources attrs = AuthSource.authenticate(login, password) if attrs user = new(attrs) user.login = login user.language = Setting.default_language if user.save user.reload logger.info("User '#{user.login}' created from external auth source: #{user.auth_source.type} - #{user.auth_source.name}") if logger && user.auth_source end end end user.update_column(:last_login_on, Time.now) if user && !user.new_record? && user.active? user rescue => text raise text end # Returns the user who matches the given autologin +key+ or nil def self.try_to_autologin(key) user = Token.find_active_user('autologin', key, Setting.autologin.to_i) if user user.update_column(:last_login_on, Time.now) user end end def self.name_formatter(formatter = nil) USER_FORMATS[formatter || Setting.user_format] || USER_FORMATS[:firstname_lastname] end # Returns an array of fields names than can be used to make an order statement for users # according to how user names are displayed # Examples: # # User.fields_for_order_statement => ['users.login', 'users.id'] # User.fields_for_order_statement('authors') => ['authors.login', 'authors.id'] def self.fields_for_order_statement(table=nil) table ||= table_name name_formatter[:order].map {|field| "#{table}.#{field}"} end # Return user's full name for display def name(formatter = nil) f = self.class.name_formatter(formatter) if formatter eval('"' + f[:string] + '"') else @name ||= eval('"' + f[:string] + '"') end end def active? self.status == STATUS_ACTIVE end def registered? self.status == STATUS_REGISTERED end def locked? self.status == STATUS_LOCKED end def activate self.status = STATUS_ACTIVE end def register self.status = STATUS_REGISTERED end def lock self.status = STATUS_LOCKED end def activate! update_attribute(:status, STATUS_ACTIVE) end def register! update_attribute(:status, STATUS_REGISTERED) end def lock! update_attribute(:status, STATUS_LOCKED) end # Returns true if +clear_password+ is the correct user's password, otherwise false def check_password?(clear_password) if auth_source_id.present? auth_source.authenticate(self.login, clear_password) else User.hash_password("#{salt}#{User.hash_password clear_password}") == hashed_password end end # Generates a random salt and computes hashed_password for +clear_password+ # The hashed password is stored in the following form: SHA1(salt + SHA1(password)) def salt_password(clear_password) self.salt = User.generate_salt self.hashed_password = User.hash_password("#{salt}#{User.hash_password clear_password}") end # Does the backend storage allow this user to change their password? def change_password_allowed? return true if auth_source.nil? return auth_source.allow_password_changes? end def must_change_password? must_change_passwd? && change_password_allowed? end def generate_password? generate_password == '1' || generate_password == true end # Generate and set a random password on given length def random_password(length=40) chars = ("a".."z").to_a + ("A".."Z").to_a + ("0".."9").to_a chars -= %w(0 O 1 l) password = '' length.times {|i| password << chars[SecureRandom.random_number(chars.size)] } self.password = password self.password_confirmation = password self end def pref self.preference ||= UserPreference.new(:user => self) end def time_zone @time_zone ||= (self.pref.time_zone.blank? ? nil : ActiveSupport::TimeZone[self.pref.time_zone]) end def force_default_language? Setting.force_default_language_for_loggedin? end def language if force_default_language? Setting.default_language else super end end def wants_comments_in_reverse_order? self.pref[:comments_sorting] == 'desc' end # Return user's RSS key (a 40 chars long string), used to access feeds def rss_key if rss_token.nil? create_rss_token(:action => 'feeds') end rss_token.value end # Return user's API key (a 40 chars long string), used to access the API def api_key if api_token.nil? create_api_token(:action => 'api') end api_token.value end # Return an array of project ids for which the user has explicitly turned mail notifications on def notified_projects_ids @notified_projects_ids ||= memberships.select {|m| m.mail_notification?}.collect(&:project_id) end def notified_project_ids=(ids) @notified_projects_ids_changed = true @notified_projects_ids = ids end # Updates per project notifications (after_save callback) def update_notified_project_ids if @notified_projects_ids_changed ids = (mail_notification == 'selected' ? Array.wrap(notified_projects_ids).reject(&:blank?) : []) members.update_all(:mail_notification => false) members.where(:project_id => ids).update_all(:mail_notification => true) if ids.any? end end private :update_notified_project_ids def valid_notification_options self.class.valid_notification_options(self) end # Only users that belong to more than 1 project can select projects for which they are notified def self.valid_notification_options(user=nil) # Note that @user.membership.size would fail since AR ignores # :include association option when doing a count if user.nil? || user.memberships.length < 1 MAIL_NOTIFICATION_OPTIONS.reject {|option| option.first == 'selected'} else MAIL_NOTIFICATION_OPTIONS end end # Find a user account by matching the exact login and