2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
_gloc_rule_default : '|n| n==1 ? "" : "_plural" '
actionview_datehelper_select_day_prefix :
actionview_datehelper_select_month_names : Gennaio,Febbraio,Marzo,Aprile,Maggio,Giugno,Luglio,Agosto,Settembre,Ottobre,Novembre,Dicembre
actionview_datehelper_select_month_names_abbr : Gen,Feb,Mar,Apr,Mag,Giu,Lug,Ago,Set,Ott,Nov,Dic
actionview_datehelper_select_month_prefix :
actionview_datehelper_select_year_prefix :
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_day : 1 giorno
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_day_plural : %d giorni
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_hour_about : circa un'ora
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_hour_about_plural : circa %d ore
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_hour_about_single : circa un'ora
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_minute : 1 minuto
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_minute_half : mezzo minuto
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_minute_less_than : meno di un minuto
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_minute_plural : %d minuti
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_minute_single : 1 minuto
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_second_less_than : meno di un secondo
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_second_less_than_plural : meno di %d secondi
actionview_instancetag_blank_option : Scegli
activerecord_error_inclusion : non è incluso nella lista
activerecord_error_exclusion : e' riservato
activerecord_error_invalid : non e' valido
2007-04-23 00:29:00 +04:00
activerecord_error_confirmation : non coincide con la conferma
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
activerecord_error_accepted : deve essere accettato
activerecord_error_empty : non puo' essere vuoto
activerecord_error_blank : non puo' essere blank
activerecord_error_too_long : e' troppo lungo/a
activerecord_error_too_short : e' troppo corto/a
activerecord_error_wrong_length : e' della lunghezza sbagliata
activerecord_error_taken : e' gia' stato/a preso/a
activerecord_error_not_a_number : non e' un numero
activerecord_error_not_a_date : non e' una data valida
activerecord_error_greater_than_start_date : deve essere maggiore della data di partenza
2007-05-05 17:22:27 +04:00
activerecord_error_not_same_project : doesn't belong to the same project
activerecord_error_circular_dependency : This relation would create a circular dependency
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
general_fmt_age : %d yr
general_fmt_age_plural : %d yrs
general_fmt_date : %%d/%%m/%%Y
general_fmt_datetime : %%d/%%m/%%Y %%I:%%M %%p
general_fmt_datetime_short : %%b %%d, %%I:%%M %%p
general_fmt_time : %%I:%%M %%p
general_text_No : 'No'
general_text_Yes : 'Si'
general_text_no : 'no'
general_text_yes : 'si'
2007-05-08 13:26:57 +04:00
general_lang_name : 'Italiano'
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
general_csv_separator : ','
general_csv_encoding : ISO-8859-1
general_pdf_encoding : ISO-8859-1
general_day_names : Lunedì,Martedì,Mercoledì,Giovedì,Venerdì,Sabato,Domenica
2007-10-08 00:07:11 +04:00
general_first_day_of_week : '1'
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
notice_account_updated : L'utenza è stata aggiornata.
notice_account_invalid_creditentials : Nome utente o password non validi.
notice_account_password_updated : La password è stata aggiornata.
notice_account_wrong_password : Password errata
notice_account_register_done : L'utenza è stata creata.
notice_account_unknown_email : Utente sconosciuto.
2007-04-23 00:29:00 +04:00
notice_can_t_change_password : Questa utenza utilizza un metodo di autenticazione esterno. Impossibile cambiare la password.
notice_account_lost_email_sent : Ti è stata spedita una email con le istruzioni per cambiare la password.
notice_account_activated : Il tuo account è stato attivato. Ora puoi effettuare l'accesso.
notice_successful_create : Creazione effettuata.
notice_successful_update : Modifica effettuata.
notice_successful_delete : Eliminazione effettuata.
notice_successful_connection : Connessione effettuata.
notice_file_not_found : La pagina desiderata non esiste o è stata rimossa.
notice_locking_conflict : Le informazioni sono state modificate da un altro utente.
2007-04-30 23:47:28 +04:00
notice_not_authorized : You are not authorized to access this page.
