module CodeRay # = WordList # # A Hash subclass designed for mapping word lists to token types. # # Copyright (c) 2006 by murphy (Kornelius Kalnbach) # # License:: LGPL / ask the author # Version:: 1.1 (2006-Oct-19) # # A WordList is a Hash with some additional features. # It is intended to be used for keyword recognition. # # WordList is highly optimized to be used in Scanners, # typically to decide whether a given ident is a special token. # # For case insensitive words use CaseIgnoringWordList. # # Example: # # # define word arrays # RESERVED_WORDS = %w[ # asm break case continue default do else # ... # ] # # PREDEFINED_TYPES = %w[ # int long short char void # ... # ] # # PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS = %w[ # EOF NULL ... # ] # # # make a WordList # IDENT_KIND = # add(RESERVED_WORDS, :reserved). # add(PREDEFINED_TYPES, :pre_type). # add(PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS, :pre_constant) # # ... # # def scan_tokens tokens, options # ... # # elsif scan(/[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*/) # # use it # kind = IDENT_KIND[match] # ... class WordList < Hash # Creates a new WordList with +default+ as default value. # # You can activate +caching+ to store the results for every [] request. # # With caching, methods like +include?+ or +delete+ may no longer behave # as you expect. Therefore, it is recommended to use the [] method only. def initialize default = false, caching = false, &block if block raise ArgumentError, 'Can\'t combine block with caching.' if caching super(&block) else if caching super() do |h, k| h[k] = h.fetch k, default end else super default end end end # Add words to the list and associate them with +kind+. # # Returns +self+, so you can concat add calls. def add words, kind = true words.each do |word| self[word] = kind end self end end # A CaseIgnoringWordList is like a WordList, only that # keys are compared case-insensitively. # # Ignoring the text case is realized by sending the +downcase+ message to # all keys. # # Caching usually makes a CaseIgnoringWordList faster, but it has to be # activated explicitely. class CaseIgnoringWordList < WordList # Creates a new case-insensitive WordList with +default+ as default value. # # You can activate caching to store the results for every [] request. # This speeds up subsequent lookups for the same word, but also # uses memory. def initialize default = false, caching = false if caching super(default, false) do |h, k| h[k] = h.fetch k.downcase, default end else super(default, false) extend Uncached end end module Uncached # :nodoc: def [] key super(key.downcase) end end # Add +words+ to the list and associate them with +kind+. def add words, kind = true words.each do |word| self[word.downcase] = kind end self end end end __END__ # check memory consumption END { ObjectSpace.each_object(CodeRay::CaseIgnoringWordList) do |wl| p wl.inject(0) { |memo, key, value| memo + key.size + 24 } end }