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2016-12-07 19:36:43 +03:00
using GObject, Plugins;
namespace LAview.Core {
* LAview Core.
public class Core : Object, IHost, IHostCore {
/** **
* --- I N T E R F A C E --- *
*/ /**/
public string lyx_path {
get { return _lyx_path; }
set {
if (settings != null) settings.set_string ("lyx-path", value);
_lyx_path = value;
default = "lyx";
public string latexmk_pl_path {
get { return _latexmk_pl_path; }
set {
if (settings != null) settings.set_string ("latexmk-pl-path", value);
_latexmk_pl_path = value;
default = "latexmk";
public string perl_path {
get { return _perl_path; }
set {
if (settings != null) settings.set_string ("perl-path", value);
_perl_path = value;
default = "perl";
public Gee.HashMap<Type, PluginData> data_plugins = new Gee.HashMap<Type, PluginData>();
public Gee.HashMap<Type, PluginObject> object_plugins = new Gee.HashMap<Type, PluginObject>();
* Load Data Modules.
public void load_data_modules (string dir_path) {
Gee.ArrayList<Plugins.Module> tmp_modules = null;
GObject.Plugins.load_modules (dir_path, ref tmp_modules);
foreach (var m in tmp_modules) {
if (!data_modules.contains(m)) {
var plugin_data = m.create_instance (this) as PluginData;
data_plugins[m.get_type()] = plugin_data;
data_plugins2[plugin_data.get_name()] = plugin_data;
* Load Protocol Objects Modules.
public void load_object_modules (string dir_path) {
Gee.ArrayList<Plugins.Module> tmp_modules = null;
GObject.Plugins.load_modules (dir_path, ref tmp_modules);
foreach (var m in tmp_modules) {
if (!object_modules.contains(m)) {
var plugin_object = m.create_instance (this) as PluginObject;
object_plugins[m.get_type()] = plugin_object;
object_plugins2[plugin_object.get_name()] = plugin_object;
* Unload all Modules.
public void unload_modules () {
GObject.Plugins.unload_modules (data_modules);
GObject.Plugins.unload_modules (object_modules);
public Core () throws Error {
/* Initialization */
AppDirs.init ();
load_data_modules (AppDirs.data_plugins_dir);
load_object_modules (AppDirs.object_plugins_dir);
settings_init ();
load_templates_list ();
_lyx_path = settings.get_string("lyx-path");
settings.changed["lyx-path"].connect (() => {
_lyx_path = settings.get_string("lyx-path");
_latexmk_pl_path = settings.get_string("latexmk-pl-path");
settings.changed["latexmk-pl-path"].connect (() => {
_latexmk_pl_path = settings.get_string("latexmk-pl-path");
_perl_path = settings.get_string("perl-path");
settings.changed["perl-path"].connect (() => {
_perl_path = settings.get_string("perl-path");
clear_cache ();
public string get_cache_dir () {
return AppDirs.cache_dir;
public string[] get_templates_readable_names () {
string[] names = {};
foreach (var t in templates)
names += t.get_readable_name ();
return names;
public string get_template_path_by_index (int index) {
return templates[index].get_path ();
public void add_template (string path) {
var file = File.new_for_path (path);
if (!file.query_exists() || file.query_file_type(FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE) != FileType.REGULAR)
if (path.has_suffix ("lyx")) {
var t = new LyxTemplate(path);
if (!templates.contains (t))
templates.add (t);
} else if (path.has_suffix ("tex")) {
var t = new TexTemplate(path);
if (!templates.contains (t))
templates.add (t);
save_templates_list ();
public void remove_template (int index) {
if (index < templates.size)
templates.remove_at (index);
save_templates_list ();
public string[] get_objects_list (int template_index) throws Error {
if (template_index == last_template_index) return objects_list;
last_template_index = template_index;
/* clear */
clear_cache ();
requests = new Gee.HashMap<string, Gee.HashMap<string, AnswerValue>> ();
objects_list = { };
composed_objects = { };
var converter = new Conv.Converter.new_with_paths (_lyx_path, _latexmk_pl_path, _perl_path);
var t_path = Path.build_path (Path.DIR_SEPARATOR_S, AppDirs.cache_dir, "template.tex");
var lyx_file_path = templates[template_index].get_path();
try {
var sp = converter.lyx2tex (lyx_file_path, t_path);
#if (UNIX)