then a case-insensitive # version. Exact matches will be given priority. def self.find_by_login(login) login = Redmine::CodesetUtil.replace_invalid_utf8(login.to_s) if login.present? # First look for an exact match user = where(:login => login).detect {|u| u.login == login} unless user # Fail over to case-insensitive if none was found user = where("LOWER(login) = ?", login.downcase).first end user end end def self.find_by_rss_key(key) Token.find_active_user('feeds', key) end def self.find_by_api_key(key) Token.find_active_user('api', key) end # Makes find_by_mail case-insensitive def self.find_by_mail(mail) where("LOWER(mail) = ?", mail.to_s.downcase).first end # Returns true if the default admin account can no longer be used def self.default_admin_account_changed? !User.active.find_by_login("admin").try(:check_password?, "admin") end def to_s name end CSS_CLASS_BY_STATUS = { STATUS_ANONYMOUS => 'anon', STATUS_ACTIVE => 'active', STATUS_REGISTERED => 'registered', STATUS_LOCKED => 'locked' } def css_classes "user #{CSS_CLASS_BY_STATUS[status]}" end # Returns the current day according to user's time zone def today if time_zone.nil? Date.today else Time.now.in_time_zone(time_zone).to_date end end # Returns the day of +time+ according to user's time zone def time_to_date(time) if time_zone.nil? time.to_date else time.in_time_zone(time_zone).to_date end end def logged? true end def anonymous? !logged? end # Returns user's membership for the given project # or nil if the user is not a member of project def membership(project) project_id = project.is_a?(Project) ? project.id : project @membership_by_project_id ||= Hash.new {|h, project_id| h[project_id] = memberships.where(:project_id => project_id).first } @membership_by_project_id[project_id] end # Returns the user's bult-in role def builtin_role @builtin_role ||= Role.non_member end # Return user's roles for project def roles_for_project(project) roles = [] # No role on archived projects return roles if project.nil? || project.archived? if membership = membership(project) roles = membership.roles else roles << builtin_role end roles end # Return true if the user is a member of project def member_of?(project) projects.to_a.include?(project) end # Returns a hash of user's projects grouped by roles def projects_by_role return @projects_by_role if @projects_by_role @projects_by_role = Hash.new([]) memberships.each do |membership| if membership.project membership.roles.each do |role| @projects_by_role[role] = [] unless @projects_by_role.key?(role) @projects_by_role[role] << membership.project end end end @projects_by_role.each do |role, projects| projects.uniq! end @projects_by_role end # Returns true if user is arg or belongs to arg def is_or_belongs_to?(arg) if arg.is_a?(User) self == arg elsif arg.is_a?(Group) arg.users.include?(self) else false end end # Return true if the user is allowed to do the specified action on a specific context # Action can be: # * a parameter-like Hash (eg. :controller => 'projects', :action => 'edit') # * a permission Symbol (eg. :edit_project) # Context can be: # * a project : returns true if user is allowed to do the specified action on this project # * an array of projects : returns true if user is allowed on every project # * nil with options[:global] set : check if user has at least one role allowed for this action, # or falls back to Non Member / Anonymous permissions depending if the user is logged def allowed_to?(action, context, options={}, &block) if context && context.is_a?(Project) return false unless context.allows_to?(action) # Admin users are authorized for anything else return true if admin? roles = roles_for_project(context) return false unless roles roles.any? {|role| (context.is_public? || role.member?) && role.allowed_to?(action) && (block_given? ? yield(role, self) : true) } elsif context && context.is_a?(Array) if context.empty? false else # Authorize if user is authorized on every element of the array context.map {|project| allowed_to?(action, project, options, &block)}.reduce(:&) end elsif options[:global] # Admin users are always authorized return true if admin? # authorize if user has at least one role that has this permission roles = memberships.collect {|m| m.roles}.flatten.uniq roles << (self.logged? ? Role.non_member : Role.anonymous) roles.any? {|role| role.allowed_to?(action) && (block_given? ? yield(role, self) : true) } else false end end # Is the user allowed to do the specified action on any project? # See allowed_to? for the actions and valid options. def allowed_to_globally?(action, options, &block) allowed_to?(action, nil, options.reverse_merge(:global => true), &block) end # Returns true if the user is allowed to delete the user's own account def own_account_deletable? Setting.unsubscribe? && (!admin? || User.active.where("admin = ? AND id <> ?", true, id).exists?) end safe_attributes 'login', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'mail', 'mail_notification', 'notified_project_ids', 'language', 'custom_field_values', 'custom_fields', 'identity_url' safe_attributes 'status', 'auth_source_id', 'generate_password', 'must_change_passwd', :if => lambda {|user, current_user| current_user.admin?