* Danish added (Mads Vestergaard) * Polish updated (Mariusz Olejnik) * Finnish updated (Antti Perkiömäki) * Simplified Chinese updated (chaoqun zou) * Traditional Chinese updated (shortie lo) git-svn-id: http://redmine.rubyforge.org/svn/trunk@1204 e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
This commit is contained in:
@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ text_destroy_time_entries: Delete reported hours
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
field_comments_sorting: Afficher les commentaires
field_comments_sorting: Display comments
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_preferences: Preferences
label_preferences: Preferences
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ text_destroy_time_entries: Delete reported hours
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
field_comments_sorting: Afficher les commentaires
field_comments_sorting: Display comments
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_preferences: Preferences
label_preferences: Preferences
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
_gloc_rule_default: '|n| n==1 ? "" : "_plural" '
actionview_datehelper_select_month_names: Januar,Februar,Marts,April,Maj,Juni,Juli,August,September,Oktober,November,December
actionview_datehelper_select_month_names_abbr: Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,Maj,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Okt,Nov,Dec
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_day: 1 dag
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_day_plural: %d dage
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_hour_about: cirka en time
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_hour_about_plural: cirka %d timer
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_hour_about_single: cirka en time
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_minute: 1 minut
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_minute_half: et halvt minut
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_minute_less_than: mindre end et minut
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_minute_plural: %d minutter
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_minute_single: 1 minut
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_second_less_than: mindre end et sekund
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_second_less_than_plural: mindre end %d sekunder
actionview_instancetag_blank_option: Vælg venligst
activerecord_error_inclusion: er ikke i listen
activerecord_error_exclusion: er reserveret
activerecord_error_invalid: er ugyldig
activerecord_error_confirmation: passer ikke bekræftelsen
activerecord_error_accepted: skal accepteres
activerecord_error_empty: kan ikke være tom
activerecord_error_blank: kan ikke være blank
activerecord_error_too_long: er for lang
activerecord_error_too_short: er for kort
activerecord_error_wrong_length: har den forkerte længde
activerecord_error_taken: er allerede valgt
activerecord_error_not_a_number: er ikke et nummer
activerecord_error_not_a_date: er en ugyldig dato
activerecord_error_greater_than_start_date: skal være senere end start datoen
activerecord_error_not_same_project: høre ikke til samme projekt
activerecord_error_circular_dependency: Denne relation vil skabe et afhængigheds forhold
general_fmt_age: %d år
general_fmt_age_plural: %d år
general_fmt_date: %%m/%%d/%%Y
general_fmt_datetime: %%m/%%d/%%Y %%I:%%M %%p
general_fmt_datetime_short: %%b %%d, %%I:%%M %%p
general_fmt_time: %%I:%%M %%p
general_text_No: 'Nej'
general_text_Yes: 'Ja'
general_text_no: 'nej'
general_text_yes: 'ja'
general_lang_name: 'Danish (Dansk)'
general_csv_separator: ','
general_csv_encoding: ISO-8859-1
general_pdf_encoding: ISO-8859-1
general_day_names: Mandag,Tirsdag,Onsdag,Torsdag,Fredag,Lørdag,Søndag
general_first_day_of_week: '1'
notice_account_updated: Kontoen er opdateret.
notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Ugyldig bruger og kodeord
notice_account_password_updated: Kodeordet er opdateret.
notice_account_wrong_password: Forkert kodeord
notice_account_register_done: Kontoen er oprettet. For at aktivere kontoen, ska du klikke på linket i den tilsendte email.
notice_account_unknown_email: Ukendt bruger.
notice_can_t_change_password: Denne konto benytter en ekstern sikkerheds godkendelse. Det er ikke muligt at skifte kodeord.
notice_account_lost_email_sent: En email med instruktioner til at vælge et nyt kodeord er afsendt til dig.
notice_account_activated: Din konto er aktiveret. Du kan nu logge ind.
notice_successful_create: Succesfuld oprettelsen.
notice_successful_update: Succesfuld opdatering.
notice_successful_delete: Succesfuld sletning.
notice_successful_connection: Succesfuld forbindelse.
notice_file_not_found: Siden du forsøger at tilgå, eksisterer ikke eller er blevet fjernet.
notice_locking_conflict: Data er opdateret af en anden bruger.
notice_not_authorized: Du har ike adgang til denne side.
notice_email_sent: En email er sendt til %s
notice_email_error: En fejl opstod under afsendelse af email (%s)
notice_feeds_access_key_reseted: Din RSS adgangs nøgle er nulstillet.
notice_failed_to_save_issues: "Det mislykkedes at gemme %d sage(r) på %d valgt: %s."
notice_no_issue_selected: "Ingen sag er valgt! vælg venligst hvilke emner du vil rette."
notice_account_pending: "Din konto er oprettet, og afventer administratorens godkendelse."
notice_default_data_loaded: Default konfiguration er indlæst.
error_can_t_load_default_data: "Standard konfiguration kunne ikke indlæses: %s"
error_scm_not_found: "Adgang og/eller revision blev ikke fundet i det valgte repository."
error_scm_command_failed: "En fejl opstod under fobindelsen til det valgte repository: %s"
mail_subject_lost_password: Dit Redmine kodeord
mail_body_lost_password: 'For at ændre dit Redmine kodeord, klik på dette link:'
mail_subject_register: Redmine konto aktivering
mail_body_register: 'For at aktivere din Redmine konto, klik på dette link:'
mail_body_account_information_external: Du kan bruge din "%s" konto til at logge ind på Redmine.
