# Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require 'forwardable' require 'cgi' module ApplicationHelper include Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros::Definitions include Redmine::I18n include GravatarHelper::PublicMethods extend Forwardable def_delegators :wiki_helper, :wikitoolbar_for, :heads_for_wiki_formatter # Return true if user is authorized for controller/action, otherwise false def authorize_for(controller, action) User.current.allowed_to?({:controller => controller, :action => action}, @project) end # Display a link if user is authorized # # @param [String] name Anchor text (passed to link_to) # @param [Hash] options Hash params. This will checked by authorize_for to see if the user is authorized # @param [optional, Hash] html_options Options passed to link_to # @param [optional, Hash] parameters_for_method_reference Extra parameters for link_to def link_to_if_authorized(name, options = {}, html_options = nil, *parameters_for_method_reference) link_to(name, options, html_options, *parameters_for_method_reference) if authorize_for(options[:controller] || params[:controller], options[:action]) end # Display a link to remote if user is authorized def link_to_remote_if_authorized(name, options = {}, html_options = nil) url = options[:url] || {} link_to_remote(name, options, html_options) if authorize_for(url[:controller] || params[:controller], url[:action]) end # Displays a link to user's account page if active def link_to_user(user, options={}) if user.is_a?(User) name = h(user.name(options[:format])) if user.active? link_to name, :controller => 'users', :action => 'show', :id => user else name end else h(user.to_s) end end # Displays a link to +issue+ with its subject. # Examples: # # link_to_issue(issue) # => Defect #6: This is the subject # link_to_issue(issue, :truncate => 6) # => Defect #6: This i... # link_to_issue(issue, :subject => false) # => Defect #6 # link_to_issue(issue, :project => true) # => Foo - Defect #6 # def link_to_issue(issue, options={}) title = nil subject = nil if options[:subject] == false title = truncate(issue.subject, :length => 60) else subject = issue.subject if options[:truncate] subject = truncate(subject, :length => options[:truncate]) end end s = link_to "#{issue.tracker} ##{issue.id}", {:controller => "issues", :action => "show", :id => issue}, :class => issue.css_classes, :title => title s << ": #{h subject}" if subject s = "#{h issue.project} - " + s if options[:project] s end # Generates a link to an attachment. # Options: # * :text - Link text (default to attachment filename) # * :download - Force download (default: false) def link_to_attachment(attachment, options={}) text = options.delete(:text) || attachment.filename action = options.delete(:download) ? 'download' : 'show' link_to(h(text), {:controller => 'attachments', :action => action, :id => attachment, :filename => attachment.filename }, options) end # Generates a link to a SCM revision # Options: # * :text - Link text (default to the formatted revision) def link_to_revision(revision, project, options={}) text = options.delete(:text) || format_revision(revision) rev = revision.respond_to?(:identifier) ? revision.identifier : revision link_to(text, {:controller => 'repositories', :action => 'revision', :id => project, :rev => rev}, :title => l(:label_revision_id, format_revision(revision))) end # Generates a link to a message def link_to_message(message, options={}, html_options = nil) link_to( h(truncate(message.subject, :length => 60)), { :controller => 'messages', :action => 'show', :board_id => message.board_id, :id => message.root, :r => (message.parent_id && message.id), :anchor => (message.parent_id ? "message-#{message.id}" : nil) }.merge(options), html_options ) end # Generates a link to a project if active # Examples: # # link_to_project(project) # => link to the specified project overview # link_to_project(project, :action=>'settings') # => link to project settings # link_to_project(project, {:only_path => false}, :class => "project") # => 3rd arg adds html options # link_to_project(project, {}, :class => "project") # => html options with default url (project overview) # def link_to_project(project, options={}, html_options = nil) if project.active? url = {:controller => 'projects', :action => 'show', :id => project}.merge(options) link_to(h(project), url, html_options) else h(project) end end def toggle_link(name, id, options={}) onclick = "Element.toggle('#{id}'); " onclick << (options[:focus] ? "Form.Element.focus('#{options[:focus]}'); " : "this.blur(); ") onclick << "return false;" link_to(name, "#", :onclick => onclick) end def image_to_function(name, function, html_options = {}) html_options.symbolize_keys! tag(:input, html_options.merge({ :type => "image", :src => image_path(name), :onclick => (html_options[:onclick] ? "#{html_options[:onclick]}; " : "") + "#{function};" })) end def prompt_to_remote(name, text, param, url, html_options = {}) html_options[:onclick] = "promptToRemote('#{text}', '#{param}', '#{url_for(url)}'); return false;" link_to name, {}, html_options end def format_activity_title(text) h(truncate_single_line(text, :length => 100)) end def format_activity_day(date) date == Date.today ? l(:label_today).titleize : format_date(date) end def format_activity_description(text) h(truncate(text.to_s, :length => 120).gsub(%r{[\r\n]*<(pre|code)>.*$}m, '...')).gsub(/[\r\n]+/, "
") end def format_version_name(version) if version.project == @project h(version) else h("#{version.project} - #{version}") end end def due_date_distance_in_words(date) if date l((date < Date.today ? :label_roadmap_overdue : :label_roadmap_due_in), distance_of_date_in_words(Date.today, date)) end end def render_page_hierarchy(pages, node=nil, options={}) content = '' if pages[node] content << "\n" end content end # Renders flash messages def render_flash_messages s = '' flash.each do |k,v| s << content_tag('div', v, :class => "flash #{k}") end s end # Renders tabs and their content def render_tabs(tabs) if tabs.any? render :partial => 'common/tabs', :locals => {:tabs => tabs} else content_tag 'p', l(:label_no_data), :class => "nodata" end end # Renders the project quick-jump box def render_project_jump_box projects = User.current.memberships.collect(&:project).compact.uniq if projects.any? s = '' s end end def project_tree_options_for_select(projects, options = {}) s = '' project_tree(projects) do |project, level| name_prefix = (level > 0 ? (' ' * 2 * level + '» ') : '') tag_options = {:value => project.id} if project == options[:selected] || (options[:selected].respond_to?(:include?) && options[:selected].include?(project)) tag_options[:selected] = 'selected' else tag_options[:selected] = nil end tag_options.merge!(yield(project)) if block_given? s << content_tag('option', name_prefix + h(project), tag_options) end s end # Yields the given block for each project with its level in the tree # # Wrapper for Project#project_tree def project_tree(projects, &block) Project.project_tree(projects, &block) end def project_nested_ul(projects, &block) s = '' if projects.any? ancestors = [] projects.sort_by(&:lft).each do |project| if (ancestors.empty? || project.is_descendant_of?(ancestors.last)) s << "\n" end end s << "
  • " s << yield(project).to_s ancestors << project end s << ("
  • \n" * ancestors.size) end s end def principals_check_box_tags(name, principals) s = '' principals.sort.each do |principal| s << "\n" end s end # Truncates and returns the string as a single line def truncate_single_line(string, *args) truncate(string.to_s, *args).gsub(%r{[\r\n]+}m, ' ') end # Truncates at line break after 250 characters or options[:length] def truncate_lines(string, options={}) length = options[:length] || 250 if string.to_s =~ /\A(.{#{length}}.*?)$/m "#{$1}..." else string end end def html_hours(text) text.gsub(%r{(\d+)\.(\d+)}, '\1.