# redMine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require 'redmine/scm/adapters/abstract_adapter' module Redmine module Scm module Adapters class CvsAdapter < AbstractAdapter # CVS executable name CVS_BIN = Redmine::Configuration['scm_cvs_command'] || "cvs" # raised if scm command exited with error, e.g. unknown revision. class ScmCommandAborted < CommandFailed; end class << self def client_command @@bin ||= CVS_BIN end def sq_bin @@sq_bin ||= shell_quote(CVS_BIN) end def client_version @@client_version ||= (scm_command_version || []) end def client_available client_version_above?([1, 12]) end def scm_command_version scm_version = scm_version_from_command_line.dup if scm_version.respond_to?(:force_encoding) scm_version.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT') end if m = scm_version.match(%r{\A(.*?)((\d+\.)+\d+)}m) m[2].scan(%r{\d+}).collect(&:to_i) end end def scm_version_from_command_line shellout("#{sq_bin} --version") { |io| io.read }.to_s end end # Guidelines for the input: # url -> the project-path, relative to the cvsroot (eg. module name) # root_url -> the good old, sometimes damned, CVSROOT # login -> unnecessary # password -> unnecessary too def initialize(url, root_url=nil, login=nil, password=nil, path_encoding=nil) @path_encoding = path_encoding.blank? ? 'UTF-8' : path_encoding @url = url # TODO: better Exception here (IllegalArgumentException) raise CommandFailed if root_url.blank? @root_url = root_url # These are unused. @login = login if login && !login.empty? @password = (password || "") if @login end def path_encoding @path_encoding end def info logger.debug " info" Info.new({:root_url => @root_url, :lastrev => nil}) end def get_previous_revision(revision) CvsRevisionHelper.new(revision).prevRev end # Returns an Entries collection # or nil if the given path doesn't exist in the repository # this method is used by the repository-browser (aka LIST) def entries(path=nil, identifier=nil, options={}) logger.debug " entries '#{path}' with identifier '#{identifier}'" path_locale = scm_iconv(@path_encoding, 'UTF-8', path) path_locale.force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") if path_locale.respond_to?(:force_encoding) entries = Entries.new cmd_args = %w|-q rls -e| cmd_args << "-D" << time_to_cvstime_rlog(identifier) if identifier cmd_args << path_with_proj(path) scm_cmd(*cmd_args) do |io| io.each_line() do |line| fields = line.chop.split('/',-1) logger.debug(">>InspectLine #{fields.inspect}") if fields[0]!="D" time = nil # Thu Dec 13 16:27:22 2007 time_l = fields[-3].split(' ') if time_l.size == 5 && time_l[4].length == 4 begin time = Time.parse( "#{time_l[1]} #{time_l[2]} #{time_l[3]} GMT #{time_l[4]}") rescue end end entries << Entry.new( { :name => scm_iconv('UTF-8', @path_encoding, fields[-5]), #:path => fields[-4].include?(path)?fields[-4]:(path + "/"+ fields[-4]), :path => scm_iconv('UTF-8', @path_encoding, "#{path_locale}/#{fields[-5]}"), :kind => 'file', :size => nil, :lastrev => Revision.new( { :revision => fields[-4], :name => scm_iconv('UTF-8', @path_encoding, fields[-4]), :time => time, :author => '' }) }) else entries << Entry.new( { :name => scm_iconv('UTF-8', @path_encoding, fields[1]), :path => scm_iconv('UTF-8', @path_encoding, "#{path_locale}/#{fields[1]}"), :kind => 'dir', :size => nil, :lastrev => nil }) end end end entries.sort_by_name rescue ScmCommandAborted nil end STARTLOG="----------------------------" ENDLOG ="=============================================================================" # Returns all revisions found between identifier_from