# redMine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require 'SVG/Graph/Bar' require 'SVG/Graph/BarHorizontal' class RepositoriesController < ApplicationController layout 'base' before_filter :find_project before_filter :authorize, :except => [:stats, :graph] before_filter :check_project_privacy, :only => [:stats, :graph] def show # get entries for the browse frame @entries = @repository.scm.entries('') show_error and return unless @entries # check if new revisions have been committed in the repository scm_latestrev = @entries.revisions.latest if Setting.autofetch_changesets? && scm_latestrev && ((@repository.latest_changeset.nil?) || (@repository.latest_changeset.revision < scm_latestrev.identifier.to_i)) @repository.fetch_changesets @repository.reload end @changesets = @repository.changesets.find(:all, :limit => 5, :order => "committed_on DESC") end def browse @entries = @repository.scm.entries(@path, @rev) show_error and return unless @entries end def revisions unless @path == '' @entry = @repository.scm.entry(@path, @rev) show_error and return unless @entry end @repository.changesets_with_path @path do @changeset_count = @repository.changesets.count @changeset_pages = Paginator.new self, @changeset_count, 25, params['page'] @changesets = @repository.changesets.find(:all, :limit => @changeset_pages.items_per_page, :offset => @changeset_pages.current.offset) end render :action => "revisions", :layout => false if request.xhr? end def entry if 'raw' == params[:format] content = @repository.scm.cat(@path, @rev) show_error and return unless content send_data content, :filename => @path.split('/').last end end def revision @changeset = @repository.changesets.find_by_revision(@rev) show_error and return unless @changeset end def diff @rev_to = params[:rev_to] || (@rev-1) type = params[:type] || 'inline' @diff = @repository.scm.diff(params[:path], @rev, @rev_to, type) show_error and return unless @diff end def stats end def graph data = nil case params[:graph] when "commits_per_month" data = graph_commits_per_month(@repository) when "commits_per_author" data = graph_commits_per_author(@repository) end if data headers["Content-Type"] = "image/svg+xml" send_data(data, :type => "image/svg+xml", :disposition => "inline") else render_404 end end private def find_project @project = Project.find(params[:id]) @repository = @project.repository render_404 and return false unless @repository @path = params[:path].squeeze('/').gsub(/^\//, '') if params[:path] @path ||= '' @rev = params[:rev].to_i if params[:rev] and params[:rev].to_i > 0 rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound render_404 end def show_error flash.now[:notice] = l(:notice_scm_error) render :nothing => true, :layout => true end def graph_commits_per_month(repository) @date_to = Date.today @date_from = @date_to << 12 commits_by_day = repository.changesets.count(:all, :group => :commit_date, :conditions => ["commit_date BETWEEN ? AND ?", @date_from, @date_to]) commits_by_month = [0] * 12 commits_by_day.each {|c| commits_by_month[c.first.to_date.months_ago] += c.last } changes_by_day = repository.changes.count(:all, :group => :commit_date) changes_by_month = [0] * 12 changes_by_day.each {|c| changes_by_month[c.first.to_date.months_ago] += c.last } fields = [] month_names = l(:actionview_datehelper_select_month_names_abbr).split(',') 12.times {|m| fields << month_names[((Date.today.month - 1 - m) % 12)]} graph = SVG::Graph::Bar.new( :height => 300, :width => 500, :fields => fields.reverse, :stack => :side, :scale_integers => true, :step_x_labels => 2, :show_data_values => false, :graph_title => l(:label_commits_per_month), :show_graph_title => true ) graph.add_data( :data => commits_by_month[0..11].reverse, :title => l(:label_revision_plural) ) graph.add_data( :data => changes_by_month[0..11].reverse, :title => l(:label_change_plural) ) graph.burn end def graph_commits_per_author(repository) commits_by_author = repository.changesets.count(:all, :group => :committer) commits_by_author.sort! {|x, y| x.last <=> y.last} changes_by_author = repository.changes.count(:all, :group => :committer) h = changes_by_author.inject({}) {|o, i| o[i.first] = i.last; o} fields = commits_by_author.collect {|r| r.first} commits_data = commits_by_author.collect {|r| r.last} changes_data = commits_by_author.collect {|r| h[r.first] || 0} fields = fields + [""]*(10 - fields.length) if fields.length<10 commits_data = commits_data + [0]*(10 - commits_data.length) if commits_data.length<10 changes_data = changes_data + [0]*(10 - changes_data.length) if changes_data.length<10 graph = SVG::Graph::BarHorizontal.new( :height => 300, :width => 500, :fields => fields, :stack => :side, :scale_integers => true, :show_data_values => false, :rotate_y_labels => false, :graph_title => l(:label_commits_per_author), :show_graph_title => true ) graph.add_data( :data => commits_data, :title => l(:label_revision_plural) ) graph.add_data( :data => changes_data, :title => l(:label_change_plural) ) graph.burn end end class Date def months_ago(date = Date.today) (date.year - self.year)*12 + (date.month - self.month) end def weeks_ago(date = Date.today) (date.year - self.year)*52 + (date.cweek - self.cweek) end end