\2') end def authoring(created, author, options={}) l(options[:label] || :label_added_time_by, :author => link_to_user(author), :age => time_tag(created)) end def time_tag(time) text = distance_of_time_in_words(Time.now, time) if @project link_to(text, {:controller => 'activities', :action => 'index', :id => @project, :from => time.to_date}, :title => format_time(time)) else content_tag('acronym', text, :title => format_time(time)) end end def syntax_highlight(name, content) Redmine::SyntaxHighlighting.highlight_by_filename(content, name) end def to_path_param(path) path.to_s.split(%r{[/\\]}).select {|p| !p.blank?} end def pagination_links_full(paginator, count=nil, options={}) page_param = options.delete(:page_param) || :page per_page_links = options.delete(:per_page_links) url_param = params.dup # don't reuse query params if filters are present url_param.merge!(:fields => nil, :values => nil, :operators => nil) if url_param.delete(:set_filter) html = '' if paginator.current.previous html << link_to_remote_content_update('« ' + l(:label_previous), url_param.merge(page_param => paginator.current.previous)) + ' ' end html << (pagination_links_each(paginator, options) do |n| link_to_remote_content_update(n.to_s, url_param.merge(page_param => n)) end || '') if paginator.current.next html << ' ' + link_to_remote_content_update((l(:label_next) + ' »'), url_param.merge(page_param => paginator.current.next)) end unless count.nil? html << " (#{paginator.current.first_item}-#{paginator.current.last_item}/#{count})" if per_page_links != false && links = per_page_links(paginator.items_per_page) html << " | #{links}" end end html end def per_page_links(selected=nil) url_param = params.dup url_param.clear if url_param.has_key?(:set_filter) links = Setting.per_page_options_array.collect do |n| n == selected ? n : link_to_remote(n, {:update => "content", :url => params.dup.merge(:per_page => n), :method => :get}, {:href => url_for(url_param.merge(:per_page => n))}) end links.size > 1 ? l(:label_display_per_page, links.join(', ')) : nil end def reorder_links(name, url) link_to(image_tag('2uparrow.png', :alt => l(:label_sort_highest)), url.merge({"#{name}[move_to]" => 'highest'}), :method => :post, :title => l(:label_sort_highest)) + link_to(image_tag('1uparrow.png', :alt => l(:label_sort_higher)), url.merge({"#{name}[move_to]" => 'higher'}), :method => :post, :title => l(:label_sort_higher)) + link_to(image_tag('1downarrow.png', :alt => l(:label_sort_lower)), url.merge({"#{name}[move_to]" => 'lower'}), :method => :post, :title => l(:label_sort_lower)) + link_to(image_tag('2downarrow.png', :alt => l(:label_sort_lowest)), url.merge({"#{name}[move_to]" => 'lowest'}), :method => :post, :title => l(:label_sort_lowest)) end def breadcrumb(*args) elements = args.flatten elements.any? ? content_tag('p', args.join(' » ') + ' » ', :class => 'breadcrumb') : nil end def other_formats_links(&block) concat('

    ' + l(:label_export_to)) yield Redmine::Views::OtherFormatsBuilder.new(self) concat('

    ') end def page_header_title if @project.nil? || @project.new_record? h(Setting.app_title) else b = [] ancestors = (@project.root? ? [] : @project.ancestors.visible) if ancestors.any? root = ancestors.shift b << link_to_project(root, {:jump => current_menu_item}, :class => 'root') if ancestors.size > 2 b << '…' ancestors = ancestors[-2, 2] end b += ancestors.collect {|p| link_to_project(p, {:jump => current_menu_item}, :class => 'ancestor') } end b << h(@project) b.join(' » ') end end def html_title(*args) if args.empty? title = [] title << @project.name if @project title += @html_title if @html_title title << Setting.app_title title.select {|t| !t.blank? }.join(' - ') else @html_title ||= [] @html_title += args end end # Returns the theme, controller name, and action as css classes for the # HTML body. def body_css_classes css = [] if theme = Redmine::Themes.theme(Setting.ui_theme) css << 'theme-' + theme.name end css << 'controller-' + params[:controller] css << 'action-' + params[:action] css.join(' ') end def accesskey(s) Redmine::AccessKeys.key_for s end # Formats text according to system settings. # 2 ways to call this method: # * with a String: textilizable(text, options) # * with an object and one of its attribute: textilizable(issue, :description, options) def textilizable(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} case args.size when 1 obj = options[:object] text = args.shift when 2 obj = args.shift attr = args.shift text = obj.send(attr).to_s else raise ArgumentError, 'invalid arguments to textilizable' end return '' if text.blank? project = options[:project] || @project || (obj && obj.respond_to?