and identifier_to # in the repository. both identifier have to be dates or nil. # these method returns nothing but yield every result in block def revisions(path=nil, identifier_from=nil, identifier_to=nil, options={}, &block) path_with_project_utf8 = path_with_proj(path) path_with_project_locale = scm_iconv(@path_encoding, 'UTF-8', path_with_project_utf8) logger.debug " revisions path:" + "'#{path}',identifier_from #{identifier_from}, identifier_to #{identifier_to}" cmd_args = %w|-q rlog| cmd_args << "-d" << ">#{time_to_cvstime_rlog(identifier_from)}" if identifier_from cmd_args << path_with_project_utf8 scm_cmd(*cmd_args) do |io| state = "entry_start" commit_log = String.new revision = nil date = nil author = nil entry_path = nil entry_name = nil file_state = nil branch_map = nil io.each_line() do |line| if state != "revision" && /^#{ENDLOG}/ =~ line commit_log = String.new revision = nil state = "entry_start" end if state == "entry_start" branch_map = Hash.new if /^RCS file: #{Regexp.escape(root_url_path)}\/#{Regexp.escape(path_with_project_locale)}(.+),v$/ =~ line entry_path = normalize_cvs_path($1) entry_name = normalize_path(File.basename($1)) logger.debug("Path #{entry_path} <=> Name #{entry_name}") elsif /^head: (.+)$/ =~ line entry_headRev = $1 #unless entry.nil? elsif /^symbolic names:/ =~ line state = "symbolic" #unless entry.nil? elsif /^#{STARTLOG}/ =~ line commit_log = String.new state = "revision" end next elsif state == "symbolic" if /^(.*):\s(.*)/ =~ (line.strip) branch_map[$1] = $2 else state = "tags" next end elsif state == "tags" if /^#{STARTLOG}/ =~ line commit_log = "" state = "revision" elsif /^#{ENDLOG}/ =~ line state = "head" end next elsif state == "revision" if /^#{ENDLOG}/ =~ line || /^#{STARTLOG}/ =~ line if revision revHelper = CvsRevisionHelper.new(revision) revBranch = "HEAD" branch_map.each() do |branch_name, branch_point| if revHelper.is_in_branch_with_symbol(branch_point) revBranch = branch_name end end logger.debug("********** YIELD Revision #{revision}::#{revBranch}") yield Revision.new({ :time => date, :author => author, :message => commit_log.chomp, :paths => [{ :revision => revision, :branch => revBranch, :path => scm_iconv('UTF-8', @path_encoding, entry_path), :name => scm_iconv('UTF-8', @path_encoding, entry_name), :kind => 'file', :action => file_state }] }) end commit_log = String.new revision = nil if /^#{ENDLOG}/ =~ line state = "entry_start" end next end if /^branches: (.+)$/ =~ line # TODO: version.branch = $1 elsif /^revision (\d+(?:\.\d+)+).*$/ =~ line revision = $1 elsif /^date:\s+(\d+.\d+.\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+)/ =~ line date = Time.parse($1) line_utf8 = scm_iconv('UTF-8', options[:log_encoding], line) author_utf8 = /author: ([^;]+)/.match(line_utf8)[1] author = scm_iconv(options[:log_encoding], 'UTF-8', author_utf8) file_state = /state: ([^;]+)/.match(line)[1] # TODO: # linechanges only available in CVS.... # maybe a feature our SVN implementation. # I'm sure, they are useful for stats or something else # linechanges =/lines: \+(\d+) -(\d+)/.match(line) # unless linechanges.nil? # version.line_plus = linechanges[1] # version.line_minus = linechanges[2] # else # version.line_plus = 0 # version.line_minus = 0 # end else commit_log << line unless line =~ /^\*\*\* empty log message \*\*\*/ end end end end rescue ScmCommandAborted Revisions.new end def diff(path, identifier_from, identifier_to=nil) logger.debug " diff path:'#{path}'" + ",identifier_from #{identifier_from}, identifier_to #{identifier_to}" cmd_args = %w|rdiff -u| cmd_args << "-r#{identifier_to}" cmd_args << "-r#{identifier_from}" cmd_args << path_with_proj(path) diff = [] scm_cmd(*cmd_args) do |io| io.each_line do |line| diff << line end end diff rescue ScmCommandAborted nil end def cat(path, identifier=nil) identifier = (identifier) ? identifier : "HEAD" logger.debug " cat path:'#{path}',identifier #{identifier}" cmd_args = %w|-q co| cmd_args << "-D" << time_to_cvstime(identifier) if identifier cmd_args << "-p" << path_with_proj(path) cat = nil scm_cmd(*cmd_args) do |io| io.binmode cat = io.read end cat rescue ScmCommandAborted nil end def annotate(path, identifier=nil) identifier = (identifier) ? identifier : "HEAD" logger.debug " annotate path:'#{path}',identifier #{identifier}" cmd_args = %w|rannotate| cmd_args << "-D" << time_to_cvstime(identifier) if identifier cmd_args << path_with_proj(path) blame = Annotate.new scm_cmd(*cmd_args) do |io| io.each_line do |line| next unless line =~ %r{^([\d\.]+)\s+\(([^\)]+)\s+[^\)]+\):\s(.*)$} blame.add_line( $3.rstrip, Revision.new( :revision => $1, :identifier => nil, :author => $2.strip )) end end blame rescue ScmCommandAborted Annotate.new end private # Returns the root url without the connexion string # :pserver:anonymous@foo.bar:/path => /path # :ext:cvsservername:/path => /path def root_url_path root_url.to_s.gsub(/^:.+:\d*/, '') end # convert a date/time into the CVS-format def time_to_cvstime(time) return nil if time.nil? time = Time.now if time == 'HEAD' unless time.kind_of? Time time = Time.parse(time) end return time_to_cvstime_rlog(time) end def time_to_cvstime_rlog(time) return nil if time.nil? t1 = time.clone.localtime return t1.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") end def normalize_cvs_path(path) normalize_path(path.gsub(/Attic\//,'')) end def normalize_path(path) path.sub(/^(\/)*(.*)/,'\2').sub(/(.*)(,v)+/,'\1') end def path_with_proj(path) "#{url}#{with_leading_slash(path)}" end private :path_with_proj class Revision < Redmine::Scm::Adapters::Revision # Returns the readable identifier def format_identifier revision.to_s end end def scm_cmd(*args, &block) full_args = [CVS_BIN, '-d', root_url] full_args += args full_args_locale = [] full_args.map do |e| full_args_locale << scm_iconv(@path_encoding, 'UTF-8', e) end ret = shellout(full_args_locale.map { |e| shell_quote e.to_s }.join(' '), &block) if $? && $?.exitstatus != 0 raise ScmCommandAborted, "cvs exited with non-zero status: #{$?.exitstatus}" end ret end private :scm_cmd end class CvsRevisionHelper attr_accessor :complete_rev, :revision, :base, :branchid def initialize(complete_rev) @complete_rev = complete_rev parseRevision() end def branchPoint return @base end def branchVersion if isBranchRevision return @base+"."+@branchid end return @base end def isBranchRevision !@branchid.nil? end def prevRev unless @revision == 0 return buildRevision( @revision - 1 ) end return buildRevision( @revision ) end def is_in_branch_with_symbol(branch_symbol) bpieces = branch_symbol.split(".") branch_start = "#{bpieces[0..-3].join(".")}.#{bpieces[-1]}" return ( branchVersion == branch_start ) end private def buildRevision(rev) if rev == 0 if @branchid.nil? @base + ".0" else @base end elsif @branchid.nil? @base + "." + rev.to_s else @base + "." + @branchid + "." + rev.to_s end end # Interpretiert die cvs revisionsnummern wie z.b. 1.14 oder def parseRevision() pieces = @complete_rev.split(".") @revision = pieces.last.to_i baseSize = 1 baseSize += (pieces.size / 2) @base = pieces[0..-baseSize].join(".") if baseSize > 2 @branchid = pieces[-2] end end end end end end