# Copyright (c) 2006 4ssoM LLC # 1.12 contributed by Ed Moss. # # The MIT License # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # This is direct port of japanese.php # # Japanese PDF support. # # Usage is as follows: # # require 'fpdf' # require 'chinese' # pdf = FPDF.new # pdf.extend(PDF_Japanese) # # This allows it to be combined with other extensions, such as the bookmark # module. module PDF_Japanese SJIS_widths={' ' => 278, '!' => 299, '"' => 353, '#' => 614, '$' => 614, '%' => 721, '&' => 735, '\'' => 216, '(' => 323, ')' => 323, '*' => 449, '+' => 529, ',' => 219, '-' => 306, '.' => 219, '/' => 453, '0' => 614, '1' => 614, '2' => 614, '3' => 614, '4' => 614, '5' => 614, '6' => 614, '7' => 614, '8' => 614, '9' => 614, ':' => 219, ';' => 219, '<' => 529, '=' => 529, '>' => 529, '?' => 486, '@' => 744, 'A' => 646, 'B' => 604, 'C' => 617, 'D' => 681, 'E' => 567, 'F' => 537, 'G' => 647, 'H' => 738, 'I' => 320, 'J' => 433, 'K' => 637, 'L' => 566, 'M' => 904, 'N' => 710, 'O' => 716, 'P' => 605, 'Q' => 716, 'R' => 623, 'S' => 517, 'T' => 601, 'U' => 690, 'V' => 668, 'W' => 990, 'X' => 681, 'Y' => 634, 'Z' => 578, '[' => 316, '\\' => 614, ']' => 316, '^' => 529, '_' => 500, '`' => 387, 'a' => 509, 'b' => 566, 'c' => 478, 'd' => 565, 'e' => 503, 'f' => 337, 'g' => 549, 'h' => 580, 'i' => 275, 'j' => 266, 'k' => 544, 'l' => 276, 'm' => 854, 'n' => 579, 'o' => 550, 'p' => 578, 'q' => 566, 'r' => 410, 's' => 444, 't' => 340, 'u' => 575, 'v' => 512, 'w' => 760, 'x' => 503, 'y' => 529, 'z' => 453, '{' => 326, '|' => 380, '}' => 326, '~' => 387} def AddCIDFont(family,style,name,cw,cMap,registry) fontkey=family.downcase+style.upcase unless @fonts[fontkey].nil? Error("CID font already added: family style") end i=@fonts.length+1 @fonts[fontkey]={'i'=>i,'type'=>'Type0','name'=>name,'up'=>-120,'ut'=>40,'cw'=>cw, 'CMap'=>cMap,'registry'=>registry} end def AddCIDFonts(family,name,cw,cMap,registry) AddCIDFont(family,'',name,cw,cMap,registry) AddCIDFont(family,'B',name+',Bold',cw,cMap,registry) AddCIDFont(family,'I',name+',Italic',cw,cMap,registry) AddCIDFont(family,'BI',name+',BoldItalic',cw,cMap,registry) end def AddSJISFont(family='SJIS') #Add SJIS font with proportional Latin name='KozMinPro-Regular-Acro' cw=SJIS_widths cMap='90msp-RKSJ-H' registry={'ordering'=>'Japan1','supplement'=>2} AddCIDFonts(family,name,cw,cMap,registry) end def AddSJIShwFont(family='SJIS-hw') #Add SJIS font with half-width Latin name='KozMinPro-Regular-Acro' 32.upto(126) do |i| cw[i.chr]=500 end cMap='90ms-RKSJ-H' registry={'ordering'=>'Japan1','supplement'=>2} AddCIDFonts(family,name,cw,cMap,registry) end def GetStringWidth(s) if(@current_font['type']=='Type0') return GetSJISStringWidth(s) else return super(s) end end def GetSJISStringWidth(s) #SJIS version of GetStringWidth() l=0 cw=@current_font['cw'] nb=s.length i=0 while(i=161 and o<=223) #Half-width katakana l+=500 i+=1 else #Full-width character l+=1000 i+=2 end end return l*@font_size/1000 end def MultiCell(w,h,txt,border=0,align='L',fill=0) if(@current_font['type']=='Type0') SJISMultiCell(w,h,txt,border,align,fill) else super(w,h,txt,border,align,fill) end end def SJISMultiCell(w,h,txt,border=0,align='L',fill=0) #Output text with automatic