(:project) ? obj.project : nil) only_path = options.delete(:only_path) == false ? false : true text = Redmine::WikiFormatting.to_html(Setting.text_formatting, text, :object => obj, :attribute => attr) { |macro, args| exec_macro(macro, obj, args) } @parsed_headings = [] text = parse_non_pre_blocks(text) do |text| [:parse_inline_attachments, :parse_wiki_links, :parse_redmine_links, :parse_headings].each do |method_name| send method_name, text, project, obj, attr, only_path, options end end if @parsed_headings.any? replace_toc(text, @parsed_headings) end text end def parse_non_pre_blocks(text) s = StringScanner.new(text) tags = [] parsed = '' while !s.eos? s.scan(/(.*?)(<(\/)?(pre|code)(.*?)>|\z)/im) text, full_tag, closing, tag = s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4] if tags.empty? yield text end parsed << text if tag if closing if tags.last == tag.downcase tags.pop end else tags << tag.downcase end parsed << full_tag end end # Close any non closing tags while tag = tags.pop parsed << "" end parsed end def parse_inline_attachments(text, project, obj, attr, only_path, options) # when using an image link, try to use an attachment, if possible if options[:attachments] || (obj && obj.respond_to?(:attachments)) attachments = nil text.gsub!(/src="([^\/"]+\.(bmp|gif|jpg|jpeg|png))"(\s+alt="([^"]*)")?/i) do |m| filename, ext, alt, alttext = $1.downcase, $2, $3, $4 attachments ||= (options[:attachments] || obj.attachments).sort_by(&:created_on).reverse # search for the picture in attachments if found = attachments.detect { |att| att.filename.downcase == filename } image_url = url_for :only_path => only_path, :controller => 'attachments', :action => 'download', :id => found desc = found.description.to_s.gsub('"', '') if !desc.blank? && alttext.blank? alt = " title=\"#{desc}\" alt=\"#{desc}\"" end "src=\"#{image_url}\"#{alt}" else m end end end end # Wiki links # # Examples: # [[mypage]] # [[mypage|mytext]] # wiki links can refer other project wikis, using project name or identifier: # [[project:]] -> wiki starting page # [[project:|mytext]] # [[project:mypage]] # [[project:mypage|mytext]] def parse_wiki_links(text, project, obj, attr, only_path, options) text.gsub!(/(!)?(\[\[([^\]\n\|]+)(\|([^\]\n\|]+))?\]\])/) do |m| link_project = project esc, all, page, title = $1, $2, $3, $5 if esc.nil? if page =~ /^([^\:]+)\:(.*)$/ link_project = Project.find_by_identifier($1) || Project.find_by_name($1) page = $2 title ||= $1 if page.blank? end if link_project && link_project.wiki # extract anchor anchor = nil if page =~ /^(.+?)\#(.+)$/ page, anchor = $1, $2 end # check if page exists wiki_page = link_project.wiki.find_page(page) url = case options[:wiki_links] when :local; "#{title}.html" when :anchor; "##{title}" # used for single-file wiki export else wiki_page_id = page.present? ? Wiki.titleize(page) : nil url_for(:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'wiki', :action => 'show', :project_id => link_project, :id => wiki_page_id, :anchor => anchor) end link_to((title || page), url, :class => ('wiki-page' + (wiki_page ? '' : ' new'))) else # project or wiki doesn't exist all end else all end end end # Redmine links # # Examples: # Issues: # #52 -> Link to issue #52 # Changesets: # r52 -> Link to revision 52 # commit:a85130f -> Link to scmid starting with a85130f # Documents: # document#17 -> Link to document with id 17 # document:Greetings -> Link to the document with title "Greetings" # document:"Some document" -> Link to the document with title "Some document" # Versions: # version#3 -> Link to version with id 3 # version:1.0.0 -> Link to version named "1.0.0" # version:"1.0 beta 2" -> Link to version named "1.0 beta 2" # Attachments: # attachment:file.zip -> Link to the attachment of the current object named file.zip # Source files: # source:some/file -> Link to the file located at /some/file in the project's repository # source:some/file@52 -> Link to the file's revision 52 # source:some/file#L120 -> Link to line 120 of the file # source:some/file@52#L120 -> Link to line 120 of the file's revision 52 # export:some/file -> Force the download of the file # Forum messages: # message#1218 -> Link to message with id 1218 # # Links can refer other objects from other projects, using project identifier: # identifier:r52 # identifier:document:"Some document" # identifier:version:1.0.0 # identifier:source:some/file def parse_redmine_links(text, project, obj, attr, only_path, options) text.gsub!(%r{([\s\(,\-\[\>]|^)(!)?(([a-z0-9\-]+):)?(attachment|document|version|commit|source|export|message|project)?((#|r)(\d+)|(:)([^"\s<>][^\s<>]*?|"[^"]+?"))(?=(?=[[:punct:]]\W)|,|\s|\]|<|$)}) do |m| leading, esc, project_prefix, project_identifier, prefix, sep, identifier = $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $7 || $9, $8 || $10 link = nil if project_identifier project = Project.visible.find_by_identifier(project_identifier) end if esc.nil? if prefix.nil? && sep == 'r' # project.changesets.visible raises an SQL error because of a double join on repositories if project && project.repository && (changeset = Changeset.visible.find_by_repository_id_and_revision(project.repository.id, identifier)) link = link_to("#{project_prefix}r#{identifier}", {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'repositories', :action => 'revision', :id => project, :rev => changeset.revision}, :class => 'changeset', :title => truncate_single_line(changeset.comments, :length => 100)) end elsif sep == '#' oid = identifier.to_i case prefix when nil if issue = Issue.visible.find_by_id(oid, :include => :status) link = link_to("##{oid}", {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => oid}, :class => issue.css_classes, :title => "#{truncate(issue.subject, :length => 100)} (#{issue.status.name})") end when 'document' if document = Document.visible.find_by_id(oid) link = link_to h(document.title), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'documents', :action => 'show', :id => document}, :class => 'document' end when 'version' if version = Version.visible.find_by_id(oid) link = link_to h(version.name), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'versions', :action => 'show', :id => version}, :class => 'version' end when 'message' if message = Message.visible.find_by_id(oid, :include => :parent) link = link_to_message(message, {:only_path => only_path}, :class => 'message') end when 'project' if p = Project.visible.find_by_id(oid) link = link_to_project(p, {:only_path => only_path}, :class => 'project') end end elsif sep == ':' # removes the double quotes if any name = identifier.gsub(%r{^"(.*)"$}, "\\1") case prefix when 'document' if project && document = project.documents.visible.find_by_title(name) link = link_to h(document.title), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'documents', :action => 'show', :id => document}, :class => 'document' end when 'version' if project && version = project.versions.visible.find_by_name(name) link = link_to h(version.name), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'versions', :action => 'show', :id => version}, :class => 'version' end when 'commit' if project && project.repository && (changeset = Changeset.visible.find(:first, :conditions => ["repository_id = ? AND scmid LIKE ?", project.repository.id, "#{name}%"])) link = link_to h("#{project_prefix}#{name}"), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'repositories', :action => 'revision', :id => project, :rev => changeset.identifier}, :class => 'changeset', :title => truncate_single_line(changeset.comments, :length => 100) end when 'source', 'export' if project && project.repository && User.current.allowed_to?