# redMine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper' class IssueTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase fixtures :projects, :users, :members, :member_roles, :roles, :trackers, :projects_trackers, :enabled_modules, :versions, :issue_statuses, :issue_categories, :issue_relations, :workflows, :enumerations, :issues, :custom_fields, :custom_fields_projects, :custom_fields_trackers, :custom_values, :time_entries def test_create issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 3, :status_id => 1, :priority => IssuePriority.all.first, :subject => 'test_create', :description => 'IssueTest#test_create', :estimated_hours => '1:30') assert issue.save issue.reload assert_equal 1.5, issue.estimated_hours end def test_create_minimal issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 3, :status_id => 1, :priority => IssuePriority.all.first, :subject => 'test_create') assert issue.save assert issue.description.nil? end def test_create_with_required_custom_field field = IssueCustomField.find_by_name('Database') field.update_attribute(:is_required, true) issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 1, :status_id => 1, :subject => 'test_create', :description => 'IssueTest#test_create_with_required_custom_field') assert issue.available_custom_fields.include?(field) # No value for the custom field assert !issue.save assert_equal I18n.translate('activerecord.errors.messages.invalid'), issue.errors.on(:custom_values) # Blank value issue.custom_field_values = { field.id => '' } assert !issue.save assert_equal I18n.translate('activerecord.errors.messages.invalid'), issue.errors.on(:custom_values) # Invalid value issue.custom_field_values = { field.id => 'SQLServer' } assert !issue.save assert_equal I18n.translate('activerecord.errors.messages.invalid'), issue.errors.on(:custom_values) # Valid value issue.custom_field_values = { field.id => 'PostgreSQL' } assert issue.save issue.reload assert_equal 'PostgreSQL', issue.custom_value_for(field).value end def test_visible_scope_for_anonymous # Anonymous user should see issues of public projects only issues = Issue.visible(User.anonymous).all assert issues.any? assert_nil issues.detect {|issue| !issue.project.is_public?} # Anonymous user should not see issues without permission Role.anonymous.remove_permission!(:view_issues) issues = Issue.visible(User.anonymous).all assert issues.empty? end def test_visible_scope_for_user user = User.find(9) assert user.projects.empty? # Non member user should see issues of public projects only issues = Issue.visible(user).all assert issues.any? assert_nil issues.detect {|issue| !issue.project.is_public?} # Non member user should not see issues without permission Role.non_member.remove_permission!(:view_issues) user.reload issues = Issue.visible(user).all assert issues.empty? # User should see issues of projects for which he has view_issues permissions only Member.create!(:principal => user, :project_id => 2, :role_ids => [1]) user.reload issues = Issue.visible(user).all assert issues.any? assert_nil issues.detect {|issue| issue.project_id != 2} end def test_visible_scope_for_admin user = User.find(1) user.members.each(&:destroy) assert user.projects.empty? issues = Issue.visible(user).all assert issues.any? # Admin should see issues on private projects that he does not belong to assert issues.detect {|issue| !issue.project.is_public?} end def test_errors_full_messages_should_include_custom_fields_errors field = IssueCustomField.find_by_name('Database') issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 1, :status_id => 1, :subject => 'test_create', :description => 'IssueTest#test_create_with_required_custom_field') assert issue.available_custom_fields.include?(field) # Invalid value issue.custom_field_values = { field.id => 'SQLServer' } assert !issue.valid? assert_equal 1, issue.errors.full_messages.size assert_equal "Database #{I18n.translate('activerecord.errors.messages.inclusion')}", issue.errors.full_messages.first end def test_update_issue_with_required_custom_field field = IssueCustomField.find_by_name('Database') field.update_attribute(:is_required, true) issue = Issue.find(1) assert_nil issue.custom_value_for(field) assert issue.available_custom_fields.include?