2007-08-14 14:36:19 +04:00
notice_email_sent : An email was sent to %s
2007-08-30 00:07:28 +04:00
notice_email_error : An error occurred while sending mail (%s)
notice_feeds_access_key_reseted : Your RSS access key was reseted.
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
2008-01-23 20:25:11 +03:00
error_scm_not_found : "La risorsa e/o la versione non esistono nel repository."
error_scm_command_failed : "An error occurred when trying to access the repository: %s"
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
mail_subject_lost_password : Password redMine
2007-10-12 20:28:06 +04:00
mail_body_lost_password : 'Per cambiare la password, usate il seguente collegamento:'
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
mail_subject_register : Attivazione utenza redMine
2007-10-12 20:28:06 +04:00
mail_body_register : 'Per attivare la vostra utenza Redmine, usate il seguente collegamento:'
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
gui_validation_error : 1 errore
gui_validation_error_plural : %d errori
field_name : Nome
field_description : Descrizione
field_summary : Sommario
field_is_required : Richiesto
field_firstname : Nome
field_lastname : Cognome
field_mail : Email
field_filename : File
field_filesize : Dimensione
2007-04-23 00:29:00 +04:00
field_downloads : Download
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
field_author : Autore
field_created_on : Creato
field_updated_on : Aggiornato
field_field_format : Formato
field_is_for_all : Per tutti i progetti
field_possible_values : Valori possibili
field_regexp : Espressione regolare
field_min_length : Lunghezza minima
field_max_length : Lunghezza massima
field_value : Valore
field_category : Categoria
field_title : Titolo
field_project : Progetto
field_issue : Issue
field_status : Stato
field_notes : Note
field_is_closed : Chiude il contesto
field_is_default : Stato predefinito
field_tracker : Tracker
field_subject : Oggetto
field_due_date : Data ultima
field_assigned_to : Assegnato a
field_priority : Priorita'
field_fixed_version : Versione di fix
field_user : Utente
field_role : Ruolo
field_homepage : Homepage
field_is_public : Pubblico
field_parent : Sottoprogetto di
field_is_in_chlog : Contesti mostrati nel changelog
field_is_in_roadmap : Contesti mostrati nel roadmap
field_login : Login
field_mail_notification : Notifiche via e-mail
field_admin : Amministratore
field_last_login_on : Ultima connessione
field_language : Lingua
field_effective_date : Data
field_password : Password
field_new_password : Nuova password
field_password_confirmation : Conferma
field_version : Versione
field_type : Tipo
field_host : Host
field_port : Porta
field_account : Utenza
field_base_dn : DN base
field_attr_login : Attributo login
field_attr_firstname : Attributo nome
field_attr_lastname : Attributo cognome
field_attr_mail : Attributo e-mail
field_onthefly : Creazione utenza "al volo"
field_start_date : Inizio
field_done_ratio : %% completo
field_auth_source : Modalità di autenticazione
field_hide_mail : Nascondi il mio indirizzo di e-mail
2007-04-25 19:06:20 +04:00
field_comments : Commento
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
field_url : URL
field_start_page : Pagina principale
field_subproject : Sottoprogetto
2007-03-23 15:22:31 +03:00
field_hours : Hours
field_activity : Activity
field_spent_on : Data
2007-04-01 23:43:59 +04:00
field_identifier : Identifier
2007-04-17 14:53:20 +04:00
field_is_filter : Used as a filter
2007-05-05 17:22:27 +04:00
field_issue_to_id : Related issue
field_delay : Delay
2007-08-16 21:47:41 +04:00
field_assignable : Issues can be assigned to this role
2007-09-09 21:05:38 +04:00
field_redirect_existing_links : Redirect existing links
2007-09-15 19:20:08 +04:00
field_estimated_hours : Estimated time
2008-01-21 00:29:51 +03:00
field_default_value : Stato predefinito
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
setting_app_title : Titolo applicazione
setting_app_subtitle : Sottotitolo applicazione
setting_welcome_text : Testo di benvenuto
setting_default_language : Lingua di default
setting_login_required : Autenticazione richiesta
setting_self_registration : Auto-registrazione abilitata
setting_attachment_max_size : Massima dimensione allegati
setting_issues_export_limit : Limite esportazione contesti
setting_mail_from : Indirizzo sorgente e-mail
