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module Core::RFPDF
:black => [0x00, 0x00, 0x00],
:white => [0xff, 0xff, 0xff],
# Draw a circle at (<tt>mid_x, mid_y</tt>) with <tt>radius</tt>.
# Options are:
# * <tt>:border</tt> - Draw a border, 0 = no, 1 = yes? Default value is <tt>1</tt>.
# * <tt>:border_color</tt> - Default value is <tt>COLOR_PALETTE[:black]</tt>.
# * <tt>:border_width</tt> - Default value is <tt>0.5</tt>.
# * <tt>:fill</tt> - Fill the box, 0 = no, 1 = yes? Default value is <tt>1</tt>.
# * <tt>:fill_color</tt> - Default value is nothing or <tt>COLOR_PALETTE[:white]</tt>.
# * <tt>:fill_colorspace</tt> - Default value is :rgb or <tt>''</tt>.
# Example:
# draw_circle(x, y, radius, :border_color => ReportHelper::COLOR_PALETTE[:dark_blue], :border_width => 1)
def draw_circle(mid_x, mid_y, radius, options = {})
options[:border] ||= 1
options[:border_color] ||= Core::RFPDF::COLOR_PALETTE[:black]
options[:border_width] ||= 0.5
options[:fill] ||= 1
options[:fill_color] ||= Core::RFPDF::COLOR_PALETTE[:white]
options[:fill_colorspace] ||= :rgb
set_fill_color_a(options[:fill_color], options[:colorspace])
fd = ""
fd = "D" if options[:border] == 1
fd += "F" if options[:fill] == 1
Circle(mid_x, mid_y, radius, fd)
# Draw a line from (<tt>x1, y1</tt>) to (<tt>x2, y2</tt>).
# Options are:
# * <tt>:line_color</tt> - Default value is <tt>COLOR_PALETTE[:black]</tt>.
# * <tt>:line_width</tt> - Default value is <tt>0.5</tt>.
# Example:
# draw_line(x1, y1, x1, y1+h, :line_color => ReportHelper::COLOR_PALETTE[:dark_blue], :line_width => 1)
def draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, options = {})
options[:line_color] ||= Core::RFPDF::COLOR_PALETTE[:black]
options[:line_width] ||= 0.5
Line(x1, y1, x2, y2)
# Draw a string of <tt>text</tt> at (<tt>x, y</tt>).
# Options are:
# * <tt>:font_color</tt> - Default value is <tt>COLOR_PALETTE[:black]</tt>.
# * <tt>:font_size</tt> - Default value is <tt>10</tt>.
# * <tt>:font_style</tt> - Default value is nothing or <tt>''</tt>.
# * <tt>:colorspace</tt> - Default value is :rgb or <tt>''</tt>.
# Example:
# draw_text(x, y, header_left, :font_size => 10)
def draw_text(x, y, text, options = {})
options[:font_color] ||= Core::RFPDF::COLOR_PALETTE[:black]
options[:font] ||= default_font
options[:font_size] ||= 10
options[:font_style] ||= ''
set_text_color_a(options[:font_color], options[:colorspace])
SetFont(options[:font], options[:font_style], options[:font_size])
SetXY(x, y)
Write(options[:font_size] + 4, text)
# Draw a block of <tt>text</tt> at (<tt>x, y</tt>) bounded by <tt>left_margin</tt> and <tt>right_margin_from_right_edge</tt>. Both
