diff --git a/test/unit/helpers/issues_helper_test.rb b/test/unit/helpers/issues_helper_test.rb
index d202d28e0..7c8594d63 100644
--- a/test/unit/helpers/issues_helper_test.rb
+++ b/test/unit/helpers/issues_helper_test.rb
@@ -45,60 +45,67 @@ class IssuesHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
   def test_issues_destroy_confirmation_message_with_one_root_issue
-    assert_equal l(:text_issues_destroy_confirmation), issues_destroy_confirmation_message(Issue.find(1))
+    assert_equal l(:text_issues_destroy_confirmation),
+                 issues_destroy_confirmation_message(Issue.find(1))
   def test_issues_destroy_confirmation_message_with_an_arrayt_of_root_issues
-    assert_equal l(:text_issues_destroy_confirmation), issues_destroy_confirmation_message(Issue.find([1, 2]))
+    assert_equal l(:text_issues_destroy_confirmation),
+                 issues_destroy_confirmation_message(Issue.find([1, 2]))
   def test_issues_destroy_confirmation_message_with_one_parent_issue
     Issue.find(2).update_attribute :parent_issue_id, 1
-    assert_equal l(:text_issues_destroy_confirmation) + "\n" + l(:text_issues_destroy_descendants_confirmation, :count => 1),
-      issues_destroy_confirmation_message(Issue.find(1))
+    assert_equal l(:text_issues_destroy_confirmation) + "\n" +
+                   l(:text_issues_destroy_descendants_confirmation, :count => 1),
+                 issues_destroy_confirmation_message(Issue.find(1))
   def test_issues_destroy_confirmation_message_with_one_parent_issue_and_its_child
     Issue.find(2).update_attribute :parent_issue_id, 1
-    assert_equal l(:text_issues_destroy_confirmation), issues_destroy_confirmation_message(Issue.find([1, 2]))
+    assert_equal l(:text_issues_destroy_confirmation),
+                 issues_destroy_confirmation_message(Issue.find([1, 2]))
   test 'IssuesHelper#show_detail with no_html should show a changing attribute' do
-    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :old_value => '40', :value => '100', :prop_key => 'done_ratio')
+    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :old_value => '40',
+                               :value => '100', :prop_key => 'done_ratio')
     assert_equal "% Done changed from 40 to 100", show_detail(detail, true)
   test 'IssuesHelper#show_detail with no_html should show a new attribute' do
-    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :old_value => nil, :value => '100', :prop_key => 'done_ratio')
+    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :old_value => nil,
+                               :value => '100', :prop_key => 'done_ratio')
     assert_equal "% Done set to 100", show_detail(detail, true)
   test 'IssuesHelper#show_detail with no_html should show a deleted attribute' do
-    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :old_value => '50', :value => nil, :prop_key => 'done_ratio')
+    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :old_value => '50',
+                               :value => nil, :prop_key => 'done_ratio')
     assert_equal "% Done deleted (50)", show_detail(detail, true)
   test 'IssuesHelper#show_detail with html should show a changing attribute with HTML highlights' do
-    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :old_value => '40', :value => '100', :prop_key => 'done_ratio')
+    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :old_value => '40',
+                               :value => '100', :prop_key => 'done_ratio')
     html = show_detail(detail, false)
     assert_include '<strong>% Done</strong>', html
     assert_include '<i>40</i>', html
     assert_include '<i>100</i>', html
   test 'IssuesHelper#show_detail with html should show a new attribute with HTML highlights' do
-    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :old_value => nil, :value => '100', :prop_key => 'done_ratio')
+    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :old_value => nil,
+                               :value => '100', :prop_key => 'done_ratio')
     html = show_detail(detail, false)
     assert_include '<strong>% Done</strong>', html
     assert_include '<i>100</i>', html
   test 'IssuesHelper#show_detail with html should show a deleted attribute with HTML highlights' do
-    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :old_value => '50', :value => nil, :prop_key => 'done_ratio')
+    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :old_value => '50',
+                               :value => nil, :prop_key => 'done_ratio')
     html = show_detail(detail, false)
     assert_include '<strong>% Done</strong>', html
     assert_include '<del><i>50</i></del>', html
@@ -130,65 +137,76 @@ class IssuesHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
   test 'IssuesHelper#show_detail should show old and new values with a project attribute' do
-    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :prop_key => 'project_id', :old_value => 1, :value => 2)
