# Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. module Redmine module Helpers # Simple class to handle gantt chart data class Gantt include ERB::Util include Redmine::I18n # :nodoc: # Some utility methods for the PDF export class PDF MaxCharactorsForSubject = 45 TotalWidth = 280 LeftPaneWidth = 100 def self.right_pane_width TotalWidth - LeftPaneWidth end end attr_reader :year_from, :month_from, :date_from, :date_to, :zoom, :months attr_accessor :query attr_accessor :project attr_accessor :view def initialize(options={}) options = options.dup if options[:year] && options[:year].to_i >0 @year_from = options[:year].to_i if options[:month] && options[:month].to_i >=1 && options[:month].to_i <= 12 @month_from = options[:month].to_i else @month_from = 1 end else @month_from ||= Date.today.month @year_from ||= Date.today.year end zoom = (options[:zoom] || User.current.pref[:gantt_zoom]).to_i @zoom = (zoom > 0 && zoom < 5) ? zoom : 2 months = (options[:months] || User.current.pref[:gantt_months]).to_i @months = (months > 0 && months < 25) ? months : 6 # Save gantt parameters as user preference (zoom and months count) if (User.current.logged? && (@zoom != User.current.pref[:gantt_zoom] || @months != User.current.pref[:gantt_months])) User.current.pref[:gantt_zoom], User.current.pref[:gantt_months] = @zoom, @months User.current.preference.save end @date_from = Date.civil(@year_from, @month_from, 1) @date_to = (@date_from >> @months) - 1 end def common_params { :controller => 'gantts', :action => 'show', :project_id => @project } end def params common_params.merge({ :zoom => zoom, :year => year_from, :month => month_from, :months => months }) end def params_previous common_params.merge({:year => (date_from << months).year, :month => (date_from << months).month, :zoom => zoom, :months => months }) end def params_next common_params.merge({:year => (date_from >> months).year, :month => (date_from >> months).month, :zoom => zoom, :months => months }) end ### Extracted from the HTML view/helpers # Returns the number of rows that will be rendered on the Gantt chart def number_of_rows if @project return number_of_rows_on_project(@project) else Project.roots.inject(0) do |total, project| total += number_of_rows_on_project(project) end end end # Returns the number of rows that will be used to list a project on # the Gantt chart. This will recurse for each subproject. def number_of_rows_on_project(project) # Remove the project requirement for Versions because it will # restrict issues to only be on the current project. This # ends up missing issues which are assigned to shared versions. @query.project = nil if @query.project # One Root project count = 1 # Issues without a Version count += project.issues.for_gantt.without_version.with_query(@query).count # Versions count += project.versions.count # Issues on the Versions project.versions.each do |version| count += version.fixed_issues.for_gantt.with_query(@query).count end # Subprojects project.children.each do |subproject| count += number_of_rows_on_project(subproject) end count end # Renders the subjects of the Gantt chart, the left side. def subjects(options={}) options = {:indent => 4, :render => :subject, :format => :html}.merge(options) output = '' if @project output << render_project(@project, options) else Project.roots.each do |project| output << render_project(project, options) end end output end # Renders the lines of the Gantt chart, the right side def lines(options={}) options = {:indent => 4, :render => :line, :format => :html}.merge(options) output = '' if @project output << render_project(@project, options) else Project.roots.each do |project| output << render_project(project, options) end end output end def render_project(project, options={}) options[:top] = 0 unless options.key? :top options[:indent_increment] = 20 unless options.key? :indent_increment options[:top_increment] = 