if (sp.wait_check() == false) throw new IOError.FAILED("");
#elif (WINDOWS)
if (!File.new_for_path(t_path).query_exists()) throw new IOError.FAILED("");
assert_not_reached ();
} catch (Error e) {
throw new IOError.FAILED(_("Error running lyx2tex subprocess for ")+lyx_file_path+".");
/* parse TeX */
string contents;
FileUtils.get_contents (t_path, out contents);
document = LAview.parse (contents);
var doc_stack = new Queue<IDoc> ();
doc_stack.push_tail (document);
recursive_walk (doc_stack, requests, Stage.ANALYSE);
// Return readable objects names by requests and objects plugins readable names
foreach (var req in requests.entries) {
string object_suffix, object_cmd;
var plugin = find_plugin (req.key, out object_suffix, out object_cmd);
if (plugin != null) {
objects_list += plugin.get_readable_name() + " " + object_suffix;
composed_objects += false;
return objects_list;
public bool compose_object (Object parent, int object_index) throws Error {
var cnt = object_index;
foreach (var req in requests.entries)
if (cnt-- == 0) {
string object_suffix, object_cmd;
var plugin = find_plugin (req.key, out object_suffix, out object_cmd);
var result = object_plugins2[plugin.get_name()].compose(parent, req.value);
if (composed_objects[object_index] == false && result == true) {
composed_objects[object_index] = true;
objects_list[object_index] = "" + objects_list[object_index];
return composed_objects[object_index];;
public Subprocess print_document () throws Error {
foreach (var c in composed_objects)
if (c == false)
throw new IOError.FAILED (_("Prepare document first."));
generate_document_tex ();
var converter = new Conv.Converter.new_with_paths (_lyx_path, _latexmk_pl_path, _perl_path);
return converter.tex2pdf (doc_tex_path(), doc_pdf_path());
public string get_lyx_file_path () throws Error {
foreach (var c in composed_objects)
if (c == false)
throw new IOError.FAILED (_("Prepare document first."));
return generate_document_lyx();
public string get_pdf_file_path () throws Error {
var pdf_path = Path.build_path (Path.DIR_SEPARATOR_S, AppDirs.cache_dir, "document.pdf");
if (!File.new_for_path(pdf_path).query_exists())
throw new IOError.FAILED(_("PDF file ")+@"$pdf_path"+_(" not found"));
return pdf_path;
public PluginData get_data_object (string name) {
return data_plugins2[name];
/** **
* --- I M P L E M E N T A T I O N --- *
*/ /**/
string _lyx_path;
string _latexmk_pl_path;
string _perl_path;
Gee.HashMap<string, unowned PluginData> data_plugins2 = new Gee.HashMap<string, unowned PluginData>();
Gee.HashMap<string, unowned PluginObject> object_plugins2 = new Gee.HashMap<string, unowned PluginObject>();
Settings settings;
TemplateList templates = new TemplateList ();
static Gee.ArrayList<Plugins.Module> data_modules = new Gee.ArrayList<Plugins.Module>();
static Gee.ArrayList<Plugins.Module> object_modules = new Gee.ArrayList<Plugins.Module>();
Gee.HashMap<string, Gee.HashMap<string, AnswerValue>> requests;
Glob document = null;
Glob out_document = null;
string[] objects_list = { };
bool[] composed_objects = {};
int last_template_index = -1;
void settings_init () throws Error {
string schema_file = AppDirs.settings_dir+"/gschemas.compiled";
if (!File.new_for_path (schema_file).query_exists ())
throw new IOError.NOT_FOUND ("File "+schema_file+" not found");
SettingsSchemaSource sss = new SettingsSchemaSource.from_directory (AppDirs.settings_dir, null, false);
string schema_name = "ws.backbone.laview.core-"+Config.VERSION_MAJOR.to_string();
SettingsSchema schema = sss.lookup (schema_name, false);
if (schema == null) {
throw new IOError.NOT_FOUND ("Schema "+schema_name+" not found in "+schema_file);
settings = new Settings.full (schema, null, null);
void load_templates_list () {
var templates_strv = settings.get_strv("templates");
templates.clear ();
foreach (var ts in templates_strv)
add_template (ts);
void save_templates_list () {
string[] templates_strv = {};
foreach (var t in templates) {
templates_strv += (t.get_path ());
settings.set_strv("templates", templates_strv);
~Core () {
AppDirs.terminate ();
