<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd"> <pkgmetadata> <maintainer> <email>hasufell@gentoo.org</email> <name>Julian Ospald</name> </maintainer> <use> <flag name='editor'>Build the map editor</flag> <flag name='launcher'>Build the game launcher</flag> </use> <longdescription lang="en"> The Zod Engine is an open source remake of the 1996 game Z by the Bitmap Brothers written in C++ using the SDL library for Linux / Windows / Etc. The Story and Gameplay... In Z you were a commander under General Zod in his attempt to conquer the universe. Your team, Brad and Allan, went from site to site and planet to planet pushing back the Blue forces while getting bitched at by General Zod. In the Zod Engine the doors are opened up so that you can play all the levels and make new levels the way you've always wanted to. The Zod Engine is more then just a remake of Z however, it is a fully commercially supported online game that is perpetually running at all times. Players can connect and disconnect at any time. The Zod Engine is a MMORTS / RTS style game. In the game you command an army of robots and vehicles to take over neighboring territories in the ultimate goal of destroying all of your enemies. Unlike traditional RTS (Real Time Strategy) games the Zod Engine does not create units from collected resources but instead construction is constant from preset factories scattered throughout the level. What is New? The Zod Engine is a multiplayer oriented game where as Z is a single player oriented game. Here you will be able to for the first time do things such as play games against multiple bot players, or play the original levels with friends helping you on the same team. The Zod Engine is cross platform for Linux and Windows and can support any resolution. There are no limits on map size or players per game. The Zod Engine is also in a state of continual development so new features may come at any time with idea's from the players. </longdescription> </pkgmetadata>