# Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require File.expand_path('../../../test_helper', __FILE__) class ApiTest::WikiPagesTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest fixtures :projects, :users, :roles, :members, :member_roles, :enabled_modules, :wikis, :wiki_pages, :wiki_contents, :wiki_content_versions, :attachments def setup Setting.rest_api_enabled = '1' end test "GET /projects/:project_id/wiki/index.xml should return wiki pages" do get '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/index.xml' assert_response 200 assert_equal 'application/xml', response.content_type assert_select 'wiki_pages[type=array]' do assert_select 'wiki_page', :count => Wiki.find(1).pages.count assert_select 'wiki_page' do assert_select 'title', :text => 'CookBook_documentation' assert_select 'version', :text => '3' assert_select 'created_on' assert_select 'updated_on' end assert_select 'wiki_page' do assert_select 'title', :text => 'Page_with_an_inline_image' assert_select 'parent[title=?]', 'CookBook_documentation' end end end test "GET /projects/:project_id/wiki/:title.xml should return wiki page" do get '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/CookBook_documentation.xml' assert_response 200 assert_equal 'application/xml', response.content_type assert_select 'wiki_page' do assert_select 'title', :text => 'CookBook_documentation' assert_select 'version', :text => '3' assert_select 'text' assert_select 'author' assert_select 'created_on' assert_select 'updated_on' end end test "GET /projects/:project_id/wiki/:title.xml?include=attachments should include attachments" do get '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Page_with_an_inline_image.xml?include=attachments' assert_response 200 assert_equal 'application/xml', response.content_type assert_select 'wiki_page' do assert_select 'title', :text => 'Page_with_an_inline_image' assert_select 'attachments[type=array]' do assert_select 'attachment' do assert_select 'id', :text => '3' assert_select 'filename', :text => 'logo.gif' end end end end test "GET /projects/:project_id/wiki/:title.xml with unknown title and edit permission should respond with 404" do get '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Invalid_Page.xml', {}, credentials('jsmith') assert_response 404 assert_equal 'application/xml', response.content_type end test "GET /projects/:project_id/wiki/:title/:version.xml should return wiki page version" do get '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/CookBook_documentation/2.xml' assert_response 200 assert_equal 'application/xml', response.content_type assert_select 'wiki_page' do assert_select 'title', :text => 'CookBook_documentation' assert_select 'version', :text => '2' assert_select 'text' assert_select 'author' assert_select 'created_on' assert_select 'updated_on' end end test "GET /projects/:project_id/wiki/:title/:version.xml without permission should be denied" do Role.anonymous.remove_permission! :view_wiki_edits get '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/CookBook_documentation/2.xml' assert_response 401 assert_equal 'application/xml', response.content_type end test "PUT /projects/:project_id/wiki/:title.xml should update wiki page" do assert_no_difference 'WikiPage.count' do assert_difference 'WikiContent::Version.count' do put '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/CookBook_documentation.xml', {:wiki_page => {:text => 'New content from API', :comments => 'API update'}}, credentials('jsmith') assert_response 200 end end page = WikiPage.find(1) assert_equal 'New content from API', page.content.text assert_equal 4, page.content.version assert_equal 'API update', page.content.comments assert_equal 'jsmith', page.content.author.login end test "PUT /projects/:project_id/wiki/:title.xml with current versino should update wiki page" do assert_no_difference 'WikiPage.count' do assert_difference 'WikiContent::Version.count' do put '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/CookBook_documentation.xml', {:wiki_page => {:text => 'New content from API', :comments => 'API update', :version => '3'}}, credentials('jsmith') assert_response 200 end end page = WikiPage.find(1) assert_equal 'New content from API', page.content.text assert_equal 4, page.content.version assert_equal 'API update', page.content.comments assert_equal 'jsmith', page.content.author.login end test "PUT /projects/:project_id/wiki/:title.xml with stale version should respond with 409" do assert_no_difference 'WikiPage.count' do assert_no_difference 'WikiContent::Version.count' do put '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/CookBook_documentation.xml', {:wiki_page => {:text => 'New content from API', :comments => 'API update', :version => '2'}}, credentials('jsmith') assert_response 409 end end end test "PUT /projects/:project_id/wiki/:title.xml should create the page if it does not exist" do assert_difference 'WikiPage.count' do assert_difference 'WikiContent::Version.count' do put '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/New_page_from_API.xml', {:wiki_page => {:text => 'New content from API', :comments => 'API create'}}, credentials('jsmith') assert_response 201 end end page = WikiPage.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 'New_page_from_API', page.title assert_equal 'New content from API', page.content.text assert_equal 1, page.content.version assert_equal 'API create', page.content.comments assert_equal 'jsmith', page.content.author.login assert_nil page.parent end test "PUT /projects/:project_id/wiki/:title.xml with parent" do assert_difference 'WikiPage.count' do assert_difference 'WikiContent::Version.count' do put '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/New_subpage_from_API.xml', {:wiki_page => {:parent_title => 'CookBook_documentation', :text => 'New content from API', :comments => 'API create'}}, credentials('jsmith') assert_response 201 end end page = WikiPage.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 'New_subpage_from_API', page.title assert_equal WikiPage.find(1), page.parent end end