setting_host_name : Nome host
setting_text_formatting : Formattazione testo
setting_wiki_compression : Compressione di storia di Wiki
2007-04-23 00:29:00 +04:00
setting_feeds_limit : Limite contenuti del feed
2007-06-13 00:12:05 +04:00
setting_autofetch_changesets : Acquisisci automaticamente le commit
2007-04-23 00:29:00 +04:00
setting_sys_api_enabled : Abilita WS per la gestione del repository
2007-04-24 17:57:27 +04:00
setting_commit_ref_keywords : Referencing keywords
setting_commit_fix_keywords : Fixing keywords
2007-05-06 16:49:32 +04:00
setting_autologin : Autologin
2007-07-14 17:29:20 +04:00
setting_date_format : Date format
2007-08-12 19:31:04 +04:00
setting_cross_project_issue_relations : Allow cross-project issue relations
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
label_user : Utente
label_user_plural : Utenti
label_user_new : Nuovo utente
label_project : Progetto
2007-04-23 00:29:00 +04:00
label_project_new : Nuovo progetto
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
label_project_plural : Progetti
2007-05-15 21:39:01 +04:00
label_project_all : All Projects
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
label_project_latest : Ultimi progetti registrati
label_issue : Contesto
label_issue_new : Nuovo contesto
label_issue_plural : Contesti
label_issue_view_all : Mostra tutti i contesti
label_document : Documento
label_document_new : Nuovo documento
label_document_plural : Documenti
label_role : Ruolo
label_role_plural : Ruoli
label_role_new : Nuovo ruolo
label_role_and_permissions : Ruoli e permessi
label_member : Membro
label_member_new : Nuovo membro
label_member_plural : Membri
label_tracker : Tracker
2007-04-23 00:29:00 +04:00
label_tracker_plural : Tracker
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
label_tracker_new : Nuovo tracker
label_workflow : Workflow
label_issue_status : Stato contesti
label_issue_status_plural : Stati contesto
label_issue_status_new : Nuovo stato
label_issue_category : Categorie contesti
label_issue_category_plural : Categorie contesto
label_issue_category_new : Nuova categoria
label_custom_field : Campo personalizzato
label_custom_field_plural : Campi personalizzati
label_custom_field_new : Nuovo campo personalizzato
label_enumerations : Enumerazioni
label_enumeration_new : Nuovo valore
label_information : Informazione
label_information_plural : Informazioni
label_please_login : Autenticarsi
label_register : Registrati
label_password_lost : Password dimenticata
label_home : Home
label_my_page : Pagina personale
label_my_account : La mia utenza
label_my_projects : I miei progetti
label_administration : Amministrazione
label_login : Login
label_logout : Logout
label_help : Aiuto
label_reported_issues : Contesti segnalati
label_assigned_to_me_issues : I miei contesti
label_last_login : Ultimo collegamento
label_last_updates : Ultimo aggiornamento
label_last_updates_plural : %d ultimo aggiornamento
label_registered_on : Registrato il
label_activity : Attività
label_new : Nuovo
label_logged_as : Autenticato come
label_environment : Ambiente
label_authentication : Autenticazione
label_auth_source : Modalità di autenticazione
label_auth_source_new : Nuova modalità di autenticazione
label_auth_source_plural : Modalità di autenticazione
label_subproject_plural : Sottoprogetti
label_min_max_length : Lunghezza minima - massima
label_list : Elenco
label_date : Data
label_integer : Intero
label_boolean : Booleano
label_string : Testo
label_text : Testo esteso
label_attribute : Attributo
label_attribute_plural : Attributi
label_download : %d Download
label_download_plural : %d Download
label_no_data : Nessun dato disponibile
label_change_status : Cambia stato
label_history : Cronologia
label_attachment : File
label_attachment_new : Nuovo file
label_attachment_delete : Elimina file
label_attachment_plural : File
label_report : Report
label_report_plural : Report
label_news : Notizia
label_news_new : Aggiungi notizia
label_news_plural : Notizie
label_news_latest : Utime notizie
label_news_view_all : Tutte le notizie
label_change_log : Change log
label_settings : Impostazioni
label_overview : Panoramica
label_version : Versione
label_version_new : Nuova versione
label_version_plural : Versioni
label_confirmation : Conferma
label_export_to : Esporta su
label_read : Leggi...