PluginObject? find_plugin (string request, out string object_suffix, out string object_cmd) {
object_suffix = null;
object_cmd = null;
var first_ = request.split_set(":?.", 2)[0];
foreach (var p in object_plugins.entries) {
if (first_.has_prefix (p.value.get_name())) {
object_suffix = first_.substring (p.value.get_name().length);
object_cmd = request.offset (first_.length + 1);
return p.value;
return null;
bool in_table (Queue<IDoc> doc_stack) {
var len = doc_stack.length;
return (len >= 6
&& doc_stack.peek_nth(len - 6) is Table.ATable
&& doc_stack.peek_nth(len - 5) is Table.Subtable
&& doc_stack.peek_nth(len - 4) is Table.Row
&& doc_stack.peek_nth(len - 3) is Table.Cell
&& doc_stack.peek_nth(len - 2) is Glob
) ? true : false;
bool check_for_addrows (Table.Cell cell, bool remove = false) {
var ret = false;
foreach (var doc in cell.contents)
if (doc is Text) {
var t = doc as Text;
if (/#\baddrows\b/.match(t.text)) {
if (remove) {
t.text = t.text.replace("#addrows", "");
ret = true;
return ret;
bool check_for_addcols (Table.Cell cell, out int max_cols, bool remove = false) {
max_cols = 0;
var ret = false;
foreach (var doc in cell.contents)
if (doc is Text) {
var t = doc as Text;
if (/\\#\baddcols\b/.match(t.text)) {
try {
var regex = new Regex ("\\\\#addcols\\\\#[0-9]+");
MatchInfo match_info;
regex.match (t.text, 0, out match_info);
while (match_info.matches ()) {
var word = match_info.fetch (0).substring(11);
max_cols = int.max(max_cols, int.parse(word));;
if (remove)
t.text = regex.replace_literal (t.text, -1, 0, "");
} catch (RegexError e) {}
ret = true;
return ret;
// current row contains #addrows => ++dimension
bool row_has_addrows (Table.Row row) {
foreach (var cell in row)
if (check_for_addrows(cell))
return true;
return false;
bool row_has_addcols (Table.Row row, uint col_index) {
uint index = 0;
foreach (var cell in row) {
if (index >= col_index)
if (check_for_addcols(cell, null))
return true;
return false;
index += cell.multitype == Table.Cell.Multitype.MULTICOL ? cell.ncells : 1;
return false;
bool subtable_has_addcols (Table.Subtable subtable, uint col_index) {
foreach (var row in subtable)
if (row_has_addcols (row, col_index)) return true;
return false;
// one of 5 subtables contains #addcols in current column => ++dimension
bool atable_has_addcols (Table.ATable table, Table.Row row, Table.Cell cell) {
uint col_index = 0;
foreach (var c in row) {
if (cell == c) break;
col_index += c.multitype == Table.Cell.Multitype.MULTICOL ? c.ncells : 1;
switch (table.get_type().name()) {
case "LAviewTableTabular":
if (subtable_has_addcols ((table as Table.Tabular).table, col_index)) return true;
case "LAviewTableLongtable":
var longtable = table as Table.Longtable;
if (subtable_has_addcols (longtable.first_header, col_index)) return true;
if (subtable_has_addcols (longtable.header, col_index)) return true;
if (subtable_has_addcols (longtable.table, col_index)) return true;
if (subtable_has_addcols (longtable.footer, col_index)) return true;
if (subtable_has_addcols (longtable.last_footer, col_index)) return true;
return false;
enum Stage {
void resize_table (Table.ATable table, ResizeInfo resize_info) {
Table.Subtable tables[] = { table.first_header, table.header, table.table,
table.footer, table.last_footer };
var ncols = table.params.size;
int nrows = 0;
foreach (var subtable in tables)
if (nrows < subtable.size)
nrows = subtable.size;
var rowsvv_b = new bool[5,nrows]; // has #addrows
var colsv_b = new bool[ncols]; // has #addcols
resize_info.colsv_max = new int[ncols]; // cols per subtable when splitting
for (var t = 0; t < 5; ++t) {
for (var i = 0; i < tables[t].size; ++i) {
for (uint j = 0, col_cnt = 0; j < tables[t][i].size; ++j) {
var cell = tables[t][i][(int)j];
if (check_for_addrows(cell)) {
rowsvv_b[t,i] = true;
check_for_addrows(cell, true);
int max_cols;
if (check_for_addcols(cell, out max_cols)) {
colsv_b[col_cnt] = true;
resize_info.colsv_max[col_cnt] = max_cols;
check_for_addcols(cell, null, true);
col_cnt += ( cell.multitype == Table.Cell.Multitype.MULTICOL
|| cell.multitype == Table.Cell.Multitype.MULTICOLROW) ?
