# encoders/term.rb # By Rob Aldred (http://robaldred.co.uk) # Based on idea by Nathan Weizenbaum (http://nex-3.com) # MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) # # A CodeRay encoder that outputs code highlighted for a color terminal. # Check out http://robaldred.co.uk module CodeRay module Encoders class Term < Encoder register_for :term TOKEN_COLORS = { :annotation => '35', :attribute_name => '33', :attribute_name_fat => '33', :attribute_value => '31', :attribute_value_fat => '31', :bin => '1;35', :char => {:self => '36', :delimiter => '34'}, :class => '1;35', :class_variable => '36', :color => '32', :comment => '37', :complex => '34', :constant => ['34', '4'], :decoration => '35', :definition => '1;32', :directive => ['32', '4'], :doc => '46', :doctype => '1;30', :doc_string => ['31', '4'], :entity => '33', :error => ['1;33', '41'], :exception => '1;31', :float => '1;35', :function => '1;34', :global_variable => '42', :hex => '1;36', :important => '1;31', :include => '33', :integer => '1;34', :interpreted => '1;35', :key => '35', :label => '1;4', :local_variable => '33', :oct => '1;35', :operator_name => '1;29', :pre_constant => '1;36', :pre_type => '1;30', :predefined => ['4', '1;34'], :preprocessor => '36', :pseudo_class => '34', :regexp => { :content => '31', :delimiter => '1;29', :modifier => '35', :function => '1;29' }, :reserved => '1;31', :shell => { :self => '42', :content => '1;29', :delimiter => '37', }, :string => { :self => '32', :modifier => '1;32', :escape => '1;36', :delimiter => '1;32', }, :symbol => '1;32', :tag => '34', :tag_fat => '1;34', :tag_special => ['34', '4'], :type => '1;34', :value => '36', :variable => '34', :insert => '42', :delete => '41', :change => '44', :head => '45', } TOKEN_COLORS[:keyword] = TOKEN_COLORS[:reserved] TOKEN_COLORS[:method] = TOKEN_COLORS[:function] TOKEN_COLORS[:imaginary] = TOKEN_COLORS[:complex] TOKEN_COLORS[:open] = TOKEN_COLORS[:close] = TOKEN_COLORS[:nesting_delimiter] = TOKEN_COLORS[:escape] = TOKEN_COLORS[:delimiter] protected def setup(options) @out = '' @opened = [nil] @subcolors = nil end def finish(options) super end def token text, type = :plain case text when nil # raise 'Token with nil as text was given: %p' % [[text, type]] when String if color = (@subcolors || TOKEN_COLORS)[type] color = color[:self] || return if Hash === color @out << col(color) + text.gsub("\n", col(0) + "\n" + col(color)) + col(0) @out << col(@subcolors[:self]) if @subcolors && @subcolors[:self] else @out << text end # token groups, eg. strings when :open @opened[0] = type if color = TOKEN_COLORS[type] if Hash === color @subcolors = color @out << col(color[:self]) if color[:self] else @subcolors = {} @out << col(color) end end @opened << type when :close if @opened.empty? # nothing to close else @out << col(0) if (@subcolors || {})[:self] @subcolors = nil @opened.pop end # whole lines to be highlighted, eg. a added/modified/deleted lines in a diff when :begin_line when :end_line else raise 'unknown token kind: %p' % [text] end end private def col(color) Array(color).map { |c| "\e[#{c}m" }.join end end end end