20 unless options.key? :top_increment output = '' # Project Header project_header = if options[:render] == :subject subject_for_project(project, options) else # :line line_for_project(project, options) end output << project_header if options[:format] == :html options[:top] += options[:top_increment] options[:indent] += options[:indent_increment] # Second, Issues without a version issues = project.issues.for_gantt.without_version.with_query(@query) if issues issue_rendering = render_issues(issues, options) output << issue_rendering if options[:format] == :html end # Third, Versions project.versions.sort.each do |version| version_rendering = render_version(version, options) output << version_rendering if options[:format] == :html end # Fourth, subprojects project.children.each do |project| subproject_rendering = render_project(project, options) output << subproject_rendering if options[:format] == :html end # Remove indent to hit the next sibling options[:indent] -= options[:indent_increment] output end def render_issues(issues, options={}) output = '' issues.each do |i| issue_rendering = if options[:render] == :subject subject_for_issue(i, options) else # :line line_for_issue(i, options) end output << issue_rendering if options[:format] == :html options[:top] += options[:top_increment] end output end def render_version(version, options={}) output = '' # Version header version_rendering = if options[:render] == :subject subject_for_version(version, options) else # :line line_for_version(version, options) end output << version_rendering if options[:format] == :html options[:top] += options[:top_increment] # Remove the project requirement for Versions because it will # restrict issues to only be on the current project. This # ends up missing issues which are assigned to shared versions. @query.project = nil if @query.project issues = version.fixed_issues.for_gantt.with_query(@query) if issues # Indent issues options[:indent] += options[:indent_increment] output << render_issues(issues, options) options[:indent] -= options[:indent_increment] end output end def subject_for_project(project, options) case options[:format] when :html output = '' output << "
" if project.is_a? Project output << "" output << view.link_to_project(project) output << '' else ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug "Gantt#subject_for_project was not given a project" '' end output << "
" output when :image options[:image].fill('black') options[:image].stroke('transparent') options[:image].stroke_width(1) options[:image].text(options[:indent], options[:top] + 2, project.name) when :pdf options[:pdf].SetY(options[:top]) options[:pdf].SetX(15) char_limit = PDF::MaxCharactorsForSubject - options[:indent] options[:pdf].Cell(options[:subject_width]-15, 5, (" " * options[:indent]) +"#{project.name}".sub(/^(.{#{char_limit}}[^\s]*\s).*$/, '\1 (...)'), "LR") options[:pdf].SetY(options[:top]) options[:pdf].SetX(options[:subject_width]) options[:pdf].Cell(options[:g_width], 5, "", "LR") end end def line_for_project(project, options) # Skip versions that don't have a start_date or due date if project.is_a?(Project) && project.start_date && project.due_date options[:zoom] ||= 1 options[:g_width] ||= (self.date_to - self.date_from + 1) * options[:zoom] case options[:format] when :html output = '' i_left = ((project.start_date - self.date_from)*options[:zoom]).floor start_date = project.start_date start_date ||= self.date_from start_left = ((start_date - self.date_from)*options[:zoom]).floor i_end_date = ((project.due_date <= self.date_to) ? project.due_date : self.date_to ) i_done_date = start_date + ((project.due_date - start_date+1)* project.completed_percent(:include_subprojects => true)/100).floor i_done_date = (i_done_date <= self.date_from ? self.date_from : i_done_date ) i_done_date = (i_done_date >= self.date_to ? self.date_to : i_done_date ) i_late_date = [i_end_date, Date.today].min if start_date < Date.today i_end = ((i_end_date - self.date_from) * options[:zoom]).floor i_width = (i_end - i_left + 1).floor - 2 # total width of the issue (- 2 for left and right borders) d_width = ((i_done_date - start_date)*options[:zoom]).floor - 2 # done width l_width = i_late_date ? ((i_late_date - start_date+1)*options[:zoom]).floor - 2 : 0 # delay width # Bar graphic # Make sure that negative i_left and i_width don't # overflow the subject if i_end > 0 && i_left <= options[:g_width] output << "