label_public_projects : Progetti pubblici
label_open_issues : aperta
label_open_issues_plural : aperte
label_closed_issues : chiusa
label_closed_issues_plural : chiuse
label_total : Totale
label_permissions : Permessi
label_current_status : Stato attuale
label_new_statuses_allowed : Nuovi stati possibili
label_all : tutti
label_none : nessuno
label_next : Successivo
label_previous : Precedente
label_used_by : Usato da
2007-06-24 20:07:06 +04:00
label_details : Dettagli
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
label_add_note : Aggiungi una nota
label_per_page : Per pagina
label_calendar : Calendario
label_months_from : mesi da
label_gantt : Gantt
label_internal : Interno
label_last_changes : ultime %d modifiche
label_change_view_all : Tutte le modifiche
label_personalize_page : Personalizza la pagina
label_comment : Commento
label_comment_plural : Commenti
label_comment_add : Aggiungi un commento
label_comment_added : Commento aggiunto
label_comment_delete : Elimina commenti
label_query : Custom query
label_query_plural : Query personalizzate
label_query_new : Nuova query
label_filter_add : Aggiungi filtro
label_filter_plural : Filtri
label_equals : è
label_not_equals : non è
label_in_less_than : è minore di
label_in_more_than : è maggiore di
label_in : in
label_today : oggi
2007-09-05 21:47:17 +04:00
label_this_week : this week
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
label_less_than_ago : meno di giorni fa
label_more_than_ago : più di giorni fa
label_ago : giorni fa
label_contains : contiene
label_not_contains : non contiene
label_day_plural : giorni
2007-06-13 00:12:05 +04:00
label_repository : Repository
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
label_browse : Browse
label_modification : %d modifica
label_modification_plural : %d modifiche
label_revision : Versione
label_revision_plural : Versioni
label_added : aggiunto
label_modified : modificato
label_deleted : eliminato
label_latest_revision : Ultima versione
2007-04-23 00:29:00 +04:00
label_latest_revision_plural : Ultime versioni
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
label_view_revisions : Mostra versioni
label_max_size : Dimensione massima
label_on : 'on'
label_sort_highest : Sposta in cima
label_sort_higher : Su
label_sort_lower : Giù
label_sort_lowest : Sposta in fondo
label_roadmap : Roadmap
2007-04-23 00:29:00 +04:00
label_roadmap_due_in : Da ultimare in
2007-08-12 13:58:38 +04:00
label_roadmap_overdue : %s late
2007-04-23 00:29:00 +04:00
label_roadmap_no_issues : Nessun contesto per questa versione
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
label_search : Ricerca
2007-09-27 22:52:02 +04:00
label_result_plural : Risultati
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
label_all_words : Tutte le parole
label_wiki : Wiki
2007-04-23 00:29:00 +04:00
label_wiki_edit : Modifica Wiki
label_wiki_edit_plural : Modfiche wiki
2007-06-14 22:26:27 +04:00
label_wiki_page : Wiki page
2007-05-25 20:44:50 +04:00
label_wiki_page_plural : Wiki pages
2007-09-27 23:35:53 +04:00
label_index_by_title : Index by title
label_index_by_date : Index by date
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
label_current_version : Versione corrente
2007-04-23 00:29:00 +04:00
label_preview : Anteprima
label_feed_plural : Feed
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
label_changes_details : Particolari di tutti i cambiamenti
2007-04-23 00:29:00 +04:00
label_issue_tracking : tracking dei contesti
label_spent_time : Tempo impiegato
label_f_hour : %.2f ora
label_f_hour_plural : %.2f ore
label_time_tracking : Tracking del tempo
label_change_plural : Modifiche
label_statistics : Statistiche
label_commits_per_month : Commit per mese
label_commits_per_author : Commit per autore
label_view_diff : mostra differenze
2007-03-29 22:14:59 +04:00
label_diff_inline : inline
label_diff_side_by_side : side by side
2007-04-23 00:29:00 +04:00
label_options : Opzioni
label_copy_workflow_from : Copia workflow da
label_permissions_report : Report permessi
2007-04-21 16:28:22 +04:00
label_watched_issues : Watched issues
2007-04-24 17:57:27 +04:00
label_related_issues : Related issues
label_applied_status : Applied status
2007-04-27 23:32:57 +04:00
label_loading : Loading...