mail_body_account_information: Din Redmine konto information
mail_subject_account_activation_request: Redmine konto aktivering
mail_body_account_activation_request: 'En ny bruger (%s) er registreret. Godkend venligst kontoen:'
gui_validation_error: 1 fejl
gui_validation_error_plural: %d fejl
field_name: Navn
field_description: Beskrivelse
field_summary: Sammenfatning
field_is_required: Skal udfyldes
field_firstname: Fornavn
field_lastname: Efternavn
field_mail: Email
field_filename: Fil
field_filesize: Størrelse
field_downloads: Downloads
field_author: Forfatter
field_created_on: Oprettet
field_updated_on: Opdateret
field_field_format: Format
field_is_for_all: For alle projekter
field_possible_values: Mulige værdier
field_regexp: Regulære udtryk
field_min_length: Minimum længde
field_max_length: Maximal længde
field_value: Værdi
field_category: Kategori
field_title: Titel
field_project: Projekt
field_issue: Sag
field_status: Status
field_notes: Noter
field_is_closed: Sagen er lukket
field_is_default: Standard værdi
field_tracker: Type
field_subject: Emne
field_due_date: Deadline
field_assigned_to: Tildelt til
field_priority: Prioritet
field_fixed_version: Retet version
field_user: Bruger
field_role: Rolle
field_homepage: Hjemmeside
field_is_public: Offentlig
field_parent: Underprojekt af
field_is_in_chlog: Sager vist i ændringer
field_is_in_roadmap: Sager vist i roadmap
field_login: Login
field_mail_notification: Email notifikatiner
field_admin: Administrator
field_last_login_on: Sidste forbindelse
field_language: Sprog
field_effective_date: Dato
field_password: Kodeord
field_new_password: Nyt kodeord
field_password_confirmation: Bekræft
field_version: Version
field_type: Type
field_host: Vært
field_port: Port
field_account: Kode
field_base_dn: Base DN
field_attr_login: Login attribut
field_attr_firstname: Fornavn attribut
field_attr_lastname: Efternavn attribut
field_attr_mail: Email attribut
field_onthefly: On-the-fly bruger oprettelse
field_start_date: Start
field_done_ratio: %% Færdig
field_auth_source: Sikkerheds metode
field_hide_mail: Skjul min email
field_comments: Kommentar
field_url: URL
field_start_page: Start side
field_subproject: Underprojekt
field_hours: Timer
field_activity: Aktivitet
field_spent_on: Dato
field_identifier: Identificering
field_is_filter: Brugt som et filter
field_issue_to_id: Beslægtede sag
field_delay: Udsættelse
field_assignable: Sager kan tildeles denne rolle
field_redirect_existing_links: Videresend eksisterende links
field_estimated_hours: Estimeret tid
field_column_names: Kolonner
field_time_zone: Tids zone
field_searchable: Søgbar
field_default_value: Standard værdi
setting_app_title: Applikations titel
setting_app_subtitle: Applikations undertekst
setting_welcome_text: Velkomst tekst
setting_default_language: Standrad sporg
setting_login_required: Sikkerhed påkrævet
setting_self_registration: Bruger oprettelse
setting_attachment_max_size: Vedhæftede filers max størrelse
setting_issues_export_limit: Sags eksporterings begrænsning
setting_mail_from: Afsender email
setting_bcc_recipients: Blind carbon copy modtager (bcc)
setting_host_name: Værts navn
setting_text_formatting: Tekst formattering
setting_wiki_compression: Wiki historik komprimering
setting_feeds_limit: Feed indholds begrænsning
setting_autofetch_changesets: Automatisk hent commits
setting_sys_api_enabled: Aktiver web service for automatisk repository administration
setting_commit_ref_keywords: Reference nøgleord
setting_commit_fix_keywords: Afslutnings nøgleord
setting_autologin: Autologin
setting_date_format: Dato format
setting_time_format: Tids format
setting_cross_project_issue_relations: Tillad cross-projekt sags relationer
setting_issue_list_default_columns: Standrad kolonner på sags listen
setting_repositories_encodings: Repository tegnsæt
setting_emails_footer: Email fodnote
setting_protocol: Protokol
setting_per_page_options: Objekter pr. side indstillinger
setting_user_format: Bruger visnings format
project_module_issue_tracking: Sag søgning
project_module_time_tracking: Tids styring
project_module_news: Nyheder
project_module_documents: Dokumenter
project_module_files: Filer
project_module_wiki: Wiki
project_module_repository: Repository
project_module_boards: Opslagstavle
label_user: Bruger
label_user_plural: Brugere
label_user_new: Ny bruger
label_project: Projekt
label_project_new: Nyt projekt
label_project_plural: Projekter
label_project_all: Alle projekter
label_project_latest: Seneste projekter
label_issue: Sag
label_issue_new: Opret sag
label_issue_plural: Sager
label_issue_view_all: Vis alle sager
label_issues_by: Sager fra %s
label_issue_added: Sagen er oprettet
label_issue_updated: Sagen er opdateret
label_document: Dokument
label_document_new: Nyt dokument
label_document_plural: Dokumenter
label_document_added: Dokument tilføjet
label_role: Rolle
label_role_plural: Roller
label_role_new: Ny rolle
label_role_and_permissions: Roller og rettigheder
label_member: Medlem
label_member_new: Nyt medlem
label_member_plural: Medlemmer
label_tracker: Type
label_tracker_plural: Typer
label_tracker_new: Ny type
label_workflow: Arbejdsgang
label_issue_status: Sags status
label_issue_status_plural: Sags statuser
label_issue_status_new: Ny status
label_issue_category: Sags kategori
label_issue_category_plural: Sags kategorier
label_issue_category_new: Ny kategori
label_custom_field: Brugerdefineret felt
label_custom_field_plural: Brugerdefineret felt
label_custom_field_new: Nyt brugerdefineret felt
label_enumerations: Værdier
label_enumeration_new: Ny værdi
label_information: Information
label_information_plural: Information
label_please_login: Login
label_register: Registrer
label_password_lost: Glemt kodeord
label_home: Forside
label_my_page: Min side
label_my_account: Min konto
label_my_projects: Mine projekter
label_administration: Administration
label_login: Log ind
label_logout: Log ud
label_help: Hjælp
label_reported_issues: Rapporterede sager
label_assigned_to_me_issues: Sager tildelt til mig
label_last_login: Sidste forbindelse
label_last_updates: Sidst opdateret
label_last_updates_plural: %d sidst opdateret
label_registered_on: Registeret den
label_activity: Aktivitet
label_new: Ny
label_logged_as: Registreret som
label_environment: Miljø
label_authentication: Sikkerhed
label_auth_source: Sikkerheds metode
label_auth_source_new: Ny sikkerheds metode
label_auth_source_plural: Sikkerheds metoder
label_subproject_plural: Underprojekter
label_min_max_length: Min - Max længde
label_list: Liste
label_date: Dato
label_integer: Heltal
label_float: Kommatal
label_boolean: Sand/falsk
label_string: Tekst
label_text: Lang tekst
label_attribute: Attribut
label_attribute_plural: Attributter
label_download: %d Download
label_download_plural: %d Downloads
label_no_data: Ingen data at vise
label_change_status: Ændrings status
label_history: Historik
label_attachment: Fil
label_attachment_new: Ny fil
label_attachment_delete: Slet fil
label_attachment_plural: Filer
label_file_added: Fil tilføjet
label_report: Rapport
label_report_plural: Rapporter
label_news: Nyheder
label_news_new: Tilføj nyheder
label_news_plural: Nyheder
label_news_latest: Seneste nyheder
label_news_view_all: Vis alle nyheder
label_news_added: Nyhed tilføjet
label_change_log: Ændringer
label_settings: Indstillinger
label_overview: Oversit
label_version: Version
label_version_new: Ny version
label_version_plural: Versioner
label_confirmation: Bekræftigelser
label_export_to: Exporter til
label_read: Læs...