# margins are measured from their corresponding edge.
# Options are:
# * <tt>:font_color</tt> - Default value is <tt>COLOR_PALETTE[:black]</tt>.
# * <tt>:font_size</tt> - Default value is <tt>10</tt>.
# * <tt>:font_style</tt> - Default value is nothing or <tt>''</tt>.
# * <tt>:colorspace</tt> - Default value is :rgb or <tt>''</tt>.
# Example:
# draw_text_block(left_margin, 85, "question", left_margin, 280,
# :font_color => ReportHelper::COLOR_PALETTE[:dark_blue],
# :font_size => 12,
# :font_style => 'I')
def draw_text_block(x, y, text, left_margin, right_margin_from_right_edge, options = {})
options[:font] ||= default_font
options[:font_color] ||= Core::RFPDF::COLOR_PALETTE[:black]
options[:font_size] ||= 10
options[:font_style] ||= ''
set_text_color_a(options[:font_color], options[:colorspace])
SetFont(options[:font], options[:font_style], options[:font_size])
SetXY(x, y)
Write(options[:font_size] + 4, text)
# Draw a box at (<tt>x, y</tt>), <tt>w</tt> wide and <tt>h</tt> high.
# Options are:
# * <tt>:border</tt> - Draw a border, 0 = no, 1 = yes? Default value is <tt>1</tt>.
# * <tt>:border_color</tt> - Default value is <tt>COLOR_PALETTE[:black]</tt>.
# * <tt>:border_width</tt> - Default value is <tt>0.5</tt>.
# * <tt>:fill</tt> - Fill the box, 0 = no, 1 = yes? Default value is <tt>1</tt>.
# * <tt>:fill_color</tt> - Default value is nothing or <tt>COLOR_PALETTE[:white]</tt>.
# * <tt>:fill_colorspace</tt> - Default value is :rgb or <tt>''</tt>.
# Example:
# draw_box(x, y - 1, 38, 22)
def draw_box(x, y, w, h, options = {})
options[:border] ||= 1
options[:border_color] ||= Core::RFPDF::COLOR_PALETTE[:black]
options[:border_width] ||= 0.5
options[:fill] ||= 1
options[:fill_color] ||= Core::RFPDF::COLOR_PALETTE[:white]
options[:fill_colorspace] ||= :rgb
set_fill_color_a(options[:fill_color], options[:fill_colorspace])
fd = ""
fd = "D" if options[:border] == 1
fd += "F" if options[:fill] == 1
Rect(x, y, w, h, fd)
