
220 lines
5.9 KiB

///@cond INTERNAL
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <glib/gprintf.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include "txr-texparser.h"
static gchar *fnameTable = NULL;
static gchar *fnameEtalon = NULL;
static gchar *fnameWrite = NULL;
static GOptionEntry entries[] =
{ "table", 't', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &fnameTable, "File with a table", NULL },
{ "etalon", 'e', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &fnameEtalon, "File with etalon table", NULL },
{ "write", 'w', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &fnameWrite, "File to write", NULL },
{ NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL }
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
GOptionContext *context;
GError *error = NULL;
GError *parse_error = NULL;
gchar *contents = NULL,
*generated = NULL,
TXRGlob *doc = NULL;
TXRGlobIter it;
//MamanBar *bar;
//MamanBar *bar1;
//#if (!GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 36, 0))
// g_type_init ();
//bar = g_object_new (MAMAN_BAR_TYPE, NULL);
//g_printf ("type = %s\n", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (bar));
//g_object_unref (bar);
//bar1 = g_object_new (MAMAN_BAR_TYPE, NULL);
//g_object_unref (bar1);
//(void) bar1;
//return 0;
setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
#if (!GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 36, 0))
g_type_init ();
/* commandline arguments processing */
context = g_option_context_new ("- tests LaTeX parser");
g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, entries, NULL);//GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
// g_option_context_add_group (context, gtk_get_option_group (TRUE));
if (!g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, &error))
fprintf (stderr, "option parsing failed: %s\n", error->message);
exit (1);
g_option_context_free (context);
/* read table */
if (!fnameTable)
fprintf (stderr, "Specify file with a table");
goto err;
/* load file contents
if (!g_file_get_contents (fnameTable, &contents, NULL, &error))
g_printf ("Unable to read file: %s\n", error->message);
goto err;
g_free (fnameTable);
g_assert ((contents == NULL && error != NULL)
|| (contents != NULL && error == NULL));
/* parse TeX */
doc = txr_parse (contents, &parse_error);
if (parse_error)
g_print ("Error parsing TeX document: %s\n", parse_error->message);
goto err;
puts ("TeX document successfully parsed\n");
/* list all objects */
g_printf ("list all objects\n");
for (it = txr_glob_first (doc); it; it = txr_glob_iter_next (it))
g_printf ("%s\n", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (*it));
if ( !g_strcmp0 ("TXRTabular", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (*it))
|| !g_strcmp0 ("TXRLongtable", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (*it)))
TXRSubtable *subtable;
TXRSubtableIter st_it;
if (!g_strcmp0 ("TXRTabular", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (*it)))
subtable = txr_tabular_get_table (TXR_TABULAR (*it));
subtable = txr_longtable_get_table (TXR_LONGTABLE (*it));
for (st_it = txr_subtable_first (subtable); st_it; st_it = txr_subtable_iter_next (st_it))
TXRRow *row = TXR_ROW (*st_it);
TXRRowIter row_it;
for (row_it = txr_row_first (row); row_it; row_it = txr_row_iter_next (row_it))
TXRCell *cell = TXR_CELL (*row_it);
TXRGlob *glob = txr_cell_get_contents (cell);
TXRGlobIter glob_it;
for (glob_it = txr_glob_first (glob); glob_it; glob_it = txr_glob_iter_next (glob_it))
if (g_strcmp0 ("TXRText", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (*glob_it)))
g_printf (" %s\n", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (*glob_it));
g_printf ("end of objects\n\n");
/* walk through all objects */
g_printf ("Walk through all objects\n");
for (it = txr_glob_first (doc); it; it = txr_glob_iter_next (it))
g_printf ("%s\n", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (*it));
if (!g_strcmp0 ("TXRGraphics", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (*it)))
gdouble width = 0,
height = 0;
gchar *w_unit = NULL,
*h_unit = NULL;
TXRGraphics *graphics = txr_graphics_clone (TXR_GRAPHICS (*it));
txr_graphics_get_size (graphics, &width, &w_unit, &height, &h_unit);
gentext = txr_glob_gen ((TXRGlob *) graphics);
g_printf (" width=%f%s, height=%f%s, path=%s,\n gen()=%s\n",
width, w_unit, height, h_unit,
txr_graphics_get_path (graphics),
g_free (gentext);
/* test txr_graphics_set_size () */
txr_graphics_set_size (graphics, width / 2, "pt", height * 2, "dd");
gentext = txr_glob_gen ((TXRGlob *) graphics);
g_printf ("resized gen() = %s\n", gentext);
g_free (gentext);
txr_graphics_unref (graphics);
g_free (w_unit);
g_free (h_unit);
g_printf ("end of objects\n\n");
/* generate plain-TeX document */
generated = txr_glob_gen (doc);
/* load etalon file
if (fnameEtalon)
g_free (contents);
if (!g_file_get_contents (fnameEtalon, &contents, NULL, &error))
g_printf ("Unable to read file: %s\n", error->message);
goto err;
g_free (fnameEtalon);
if (!g_strcmp0 (contents, generated))
g_printf ("Original and generated text are EQUAL ;-)\n");
g_printf ("Original and generated text are NOT EQUAL ;-(\n");
g_printf ("--- Generated plain-TeX (generated) ---\n%s", generated);
/* write to file */
if (fnameWrite)
g_file_set_contents (fnameWrite, generated, -1, NULL);
g_free (fnameWrite);
g_free (contents);
g_free (generated);
if (parse_error)
g_error_free (parse_error);
if (error)
g_error_free (error);
txr_glob_unref (doc);
return 0;