# redMine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. class Repository < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :project has_many :changesets, :order => "#{Changeset.table_name}.committed_on DESC, #{Changeset.table_name}.id DESC" has_many :changes, :through => :changesets # Raw SQL to delete changesets and changes in the database # has_many :changesets, :dependent => :destroy is too slow for big repositories before_destroy :clear_changesets # Checks if the SCM is enabled when creating a repository validate_on_create { |r| r.errors.add(:type, :invalid) unless Setting.enabled_scm.include?(r.class.name.demodulize) } # Removes leading and trailing whitespace def url=(arg) write_attribute(:url, arg ? arg.to_s.strip : nil) end # Removes leading and trailing whitespace def root_url=(arg) write_attribute(:root_url, arg ? arg.to_s.strip : nil) end def scm @scm ||= self.scm_adapter.new url, root_url, login, password update_attribute(:root_url, @scm.root_url) if root_url.blank? @scm end def scm_name self.class.scm_name end def supports_cat? scm.supports_cat? end def supports_annotate? scm.supports_annotate? end def entry(path=nil, identifier=nil) scm.entry(path, identifier) end def entries(path=nil, identifier=nil) scm.entries(path, identifier) end def properties(path, identifier=nil) scm.properties(path, identifier) end def cat(path, identifier=nil) scm.cat(path, identifier) end def diff(path, rev, rev_to) scm.diff(path, rev, rev_to) end # Default behaviour: we search in cached changesets def changesets_for_path(path, options={}) path = "/#{path}" unless path.starts_with?('/') Change.find(:all, :include => {:changeset => :user}, :conditions => ["repository_id = ? AND path = ?", id, path], :order => "committed_on DESC, #{Changeset.table_name}.id DESC", :limit => options[:limit]).collect(&:changeset) end # Returns a path relative to the url of the repository def relative_path(path) path end def latest_changeset @latest_changeset ||= changesets.find(:first) end def scan_changesets_for_issue_ids self.changesets.each(&:scan_comment_for_issue_ids) end # Returns an array of committers usernames and associated user_id def committers @committers ||= Changeset.connection.select_rows("SELECT DISTINCT committer, user_id FROM #{Changeset.table_name} WHERE repository_id = #{id}") end # Maps committers username to a user ids def committer_ids=(h) if h.is_a?(Hash) committers.each do |committer, user_id| new_user_id = h[committer] if new_user_id && (new_user_id.to_i != user_id.to_i) new_user_id = (new_user_id.to_i > 0 ? new_user_id.to_i : nil) Changeset.update_all("user_id = #{ new_user_id.nil? ? 'NULL' : new_user_id }", ["repository_id = ? AND committer = ?", id, committer]) end end @committers = nil true else false end end # Returns the Redmine User corresponding to the given +committer+ # It will return nil if the committer is not yet mapped and if no User # with the same username or email was found def find_committer_user(committer) if committer c = changesets.find(:first, :conditions => {:committer => committer}, :include => :user) if c && c.user c.user elsif committer.strip =~ /^([^<]+)(<(.*)>)?$/ username, email = $1.strip, $3 u = User.find_by_login(username) u ||= User.find_by_mail(email) unless email.blank? u end end end # fetch new changesets for all repositories # can be called periodically by an external script # eg. ruby script/runner "Repository.fetch_changesets" def self.fetch_changesets find(:all).each(&:fetch_changesets) end # scan changeset comments to find related and fixed issues for all repositories def self.scan_changesets_for_issue_ids find(:all).each(&:scan_changesets_for_issue_ids) end def self.scm_name 'Abstract' end def self.available_scm subclasses.collect {|klass| [klass.scm_name, klass.name]} end def self.factory(klass_name, *args) klass = "Repository::#{klass_name}".constantize klass.new(*args) rescue nil end private def before_save # Strips url and root_url url.strip! root_url.strip! true end def clear_changesets connection.delete("DELETE FROM changes WHERE changes.changeset_id IN (SELECT changesets.id FROM changesets WHERE changesets.repository_id = #{id})") connection.delete("DELETE FROM changesets_issues WHERE changesets_issues.changeset_id IN (SELECT changesets.id FROM changesets WHERE changesets.repository_id = #{id})") connection.delete("DELETE FROM changesets WHERE changesets.repository_id = #{id}") end end