label_public_projects: Offentlige projekter
label_open_issues: åben
label_open_issues_plural: åbne
label_closed_issues: lukket
label_closed_issues_plural: lukkede
label_total: Total
label_permissions: Rettigheder
label_current_status: Nuværende status
label_new_statuses_allowed: Ny status tilladt
label_all: alle
label_none: intet
label_nobody: ingen
label_next: Næste
label_previous: Forrig
label_used_by: Brugt af
label_details: Detaljer
label_add_note: Tilføj en note
label_per_page: Pr. side
label_calendar: Kalender
label_months_from: måneder frem
label_gantt: Gantt
label_internal: Intern
label_last_changes: sidste %d ændringer
label_change_view_all: Vis alle ændringer
label_personalize_page: Tilret denne side
label_comment: Kommentar
label_comment_plural: Kommentarer
label_comment_add: Tilføj en kommentar
label_comment_added: Kommentaren er tilføjet
label_comment_delete: Slet kommentar
label_query: Brugerdefineret forespørgsel
label_query_plural: Brugerdefinerede forespørgsler
label_query_new: Ny forespørgsel
label_filter_add: Tilføj filter
label_filter_plural: Filtre
label_equals: er
label_not_equals: er ikke
label_in_less_than: er mindre end
label_in_more_than: er større end
label_in: indeholdt i
label_today: idag
label_all_time: altid
label_yesterday: igår
label_this_week: denne uge
label_last_week: sidste uge
label_last_n_days: sidste %d dage
label_this_month: denne måned
label_last_month: sidste måned
label_this_year: dette år
label_date_range: Dato interval
label_less_than_ago: mindre end dage siden
label_more_than_ago: mere end dage siden
label_ago: days siden
label_contains: indeholder
label_not_contains: ikke indeholder
label_day_plural: dage
label_repository: Repository
label_repository_plural: Repositories
label_browse: Gennemse
label_modification: %d ændring
label_modification_plural: %d ændringer
label_revision: Revision
label_revision_plural: Revisions
label_associated_revisions: Tilnyttede revisions
label_added: tilføjet
label_modified: ændret
label_deleted: slettet
label_latest_revision: Seneste revision
label_latest_revision_plural: Seneste revisions
label_view_revisions: Se revisions
label_max_size: Maximal størrelse
label_on: 'til'
label_sort_highest: Flyt til toppen
label_sort_higher: Flyt op
label_sort_lower: Flyt ned
label_sort_lowest: Flyt til bunden
label_roadmap: Roadmap
label_roadmap_due_in: Deadline
label_roadmap_overdue: %s forsinket
label_roadmap_no_issues: Ingen sager til denne version
label_search: Søg
label_result_plural: Resultater
label_all_words: Alle ord
label_wiki: Wiki
label_wiki_edit: Wiki ændring
label_wiki_edit_plural: Wiki ændringer
label_wiki_page: Wiki side
label_wiki_page_plural: Wiki sider
label_index_by_title: Indhold efter titel
label_index_by_date: Indhold efter dato
label_current_version: Nuværende version
label_preview: Forhåndsvisning
label_feed_plural: Feeds
label_changes_details: Detaljer for alle ænringer
label_issue_tracking: Sags søgning
label_spent_time: Brugt tid
label_f_hour: %.2f time
label_f_hour_plural: %.2f timer
label_time_tracking: Tids styring
label_change_plural: Ændringer
label_statistics: Statistik
label_commits_per_month: Commits pr. måned
label_commits_per_author: Commits pr. bruger
label_view_diff: Vis forskellighed
label_diff_inline: inline
label_diff_side_by_side: side ved side
label_options: Options
label_copy_workflow_from: Kopier arbejdsgang fra
label_permissions_report: Godkendelses rapport
label_watched_issues: Overvågede sager
label_related_issues: Relaterede sage
label_applied_status: Anvendte statuser
label_loading: Indlæser...
