30 lines
1.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

namespace :gloc do
desc 'Sorts the keys in the lang ymls'
task :sort do
dir = ENV['DIR'] || '{.,vendor/plugins/*}/lang'
puts "Processing directory #{dir}"
files = Dir.glob(File.join(dir,'*.{yaml,yml}'))
puts 'No files found.' if files.empty?
files.each {|file|
puts "Sorting file: #{file}"
header = []
content = IO.readlines(file)
content.each {|line| line.gsub!(/[\s\r\n\t]+$/,'')}
content.delete_if {|line| line==''}
tmp= []
content.each {|x| tmp << x unless tmp.include?(x)}
content= tmp
header << content.shift if !content.empty? && content[0] =~ /^file_charset:/
filebak = "#{file}.bak"
File.rename file, filebak
File.open(file, 'w') {|fout| fout << header.join("\n") << content.join("\n") << "\n"}
File.delete filebak
# Report duplicates
count= {}
content.map {|x| x.gsub(/:.+$/, '') }.each {|x| count[x] ||= 0; count[x] += 1}
count.delete_if {|k,v|v==1}
puts count.keys.sort.map{|x|" WARNING: Duplicate key '#{x}' (#{count[x]} occurances)"}.join("\n") unless count.empty?