(field) # No change to custom values, issue can be saved assert issue.save # Blank value issue.custom_field_values = { field.id => '' } assert !issue.save # Valid value issue.custom_field_values = { field.id => 'PostgreSQL' } assert issue.save issue.reload assert_equal 'PostgreSQL', issue.custom_value_for(field).value end def test_should_not_update_attributes_if_custom_fields_validation_fails issue = Issue.find(1) field = IssueCustomField.find_by_name('Database') assert issue.available_custom_fields.include?(field) issue.custom_field_values = { field.id => 'Invalid' } issue.subject = 'Should be not be saved' assert !issue.save issue.reload assert_equal "Can't print recipes", issue.subject end def test_should_not_recreate_custom_values_objects_on_update field = IssueCustomField.find_by_name('Database') issue = Issue.find(1) issue.custom_field_values = { field.id => 'PostgreSQL' } assert issue.save custom_value = issue.custom_value_for(field) issue.reload issue.custom_field_values = { field.id => 'MySQL' } assert issue.save issue.reload assert_equal custom_value.id, issue.custom_value_for(field).id end def test_assigning_tracker_id_should_reload_custom_fields_values issue = Issue.new(:project => Project.find(1)) assert issue.custom_field_values.empty? issue.tracker_id = 1 assert issue.custom_field_values.any? end def test_assigning_attributes_should_assign_tracker_id_first attributes = ActiveSupport::OrderedHash.new attributes['custom_field_values'] = { '1' => 'MySQL' } attributes['tracker_id'] = '1' issue = Issue.new(:project => Project.find(1)) issue.attributes = attributes assert_not_nil issue.custom_value_for(1) assert_equal 'MySQL', issue.custom_value_for(1).value end def test_should_update_issue_with_disabled_tracker p = Project.find(1) issue = Issue.find(1) p.trackers.delete(issue.tracker) assert !p.trackers.include?(issue.tracker) issue.reload issue.subject = 'New subject' assert issue.save end def test_should_not_set_a_disabled_tracker p = Project.find(1) p.trackers.delete(Tracker.find(2)) issue = Issue.find(1) issue.tracker_id = 2 issue.subject = 'New subject' assert !issue.save assert_not_nil issue.errors.on(:tracker_id) end def test_category_based_assignment issue = Issue.create(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 3, :status_id => 1, :priority => IssuePriority.all.first, :subject => 'Assignment test', :description => 'Assignment test', :category_id => 1) assert_equal IssueCategory.find(1).assigned_to, issue.assigned_to end def test_copy issue = Issue.new.copy_from(1) assert issue.save issue.reload orig = Issue.find(1) assert_equal orig.subject, issue.subject assert_equal orig.tracker, issue.tracker assert_equal "125", issue.custom_value_for(2).value end def test_copy_should_copy_status orig = Issue.find(8) assert orig.status != IssueStatus.default issue = Issue.new.copy_from(orig) assert issue.save issue.reload assert_equal orig.status, issue.status end def test_should_close_duplicates # Create 3 issues issue1 = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 1, :status_id => 1, :priority => IssuePriority.all.first, :subject => 'Duplicates test', :description => 'Duplicates test') assert issue1.save issue2 = issue1.clone assert issue2.save issue3 = issue1.clone assert issue3.save # 2 is a dupe of 1 IssueRelation.create(:issue_from => issue2, :issue_to => issue1, :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_DUPLICATES) # And 3 is a dupe of 2 IssueRelation.create(:issue_from => issue3, :issue_to => issue2, :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_DUPLICATES) # And 3 is a dupe of 1 (circular duplicates) IssueRelation.create(:issue_from => issue3, :issue_to => issue1, :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_DUPLICATES) assert issue1.reload.duplicates.include?