" end if l_width > 0 && i_left <= options[:g_width] output << "
" end if d_width > 0 && i_left <= options[:g_width] output<< "
" end # Starting diamond if start_left <= options[:g_width] && start_left > 0 output << "
" output << "
" output << "
" end # Ending diamond # Don't show items too far ahead if i_end <= options[:g_width] && i_end > 0 output << "
" end # DIsplay the Project name and % if i_end <= options[:g_width] # Display the status even if it's floated off to the left status_px = i_end + 12 # 12px for the diamond status_px = 0 if status_px <= 0 output << "
" output << "#{h project } #{h project.completed_percent(:include_subprojects => true).to_i.to_s}%" output << "
" end output when :image options[:image].stroke('transparent') i_left = options[:subject_width] + ((project.due_date - self.date_from)*options[:zoom]).floor # Make sure negative i_left doesn't overflow the subject if i_left > options[:subject_width] options[:image].fill('blue') options[:image].rectangle(i_left, options[:top], i_left + 6, options[:top] - 6) options[:image].fill('black') options[:image].text(i_left + 11, options[:top] + 1, project.name) end when :pdf options[:pdf].SetY(options[:top]+1.5) i_left = ((project.due_date - @date_from)*options[:zoom]) # Make sure negative i_left doesn't overflow the subject if i_left > 0 options[:pdf].SetX(options[:subject_width] + i_left) options[:pdf].SetFillColor(50,50,200) options[:pdf].Cell(2, 2, "", 0, 0, "", 1) options[:pdf].SetY(options[:top]+1.5) options[:pdf].SetX(options[:subject_width] + i_left + 3) options[:pdf].Cell(30, 2, "#{project.name}") end end else ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug "Gantt#line_for_project was not given a project with a start_date" '' end end def subject_for_version(version, options) case options[:format] when :html output = '' output << "
" if version.is_a? Version output << "" output << view.link_to_version(version) output << '' else ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug "Gantt#subject_for_version was not given a version" '' end output << "
" output when :image options[:image].fill('black') options[:image].stroke('transparent') options[:image].stroke_width(1) options[:image].text(options[:indent], options[:top] + 2, version.to_s_with_project) when :pdf options[:pdf].SetY(options[:top]) options[:pdf].SetX(15) char_limit = PDF::MaxCharactorsForSubject - options[:indent] options[:pdf].Cell(options[:subject_width]-15, 5, (" " * options[:indent]) +"#{version.to_s_with_project}".sub(/^(.{#{char_limit}}[^\s]*\s).*$/, '\1 (...)'), "LR") options[:pdf].SetY(options[:top]) options[:pdf].SetX(options[:subject_width]) options[:pdf].Cell(options[:g_width], 5, "", "LR") end end def line_for_version(version, options) # Skip versions that don't have a start_date if version.is_a?