# Draw a string of <tt>text</tt> at (<tt>x, y</tt>) in a box <tt>w</tt> wide and <tt>h</tt> high.
# Options are:
# * <tt>:align</tt> - Vertical alignment 'C' = center, 'L' = left, 'R' = right. Default value is <tt>'C'</tt>.
# * <tt>:border</tt> - Draw a border, 0 = no, 1 = yes? Default value is <tt>0</tt>.
# * <tt>:border_color</tt> - Default value is <tt>COLOR_PALETTE[:black]</tt>.
# * <tt>:border_width</tt> - Default value is <tt>0.5</tt>.
# * <tt>:fill</tt> - Fill the box, 0 = no, 1 = yes? Default value is <tt>1</tt>.
# * <tt>:fill_color</tt> - Default value is nothing or <tt>COLOR_PALETTE[:white]</tt>.
# * <tt>:font_color</tt> - Default value is <tt>COLOR_PALETTE[:black]</tt>.
# * <tt>:font_size</tt> - Default value is nothing or <tt>8</tt>.
# * <tt>:font_style</tt> - 'B' = bold, 'I' = italic, 'U' = underline. Default value is nothing <tt>''</tt>.
# * <tt>:padding</tt> - Default value is nothing or <tt>2</tt>.
# * <tt>:x_padding</tt> - Default value is nothing.
# * <tt>:valign</tt> - 'M' = middle, 'T' = top, 'B' = bottom. Default value is nothing or <tt>'M'</tt>.
# * <tt>:colorspace</tt> - Default value is :rgb or <tt>''</tt>.
# Example:
# draw_text_box(x, y - 1, 38, 22,
# "your_score_title",
# :fill => 0,
# :font_color => ReportHelper::COLOR_PALETTE[:blue],
# :font_line_spacing => 0,
# :font_style => "B",
# :valign => "M")
def draw_text_box(x, y, w, h, text, options = {})
options[:align] ||= 'C'
options[:border] ||= 0
options[:border_color] ||= Core::RFPDF::COLOR_PALETTE[:black]
options[:border_width] ||= 0.5
options[:fill] ||= 1
options[:fill_color] ||= Core::RFPDF::COLOR_PALETTE[:white]
options[:font] ||= default_font
options[:font_color] ||= Core::RFPDF::COLOR_PALETTE[:black]
options[:font_size] ||= 8
options[:font_line_spacing] ||= options[:font_size] * 0.3
options[:font_style] ||= ''
options[:padding] ||= 2
options[:x_padding] ||= 0
options[:valign] ||= "M"
if options[:fill] == 1 or options[:border] == 1
draw_box(x, y, w, h, options)
set_text_color_a(options[:font_color], options[:colorspace])
font_size = options[:font_size]
SetFont(options[:font], options[:font_style], font_size)
font_size += options[:font_line_spacing]
case options[:valign]
when "B", "bottom"
y -= options[:padding]
when "T", "top"
y += options[:padding]
case options[:align]
when "L", "left"
x += options[:x_padding]
w -= options[:x_padding]
w -= options[:x_padding]
when "R", "right"
x += options[:x_padding]
w -= options[:x_padding]
w -= options[:x_padding]
SetXY(x, y)
if GetStringWidth(text) < w or not text["\n"].nil? and (options[:valign] == "T" || options[:valign] == "top")
text = text + "\n"
if GetStringWidth(text) > w or not text["\n"].nil? or (options[:valign] == "B" || options[:valign] == "bottom")
font_size += options[:font_size] * 0.1
# TODO 2006-07-21 Level=1 - this is assuming a 2 line text
SetXY(x, y + ((h - (font_size * 2)) / 2)) if (options[:valign] == "M" || options[:valign] == "middle")
MultiCell(w, font_size, text, 0, options[:align])
Cell(w, h, text, 0, 0, options[:align])
# Draw a string of <tt>text</tt> at (<tt>x, y</tt>) as a title.
# Options are:
# * <tt>:font_color</tt> - Default value is <tt>COLOR_PALETTE[:black]</tt>.
# * <tt>:font_size</tt> - Default value is <tt>18</tt>.
# * <tt>:font_style</tt> - Default value is nothing or <tt>''</tt>.
# * <tt>:colorspace</tt> - Default value is :rgb or <tt>''</tt>.
# Example:
# draw_title(left_margin, 60,
# "title:",
# :font_color => ReportHelper::COLOR_PALETTE[:dark_blue])
def draw_title(x, y, title, options = {})
options[:font_color] ||= Core::RFPDF::COLOR_PALETTE[:black]
options[:font] ||= default_font
options[:font_size] ||= 18
options[:font_style] ||= ''
set_text_color_a(options[:font_color], options[:colorspace])
SetFont(options[:font], options[:font_style], options[:font_size])
SetXY(x, y)
Write(options[:font_size] + 2, title)
# Set the draw color. Default value is <tt>COLOR_PALETTE[:black]</tt>.
# Example:
# set_draw_color_a(ReportHelper::COLOR_PALETTE[:dark_blue])
def set_draw_color_a(color = Core::RFPDF::COLOR_PALETTE[:black])
SetDrawColor(color[0], color[1], color[2])
# Set the fill color. Default value is <tt>COLOR_PALETTE[:white]</tt>.
# Example:
# set_fill_color_a(ReportHelper::COLOR_PALETTE[:dark_blue])
def set_fill_color_a(color = Core::RFPDF::COLOR_PALETTE[:white], colorspace = :rgb)
if colorspace == :cmyk
SetCmykFillColor(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3])
SetFillColor(color[0], color[1], color[2])
# Set the text color. Default value is <tt>COLOR_PALETTE[:white]</tt>.
# Example:
# set_text_color_a(ReportHelper::COLOR_PALETTE[:dark_blue])
def set_text_color_a(color = Core::RFPDF::COLOR_PALETTE[:black], colorspace = :rgb)
if colorspace == :cmyk
SetCmykTextColor(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3])
SetTextColor(color[0], color[1], color[2])
# Write a string containing html characters. Default value is <tt>COLOR_PALETTE[:white]</tt>.
# Options are:
# * <tt>:height</tt> - Line height. Default value is <tt>20</tt>.
# Example:
# write_html_with_options(html, :height => 12)
#FIXME 2007-08-07 (EJM) Level=0 - This needs to call the TCPDF version.
def write_html_with_options(html, options = {})
options[:fill] ||= 0
options[:height] ||= 20
options[:new_line_after] ||= false
write_html(html, options[:new_line_after], options[:fill], options[:height])