(issue2) # Closing issue 1 issue1.init_journal(User.find(:first), "Closing issue1") issue1.status = IssueStatus.find :first, :conditions => {:is_closed => true} assert issue1.save # 2 and 3 should be also closed assert issue2.reload.closed? assert issue3.reload.closed? end def test_should_not_close_duplicated_issue # Create 3 issues issue1 = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 1, :status_id => 1, :priority => IssuePriority.all.first, :subject => 'Duplicates test', :description => 'Duplicates test') assert issue1.save issue2 = issue1.clone assert issue2.save # 2 is a dupe of 1 IssueRelation.create(:issue_from => issue2, :issue_to => issue1, :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_DUPLICATES) # 2 is a dup of 1 but 1 is not a duplicate of 2 assert !issue2.reload.duplicates.include?(issue1) # Closing issue 2 issue2.init_journal(User.find(:first), "Closing issue2") issue2.status = IssueStatus.find :first, :conditions => {:is_closed => true} assert issue2.save # 1 should not be also closed assert !issue1.reload.closed? end def test_assignable_versions issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 1, :status_id => 1, :fixed_version_id => 1, :subject => 'New issue') assert_equal ['open'], issue.assignable_versions.collect(&:status).uniq end def test_should_not_be_able_to_assign_a_new_issue_to_a_closed_version issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 1, :status_id => 1, :fixed_version_id => 1, :subject => 'New issue') assert !issue.save assert_not_nil issue.errors.on(:fixed_version_id) end def test_should_not_be_able_to_assign_a_new_issue_to_a_locked_version issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 1, :status_id => 1, :fixed_version_id => 2, :subject => 'New issue') assert !issue.save assert_not_nil issue.errors.on(:fixed_version_id) end def test_should_be_able_to_assign_a_new_issue_to_an_open_version issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 1, :status_id => 1, :fixed_version_id => 3, :subject => 'New issue') assert issue.save end def test_should_be_able_to_update_an_issue_assigned_to_a_closed_version issue = Issue.find(11) assert_equal 'closed', issue.fixed_version.status issue.subject = 'Subject changed' assert issue.save end def test_should_not_be_able_to_reopen_an_issue_assigned_to_a_closed_version issue = Issue.find(11) issue.status_id = 1 assert !issue.save assert_not_nil issue.errors.on_base end def test_should_be_able_to_reopen_and_reassign_an_issue_assigned_to_a_closed_version issue = Issue.find(11) issue.status_id = 1 issue.fixed_version_id = 3 assert issue.save end def test_should_be_able_to_reopen_an_issue_assigned_to_a_locked_version issue = Issue.find(12) assert_equal 'locked', issue.fixed_version.status issue.status_id = 1 assert issue.save end def test_move_to_another_project_with_same_category issue = Issue.find(1) assert issue.move_to_project(Project.find(2)) issue.reload assert_equal 2, issue.project_id # Category changes assert_equal 4, issue.category_id # Make sure time entries were move to the target project assert_equal 2, issue.time_entries.first.project_id end def test_move_to_another_project_without_same_category issue = Issue.find(2) assert issue.move_to_project(Project.find(2)) issue.reload assert_equal 2, issue.project_id # Category cleared assert_nil issue.category_id end def test_move_to_another_project_should_clear_fixed_version_when_not_shared issue = Issue.find(1) issue.update_attribute(:fixed_version_id, 1) assert issue.move_to_project(Project.find(2)) issue.reload assert_equal 2, issue.project_id # Cleared fixed_version assert_equal nil, issue.fixed_version end def test_move_to_another_project_should_keep_fixed_version_when_shared_with_the_target_project issue = Issue.find(1) issue.update_attribute(:fixed_version_id, 4) assert issue.move_to_project(Project.find(5)) issue.reload assert_equal 5, issue.project_id # Keep fixed_version assert_equal 4, issue.fixed_version_id end def test_move_to_another_project_should_clear_fixed_version_when_not_shared_with_the_target_project issue = Issue.find(1) issue.update_attribute(:fixed_version_id, 1) assert issue.move_to_project(Project.find(5)) issue.reload assert_equal 5, issue.project_id # Cleared fixed_version assert_equal nil, issue.fixed_version