2007-05-05 17:22:27 +04:00
label_relation_new : New relation
label_relation_delete : Delete relation
2007-05-20 22:11:49 +04:00
label_relates_to : related to
2007-05-05 17:22:27 +04:00
label_duplicates : duplicates
label_blocks : blocks
label_blocked_by : blocked by
label_precedes : precedes
label_follows : follows
2007-09-21 19:24:52 +04:00
label_end_to_start : end to start
2007-05-05 17:22:27 +04:00
label_end_to_end : end to end
label_start_to_start : start to start
label_start_to_end : start to end
2007-05-06 16:49:32 +04:00
label_stay_logged_in : Stay logged in
label_disabled : disabled
2007-05-07 20:54:26 +04:00
label_show_completed_versions : Show completed versions
2007-05-08 16:46:15 +04:00
label_me : me
2007-05-13 21:09:56 +04:00
label_board : Forum
label_board_new : New forum
label_board_plural : Forums
label_topic_plural : Topics
label_message_plural : Messages
label_message_last : Last message
label_message_new : New message
label_reply_plural : Replies
2007-05-27 14:57:13 +04:00
label_send_information : Send account information to the user
2007-06-24 20:07:06 +04:00
label_year : Year
label_month : Month
label_week : Week
label_date_from : From
label_date_to : To
2007-07-14 17:29:20 +04:00
label_language_based : Language based
2007-11-04 14:15:04 +03:00
label_sort_by : Sort by %s
2007-08-14 14:36:19 +04:00
label_send_test_email : Send a test email
2007-08-30 00:07:28 +04:00
label_feeds_access_key_created_on : RSS access key created %s ago
2007-09-14 15:34:08 +04:00
label_module_plural : Modules
2007-09-15 19:20:08 +04:00
label_added_time_by : Added by %s %s ago
label_updated_time : Updated %s ago
2007-09-22 17:17:49 +04:00
label_jump_to_a_project : Jump to a project...
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
button_login : Login
button_submit : Invia
button_save : Salva
button_check_all : Seleziona tutti
button_uncheck_all : Deseleziona tutti
button_delete : Elimina
button_create : Crea
button_test : Test
button_edit : Modifica
button_add : Aggiungi
button_change : Modifica
button_apply : Applica
button_clear : Pulisci
button_lock : Blocca
button_unlock : Sblocca
button_download : Scarica
button_list : Elenca
button_view : Mostra
button_move : Sposta
button_back : Indietro
button_cancel : Annulla
button_activate : Attiva
button_sort : Ordina
2007-04-23 00:29:00 +04:00
button_log_time : Registra tempo
button_rollback : Ripristina questa versione
2007-04-21 16:08:31 +04:00
button_watch : Watch
button_unwatch : Unwatch
2007-05-13 21:09:56 +04:00
button_reply : Reply
2007-05-27 21:42:04 +04:00
button_archive : Archive
button_unarchive : Unarchive
2007-08-30 00:07:28 +04:00
button_reset : Reset
2007-09-09 21:05:38 +04:00
button_rename : Rename
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
2007-04-23 00:29:00 +04:00
status_active : attivo
status_registered : registrato
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
status_locked : bloccato
2007-04-23 00:29:00 +04:00
text_select_mail_notifications : Seleziona le azioni per cui deve essere inviata una notifica.