(:browse_repository, project) name =~ %r{^[/\\]*(.*?)(@([0-9a-f]+))?(#(L\d+))?$} path, rev, anchor = $1, $3, $5 link = link_to h("#{project_prefix}#{prefix}:#{name}"), {:controller => 'repositories', :action => 'entry', :id => project, :path => to_path_param(path), :rev => rev, :anchor => anchor, :format => (prefix == 'export' ? 'raw' : nil)}, :class => (prefix == 'export' ? 'source download' : 'source') end when 'attachment' attachments = options[:attachments] || (obj && obj.respond_to?(:attachments) ? obj.attachments : nil) if attachments && attachment = attachments.detect {|a| a.filename == name } link = link_to h(attachment.filename), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'attachments', :action => 'download', :id => attachment}, :class => 'attachment' end when 'project' if p = Project.visible.find(:first, :conditions => ["identifier = :s OR LOWER(name) = :s", {:s => name.downcase}]) link = link_to_project(p, {:only_path => only_path}, :class => 'project') end end end end leading + (link || "#{project_prefix}#{prefix}#{sep}#{identifier}") end end HEADING_RE = /]+)?>(.+?)<\/h(1|2|3|4)>/i unless const_defined?(:HEADING_RE) # Headings and TOC # Adds ids and links to headings unless options[:headings] is set to false def parse_headings(text, project, obj, attr, only_path, options) return if options[:headings] == false text.gsub!(HEADING_RE) do level, attrs, content = $1.to_i, $2, $3 item = strip_tags(content).strip anchor = item.gsub(%r{[^\w\s\-]}, '').gsub(%r{\s+(\-+\s*)?}, '-') @parsed_headings << [level, anchor, item] "\n#{content}" end end TOC_RE = /

    \{\{([<>]?)toc\}\}<\/p>/i unless const_defined?(:TOC_RE) # Renders the TOC with given headings def replace_toc(text, headings) text.gsub!(TOC_RE) do if headings.empty? '' else div_class = 'toc' div_class << ' right' if $1 == '>' div_class << ' left' if $1 == '<' out = "

    ' * (current - root) out << '' end end end # Same as Rails' simple_format helper without using paragraphs def simple_format_without_paragraph(text) text.to_s. gsub(/\r\n?/, "\n"). # \r\n and \r -> \n gsub(/\n\n+/, "

    "). # 2+ newline -> 2 br gsub(/([^\n]\n)(?=[^\n])/, '\1
    ') # 1 newline -> br end def lang_options_for_select(blank=true) (blank ? [["(auto)", ""]] : []) + valid_languages.collect{|lang| [ ll(lang.to_s, :general_lang_name), lang.to_s]}.sort{|x,y| x.last <=> y.last } end def label_tag_for(name, option_tags = nil, options = {}) label_text = l(("field_"+field.to_s.gsub(/\_id$/, "")).to_sym) + (options.delete(:required) ? @template.content_tag("span", " *", :class => "required"): "") content_tag("label", label_text) end def labelled_tabular_form_for(name, object, options, &proc) options[:html] ||= {} options[:html][:class] = 'tabular' unless options[:html].has_key?(:class) form_for(name, object, options.merge({ :builder => TabularFormBuilder, :lang => current_language}), &proc) end def back_url_hidden_field_tag back_url = params[:back_url] || request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] back_url = CGI.unescape(back_url.to_s) hidden_field_tag('back_url', CGI.escape(back_url)) unless back_url.blank? end def check_all_links(form_name) link_to_function(l(:button_check_all), "checkAll('#{form_name}', true)") + " | " + link_to_function(l(:button_uncheck_all), "checkAll('#{form_name}', false)") end def progress_bar(pcts, options={}) pcts = [pcts, pcts] unless pcts.is_a?