label_relation_new: Ny relation
label_relation_delete: Slet relation
label_relates_to: relaterer til
label_duplicates: kopierer
label_blocks: blokerer
label_blocked_by: blokeret af
label_precedes: kommer før
label_follows: følger
label_end_to_start: slut til start
label_end_to_end: slut til slut
label_start_to_start: start til start
label_start_to_end: start til slut
label_stay_logged_in: Forblin indlogget
label_disabled: deaktiveret
label_show_completed_versions: Vis færdige versioner
label_me: mig
label_board: Forum
label_board_new: Nyt forum
label_board_plural: Forumer
label_topic_plural: Emner
label_message_plural: Beskeder
label_message_last: Sidste besked
label_message_new: Ny besked
label_message_posted: Besked tilføjet
label_reply_plural: Besvarer
label_send_information: Send konto information til bruger
label_year: År
label_month: Måned
label_week: Uge
label_date_from: Fra
label_date_to: Til
label_language_based: Baseret på brugerens sprog
label_sort_by: Sorter efter %s
label_send_test_email: Send en test email
label_feeds_access_key_created_on: RSS adgangsnøgle genereret %s siden
label_module_plural: Moduler
label_added_time_by: Tilføjet af %s for %s siden
label_updated_time: Opdateret for %s siden
label_jump_to_a_project: Skift til projekt...
label_file_plural: Filer
label_changeset_plural: Ændringer
label_default_columns: Standard kolonner
label_no_change_option: (Ingen ændringer)
label_bulk_edit_selected_issues: Masse ret de valgte sager
label_theme: Tema
label_default: standard
label_search_titles_only: Søg kun i titler
label_user_mail_option_all: "For alle hændelser på mine projekter"
label_user_mail_option_selected: "For alle hændelser, kun på de valgte projekter..."
label_user_mail_option_none: "Kun for ting jeg overvåger, eller jeg er involveret i"
label_user_mail_no_self_notified: "Jeg ønsker ikke besked, om ændring foretaget af mig selv"
label_registration_activation_by_email: konto aktivering på email
label_registration_manual_activation: manuel konto aktivering
label_registration_automatic_activation: automatisk konto aktivering
label_display_per_page: 'Per side: %s'
label_age: Alder
label_change_properties: Ændre indstillinger
label_general: Generalt
label_more: Mere
label_scm: SCM
label_plugins: Plugins
label_ldap_authentication: LDAP godkendelse
label_downloads_abbr: D/L
button_login: Login
button_submit: Send
button_save: Gem
button_check_all: Vælg alt
button_uncheck_all: Fravælg alt
button_delete: Slet
button_create: Opret
button_test: Test
button_edit: Ret
button_add: Tilføj
button_change: Ændre
button_apply: Anvend
button_clear: Nulstil
button_lock: Lås
button_unlock: Lås op
button_download: Download
button_list: List
button_view: Vis
button_move: Flyt
button_back: Tilbage
button_cancel: Annuller
button_activate: Aktiver
button_sort: Sorter
button_log_time: Log tidspunkt
button_rollback: Tilbagefør til denne version
button_watch: Overvåg
button_unwatch: Stop overvågning
button_reply: Besvar
button_archive: Arkiver
button_unarchive: Fjern fra arkiv
button_reset: Nulstil
button_rename: Omdøb
button_change_password: Skift kodeord
button_copy: Kopier
button_annotate: Annotere
button_update: Opdater
button_configure: Konfigurer
status_active: aktiv
status_registered: registreret
status_locked: låst
text_select_mail_notifications: Vælg handlinger for hvilke, der skal sendes en email besked.
text_regexp_info: f.eks. ^[A-ZÆØÅ0-9]+$
text_min_max_length_info: 0 betyder ingen begrænsninger
text_project_destroy_confirmation: Er du sikker på di vil slette dette projekt og alle relaterede data ?
text_workflow_edit: Vælg en rolle samt en type, for at redigere arbejdsgangen
text_are_you_sure: Er du sikker ?
text_journal_changed: ændret fra %s til %s
text_journal_set_to: sat til %s
text_journal_deleted: slettet
text_tip_task_begin_day: opgaven begynder denne dag
text_tip_task_end_day: opaven slutter denne dag
text_tip_task_begin_end_day: opgaven begynder og slutter denne dag
text_project_identifier_info: 'Minuskler (a-z), numre og bindestreg er tilladt.<br />Når den er gemt, kan indifikatoren ikke rettes.'
text_caracters_maximum: max %d karakterer.
text_caracters_minimum: Skal være mindst %d karakterer lang.
text_length_between: Længde skal være mellem %d og %d karakterer.
text_tracker_no_workflow: Ingen arbejdsgang defineret for denne type
text_unallowed_characters: Ikke tilladte karakterer
text_comma_separated: Adskillige værdier tilladt (komma separeret).
text_issues_ref_in_commit_messages: Referer og løser sager i commit beskeder
text_issue_added: Sag %s er rapporteret af %s.
text_issue_updated: Sag %s er blevet opdateret af %s.
text_wiki_destroy_confirmation: Er du sikker på at du vil slette debbe wiki, og alt indholdet ?
text_issue_category_destroy_question: Nogle sgaer (%d) er tildelt denne kategori. Hvad ønsker du at gøre ?
text_issue_category_destroy_assignments: Slet kategori tildelinger
text_issue_category_reassign_to: Tildel sager til denne kategori
text_user_mail_option: "For ikke valgte projekter, vil du kun modtage beskeder omhandlende ting, du er involveret i, eller overvåger (f.eks. sager du ahr indberettet eller ejer)."
text_no_configuration_data: "Roller, typer, sags statuser og arbejdsgange er endnu ikek konfigureret.\nDet er anbefalet at indlæse standard konfigurationen. Du vil kunne ændre denne når den er indlæst."
text_load_default_configuration: Indlæs standard konfiguration
text_status_changed_by_changeset: Anvendt i ændring %s.
text_issues_destroy_confirmation: 'Er du sikker på du ønsker at slette den/de valgte sag(er) ?'