end def test_move_to_another_project_should_keep_fixed_version_when_shared_systemwide issue = Issue.find(1) issue.update_attribute(:fixed_version_id, 7) assert issue.move_to_project(Project.find(2)) issue.reload assert_equal 2, issue.project_id # Keep fixed_version assert_equal 7, issue.fixed_version_id end def test_move_to_another_project_with_disabled_tracker issue = Issue.find(1) target = Project.find(2) target.tracker_ids = [3] target.save assert_equal false, issue.move_to_project(target) issue.reload assert_equal 1, issue.project_id end def test_copy_to_the_same_project issue = Issue.find(1) copy = nil assert_difference 'Issue.count' do copy = issue.move_to_project(issue.project, nil, :copy => true) end assert_kind_of Issue, copy assert_equal issue.project, copy.project assert_equal "125", copy.custom_value_for(2).value end def test_copy_to_another_project_and_tracker issue = Issue.find(1) copy = nil assert_difference 'Issue.count' do copy = issue.move_to_project(Project.find(3), Tracker.find(2), :copy => true) end copy.reload assert_kind_of Issue, copy assert_equal Project.find(3), copy.project assert_equal Tracker.find(2), copy.tracker # Custom field #2 is not associated with target tracker assert_nil copy.custom_value_for(2) end context "#move_to_project" do context "as a copy" do setup do @issue = Issue.find(1) @copy = nil end should "allow assigned_to changes" do @copy = @issue.move_to_project(Project.find(3), Tracker.find(2), {:copy => true, :attributes => {:assigned_to_id => 3}}) assert_equal 3, @copy.assigned_to_id end should "allow status changes" do @copy = @issue.move_to_project(Project.find(3), Tracker.find(2), {:copy => true, :attributes => {:status_id => 2}}) assert_equal 2, @copy.status_id end should "allow start date changes" do date = Date.today @copy = @issue.move_to_project(Project.find(3), Tracker.find(2), {:copy => true, :attributes => {:start_date => date}}) assert_equal date, @copy.start_date end should "allow due date changes" do date = Date.today @copy = @issue.move_to_project(Project.find(3), Tracker.find(2), {:copy => true, :attributes => {:due_date => date}}) assert_equal date, @copy.due_date end end end def test_recipients_should_not_include_users_that_cannot_view_the_issue issue = Issue.find(12) assert issue.recipients.include?(issue.author.mail) # move the issue to a private project copy = issue.move_to_project(Project.find(5), Tracker.find(2), :copy => true) # author is not a member of project anymore assert !copy.recipients.include?(copy.author.mail) end def test_watcher_recipients_should_not_include_users_that_cannot_view_the_issue user = User.find(3) issue = Issue.find(9) Watcher.create!(:user => user, :watchable => issue) assert issue.watched_by?(user) assert !issue.watcher_recipients.include?(user.mail) end def test_issue_destroy Issue.find(1).destroy assert_nil Issue.find_by_id(1) assert_nil TimeEntry.find_by_issue_id(1) end def test_blocked blocked_issue = Issue.find(9) blocking_issue = Issue.find(10) assert blocked_issue.blocked? assert !blocking_issue.blocked? end def test_blocked_issues_dont_allow_closed_statuses blocked_issue = Issue.find(9) allowed_statuses = blocked_issue.new_statuses_allowed_to(users(:users_002)) assert !allowed_statuses.empty? closed_statuses = allowed_statuses.select {|st| st.is_closed?} assert closed_statuses.empty? end def test_unblocked_issues_allow_closed_statuses blocking_issue = Issue.find(10) allowed_statuses = blocking_issue.new_statuses_allowed_to(users(:users_002)) assert !allowed_statuses.empty? closed_statuses = allowed_statuses.select {|st| st.is_closed?