# Generates a migration which migrates all plugins to their latest versions # within the database. class PluginMigrationGenerator < Rails::Generator::Base # 255 characters max for Windows NTFS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filename) # minus 14 for timestamp, minus some extra chars for dot, underscore, file # extension. So let's have 230. MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH = 230 def initialize(runtime_args, runtime_options={}) super @options = {:assigns => {}} ensure_schema_table_exists get_plugins_to_migrate(runtime_args) if @plugins_to_migrate.empty? puts "All plugins are migrated to their latest versions" exit(0) end @options[:migration_file_name] = build_migration_name @options[:assigns][:class_name] = build_migration_name.classify end def manifest record do |m| m.migration_template 'plugin_migration.erb', 'db/migrate', @options end end protected # Create the schema table if it doesn't already exist. def ensure_schema_table_exists ActiveRecord::Base.connection.initialize_schema_migrations_table end # Determine all the plugins which have migrations that aren't present # according to the plugin schema information from the database. def get_plugins_to_migrate(plugin_names) # First, grab all the plugins which exist and have migrations @plugins_to_migrate = if plugin_names.empty? Engines.plugins else plugin_names.map do |name| Engines.plugins[name] ? Engines.plugins[name] : raise("Cannot find the plugin '#{name}'") end end @plugins_to_migrate.reject! { |p| !p.respond_to?(:latest_migration) || p.latest_migration.nil? } # Then find the current versions from the database @current_versions = {} @plugins_to_migrate.each do |plugin| @current_versions[plugin.name] = Engines::Plugin::Migrator.current_version(plugin) end # Then find the latest versions from their migration directories @new_versions = {} @plugins_to_migrate.each do |plugin| @new_versions[plugin.name] = plugin.latest_migration end # Remove any plugins that don't need migration @plugins_to_migrate.map { |p| p.name }.each do |name| @plugins_to_migrate.delete(Engines.plugins[name]) if @current_versions[name] == @new_versions[name] end @options[:assigns][:plugins] = @plugins_to_migrate @options[:assigns][:new_versions] = @new_versions @options[:assigns][:current_versions] = @current_versions end # Returns a migration name. If the descriptive migration name based on the # plugin names involved is shorter than 230 characters that one will be # used. Otherwise a shorter name will be returned. def build_migration_name returning descriptive_migration_name do |name| name.replace short_migration_name if name.length > MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH end end # Construct a unique migration name based on the plugins involved and the # versions they should reach after this migration is run. The name constructed # needs to be lowercase def descriptive_migration_name @plugins_to_migrate.map do |plugin| "#{plugin.name}_to_version_#{@new_versions[plugin.name]}" end.join("_and_").downcase end # Short migration name that will be used if the descriptive_migration_name # exceeds 230 characters def short_migration_name 'plugin_migrations' end end