text_select_project_modules: 'Vælg moduler er skal være aktiveret for dette projekt:'
text_default_administrator_account_changed: Standard administrator konto ændret
text_file_repository_writable: Filarkiv er skrivbar
text_rmagick_available: RMagick tilgængelig (valgfri)
default_role_manager: Leder
default_role_developper: Udvikler
default_role_reporter: Rapportør
default_tracker_bug: Bug
default_tracker_feature: Feature
default_tracker_support: Support
default_issue_status_new: Ny
default_issue_status_assigned: Tildelt
default_issue_status_resolved: Løst
default_issue_status_feedback: Feedback
default_issue_status_closed: Lukket
default_issue_status_rejected: Afvist
default_doc_category_user: Bruger dokumentation
default_doc_category_tech: Teknisk dokumentation
default_priority_low: Lav
default_priority_normal: Normal
default_priority_high: Høj
default_priority_urgent: Akut
default_priority_immediate: Omgående
default_activity_design: Design
default_activity_development: Udvikling
enumeration_issue_priorities: Sags prioriteter
enumeration_doc_categories: Dokument kategorier
enumeration_activities: Aktiviteter (tids styring)
label_add_another_file: Add another file
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
text_destroy_time_entries_question: %.02f hours were reported on the issues you are about to delete. What do you want to do ?
error_issue_not_found_in_project: 'The issue was not found or does not belong to this project'
text_assign_time_entries_to_project: Assign reported hours to the project
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
label_optional_description: Optional description
text_destroy_time_entries: Delete reported hours
field_comments_sorting: Display comments
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_preferences: Preferences
@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ enumeration_doc_categories: Dokumentenkategorien
enumeration_activities: Aktivitäten (Zeiterfassung)
enumeration_activities: Aktivitäten (Zeiterfassung)
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
field_comments_sorting: Afficher les commentaires
field_comments_sorting: Display comments
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_preferences: Preferences
label_preferences: Preferences
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ field_column_names: Columns
field_time_zone: Time zone
field_time_zone: Time zone
field_searchable: Searchable
field_searchable: Searchable
field_default_value: Default value
field_default_value: Default value
field_comments_sorting: Afficher les commentaires
field_comments_sorting: Display comments
setting_app_title: Application title
setting_app_title: Application title
setting_app_subtitle: Application subtitle
setting_app_subtitle: Application subtitle
@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ text_destroy_time_entries: Delete reported hours
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
field_comments_sorting: Afficher les commentaires
field_comments_sorting: Display comments
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_preferences: Preferences
label_preferences: Preferences
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ label_in_less_than: pienempi kuin
label_in_more_than: suurempi kuin
label_in_more_than: suurempi kuin
label_today: tänään
label_today: tänään
label_this_week: tämä viikko
label_this_week: tällä viikolla
label_less_than_ago: vähemmän kuin päivää sitten
label_less_than_ago: vähemmän kuin päivää sitten
label_more_than_ago: enemän kuin päivää sitten
label_more_than_ago: enemän kuin päivää sitten
label_ago: päiviä sitten
label_ago: päiviä sitten
@ -592,28 +592,31 @@ button_configure: Asetukset
label_plugins: Lisäosat
label_plugins: Lisäosat
label_ldap_authentication: LDAP autentikointi
label_ldap_authentication: LDAP autentikointi
label_downloads_abbr: D/L
label_downloads_abbr: D/L
label_add_another_file: Add another file
label_add_another_file: Lisää uusi tiedosto
label_this_month: this month
label_this_month: tässä kuussa
label_date_to: To
text_destroy_time_entries_question: %.02f hours were reported on the issues you are about to delete. What do you want to do ?
text_destroy_time_entries_question: %.02f tuntia on raportoitu tapahtumasta jonka aiot poistaa. Mitä haluat tehdä ?
label_date_from: From
label_last_n_days: last %d days
label_last_n_days: viimeiset %d päivää
label_all_time: all time
label_all_time: koko ajalta
label_in: in
error_issue_not_found_in_project: 'The issue was not found or does not belong to this project'
error_issue_not_found_in_project: 'Tapahtumaa ei löytynyt tai se ei kuulu tähän projektiin'
label_this_year: this year
label_this_year: tänä vuonna
text_assign_time_entries_to_project: Assign reported hours to the project
text_assign_time_entries_to_project: Määritä tunnit projektille
label_date_range: Date range
label_date_range: Aikaväli
label_last_week: last week
label_last_week: viime viikolla
label_yesterday: yesterday
label_yesterday: eilen
label_optional_description: Optional description
label_optional_description: Lisäkuvaus
label_last_month: last month
label_last_month: viime kuussa
text_destroy_time_entries: Delete reported hours
text_destroy_time_entries: Poista raportoidut tunnit
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Siirrä raportoidut tunnit tälle tapahtumalle:'
label_on: 'on'
label_on: ''
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
field_comments_sorting: Afficher les commentaires
label_date_to: To
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
label_date_from: From
label_in: in
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
field_comments_sorting: Display comments
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_preferences: Preferences
label_preferences: Preferences
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ text_destroy_time_entries: Delete reported hours
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
field_comments_sorting: Afficher les commentaires
field_comments_sorting: Display comments
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_preferences: Preferences
label_preferences: Preferences
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ text_destroy_time_entries: Delete reported hours
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
field_comments_sorting: Afficher les commentaires
field_comments_sorting: Display comments
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_preferences: Preferences
label_preferences: Preferences
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ text_destroy_time_entries: Delete reported hours
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
field_comments_sorting: Afficher les commentaires
field_comments_sorting: Display comments
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_preferences: Preferences
label_preferences: Preferences
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ text_destroy_time_entries: Delete reported hours
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
field_comments_sorting: Afficher les commentaires
field_comments_sorting: Display comments
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_preferences: Preferences
label_preferences: Preferences
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ text_destroy_time_entries: Delete reported hours
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
field_comments_sorting: Afficher les commentaires
field_comments_sorting: Display comments
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_preferences: Preferences
label_preferences: Preferences
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ text_destroy_time_entries: Delete reported hours
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
field_comments_sorting: Afficher les commentaires
field_comments_sorting: Display comments
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_preferences: Preferences
label_preferences: Preferences
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ button_back: Wstecz
button_cancel: Anuluj
button_cancel: Anuluj
button_activate: Aktywuj
button_activate: Aktywuj
button_sort: Sortuj
button_sort: Sortuj
button_log_time: Logowanie czasu
button_log_time: Log czasu
button_rollback: Przywróc do tej wersji
button_rollback: Przywróc do tej wersji
button_watch: Obserwuj
button_watch: Obserwuj
button_unwatch: Nie obserwuj
button_unwatch: Nie obserwuj
@ -564,52 +564,52 @@ button_update: Uaktualnij
label_change_properties: Zmień właściwości
label_change_properties: Zmień właściwości
label_general: Ogólne
label_general: Ogólne
label_repository_plural: Repozytoria
label_repository_plural: Repozytoria
label_associated_revisions: Associated revisions
label_associated_revisions: Skojarzone rewizje
setting_user_format: Users display format
setting_user_format: Personalny format wyświetlania
text_status_changed_by_changeset: Applied in changeset %s.