(Version) && version.start_date && version.due_date options[:zoom] ||= 1 options[:g_width] ||= (self.date_to - self.date_from + 1) * options[:zoom] case options[:format] when :html output = '' i_left = ((version.start_date - self.date_from)*options[:zoom]).floor # TODO: or version.fixed_issues.collect(&:start_date).min start_date = version.fixed_issues.minimum('start_date') if version.fixed_issues.present? start_date ||= self.date_from start_left = ((start_date - self.date_from)*options[:zoom]).floor i_end_date = ((version.due_date <= self.date_to) ? version.due_date : self.date_to ) i_done_date = start_date + ((version.due_date - start_date+1)* version.completed_pourcent/100).floor i_done_date = (i_done_date <= self.date_from ? self.date_from : i_done_date ) i_done_date = (i_done_date >= self.date_to ? self.date_to : i_done_date ) i_late_date = [i_end_date, Date.today].min if start_date < Date.today i_width = (i_left - start_left + 1).floor - 2 # total width of the issue (- 2 for left and right borders) d_width = ((i_done_date - start_date)*options[:zoom]).floor - 2 # done width l_width = i_late_date ? ((i_late_date - start_date+1)*options[:zoom]).floor - 2 : 0 # delay width i_end = ((i_end_date - self.date_from) * options[:zoom]).floor # Ending pixel # Bar graphic # Make sure that negative i_left and i_width don't # overflow the subject if i_width > 0 && i_left <= options[:g_width] output << "
" end if l_width > 0 && i_left <= options[:g_width] output << "
" end if d_width > 0 && i_left <= options[:g_width] output<< "
" end # Starting diamond if start_left <= options[:g_width] && start_left > 0 output << "
" output << "
" output << "
" end # Ending diamond # Don't show items too far ahead if i_left <= options[:g_width] && i_end > 0 output << "
" end # Display the Version name and % if i_end <= options[:g_width] # Display the status even if it's floated off to the left status_px = i_end + 12 # 12px for the diamond status_px = 0 if status_px <= 0 output << "
" output << h("#{version.project} -") unless @project && @project == version.project output << "#{h version } #{h version.completed_pourcent.to_i.to_s}%" output << "
" end output when :image options[:image].stroke('transparent') i_left = options[:subject_width] + ((version.start_date - @date_from)*options[:zoom]).floor # Make sure negative i_left doesn't overflow the subject if i_left > options[:subject_width] options[:image].fill('green') options[:image].rectangle(i_left, options[:top], i_left + 6, options[:top] - 6) options[:image].fill('black') options[:image].text(i_left + 11, options[:top] + 1, version.name) end when :pdf options[:pdf].SetY(options[:top]+1.5) i_left = ((version.start_date - @date_from)*options[:zoom]) # Make sure negative i_left doesn't overflow the subject if i_left > 0 options[:pdf].SetX(options[:subject_width] + i_left) options[:pdf].SetFillColor(50,200,50) options[:pdf].Cell(2, 2, "", 0, 0, "", 1) options[:pdf].SetY(options[:top]+1.5) options[:pdf].SetX(options[:subject_width] + i_left + 3) options[:pdf].Cell(30, 2, "#{version.name}") end end else ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug "Gantt#line_for_version was not given a version with a start_date" '' end end def subject_for_issue(issue, options) case options[:format] when :html output = '' output << "
" output << "
" if issue.is_a? Issue css_classes = [] css_classes << 'issue-overdue' if issue.overdue? css_classes << 'issue-behind-schedule' if issue.behind_schedule? css_classes << 'icon icon-issue' unless Setting.gravatar_enabled? && issue.assigned_to if issue.assigned_to.present? assigned_string = l(:field_assigned_to) + ": " + issue.assigned_to.name output << view.avatar(issue.assigned_to, :class => 'gravatar icon-gravatar', :size => 10, :title => assigned_string) end output << "" output << view.link_to_issue(issue) output << ":" output << h(issue.subject) output << '' else ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug "Gantt#subject_for_issue was not given an issue" '' end output << "
" # Tooltip if issue.is_a? Issue output << "" output << view.render_issue_tooltip(issue) output << "" end output << "
