class TimeEntry < ActiveRecord::Base # could have used polymorphic association # project association here allows easy loading of time entries at project level with one database trip belongs_to :project belongs_to :issue belongs_to :user belongs_to :activity, :class_name => 'Enumeration', :foreign_key => :activity_id attr_protected :project_id, :user_id, :tyear, :tmonth, :tweek validates_presence_of :user_id, :activity_id, :project_id, :hours, :spent_on validates_numericality_of :hours, :allow_nil => true validates_length_of :comments, :maximum => 255 def before_validation self.project = issue.project if issue && project.nil? end def validate errors.add :hours, :activerecord_error_invalid if hours && (hours < 0 || hours >= 1000) errors.add :project_id, :activerecord_error_invalid if project.nil? errors.add :issue_id, :activerecord_error_invalid if (issue_id && !issue) || (issue && project!=issue.project) end # tyear, tmonth, tweek assigned where setting spent_on attributes # these attributes make time aggregations easier def spent_on=(date) super self.tyear = spent_on ? spent_on.year : nil self.tmonth = spent_on ? spent_on.month : nil self.tweek = spent_on ? Date.civil(spent_on.year, spent_on.month, : nil end end