text_status_changed_by_changeset: Zastosowane w zmianach %s.
label_more: More
label_more: Więcej
text_issues_destroy_confirmation: 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected issue(s) ?'
text_issues_destroy_confirmation: 'Czy jestes pewien, że chcesz usunąć wskazane zagadnienia?'
label_scm: SCM
label_scm: SCM
text_select_project_modules: 'Select modules to enable for this project:'
text_select_project_modules: 'Wybierz moduły do aktywacji w tym projekcie:'
label_issue_added: Issue added
label_issue_added: Dodano zagadnienie
label_issue_updated: Issue updated
label_issue_updated: Uaktualniono zagadnienie
label_document_added: Document added
label_document_added: Dodano dokument
label_message_posted: Message added
label_message_posted: Dodano wiadomość
label_file_added: File added
label_file_added: Dodano plik
label_news_added: News added
label_news_added: Dodano wiadomość
project_module_boards: Boards
project_module_boards: Fora
project_module_issue_tracking: Issue tracking
project_module_issue_tracking: Śledzenie zagadnień
project_module_wiki: Wiki
project_module_wiki: Wiki
project_module_files: Files
project_module_files: Pliki
project_module_documents: Documents
project_module_documents: Dokumenty
project_module_repository: Repository
project_module_repository: Repozytorium
project_module_news: News
project_module_news: Wiadomości
project_module_time_tracking: Time tracking
project_module_time_tracking: Śledzenie czasu
text_file_repository_writable: File repository writable
text_file_repository_writable: Zapisywalne repozytorium plików
text_default_administrator_account_changed: Default administrator account changed
text_default_administrator_account_changed: Zmieniono domyślne hasło administratora
text_rmagick_available: RMagick available (optional)
text_rmagick_available: RMagick dostępne (opcjonalnie)
button_configure: Configure
button_configure: Konfiguruj
label_plugins: Plugins
label_plugins: Wtyczki
label_ldap_authentication: LDAP authentication
label_ldap_authentication: Autoryzacja LDAP
label_downloads_abbr: D/L
label_downloads_abbr: Pobieranie
label_this_month: this month
label_this_month: ten miesiąc
label_last_n_days: last %d days
label_last_n_days: ostatnie %d dni
label_all_time: all time
label_all_time: cały czas
label_this_year: this year
label_this_year: ten rok
label_date_range: Date range
label_date_range: Zakres datowy
label_last_week: last week
label_last_week: ostatni tydzień
label_yesterday: yesterday
label_yesterday: wczoraj
label_last_month: last month
label_last_month: ostatni miesiąc
label_add_another_file: Add another file
label_add_another_file: Dodaj kolejny plik
label_optional_description: Optional description
label_optional_description: Opcjonalny opis
text_destroy_time_entries_question: %.02f hours were reported on the issues you are about to delete. What do you want to do ?
text_destroy_time_entries_question: Zalogowano %.02f godzin przy zagadnieniu, które chcesz usunąć. Co chcesz zrobić?
error_issue_not_found_in_project: 'The issue was not found or does not belong to this project'
error_issue_not_found_in_project: 'Zaganienie nie zostało znalezione lub nie należy do tego projektu'
text_assign_time_entries_to_project: Assign reported hours to the project
text_assign_time_entries_to_project: Przypisz logowany czas do projektu
text_destroy_time_entries: Delete reported hours
text_destroy_time_entries: Usuń zalogowany czas
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Przepnij zalogowany czas do tego zagadnienia:'
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
field_comments_sorting: Afficher les commentaires
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
field_comments_sorting: Display comments
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_preferences: Preferences
label_preferences: Preferences
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ text_destroy_time_entries: Delete reported hours
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
field_comments_sorting: Afficher les commentaires
field_comments_sorting: Display comments
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_preferences: Preferences
label_preferences: Preferences
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ text_destroy_time_entries: Delete reported hours
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
field_comments_sorting: Afficher les commentaires
field_comments_sorting: Display comments
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_preferences: Preferences
label_preferences: Preferences
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ text_destroy_time_entries: Delete reported hours
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
field_comments_sorting: Afficher les commentaires
field_comments_sorting: Display comments
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_preferences: Preferences
label_preferences: Preferences
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ text_destroy_time_entries: Удалить зарегистрированное
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Перенести зарегистрированное время на следующую задачу:'
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Перенести зарегистрированное время на следующую задачу:'
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
field_comments_sorting: Afficher les commentaires
field_comments_sorting: Display comments
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_preferences: Preferences
label_preferences: Preferences
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ text_destroy_time_entries: Delete reported hours
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
field_comments_sorting: Afficher les commentaires
field_comments_sorting: Display comments
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_preferences: Preferences
label_preferences: Preferences
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ text_destroy_time_entries: Delete reported hours