" output when :image options[:image].fill('black') options[:image].stroke('transparent') options[:image].stroke_width(1) options[:image].text(options[:indent], options[:top] + 2, issue.subject) when :pdf options[:pdf].SetY(options[:top]) options[:pdf].SetX(15) char_limit = PDF::MaxCharactorsForSubject - options[:indent] options[:pdf].Cell(options[:subject_width]-15, 5, (" " * options[:indent]) +"#{issue.tracker} #{issue.id}: #{issue.subject}".sub(/^(.{#{char_limit}}[^\s]*\s).*$/, '\1 (...)'), "LR") options[:pdf].SetY(options[:top]) options[:pdf].SetX(options[:subject_width]) options[:pdf].Cell(options[:g_width], 5, "", "LR") end end def line_for_issue(issue, options) # Skip issues that don't have a due_before (due_date or version's due_date) if issue.is_a?(Issue) && issue.due_before case options[:format] when :html output = '' # Handle nil start_dates, rare but can happen. i_start_date = if issue.start_date && issue.start_date >= self.date_from issue.start_date else self.date_from end i_end_date = ((issue.due_before && issue.due_before <= self.date_to) ? issue.due_before : self.date_to ) i_done_date = i_start_date + ((issue.due_before - i_start_date+1)*issue.done_ratio/100).floor i_done_date = (i_done_date <= self.date_from ? self.date_from : i_done_date ) i_done_date = (i_done_date >= self.date_to ? self.date_to : i_done_date ) i_late_date = [i_end_date, Date.today].min if i_start_date < Date.today i_left = ((i_start_date - self.date_from)*options[:zoom]).floor i_width = ((i_end_date - i_start_date + 1)*options[:zoom]).floor - 2 # total width of the issue (- 2 for left and right borders) d_width = ((i_done_date - i_start_date)*options[:zoom]).floor - 2 # done width l_width = i_late_date ? ((i_late_date - i_start_date+1)*options[:zoom]).floor - 2 : 0 # delay width css = "task " + (issue.leaf? ? 'leaf' : 'parent') # Make sure that negative i_left and i_width don't # overflow the subject if i_width > 0 output << "
" end if l_width > 0 output << "
" end if d_width > 0 output<< "
" end # Display the status even if it's floated off to the left status_px = i_left + i_width + 5 status_px = 5 if status_px <= 0 output << "
" output << issue.status.name output << ' ' output << (issue.done_ratio).to_i.to_s output << "%" output << "
" output << "
" output << '' output << view.render_issue_tooltip(issue) output << "
" output when :image # Handle nil start_dates, rare but can happen. i_start_date = if issue.start_date && issue.start_date >= @date_from issue.start_date else @date_from end i_end_date = (issue.due_before <= date_to ? issue.due_before : date_to ) i_done_date = i_start_date + ((issue.due_before - i_start_date+1)*issue.done_ratio/100).floor i_done_date = (i_done_date <= @date_from ? @date_from : i_done_date ) i_done_date = (i_done_date >= date_to ? date_to : i_done_date ) i_late_date = [i_end_date, Date.today].min if i_start_date < Date.today i_left = options[:subject_width] + ((i_start_date - @date_from)*options[:zoom]).floor i_width = ((i_end_date - i_start_date + 1)*options[:zoom]).floor # total width of the issue d_width = ((i_done_date - i_start_date)*options[:zoom]).floor # done width l_width = i_late_date ? ((i_late_date - i_start_date+1)*options[:zoom]).floor : 0 # delay width # Make sure that negative i_left and i_width don't # overflow the subject if i_width > 0 options[:image].fill('grey') options[:image].rectangle(i_left, options[:top], i_left + i_width, options[:top] - 6) options[:image].fill('red') options[:image].rectangle(i_left, options[:top], i_left + l_width, options[:top] - 6) if l_width > 0 options[:image].fill('blue') options[:image].rectangle(i_left, options[:top], i_left + d_width, options[:top] - 6) if d_width > 0 end # Show the status and % done next to the subject if it overflows options[:image].fill('black') if i_width > 0 options[:image].text(i_left + i_width + 5,options[:top] + 1, "#{issue.status.name} #{issue.done_ratio}%") else options[:image].text(options[:subject_width] + 5,options[:top] + 1, "#{issue.status.name} #{issue.done_ratio}%") end when :pdf options[:pdf].SetY(options[:top]+1.5) # Handle nil start_dates, rare but can happen. i_start_date = if