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
text_regexp_info : eg. ^[A-Z0-9]+$
2007-04-23 00:29:00 +04:00
text_min_max_length_info : 0 significa nessuna restrizione
text_project_destroy_confirmation : Sei sicuro di voler cancellare il progetti e tutti i dati ad esso collegati?
text_workflow_edit : Seleziona un ruolo ed un tracker per modificare il workflow
text_are_you_sure : Sei sicuro ?
text_journal_changed : cambiato da %s a %s
text_journal_set_to : impostato a %s
text_journal_deleted : cancellato
text_tip_task_begin_day : attività che iniziano in questa giornata
text_tip_task_end_day : attività che terminano in questa giornata
text_tip_task_begin_end_day : attività che iniziano e terminano in questa giornata
2007-04-02 22:44:35 +04:00
text_project_identifier_info : 'Lower case letters (a-z), numbers and dashes allowed.<br />Once saved, the identifier can not be changed.'
2007-04-23 00:29:00 +04:00
text_caracters_maximum : massimo %d caratteri.
text_length_between : Lunghezza compresa tra %d e %d caratteri.
text_tracker_no_workflow : Nessun workflow definito per questo tracker
2007-04-22 13:50:16 +04:00
text_unallowed_characters : Unallowed characters
2007-05-20 22:11:49 +04:00
text_comma_separated : Multiple values allowed (comma separated).
2007-04-24 17:57:27 +04:00
text_issues_ref_in_commit_messages : Referencing and fixing issues in commit messages
2008-02-05 21:38:05 +03:00
text_issue_added : "E' stata segnalata l'anomalia %s da %s."
text_issue_updated : "L'anomalia %s e' stata aggiornata da %s."
2007-09-14 15:34:08 +04:00
text_wiki_destroy_confirmation : Are you sure you want to delete this wiki and all its content ?
2007-09-15 20:52:32 +04:00
text_issue_category_destroy_question : Some issues (%d) are assigned to this category. What do you want to do ?
text_issue_category_destroy_assignments : Remove category assignments
text_issue_category_reassign_to : Reassing issues to this category
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
default_role_manager : Manager
default_role_developper : Sviluppatore
default_role_reporter : Reporter
default_tracker_bug : Contesto
default_tracker_feature : Funzione
default_tracker_support : Supporto
default_issue_status_new : Nuovo/a
default_issue_status_assigned : Assegnato/a
default_issue_status_resolved : Risolto/a
default_issue_status_feedback : Feedback
default_issue_status_closed : Chiuso/a
default_issue_status_rejected : Rifiutato/a
default_doc_category_user : Documentazione utente
default_doc_category_tech : Documentazione tecnica
default_priority_low : Bassa
default_priority_normal : Normale
default_priority_high : Alta
default_priority_urgent : Urgente
default_priority_immediate : Immediata
2007-03-23 15:22:31 +03:00
default_activity_design : Design
default_activity_development : Development
2007-03-23 11:15:22 +03:00
enumeration_issue_priorities : Priorità contesti
enumeration_doc_categories : Categorie di documenti
2007-04-23 00:29:00 +04:00
enumeration_activities : Attività (time tracking)
2007-09-24 21:33:24 +04:00
label_file_plural : Files
label_changeset_plural : Changesets
2007-10-01 12:44:17 +04:00
field_column_names : Columns
2007-10-01 14:44:45 +04:00
label_default_columns : Default columns
2007-10-01 16:04:24 +04:00
setting_issue_list_default_columns : Default columns displayed on the issue list
2007-10-07 19:21:40 +04:00
setting_repositories_encodings : Repositories encodings
2007-10-09 23:07:19 +04:00
notice_no_issue_selected : "No issue is selected! Please, check the issues you want to edit."
label_bulk_edit_selected_issues : Bulk edit selected issues
label_no_change_option : (No change)
notice_failed_to_save_issues : "Failed to save %d issue(s) on %d selected: %s."
