

Table of Contents

1. Administration
1. Projects
1.1. Project list
1.2. Settings
1.2.1. Project properties
1.2.2. Repository
1.2.3. Wiki
1.2.4. Members
1.2.5. Versions
1.2.6. Request categories
1.2.7. Forums
2. Users
2.1. Users’ List
2.2. User Creation or Modification
3. Roles and Permissions
4. Trackers
5. Custom fields
5.1. Fields for Projects
5.2. Fields for Issues
5.3. Field for Users
6. Issue status
7. Workflow
8. Enumerations
9. E-mail notifications
10. Authentication
10.1. LDAP statement
11. Settings
12. Information
2. Projects
1. Project overview
2. Planning
2.1. Project calendar
2.2. Gantt chart
3. Issue management
3.1. Issue list
4. Reports
5. Activity
6. Change log
7. Roadmap
8. News
9. Documents
10. Wiki
10.1. Wiki syntax
10.1.1. Formatting
10.1.2. Links
10.1.3. Embedded images
11. Files
3. User accounts
1. My account
1.1. Information
1.2. Password
2. My page
3. Password lost
4. Register