issue.start_date && issue.start_date >= @date_from issue.start_date else @date_from end i_end_date = (issue.due_before <= @date_to ? issue.due_before : @date_to ) i_done_date = i_start_date + ((issue.due_before - i_start_date+1)*issue.done_ratio/100).floor i_done_date = (i_done_date <= @date_from ? @date_from : i_done_date ) i_done_date = (i_done_date >= @date_to ? @date_to : i_done_date ) i_late_date = [i_end_date, Date.today].min if i_start_date < Date.today i_left = ((i_start_date - @date_from)*options[:zoom]) i_width = ((i_end_date - i_start_date + 1)*options[:zoom]) d_width = ((i_done_date - i_start_date)*options[:zoom]) l_width = ((i_late_date - i_start_date+1)*options[:zoom]) if i_late_date l_width ||= 0 # Make sure that negative i_left and i_width don't # overflow the subject if i_width > 0 options[:pdf].SetX(options[:subject_width] + i_left) options[:pdf].SetFillColor(200,200,200) options[:pdf].Cell(i_width, 2, "", 0, 0, "", 1) end if l_width > 0 options[:pdf].SetY(options[:top]+1.5) options[:pdf].SetX(options[:subject_width] + i_left) options[:pdf].SetFillColor(255,100,100) options[:pdf].Cell(l_width, 2, "", 0, 0, "", 1) end if d_width > 0 options[:pdf].SetY(options[:top]+1.5) options[:pdf].SetX(options[:subject_width] + i_left) options[:pdf].SetFillColor(100,100,255) options[:pdf].Cell(d_width, 2, "", 0, 0, "", 1) end options[:pdf].SetY(options[:top]+1.5) # Make sure that negative i_left and i_width don't # overflow the subject if (i_left + i_width) >= 0 options[:pdf].SetX(options[:subject_width] + i_left + i_width) else options[:pdf].SetX(options[:subject_width]) end options[:pdf].Cell(30, 2, "#{issue.status} #{issue.done_ratio}%") end else ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug "GanttHelper#line_for_issue was not given an issue with a due_before" '' end end # Generates a gantt image # Only defined if RMagick is avalaible def to_image(format='PNG') date_to = (@date_from >> @months)-1 show_weeks = @zoom > 1 show_days = @zoom > 2 subject_width = 400 header_heigth = 18 # width of one day in pixels zoom = @zoom*2 g_width = (@date_to - @date_from + 1)*zoom g_height = 20 * number_of_rows + 30 headers_heigth = (show_weeks ? 2*header_heigth : header_heigth) height = g_height + headers_heigth imgl = Magick::ImageList.new imgl.new_image(subject_width+g_width+1, height) gc = Magick::Draw.new # Subjects subjects(:image => gc, :top => (headers_heigth + 20), :indent => 4, :format => :image) # Months headers month_f = @date_from left = subject_width @months.times do width = ((month_f >> 1) - month_f) * zoom gc.fill('white') gc.stroke('grey') gc.stroke_width(1) gc.rectangle(left, 0, left + width, height) gc.fill('black') gc.stroke('transparent') gc.stroke_width(1) gc.text(left.round + 8, 14, "#{month_f.year}-#{month_f.month}") left = left + width month_f = month_f >> 1 end # Weeks headers if show_weeks left = subject_width height = header_heigth if @date_from.cwday == 1 # date_from is monday week_f = date_from else # find next monday after date_from week_f = @date_from + (7 - @date_from.cwday + 1) width = (7 - @date_from.cwday + 1) * zoom gc.fill('white') gc.stroke('grey') gc.stroke_width(1) gc.rectangle(left, header_heigth, left + width, 2*header_heigth + g_height-1) left = left + width end while week_f <= date_to width = (week_f + 6 <= date_to) ? 