Makes visible scopes accept projects option and deprecate Project.visible_by.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
This commit is contained in:
Jean-Philippe Lang 2011-04-05 12:50:19 +00:00
parent c2095f5e2f
commit 405fc07e90
9 changed files with 44 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class Changeset < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_uniqueness_of :scmid, :scope => :repository_id, :allow_nil => true
named_scope :visible, lambda {|*args| { :include => {:repository => :project},
:conditions => Project.allowed_to_condition(args.first || User.current, :view_changesets) } }
:conditions => Project.allowed_to_condition(args.shift || User.current, :view_changesets, *args) } }
def revision=(r)
write_attribute :revision, (r.nil? ? nil : r.to_s)

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class Document < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_length_of :title, :maximum => 60
named_scope :visible, lambda {|*args| { :include => :project,
:conditions => Project.allowed_to_condition(args.first || User.current, :view_documents) } }
:conditions => Project.allowed_to_condition(args.shift || User.current, :view_documents, *args) } }
def visible?(user=User.current)
!user.nil? && user.allowed_to?(:view_documents, project)

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_numericality_of :estimated_hours, :allow_nil => true
named_scope :visible, lambda {|*args| { :include => :project,
:conditions => Issue.visible_condition(args.first || User.current) } }
:conditions => Issue.visible_condition(args.shift || User.current, *args) } }
named_scope :open, :conditions => ["#{IssueStatus.table_name}.is_closed = ?", false], :include => :status

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class Journal < ActiveRecord::Base
named_scope :visible, lambda {|*args| {
:include => {:issue => :project},
:conditions => Issue.visible_condition(args.first || User.current)
:conditions => Issue.visible_condition(args.shift || User.current, *args)
def save(*args)

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_searchable :columns => ['subject', 'content'],
:include => {:board => :project},
:project_key => 'project_id',
:project_key => "#{Board.table_name}.project_id",
:date_column => "#{table_name}.created_on"
acts_as_event :title => {|o| "#{}: #{o.subject}"},
:description => :content,
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
after_create :add_author_as_watcher
named_scope :visible, lambda {|*args| { :include => {:board => :project},
:conditions => Project.allowed_to_condition(args.first || User.current, :view_messages) } }
:conditions => Project.allowed_to_condition(args.shift || User.current, :view_messages, *args) } }
def visible?(user=User.current)
!user.nil? && user.allowed_to?(:view_messages, project)

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class News < ActiveRecord::Base
named_scope :visible, lambda {|*args| {
:include => :project,
:conditions => Project.allowed_to_condition(args.first || User.current, :view_news)
:conditions => Project.allowed_to_condition(args.shift || User.current, :view_news, *args)
def visible?(user=User.current)

View File

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
named_scope :has_module, lambda { |mod| { :conditions => ["#{Project.table_name}.id IN (SELECT em.project_id FROM #{EnabledModule.table_name} em WHERE", mod.to_s] } }
named_scope :active, { :conditions => "#{Project.table_name}.status = #{STATUS_ACTIVE}"}
named_scope :all_public, { :conditions => { :is_public => true } }
named_scope :visible, lambda { { :conditions => Project.visible_by(User.current) } }
named_scope :visible, lambda {|*args| {:conditions => Project.visible_condition(args.shift || User.current, *args) }}
def initialize(attributes = nil)
@ -115,25 +115,30 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
# returns latest created projects
# non public projects will be returned only if user is a member of those
def self.latest(user=nil, count=5)
find(:all, :limit => count, :conditions => visible_by(user), :order => "created_on DESC")
visible(user).find(:all, :limit => count, :order => "created_on DESC")
# Returns a SQL :conditions string used to find all active projects for the specified user.
# Examples:
# Projects.visible_by(admin) => "projects.status = 1"
# Projects.visible_by(normal_user) => "projects.status = 1 AND projects.is_public = 1"
def self.visible_by(user=nil)
user ||= User.current
if user && user.admin?
return "#{Project.table_name}.status=#{Project::STATUS_ACTIVE}"
elsif user && user.memberships.any?
return "#{Project.table_name}.status=#{Project::STATUS_ACTIVE} AND (#{Project.table_name}.is_public = #{connection.quoted_true} or #{Project.table_name}.id IN (#{user.memberships.collect{|m| m.project_id}.join(',')}))"
return "#{Project.table_name}.status=#{Project::STATUS_ACTIVE} AND #{Project.table_name}.is_public = #{connection.quoted_true}"
ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn "Project.visible_by is deprecated and will be removed in Redmine 1.3.0. Use Project.visible_condition instead."
visible_condition(user || User.current)
# Returns a SQL conditions string used to find all projects visible by the specified user.
# Examples:
# Project.visible_condition(admin) => "projects.status = 1"
# Project.visible_condition(normal_user) => "((projects.status = 1) AND (projects.is_public = 1 OR IN (1,3,4)))"
# Project.visible_condition(anonymous) => "((projects.status = 1) AND (projects.is_public = 1))"
def self.visible_condition(user, options={})
allowed_to_condition(user, :view_project, options)
# Returns a SQL conditions string used to find all projects for which +user+ has the given +permission+
# Valid options:
# * :project => limit the condition to project
# * :with_subprojects => limit the condition to project and its subprojects
# * :member => limit the condition to the user projects
def self.allowed_to_condition(user, permission, options={})
base_statement = "#{Project.table_name}.status=#{Project::STATUS_ACTIVE}"
if perm = Redmine::AccessControl.permission(permission)

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class TimeEntry < ActiveRecord::Base
named_scope :visible, lambda {|*args| {
:include => :project,
:conditions => Project.allowed_to_condition(args.first || User.current, :view_time_entries)
:conditions => Project.allowed_to_condition(args.shift || User.current, :view_time_entries, *args)
def after_initialize

View File

@ -106,6 +106,22 @@ class IssueTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
assert issues.detect {|issue| !issue.project.is_public?}
def test_visible_scope_with_project
project = Project.find(1)
issues = Issue.visible(User.find(2), :project => project).all
projects = issues.collect(&:project).uniq
assert_equal 1, projects.size
assert_equal project, projects.first
def test_visible_scope_with_project_and_subprojects
project = Project.find(1)
issues = Issue.visible(User.find(2), :project => project, :with_subprojects => true).all
projects = issues.collect(&:project).uniq
assert projects.size > 1
assert_equal [], {|p| !p.is_or_is_descendant_of?(project)}
def test_errors_full_messages_should_include_custom_fields_errors
field = IssueCustomField.find_by_name('Database')