2007-10-10 21:27:14 +04:00
label_theme : Theme
label_default : Default
2007-10-15 20:53:39 +04:00
label_search_titles_only : Search titles only
2007-10-18 20:29:23 +04:00
label_nobody : nobody
2007-10-20 16:47:05 +04:00
button_change_password : Change password
text_user_mail_option : "For unselected projects, you will only receive notifications about things you watch or you're involved in (eg. issues you're the author or assignee)."
label_user_mail_option_selected : "For any event on the selected projects only..."
label_user_mail_option_all : "For any event on all my projects"
label_user_mail_option_none : "Only for things I watch or I'm involved in"
2007-10-21 18:10:07 +04:00
setting_emails_footer : Emails footer
2007-10-25 21:38:05 +04:00
label_float : Float
2007-10-28 18:07:10 +03:00
button_copy : Copy
2007-11-04 13:43:39 +03:00
mail_body_account_information_external : You can use your "%s" account to log into Redmine.
mail_body_account_information : Your Redmine account information
setting_protocol : Protocol
2007-11-12 19:47:07 +03:00
label_user_mail_no_self_notified : "I don't want to be notified of changes that I make myself"
2007-11-16 23:26:36 +03:00
setting_time_format : Time format
2007-11-18 20:46:55 +03:00
label_registration_activation_by_email : account activation by email
mail_subject_account_activation_request : Redmine account activation request
mail_body_account_activation_request : 'A new user (%s) has registered. His account his pending your approval:'
label_registration_automatic_activation : automatic account activation
label_registration_manual_activation : manual account activation
notice_account_pending : "Your account was created and is now pending administrator approval."
2007-11-20 01:28:43 +03:00
field_time_zone : Time zone
2007-11-24 15:52:29 +03:00
text_caracters_minimum : Must be at least %d characters long.
2007-12-02 16:52:16 +03:00
setting_bcc_recipients : Blind carbon copy recipients (bcc)
2007-12-02 23:58:02 +03:00
button_annotate : Annotate
2007-12-07 13:26:07 +03:00
label_issues_by : Issues by %s
2007-12-14 21:54:55 +03:00
field_searchable : Searchable
2007-12-29 14:36:30 +03:00
label_display_per_page: 'Per page : %s'
setting_per_page_options : Objects per page options
2008-01-03 01:41:53 +03:00
label_age : Age
2008-01-05 14:33:49 +03:00
notice_default_data_loaded : Default configuration successfully loaded.
text_load_default_configuration : Load the default configuration
text_no_configuration_data : "Roles, trackers, issue statuses and workflow have not been configured yet.\nIt is highly recommended to load the default configuration. You will be able to modify it once loaded."
error_can_t_load_default_data : "Default configuration could not be loaded: %s"
2008-01-06 20:06:14 +03:00
button_update : Update
label_change_properties : Change properties
2008-01-06 23:24:26 +03:00
label_general : General
label_repository_plural : Repositories
2008-01-20 18:38:11 +03:00
label_associated_revisions : Associated revisions
2008-01-25 13:31:06 +03:00
setting_user_format : Users display format
2008-02-06 23:02:30 +03:00
text_status_changed_by_changeset : Applied in changeset %s.
2008-02-09 19:11:18 +03:00
label_more : More
2008-02-10 16:17:41 +03:00
text_issues_destroy_confirmation : 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected issue(s) ?'
2008-02-13 01:43:37 +03:00
label_scm : SCM
text_select_project_modules : 'Select modules to enable for this project:'
label_issue_added : Issue added
label_issue_updated : Issue updated
label_document_added : Document added
label_message_posted : Message added
label_file_added : File added
label_news_added : News added
2008-02-16 13:15:19 +03:00
project_module_boards : Boards
project_module_issue_tracking : Issue tracking
project_module_wiki : Wiki
project_module_files : Files
project_module_documents : Documents
project_module_repository : Repository
project_module_news : News
project_module_time_tracking : Time tracking
text_file_repository_writable : File repository writable
text_default_administrator_account_changed : Default administrator account changed
text_rmagick_available : RMagick available (optional)
button_configure : Configure
label_plugins : Plugins
label_ldap_authentication : LDAP authentication
label_downloads_abbr : D/L
2008-02-26 21:15:58 +03:00
label_this_month : this month
label_last_n_days : last %d days
label_all_time : all time
label_this_year : this year
label_date_range : Date range
label_last_week : last week
label_yesterday : yesterday
label_last_month : last month