<%= l(:label_export_to) %><%= link_to 'PDF', {:action => 'export_pdf', :id => @issue}, :class => 'icon icon-pdf' %>

<%= @issue.tracker.name %> #<%= @issue.id %> - <%=h @issue.subject %>

<% n = 0 for custom_value in @custom_values %> <% n = n + 1 if (n > 1) n = 0 %> <%end end %>
<%=l(:field_status)%> :<%= @issue.status.name %> <%=l(:field_priority)%> :<%= @issue.priority.name %>
<%=l(:field_assigned_to)%> :<%= @issue.assigned_to ? link_to_user(@issue.assigned_to) : "-" %> <%=l(:field_category)%> :<%=h @issue.category ? @issue.category.name : "-" %>
<%=l(:field_author)%> :<%= link_to_user @issue.author %> <%=l(:field_start_date)%> :<%= format_date(@issue.start_date) %>
<%=l(:field_created_on)%> :<%= format_date(@issue.created_on) %> <%=l(:field_due_date)%> :<%= format_date(@issue.due_date) %>
<%=l(:field_updated_on)%> :<%= format_date(@issue.updated_on) %> <%=l(:field_done_ratio)%> :<%= @issue.done_ratio %> %
<%=l(:field_fixed_version)%> :<%= @issue.fixed_version ? link_to_version(@issue.fixed_version) : "-" %> <%=l(:label_spent_time)%> : <%= @issue.spent_hours > 0 ? (link_to lwr(:label_f_hour, @issue.spent_hours), {:controller => 'timelog', :action => 'details', :issue_id => @issue}, :class => 'icon icon-time') : "-" %>
<%= custom_value.custom_field.name %> :<%= simple_format(h(show_value(custom_value))) %>

<% if @issue.changesets.any? %>
<%= l(:label_revision_plural) %>: <%= @issue.changesets.collect{|changeset| link_to(changeset.revision, :controller => 'repositories', :action => 'revision', :id => @project, :rev => changeset.revision)}.join(", ") %>
<% end %> <%=l(:field_description)%> :

<%= textilizable @issue.description, :attachments => @issue.attachments %>
<%= link_to_if_authorized l(:button_edit), {:controller => 'issues', :action => 'edit', :id => @issue}, :class => 'icon icon-edit' %> <%= link_to_if_authorized l(:button_log_time), {:controller => 'timelog', :action => 'edit', :issue_id => @issue}, :class => 'icon icon-time' %> <%= watcher_tag(@issue, User.current) %> <%= link_to_if_authorized l(:button_move), {:controller => 'projects', :action => 'move_issues', :id => @project, "issue_ids[]" => @issue.id }, :class => 'icon icon-move' %> <%= link_to_if_authorized l(:button_delete), {:controller => 'issues', :action => 'destroy', :id => @issue}, :confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure), :method => :post, :class => 'icon icon-del' %>
<% if authorize_for('issues', 'change_status') and @status_options and !@status_options.empty? %> <% form_tag({:controller => 'issues', :action => 'change_status', :id => @issue}) do %> <%=l(:label_change_status)%> : <%= submit_tag l(:button_change) %> <% end %> <% end %>  
<% if authorize_for('issue_relations', 'new') || @issue.relations.any? %>
<%= render :partial => 'relations' %>
<% end %> <% if @issue.attachments.any? %>


<%= link_to_attachments @issue.attachments, :delete_url => (authorize_for('issues', 'destroy_attachment') ? {:controller => 'issues', :action => 'destroy_attachment', :id => @issue} : nil) %>
<% end %> <% if @journals.any? %>


<%= render :partial => 'history', :locals => { :journals => @journals } %>
<% end %> <% if authorize_for('issues', 'add_note') %>

<%= l(:label_add_note) %>

<% form_tag({:controller => 'issues', :action => 'add_note', :id => @issue}, :class => "tabular", :multipart => true) do %>

<%= text_area_tag 'notes', '', :cols => 60, :rows => 10, :class => 'wiki-edit' %>

<%= wikitoolbar_for 'notes' %> <%= render :partial => 'attachments/form' %> <%= submit_tag l(:button_add) %> <% end %>
<% end %>