+    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :prop_key => 'project_id',
+                               :old_value => 1, :value => 2)
     assert_match 'eCookbook', show_detail(detail, true)
     assert_match 'OnlineStore', show_detail(detail, true)
   test 'IssuesHelper#show_detail should show old and new values with a issue status attribute' do
-    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :prop_key => 'status_id', :old_value => 1, :value => 2)
+    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :prop_key => 'status_id',
+                               :old_value => 1, :value => 2)
     assert_match 'New', show_detail(detail, true)
     assert_match 'Assigned', show_detail(detail, true)
   test 'IssuesHelper#show_detail should show old and new values with a tracker attribute' do
-    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :prop_key => 'tracker_id', :old_value => 1, :value => 2)
+    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :prop_key => 'tracker_id',
+                               :old_value => 1, :value => 2)
     assert_match 'Bug', show_detail(detail, true)
     assert_match 'Feature request', show_detail(detail, true)
   test 'IssuesHelper#show_detail should show old and new values with a assigned to attribute' do
-    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :prop_key => 'assigned_to_id', :old_value => 1, :value => 2)
+    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :prop_key => 'assigned_to_id',
+                               :old_value => 1, :value => 2)
     assert_match 'Redmine Admin', show_detail(detail, true)
     assert_match 'John Smith', show_detail(detail, true)
   test 'IssuesHelper#show_detail should show old and new values with a priority attribute' do
-    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :prop_key => 'priority_id', :old_value => 4, :value => 5)
+    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :prop_key => 'priority_id',
+                               :old_value => 4, :value => 5)
     assert_match 'Low', show_detail(detail, true)
     assert_match 'Normal', show_detail(detail, true)
   test 'IssuesHelper#show_detail should show old and new values with a category attribute' do
-    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :prop_key => 'category_id', :old_value => 1, :value => 2)
+    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :prop_key => 'category_id',
+                               :old_value => 1, :value => 2)
     assert_match 'Printing', show_detail(detail, true)
     assert_match 'Recipes', show_detail(detail, true)
   test 'IssuesHelper#show_detail should show old and new values with a fixed version attribute' do
-    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :prop_key => 'fixed_version_id', :old_value => 1, :value => 2)
+    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :prop_key => 'fixed_version_id',
+                               :old_value => 1, :value => 2)
     assert_match '0.1', show_detail(detail, true)
     assert_match '1.0', show_detail(detail, true)
   test 'IssuesHelper#show_detail should show old and new values with a estimated hours attribute' do
-    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :prop_key => 'estimated_hours', :old_value => '5', :value => '6.3')
+    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :prop_key => 'estimated_hours',
+                               :old_value => '5', :value => '6.3')
     assert_match '5.00', show_detail(detail, true)
     assert_match '6.30', show_detail(detail, true)
   test 'IssuesHelper#show_detail should show old and new values with a custom field' do
-    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'cf', :prop_key => '1', :old_value => 'MySQL', :value => 'PostgreSQL')
+    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'cf', :prop_key => '1',
+                               :old_value => 'MySQL', :value => 'PostgreSQL')
     assert_equal 'Database changed from MySQL to PostgreSQL', show_detail(detail, true)
   test 'IssuesHelper#show_detail should show added file' do
-    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attachment', :prop_key => '1', :old_value => nil, :value => 'error281.txt')
+    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attachment', :prop_key => '1',
+                               :old_value => nil, :value => 'error281.txt')
     assert_match 'error281.txt', show_detail(detail, true)
   test 'IssuesHelper#show_detail should show removed file' do
-    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attachment', :prop_key => '1', :old_value => 'error281.txt', :value => nil)
+    detail = JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attachment', :prop_key => '1',
+                               :old_value => 'error281.txt', :value => nil)
     assert_match 'error281.txt', show_detail(detail, true)