or explicit line breaks cw=@current_font['cw'] if(w==0) w=@w-@r_margin-@x end wmax=(w-2*@c_margin)*1000/@font_size s=txt.gsub("\r",'') nb=s.length if(nb>0 and s[nb-1]=="\n") nb-=1 end b=0 if(border) if(border==1) border='LTRB' b='LRT' b2='LR' else b2='' b2='L' unless border.to_s.index('L').nil? b2=b2+'R' unless border.to_s.index('R').nil? b=(border.to_s.index('T')) ? (b2+'T') : b2 end end sep=-1 i=0 j=0 l=0 nl=1 while(i=161 and o<=223) #Half-width katakana l+=500 n=1 sep=i else #Full-width character l+=1000 n=2 sep=i end if(l>wmax) #Automatic line break if(sep==-1 or i==j) if(i==j) i+=n end Cell(w,h,s[j,i-j],b,2,align,fill) else Cell(w,h,s[j,sep-j],b,2,align,fill) i=(s[sep].chr==' ') ? sep+1 : sep end sep=-1 j=i l=0 nl+=1 if(border and nl==2) b=b2 end else i+=n if(o>=128) sep=i end end end #Last chunk if(border and not border.to_s.index('B').nil?) b+='B' end Cell(w,h,s[j,i-j],b,2,align,fill) @x=@l_margin end def Write(h,txt,link='') if(@current_font['type']=='Type0') SJISWrite(h,txt,link) else super(h,txt,link) end end def SJISWrite(h,txt,link) #SJIS version of Write() cw=@current_font['cw'] w=@w-@r_margin-@x wmax=(w-2*@c_margin)*1000/@font_size s=txt.gsub("\r",'') nb=s.length sep=-1 i=0 j=0 l=0 nl=1 while(i=161 and o<=223) #Half-width katakana l+=500 n=1 sep=i else #Full-width character l+=1000 n=2 sep=i end if(l>wmax) #Automatic line break if(sep==-1 or i==j) if(@x>@l_margin) #Move to next line @x=@l_margin @y+=h w=@w-@r_margin-@x wmax=(w-2*@c_margin)*1000/@font_size i+=n nl+=1 next end if(i==j) i+=n end Cell(w,h,s[j,i-j],0,2,'',0,link) else Cell(w,h,s[j,sep-j],0,2,'',0,link) i=(s[sep].chr==' ') ? sep+1 : sep end sep=-1 j=i l=0 if(nl==1) @x=@l_margin w=@w-@r_margin-@x wmax=(w-2*@c_margin)*1000/@font_size end nl+=1 else i+=n if(o>=128) sep=i end end end #Last chunk if(i!=j) Cell(l/1000*@font_size,h,s[j,i-j],0,0,'',0,link) end end private def putfonts() nf=@n @diffs.each do |diff| #Encodings newobj() out('<>') out('endobj') end # mqr=get_magic_quotes_runtime() # set_magic_quotes_runtime(0) @font_files.each_pair do |file, info| #Font file embedding newobj() @font_files[file]['n']=@n if(defined('FPDF_FONTPATH')) file=FPDF_FONTPATH+file end size=filesize(file) if(!size) Error('Font file not found') end out('<>') f=fopen(file,'rb') putstream(fread(f,size)) fclose(f) out('endobj') end # set_magic_quotes_runtime(mqr) @fonts.each_pair do |k, font| #Font objects newobj() @fonts[k]['n']=@n out('<>') out('endobj') if(font['type']!='core') #Widths newobj() cw=font['cw'] s='[' 32.upto(255) do |i| s+=cw[i.chr]+' ' end out(s+']') out('endobj') #Descriptor newobj() s='<>') out('endobj') end end end end def putType0(font) #Type0 out('/Subtype /Type0') out('/BaseFont /'+font['name']+'-'+font['CMap']) out('/Encoding /'+font['CMap']) out('/DescendantFonts ['+(@n+1).to_s+' 0 R]') out('>>') out('endobj') #CIDFont newobj() out('<>') out('/FontDescriptor '+(@n+1).to_s+' 0 R') w='/W [1 [' font['cw'].keys.sort.each {|key| w+=font['cw'][key].to_s + " " # ActionController::Base::logger.debug key.to_s # ActionController::Base::logger.debug font['cw'][key].to_s } out(w+'] 231 325 500 631 [500] 326 389 500]') out('>>') out('endobj') #Font descriptor newobj() out('<>') out('endobj') end end