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
field_comments_sorting: Afficher les commentaires
field_comments_sorting: Display comments
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_preferences: Preferences
label_preferences: Preferences
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ text_destroy_time_entries: Delete reported hours
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
field_comments_sorting: Afficher les commentaires
field_comments_sorting: Display comments
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_preferences: Preferences
label_preferences: Preferences
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ field_column_names: Columns
field_time_zone: 時區
field_time_zone: 時區
field_searchable: 可用做搜尋條件
field_searchable: 可用做搜尋條件
field_default_value: 預設值
field_default_value: 預設值
field_comments_sorting: 顯示註解
setting_app_title: 標題
setting_app_title: 標題
setting_app_subtitle: 副標題
setting_app_subtitle: 副標題
@ -206,6 +207,8 @@ setting_emails_footer: 電子郵件附帶說明
setting_protocol: 協定
setting_protocol: 協定
setting_per_page_options: 每頁顯示個數選項
setting_per_page_options: 每頁顯示個數選項
setting_user_format: 使用者顯示格式
setting_user_format: 使用者顯示格式
setting_activity_days_default: 專案活動顯示天數
setting_display_subprojects_issues: 預設於主控專案中顯示從屬專案的項目
project_module_issue_tracking: 項目追蹤
project_module_issue_tracking: 項目追蹤
project_module_time_tracking: 工時追蹤
project_module_time_tracking: 工時追蹤
@ -500,6 +503,9 @@ label_ldap_authentication: LDAP 認證
label_downloads_abbr: 下載
label_downloads_abbr: 下載
label_optional_description: 額外的說明
label_optional_description: 額外的說明
label_add_another_file: 增加其他檔案
label_add_another_file: 增加其他檔案
label_preferences: 偏好選項
label_chronological_order: 以時間由遠至近排序
label_reverse_chronological_order: 以時間由近至遠排序
button_login: 登入
button_login: 登入
button_submit: 送出
button_submit: 送出
@ -608,9 +614,3 @@ default_activity_development: 開發
enumeration_issue_priorities: 項目優先權
enumeration_issue_priorities: 項目優先權
enumeration_doc_categories: 文件分類
enumeration_doc_categories: 文件分類
enumeration_activities: 活動 (time tracking)
enumeration_activities: 活動 (time tracking)
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
field_comments_sorting: Afficher les commentaires
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_preferences: Preferences
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ mail_body_register: '请点击以下链接来激活您的Redmine帐号:'
mail_body_account_information_external: 您可以使用您的 "%s" 帐号来登录Redmine。
mail_body_account_information_external: 您可以使用您的 "%s" 帐号来登录Redmine。
mail_body_account_information: 您的Redmine帐号信息
mail_body_account_information: 您的Redmine帐号信息
mail_subject_account_activation_request: Redmine帐号激活请求
mail_subject_account_activation_request: Redmine帐号激活请求
mail_body_account_activation_request: '新用户 (%s) 已完成注册,正在等候您的审核:'
mail_body_account_activation_request: '新用户(%s)已完成注册,正在等候您的审核:'
gui_validation_error: 1 个错误
gui_validation_error: 1 个错误
gui_validation_error_plural: %d 个错误
gui_validation_error_plural: %d 个错误
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ field_start_date: 开始
field_done_ratio: 完成度
field_done_ratio: 完成度
field_auth_source: 认证模式
field_auth_source: 认证模式
field_hide_mail: 隐藏我的邮件地址
field_hide_mail: 隐藏我的邮件地址
field_comments: 注释
field_comments: 评论
field_url: URL
field_url: URL
field_start_page: 起始页
field_start_page: 起始页
field_subproject: 子项目
field_subproject: 子项目
@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ field_column_names: 列
field_time_zone: 时区
field_time_zone: 时区
field_searchable: 可用作搜索条件
field_searchable: 可用作搜索条件
field_default_value: 默认值
field_default_value: 默认值
field_comments_sorting: 显示评论
setting_app_title: 应用程序标题
setting_app_title: 应用程序标题
setting_app_subtitle: 应用程序子标题
setting_app_subtitle: 应用程序子标题
@ -206,6 +207,8 @@ setting_emails_footer: 邮件签名
setting_protocol: 协议(Protocol)
setting_protocol: 协议(Protocol)
setting_per_page_options: 每页显示条目个数的设置
setting_per_page_options: 每页显示条目个数的设置
setting_user_format: 用户显示格式
setting_user_format: 用户显示格式
setting_activity_days_default: 在项目活动中显示的天数
setting_display_subprojects_issues: 在项目页面上默认显示子项目的问题
project_module_issue_tracking: 问题跟踪
project_module_issue_tracking: 问题跟踪
project_module_time_tracking: 时间跟踪
project_module_time_tracking: 时间跟踪
@ -243,7 +246,7 @@ label_member: 成员
label_member_new: 新建成员
label_member_new: 新建成员
label_member_plural: 成员列表
label_member_plural: 成员列表
label_tracker: 跟踪标签
label_tracker: 跟踪标签
label_tracker_plural: 跟踪标签列表
label_tracker_plural: 跟踪标签
label_tracker_new: 新建跟踪标签
label_tracker_new: 新建跟踪标签
label_workflow: 工作流程
label_workflow: 工作流程
label_issue_status: 问题状态
label_issue_status: 问题状态
@ -347,11 +350,11 @@ label_internal: 内部
label_last_changes: 最近的 %d 次更新
label_last_changes: 最近的 %d 次更新
label_change_view_all: 查看所有更新
label_change_view_all: 查看所有更新
label_personalize_page: 个性化定制本页
label_personalize_page: 个性化定制本页
label_comment: 注释
label_comment: 评论
label_comment_plural: 注释列表
label_comment_plural: 评论列表
label_comment_add: 添加注释
label_comment_add: 添加评论
label_comment_added: 注释已添加
label_comment_added: 评论已添加
label_comment_delete: 删除注释
label_comment_delete: 删除评论
label_query: 自定义查询
label_query: 自定义查询
label_query_plural: 自定义查询列表
label_query_plural: 自定义查询列表
label_query_new: 新建查询
label_query_new: 新建查询
@ -377,7 +380,7 @@ label_more_than_ago: 之前天数大于
label_ago: 之前天数
label_ago: 之前天数
label_contains: 包含
label_contains: 包含
label_not_contains: 不包含
label_not_contains: 不包含
label_day_plural: 天数
label_day_plural: 天
label_repository: 版本库
label_repository: 版本库
label_repository_plural: 版本库
label_repository_plural: 版本库
label_browse: 浏览
label_browse: 浏览
@ -403,7 +406,7 @@ label_roadmap_due_in: 截止日期到
label_roadmap_overdue: %s 延期
label_roadmap_overdue: %s 延期
label_roadmap_no_issues: 该版本没有问题
label_roadmap_no_issues: 该版本没有问题
label_search: 搜索
label_search: 搜索
label_result_plural: 个结果
label_result_plural: 结果
label_all_words: 所有单词
label_all_words: 所有单词
label_wiki: Wiki
label_wiki: Wiki
label_wiki_edit: Wiki 编辑
label_wiki_edit: Wiki 编辑
@ -443,10 +446,10 @@ label_blocks: 阻挡
label_blocked_by: 被阻挡
label_blocked_by: 被阻挡
