
137 lines
4.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2014-04-09 17:43:14 +04:00
namespace LAview {
namespace Parsers {
using Table;
class LongtableParser : TableParser {
public LongtableParser (Array<Link> links) {
base (links);
public override IDoc parse (string contents, size_t line, long position) throws ParseError {
/* create empty longtable */
var longtable = new Longtable ();
/* set TeX longtable contents */
this.contents = contents;
this.line = line;
this.position = position;
/* get parameters string */
var PAR_REG = "\\|*((>\\{[^{}*]+\\})?[^{}*]+\\{[^{}*]+\\}|[^{}*]+)\\|*";
// Bug #94: Parse Multiple defined columns in the tabular/longtable.
var param_regex = "^(\\[(c|l|r)])?" + "\\{((\\*\\{[0-9]+\\}\\{"
+ PAR_REG + "\\}|" + PAR_REG + "))*\\}";
2014-04-09 17:43:14 +04:00
string params = "";
try {
var regex = new Regex (param_regex);
MatchInfo match_info;
regex.match (contents, 0, out match_info);
uint start_pos = 0, stop_pos = 0;
if (match_info.matches ()) {
match_info.fetch_pos (0, out start_pos, out stop_pos);
/* set TeX document contents */
this.contents = contents.offset (stop_pos);
params = match_info.fetch (0);
} else {
/// Translators: please leave the '%s' construction without any changes.
prefix_error (subdoc_start,
_("Incorrect longtable parameters doesn't match '%s' regexp."),
throw new ParseError.SUBDOC (err_str);
} catch (RegexError e) {}
/* longtable align: [c], [l], [r] */
if (params[0] == '[') {
longtable.align = params[1];
params = params.offset (3);
/* remove bound '{' '}' from params */
params = params.substring (1, params.length - 2).reverse ();
var col_params = new ColParams ();
/* match reversed params so '|' will be snapped to the right column */
try {
var col_reg1 = "\\|*}[^{}]+{(p\\|*|m\\|*|b\\|*)(}[^{}]+{>(\\|+$|\\||)|\\|)?";
var col_reg2 = "\\|*(r|c|l)(}[^{}]+{@(p\\|*|m\\|*|b\\|*) (r|c|l))?(\\|+$|\\||)";
var regex = new Regex ("(" + col_reg1 + "|" + col_reg2
// Bug #94: Parse Multiple defined columns...
+ "|\\}" + col_reg1 + "\\{\\}[0-9]+\\{\\*"
+ "|\\}" + col_reg2 + "\\{\\}[0-9]+\\{\\*)");
2014-04-09 17:43:14 +04:00
MatchInfo match_info;
regex.match_full (params, -1, 0, 0, out match_info);
while (match_info.matches ()) {
var col_param = new ColParam.with_params (0, "", 0);
var word = match_info.fetch (0).reverse ().compress ();
// Bug #94: Parse Multiple defined columns in the tabular/longtable.
int count = 1;
if (word[0] == '*') {
count = int.parse (word.offset(2));
int start;
for (start = 2; word[start] != '{'; ++start);
word = word[start + 1:word.length - 1];
2014-04-09 17:43:14 +04:00
int nllines, nrlines;
for (nllines = 0; '|' == word[nllines]; ++nllines);
for (nrlines = word.length - 1; nrlines != 0 && '|' == word[nrlines]; --nrlines);
var wlen = word.length;
word = word[0:nrlines + 1];
col_param.align = word.offset (nllines);
col_param.nllines = nllines;
col_param.nrlines = wlen - 1 - nrlines;
// Bug #94: Parse Multiple defined columns in the tabular/longtable.
while (count-- > 0) col_params.insert (0, col_param.copy ());
2014-04-09 17:43:14 +04:00 ();
} catch (RegexError e) {}
longtable.params = col_params;
/* === Parsing subtables === */
/* feed in the text */
scanner.input_text (this.contents, this.contents.length);
row_abs_pos = 0;
row = new Row ();
subtable = new Subtable ();
in_caption = false;
cell_abs_pos = 0;
TokenType expected_token = TokenType.NONE;
/* scanning loop, we scan the input until it's end is reached,
* the self encountered a lexing err, or our sub routine came
* across invalid syntax
do {
expected_token = scan_tex_symbol (longtable);
} while (expected_token == TokenType.NONE
&& fifo_peek_head ().token != TokenType.EOF
&& fifo_peek_head ().token != TokenType.ERROR);
/* give an err message upon syntax errors */
if (expected_token == TokenType.ERROR)
scanner.unexp_token (expected_token, null, "symbol", null, null, true);
return longtable;