} assert !closed_statuses.empty? end def test_overdue assert Issue.new(:due_date => 1.day.ago.to_date).overdue? assert !Issue.new(:due_date => Date.today).overdue? assert !Issue.new(:due_date => 1.day.from_now.to_date).overdue? assert !Issue.new(:due_date => nil).overdue? assert !Issue.new(:due_date => 1.day.ago.to_date, :status => IssueStatus.find(:first, :conditions => {:is_closed => true})).overdue? end context "#behind_schedule?" do should "be false if the issue has no start_date" do assert !Issue.new(:start_date => nil, :due_date => 1.day.from_now.to_date, :done_ratio => 0).behind_schedule? end should "be false if the issue has no end_date" do assert !Issue.new(:start_date => 1.day.from_now.to_date, :due_date => nil, :done_ratio => 0).behind_schedule? end should "be false if the issue has more done than it's calendar time" do assert !Issue.new(:start_date => 50.days.ago.to_date, :due_date => 50.days.from_now.to_date, :done_ratio => 90).behind_schedule? end should "be true if the issue hasn't been started at all" do assert Issue.new(:start_date => 1.day.ago.to_date, :due_date => 1.day.from_now.to_date, :done_ratio => 0).behind_schedule? end should "be true if the issue has used more calendar time than it's done ratio" do assert Issue.new(:start_date => 100.days.ago.to_date, :due_date => Date.today, :done_ratio => 90).behind_schedule? end end context "#assignable_users" do should "be Users" do assert_kind_of User, Issue.find(1).assignable_users.first end should "include the issue author" do project = Project.find(1) non_project_member = User.generate! issue = Issue.generate_for_project!(project, :author => non_project_member) assert issue.assignable_users.include?(non_project_member) end end def test_create_should_send_email_notification ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 3, :status_id => 1, :priority => IssuePriority.all.first, :subject => 'test_create', :estimated_hours => '1:30') assert issue.save assert_equal 1, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size end def test_stale_issue_should_not_send_email_notification ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear issue = Issue.find(1) stale = Issue.find(1) issue.init_journal(User.find(1)) issue.subject = 'Subjet update' assert issue.save assert_equal 1, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear stale.init_journal(User.find(1)) stale.subject = 'Another subjet update' assert_raise ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError do stale.save end assert ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.empty? end def test_saving_twice_should_not_duplicate_journal_details i = Issue.find(:first) i.init_journal(User.find(2), 'Some notes') # initial changes i.subject = 'New subject' i.done_ratio = i.done_ratio + 10 assert_difference 'Journal.count' do assert i.save end # 1 more change i.priority = IssuePriority.find(:first, :conditions => ["id <> ?", i.priority_id]) assert_no_difference 'Journal.count' do assert_difference 'JournalDetail.count', 1 do i.save end end # no more change assert_no_difference 'Journal.count' do assert_no_difference 'JournalDetail.count' do i.save end end end context "#done_ratio" do setup do @issue = Issue.find(1) @issue_status = IssueStatus.find(1) @issue_status.update_attribute(:default_done_ratio, 50) @issue2 = Issue.find(2) @issue_status2 = IssueStatus.find(2) @issue_status2.update_attribute(:default_done_ratio, 0) end context "with Setting.issue_done_ratio using the issue_field" do setup do Setting.issue_done_ratio = 'issue_field' end should "read the issue's field" do assert_equal 0, @issue.done_ratio assert_equal 30, @issue2.done_ratio end end context "with Setting.issue_done_ratio using the issue_status" do setup do Setting.issue_done_ratio = 'issue_status' end should "read the Issue Status's default done ratio" do assert_equal 50, @issue.done_ratio assert_equal 0, @issue2.done_ratio end end end context "#update_done_ratio_from_issue_status" do setup do @issue = Issue.find(1) @issue_status = IssueStatus.find(1) @issue_status.update_attribute(:default_done_ratio, 50) @issue2 = Issue.find(2) @issue_status2 = IssueStatus.find(2) @issue_status2.update_attribute(:default_done_ratio, 0) end context "with Setting.issue_done_ratio using the issue_field" do setup do Setting.issue_done_ratio = 'issue_field' end should "not change the issue" do @issue.update_done_ratio_from_issue_status @issue2.update_done_ratio_from_issue_status assert_equal 0, @issue.read_attribute(:done_ratio) assert_equal 30, @issue2.read_attribute(:done_ratio) end end context "with Setting.issue_done_ratio using the