(Array) pcts = pcts.collect(&:round) pcts[1] = pcts[1] - pcts[0] pcts << (100 - pcts[1] - pcts[0]) width = options[:width] || '100px;' legend = options[:legend] || '' content_tag('table', content_tag('tr', (pcts[0] > 0 ? content_tag('td', '', :style => "width: #{pcts[0]}%;", :class => 'closed') : '') + (pcts[1] > 0 ? content_tag('td', '', :style => "width: #{pcts[1]}%;", :class => 'done') : '') + (pcts[2] > 0 ? content_tag('td', '', :style => "width: #{pcts[2]}%;", :class => 'todo') : '') ), :class => 'progress', :style => "width: #{width};") + content_tag('p', legend, :class => 'pourcent') end def checked_image(checked=true) if checked image_tag 'toggle_check.png' end end def context_menu(url) unless @context_menu_included content_for :header_tags do javascript_include_tag('context_menu') + stylesheet_link_tag('context_menu') end if l(:direction) == 'rtl' content_for :header_tags do stylesheet_link_tag('context_menu_rtl') end end @context_menu_included = true end javascript_tag "new ContextMenu('#{ url_for(url) }')" end def context_menu_link(name, url, options={}) options[:class] ||= '' if options.delete(:selected) options[:class] << ' icon-checked disabled' options[:disabled] = true end if options.delete(:disabled) options.delete(:method) options.delete(:confirm) options.delete(:onclick) options[:class] << ' disabled' url = '#' end link_to name, url, options end def calendar_for(field_id) include_calendar_headers_tags image_tag("calendar.png", {:id => "#{field_id}_trigger",:class => "calendar-trigger"}) + javascript_tag("Calendar.setup({inputField : '#{field_id}', ifFormat : '%Y-%m-%d', button : '#{field_id}_trigger' });") end def include_calendar_headers_tags unless @calendar_headers_tags_included @calendar_headers_tags_included = true content_for :header_tags do start_of_week = case Setting.start_of_week.to_i when 1 'Calendar._FD = 1;' # Monday when 7 'Calendar._FD = 0;' # Sunday else '' # use language end javascript_include_tag('calendar/calendar') + javascript_include_tag("calendar/lang/calendar-#{current_language.to_s.downcase}.js") + javascript_tag(start_of_week) + javascript_include_tag('calendar/calendar-setup') + stylesheet_link_tag('calendar') end end end def content_for(name, content = nil, &block) @has_content ||= {} @has_content[name] = true super(name, content, &block) end def has_content?(name) (@has_content && @has_content[name]) || false end # Returns the avatar image tag for the given +user+ if avatars are enabled # +user+ can be a User or a string that will be scanned for an email address (eg. 'joe ') def avatar(user, options = { }) if Setting.gravatar_enabled? options.merge!({:ssl => (defined?(request) && request.ssl?), :default => Setting.gravatar_default}) email = nil if user.respond_to?(:mail) email = user.mail elsif user.to_s =~ %r{<(.+?)>} email = $1 end return gravatar(email.to_s.downcase, options) unless email.blank? rescue nil else '' end end # Returns the javascript tags that are included in the html layout head def javascript_heads tags = javascript_include_tag(:defaults) unless User.current.pref.warn_on_leaving_unsaved == '0' tags << "\n" + javascript_tag("Event.observe(window, 'load', function(){ new WarnLeavingUnsaved('#{escape_javascript( l(:text_warn_on_leaving_unsaved) )}'); });") end tags end def favicon "" end # Returns true if arg is expected in the API response def include_in_api_response?(arg) unless @included_in_api_response param = params[:include] @included_in_api_response = param.is_a?(Array) ? param.collect(&:to_s) : param.to_s.split(',') @included_in_api_response.collect!(&:strip) end @included_in_api_response.include?(arg.to_s) end # Returns options or nil if nometa param or X-Redmine-Nometa header # was set in the request def api_meta(options) if params[:nometa].present? || request.headers['X-Redmine-Nometa'] # compatibility mode for activeresource clients that raise # an error when unserializing an array with attributes nil else options end end private def wiki_helper helper = Redmine::WikiFormatting.helper_for(Setting.text_formatting) extend helper return self end def link_to_remote_content_update(text, url_params) link_to_remote(text, {:url => url_params, :method => :get, :update => 'content', :complete => 'window.scrollTo(0,0)'}, {:href => url_for(:params => url_params)} ) end end