} safe_attributes 'group_ids', :if => lambda {|user, current_user| current_user.admin? && !user.new_record?} # Utility method to help check if a user should be notified about an # event. # # TODO: only supports Issue events currently def notify_about?(object) if mail_notification == 'all' true elsif mail_notification.blank? || mail_notification == 'none' false else case object when Issue case mail_notification when 'selected', 'only_my_events' # user receives notifications for created/assigned issues on unselected projects object.author == self || is_or_belongs_to?(object.assigned_to) || is_or_belongs_to?(object.assigned_to_was) when 'only_assigned' is_or_belongs_to?(object.assigned_to) || is_or_belongs_to?(object.assigned_to_was) when 'only_owner' object.author == self end when News # always send to project members except when mail_notification is set to 'none' true end end end def self.current=(user) RequestStore.store[:current_user] = user end def self.current RequestStore.store[:current_user] ||= User.anonymous end # Returns the anonymous user. If the anonymous user does not exist, it is created. There can be only # one anonymous user per database. def self.anonymous anonymous_user = AnonymousUser.first if anonymous_user.nil? anonymous_user = AnonymousUser.create(:lastname => 'Anonymous', :firstname => '', :mail => '', :login => '', :status => 0) raise 'Unable to create the anonymous user.' if anonymous_user.new_record? end anonymous_user end # Salts all existing unsalted passwords # It changes password storage scheme from SHA1(password) to SHA1(salt + SHA1(password)) # This method is used in the SaltPasswords migration and is to be kept as is def self.salt_unsalted_passwords! transaction do User.where("salt IS NULL OR salt = ''").find_each do |user| next if user.hashed_password.blank? salt = User.generate_salt hashed_password = User.hash_password("#{salt}#{user.hashed_password}") User.where(:id => user.id).update_all(:salt => salt, :hashed_password => hashed_password) end end end protected def validate_password_length return if password.blank? && generate_password? # Password length validation based on setting if !password.nil? && password.size < Setting.password_min_length.to_i errors.add(:password, :too_short, :count => Setting.password_min_length.to_i) end end private def generate_password_if_needed if generate_password? && auth_source.nil? length = [Setting.password_min_length.to_i + 2, 10].max random_password(length) end end # Removes references that are not handled by associations # Things that are not deleted are reassociated with the anonymous user def remove_references_before_destroy return if self.id.nil? substitute = User.anonymous Attachment.where(['author_id = ?', id]).update_all(['author_id = ?', substitute.id]) Comment.where(['author_id = ?', id]).update_all(['author_id = ?', substitute.id]) Issue.where(['author_id = ?', id]).update_all(['author_id = ?', substitute.id]) Issue.where(['assigned_to_id = ?', id]).update_all('assigned_to_id = NULL') Journal.where(['user_id = ?', id]).update_all(['user_id = ?', substitute.id]) JournalDetail. where(["property = 'attr' AND prop_key = 'assigned_to_id' AND old_value = ?", id.to_s]). update_all(['old_value = ?', substitute.id.to_s]) JournalDetail. where(["property = 'attr' AND prop_key = 'assigned_to_id' AND value = ?", id.to_s]). update_all(['value = ?', substitute.id.to_s]) Message.where(['author_id = ?', id]).update_all(['author_id = ?', substitute.id]) News.where(['author_id = ?', id]).update_all(['author_id = ?', substitute.id]) # Remove private queries and keep public ones ::Query.delete_all ['user_id = ? AND visibility = ?', id, ::Query::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE] ::Query.where(['user_id = ?', id]).update_all(['user_id = ?', substitute.id]) TimeEntry.where(['user_id = ?', id]).update_all(['user_id = ?', substitute.id]) Token.delete_all ['user_id = ?', id] Watcher.delete_all ['user_id = ?', id] WikiContent.where(['author_id = ?', id]).update_all(['author_id = ?', substitute.id]) WikiContent::Version.where(['author_id = ?', id]).update_all(['author_id = ?', substitute.id]) end # Return password digest def self.hash_password(clear_password) Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(clear_password || "") end # Returns a 128bits random salt as a hex string (32 chars long) def self.generate_salt Redmine::Utils.random_hex(16) end end class AnonymousUser < User validate :validate_anonymous_uniqueness, :on => :create def validate_anonymous_uniqueness # There should be only one AnonymousUser in the database errors.add :base, 'An anonymous user already exists.' if AnonymousUser.exists? end def available_custom_fields [] end # Overrides a few properties def logged?; false end def admin; false end def name(*args); I18n.t(:label_user_anonymous) end def mail; nil end def time_zone; nil end def rss_key; nil end def pref UserPreference.new(:user => self) end # Returns the user's bult-in role def builtin_role @builtin_role ||= Role.anonymous end def membership(*args) nil end def member_of?(*args) false end # Anonymous user can not be destroyed def destroy false end end