issue_status" do setup do Setting.issue_done_ratio = 'issue_status' end should "change the issue's done ratio" do @issue.update_done_ratio_from_issue_status @issue2.update_done_ratio_from_issue_status assert_equal 50, @issue.read_attribute(:done_ratio) assert_equal 0, @issue2.read_attribute(:done_ratio) end end end test "#by_tracker" do groups = Issue.by_tracker(Project.find(1)) assert_equal 3, groups.size assert_equal 7, groups.inject(0) {|sum, group| sum + group['total'].to_i} end test "#by_version" do groups = Issue.by_version(Project.find(1)) assert_equal 3, groups.size assert_equal 3, groups.inject(0) {|sum, group| sum + group['total'].to_i} end test "#by_priority" do groups = Issue.by_priority(Project.find(1)) assert_equal 4, groups.size assert_equal 7, groups.inject(0) {|sum, group| sum + group['total'].to_i} end test "#by_category" do groups = Issue.by_category(Project.find(1)) assert_equal 2, groups.size assert_equal 3, groups.inject(0) {|sum, group| sum + group['total'].to_i} end test "#by_assigned_to" do groups = Issue.by_assigned_to(Project.find(1)) assert_equal 2, groups.size assert_equal 2, groups.inject(0) {|sum, group| sum + group['total'].to_i} end test "#by_author" do groups = Issue.by_author(Project.find(1)) assert_equal 4, groups.size assert_equal 7, groups.inject(0) {|sum, group| sum + group['total'].to_i} end test "#by_subproject" do groups = Issue.by_subproject(Project.find(1)) assert_equal 2, groups.size assert_equal 5, groups.inject(0) {|sum, group| sum + group['total'].to_i} end context ".allowed_target_projects_on_move" do should "return all active projects for admin users" do User.current = User.find(1) assert_equal Project.active.count, Issue.allowed_target_projects_on_move.size end should "return allowed projects for non admin users" do User.current = User.find(2) Role.non_member.remove_permission! :move_issues assert_equal 3, Issue.allowed_target_projects_on_move.size Role.non_member.add_permission! :move_issues assert_equal Project.active.count, Issue.allowed_target_projects_on_move.size end end def test_recently_updated_with_limit_scopes #should return the last updated issue assert_equal 1, Issue.recently_updated.with_limit(1).length assert_equal Issue.find(:first, :order => "updated_on DESC"), Issue.recently_updated.with_limit(1).first end def test_on_active_projects_scope assert Project.find(2).archive before = Issue.on_active_project.length # test inclusion to results issue = Issue.generate_for_project!(Project.find(1), :tracker => Project.find(2).trackers.first) assert_equal before + 1, Issue.on_active_project.length # Move to an archived project issue.project = Project.find(2) assert issue.save assert_equal before, Issue.on_active_project.length end context "Issue#recipients" do setup do @project = Project.find(1) @author = User.generate_with_protected! @assignee = User.generate_with_protected! @issue = Issue.generate_for_project!(@project, :assigned_to => @assignee, :author => @author) end should "include project recipients" do assert @project.recipients.present? @project.recipients.each do |project_recipient| assert @issue.recipients.include?(project_recipient) end end should "include the author if the author is active" do assert @issue.author, "No author set for Issue" assert @issue.recipients.include?(@issue.author.mail) end should "include the assigned to user if the assigned to user is active" do assert @issue.assigned_to, "No assigned_to set for Issue" assert @issue.recipients.include?(@issue.assigned_to.mail) end should "not include users who opt out of all email" do @author.update_attribute(:mail_notification, :none) assert !@issue.recipients.include?(@issue.author.mail) end should "not include the issue author if they are only notified of assigned issues" do @author.update_attribute(:mail_notification, :only_assigned) assert !@issue.recipients.include?(@issue.author.mail) end should "not include the assigned user if they are only notified of owned issues" do @assignee.update_attribute(:mail_notification, :only_owner) assert !@issue.recipients.include?(@issue.assigned_to.mail) end end end