label_precedes: 优先于
label_precedes: 优先于
label_follows: 跟随于
label_follows: 跟随于
label_end_to_start: end to start
label_end_to_start: 结束-开始
label_end_to_end: end to end
label_end_to_end: 结束-结束
label_start_to_start: start to start
label_start_to_start: 开始-开始
label_start_to_end: start to end
label_start_to_end: 开始-结束
label_stay_logged_in: 保持登录状态
label_stay_logged_in: 保持登录状态
label_disabled: 禁用
label_disabled: 禁用
label_show_completed_versions: 显示已完成的版本
label_show_completed_versions: 显示已完成的版本
@ -500,6 +503,9 @@ label_ldap_authentication: LDAP 认证
label_downloads_abbr: D/L
label_downloads_abbr: D/L
label_optional_description: 可选的描述
label_optional_description: 可选的描述
label_add_another_file: 添加其它文件
label_add_another_file: 添加其它文件
label_preferences: 首选项
label_chronological_order: 按时间顺序
label_reverse_chronological_order: 按时间顺序(倒序)
button_login: 登录
button_login: 登录
button_submit: 提交
button_submit: 提交
@ -539,7 +545,7 @@ button_annotate: 注释
button_update: 更新
button_update: 更新
button_configure: 配置
button_configure: 配置
status_active: 已激活
status_active: 活动的
status_registered: 已注册
status_registered: 已注册
status_locked: 已锁定
status_locked: 已锁定
@ -608,9 +614,3 @@ default_activity_development: 开发
enumeration_issue_priorities: 问题优先级
enumeration_issue_priorities: 问题优先级
enumeration_doc_categories: 文档类别
enumeration_doc_categories: 文档类别
enumeration_activities: 活动(时间跟踪)
enumeration_activities: 活动(时间跟踪)
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
field_comments_sorting: Afficher les commentaires
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
label_preferences: Preferences
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
// ** I18N
// Calendar EN language
// Author: Mihai Bazon, <mihai_bazon@yahoo.com>
// Encoding: any
// Translater: Mads N. Vestergaard <mnv@coolsms.dk>
// Distributed under the same terms as the calendar itself.
// For translators: please use UTF-8 if possible. We strongly believe that
// Unicode is the answer to a real internationalized world. Also please
// include your contact information in the header, as can be seen above.
// full day names
Calendar._DN = new Array
// Please note that the following array of short day names (and the same goes
// for short month names, _SMN) isn't absolutely necessary. We give it here
// for exemplification on how one can customize the short day names, but if
// they are simply the first N letters of the full name you can simply say:
// Calendar._SDN_len = N; // short day name length
// Calendar._SMN_len = N; // short month name length
// If N = 3 then this is not needed either since we assume a value of 3 if not
// present, to be compatible with translation files that were written before
// this feature.
// short day names
Calendar._SDN = new Array
// First day of the week. "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display
// Monday first, etc.
Calendar._FD = 1;
// full month names
Calendar._MN = new Array
// short month names
Calendar._SMN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "Om denne kalender";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
"DHTML Date/Time Selector\n" +
"(c) dynarch.com 2002-2005 / Author: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this this ;-)
"For seneste version, besøg: http://www.dynarch.com/projects/calendar/\n" +
"Distribueret under GNU LGPL. Se http://gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html for detaljer." +
"\n\n" +
"Dato valg:\n" +
"- Benyt \xab, \xbb tasterne til at vælge år\n" +
"- Benyt " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " tasterne til at vælge måned\n" +
"- Hold muse tasten inde på punkterne for at vælge hurtigere.";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
"Tids valg:\n" +
"- Klik på en af tidsramerne for at forhøje det\n" +
"- eller Shift-klik for at mindske det\n" +
"- eller klik og træk for hurtigere valg.";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Forrige år (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Forrige måned (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Gå til idag";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Næste måned (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Næste år (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Vælg dato";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Træk for at flytte";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (idag)";
// the following is to inform that "%s" is to be the first day of week
// %s will be replaced with the day name.
Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "Vis %s først";
// This may be locale-dependent. It specifies the week-end days, as an array
// of comma-separated numbers. The numbers are from 0 to 6: 0 means Sunday, 1
// means Monday, etc.
Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "6,7";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Luk";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Idag";
Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(Shift-)Klik eller træk for at ændre værdi";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%Y-%m-%d";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%a, %b %e";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "uge";
Calendar._TT["TIME"] = "Tid:";
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
jsToolBar.strings = {};
jsToolBar.strings['Strong'] = 'Fed';
jsToolBar.strings['Italic'] = 'Kursiv';
jsToolBar.strings['Underline'] = 'Underskrevet';
jsToolBar.strings['Deleted'] = 'Slettet';
jsToolBar.strings['Code'] = 'Inline Kode';
jsToolBar.strings['Heading 1'] = 'Overskrift 1';
jsToolBar.strings['Heading 2'] = 'Overskrift 2';
jsToolBar.strings['Heading 3'] = 'Overskrift 3';
jsToolBar.strings['Unordered list'] = 'Unummereret list';
jsToolBar.strings['Ordered list'] = 'Nummereret list';
jsToolBar.strings['Preformatted text'] = 'Preformatteret tekst';
jsToolBar.strings['Wiki link'] = 'Link til en Wiki side';
jsToolBar.strings['Image'] = 'Billede';
Reference in New Issue