7 * zoom : (date_to - week_f + 1) * zoom gc.fill('white') gc.stroke('grey') gc.stroke_width(1) gc.rectangle(left.round, header_heigth, left.round + width, 2*header_heigth + g_height-1) gc.fill('black') gc.stroke('transparent') gc.stroke_width(1) gc.text(left.round + 2, header_heigth + 14, week_f.cweek.to_s) left = left + width week_f = week_f+7 end end # Days details (week-end in grey) if show_days left = subject_width height = g_height + header_heigth - 1 wday = @date_from.cwday (date_to - @date_from + 1).to_i.times do width = zoom gc.fill(wday == 6 || wday == 7 ? '#eee' : 'white') gc.stroke('grey') gc.stroke_width(1) gc.rectangle(left, 2*header_heigth, left + width, 2*header_heigth + g_height-1) left = left + width wday = wday + 1 wday = 1 if wday > 7 end end # border gc.fill('transparent') gc.stroke('grey') gc.stroke_width(1) gc.rectangle(0, 0, subject_width+g_width, headers_heigth) gc.stroke('black') gc.rectangle(0, 0, subject_width+g_width, g_height+ headers_heigth-1) # content top = headers_heigth + 20 lines(:image => gc, :top => top, :zoom => zoom, :subject_width => subject_width, :format => :image) # today red line if Date.today >= @date_from and Date.today <= date_to gc.stroke('red') x = (Date.today-@date_from+1)*zoom + subject_width gc.line(x, headers_heigth, x, headers_heigth + g_height-1) end gc.draw(imgl) imgl.format = format imgl.to_blob end if Object.const_defined?(:Magick) def to_pdf pdf = ::Redmine::Export::PDF::IFPDF.new(current_language) pdf.SetTitle("#{l(:label_gantt)} #{project}") pdf.AliasNbPages pdf.footer_date = format_date(Date.today) pdf.AddPage("L") pdf.SetFontStyle('B',12) pdf.SetX(15) pdf.Cell(PDF::LeftPaneWidth, 20, project.to_s) pdf.Ln pdf.SetFontStyle('B',9) subject_width = PDF::LeftPaneWidth header_heigth = 5 headers_heigth = header_heigth show_weeks = false show_days = false if self.months < 7 show_weeks = true headers_heigth = 2*header_heigth if self.months < 3 show_days = true headers_heigth = 3*header_heigth end end g_width = PDF.right_pane_width zoom = (g_width) / (self.date_to - self.date_from + 1) g_height = 120 t_height = g_height + headers_heigth y_start = pdf.GetY # Months headers month_f = self.date_from left = subject_width height = header_heigth self.months.times do width = ((month_f >> 1) - month_f) * zoom pdf.SetY(y_start) pdf.SetX(left) pdf.Cell(width, height, "#{month_f.year}-#{month_f.month}", "LTR", 0, "C") left = left + width month_f = month_f >> 1 end # Weeks headers if show_weeks left = subject_width height = header_heigth if self.date_from.cwday == 1 # self.date_from is monday week_f = self.date_from else # find next monday after self.date_from week_f = self.date_from + (7 - self.date_from.cwday + 1) width = (7 - self.date_from.cwday + 1) * zoom-1 pdf.SetY(y_start + header_heigth) pdf.SetX(left) pdf.Cell(width + 1, height, "", "LTR") left = left + width+1 end while week_f <= self.date_to width = (week_f + 6 <= self.date_to) ? 7 * zoom : (self.date_to - week_f + 1) * zoom pdf.SetY(y_start + header_heigth) pdf.SetX(left) pdf.Cell(width, height, (width >= 5 ? week_f.cweek.to_s : ""), "LTR", 0, "C") left = left + width week_f = week_f+7 end end # Days headers if show_days left = subject_width height = header_heigth wday = self.date_from.cwday pdf.SetFontStyle('B',7) (self.date_to - self.date_from + 1).to_i.times do width = zoom pdf.SetY(y_start + 2 * header_heigth) pdf.SetX(left) pdf.Cell(width, height, day_name(wday).first, "LTR", 0, "C") left = left + width wday = wday + 1 wday = 1 if wday > 7 end end pdf.SetY(y_start) pdf.SetX(15) pdf.Cell(subject_width+g_width-15, headers_heigth, "", 1) # Tasks top = headers_heigth + y_start pdf_subjects_and_lines(pdf, { :top => top, :zoom => zoom, :subject_width => subject_width, :g_width => g_width }) pdf.Line(15, top, subject_width+g_width, top) pdf.Output end private # Renders both the subjects and lines of the Gantt chart for the # PDF format def pdf_subjects_and_lines(pdf, options = {}) subject_options = {:indent => 0, :indent_increment => 5, :top_increment => 3, :render => :subject, :format => :pdf, :pdf => pdf}.merge(options) line_options = {:indent => 0, :indent_increment => 5, :top_increment => 3, :render => :line, :format => :pdf, :pdf => pdf}.merge(options) if @project render_project(@project, subject_options) render_project(@project, line_options) else Project.roots.each do |project| render_project(project, subject_options) render_project(project, line_options) end end end end end end