module CodeRay module Scanners class Java < Scanner register_for :java RESERVED_WORDS = %w(abstract assert break case catch class const continue default do else enum extends final finally for goto if implements import instanceof interface native new package private protected public return static strictfp super switch synchronized this throw throws transient try void volatile while) PREDEFINED_TYPES = %w(boolean byte char double float int long short) PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS = %w(true false null) IDENT_KIND = add(RESERVED_WORDS, :reserved). add(PREDEFINED_TYPES, :pre_type). add(PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS, :pre_constant) ESCAPE = / [rbfnrtv\n\\'"] | x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,2} | [0-7]{1,3} /x UNICODE_ESCAPE = / u[a-fA-F0-9]{4} | U[a-fA-F0-9]{8} /x def scan_tokens tokens, options state = :initial until eos? kind = nil match = nil case state when :initial if scan(/ \s+ | \\\n /x) kind = :space elsif scan(%r! // [^\n\\]* (?: \\. [^\n\\]* )* | /\* (?: .*? \*/ | .* ) !mx) kind = :comment elsif match = scan(/ \# \s* if \s* 0 /x) match << scan_until(/ ^\# (?:elif|else|endif) .*? $ | \z /xm) unless eos? kind = :comment elsif scan(/ [-+*\/=<>?:;,!&^|()\[\]{}~%]+ | \.(?!\d) /x) kind = :operator elsif match = scan(/ [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]* /x) kind = IDENT_KIND[match] if kind == :ident and check(/:(?!:)/) match << scan(/:/) kind = :label end elsif match = scan(/L?"/) tokens << [:open, :string] if match[0] == ?L tokens << ['L', :modifier] match = '"' end state = :string kind = :delimiter elsif scan(%r! \@ .* !x) kind = :preprocessor elsif scan(/ L?' (?: [^\'\n\\] | \\ #{ESCAPE} )? '? /ox) kind = :char elsif scan(/0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+/) kind = :hex elsif scan(/(?:0[0-7]+)(?![89.eEfF])/) kind = :oct elsif scan(/(?:\d+)(?![.eEfF])/) kind = :integer elsif scan(/\d[fF]?|\d*\.\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?[fF]?|\d+[eE][+-]?\d+[fF]?/) kind = :float else getch kind = :error end when :string if scan(/[^\\\n"]+/) kind = :content elsif scan(/"/) tokens << ['"', :delimiter] tokens << [:close, :string] state = :initial next elsif scan(/ \\ (?: #{ESCAPE} | #{UNICODE_ESCAPE} ) /mox) kind = :char elsif scan(/ \\ | $ /x) tokens << [:close, :string] kind = :error state = :initial else raise_inspect "else case \" reached; %p not handled." % peek(1), tokens end else raise_inspect 'Unknown state', tokens end match ||= matched if $DEBUG and not kind raise_inspect 'Error token %p in line %d' % [[match, kind], line], tokens end raise_inspect 'Empty token', tokens unless match tokens << [match, kind] end if state == :string tokens << [:close, :string] end tokens end end end end