cell.ncells : 1;
resize_info.colsv = new int[ncols]; // X grow size
resize_info.rowsvv = new int[5,nrows]; // Y grow size
for (var t = 0; t < 5; ++t) {
for (var i = 0; i < tables[t].size; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < tables[t][i].size; ++j) {
var cell = tables[t][i][j];
foreach (var subdoc in cell.contents) {
try {
var regex = new Regex ("{\\[}[^][}{]*{\\]}");
MatchInfo match_info;
regex.match ((subdoc as Text).text, 0, out match_info);
while (match_info.matches ()) {
string object_suffix, object_cmd;
var word = match_info.fetch (0);
var request = word.substring (3, word.length - 6);
var plugin = find_plugin (request, out object_suffix, out object_cmd);
if (plugin == null) {; continue; }
var req = requests[plugin.get_name() + object_suffix][object_cmd];
if (req is AnswerArray1D) {
if (rowsvv_b[t,i] && ! colsv_b[j])
resize_info.rowsvv[t,i] = int.max(resize_info.rowsvv[t,i], (req as AnswerArray1D).value.length);
else if (colsv_b[j] && !rowsvv_b[t,i])
resize_info.colsv[j] = int.max(resize_info.colsv[j], (req as AnswerArray1D).value.length);
} else if (req is AnswerArray2D) {
if (colsv_b[j] && rowsvv_b[t,i]) {
resize_info.rowsvv[t,i] = int.max(resize_info.rowsvv[t,i], (req as AnswerArray2D).value.length[0]);
resize_info.colsv[j] = int.max(resize_info.colsv[j], (req as AnswerArray2D).value.length[1]);
} catch (RegexError e) {}
// add cols
for (int i = ncols - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (colsv_b[i])
for (var j = 1; j < resize_info.colsv[i]; ++j)
table.clone_col (i, i, true);
// add rows
for (var t = 0; t < 5; ++t)
for (int r = tables[t].size; r >=0; --r)
if (rowsvv_b[t, r])
for (var j = 1; j < resize_info.rowsvv[t, r]; ++j)
tables[t].insert(r, tables[t][r].copy() as Table.Row);
uint split_table (Glob glob, Table.ATable table, ResizeInfo resize_info) {
try {
var limits = new List<Table.ATable.SplitLimit?> ();
if (resize_info.colsv.length != resize_info.colsv_max.length) return 1;
uint f = 0, l = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < resize_info.colsv.length; ++i) {
var colsv_i = resize_info.colsv[i] == 0 ? 1 : resize_info.colsv[i];
l = f + colsv_i - 1;
if (f != l)
{ first = f, last = l, max_cols = resize_info.colsv_max[i] });
f += colsv_i;
l = f;
if (limits.length() != 0) {
var delimiter = (table is Table.Tabular) ? "\\\\" : "";
return table.split(glob, limits, delimiter);
} catch (Error e) {
return 1;
class ResizeInfo {
public int[] colsv;
public int[] colsv_max;
public int[,] rowsvv;
// TODO #102: get subtable, row, col indexes by doc_stack + resize_info
void get_relative_indexes (Queue<IDoc> doc_stack, ResizeInfo resize_info, out int row_idx, out int col_idx) {
row_idx = col_idx = 0;
var subtable_idx = 0, ridx = 0, cidx = 0;
var len = doc_stack.get_length();
var c = doc_stack.peek_nth(len - 3);
var r = doc_stack.peek_nth(len - 4);
var s = doc_stack.peek_nth(len - 5);
var tab = doc_stack.peek_nth(len - 6);
if (!(c is Table.Cell && r is Table.Row && s is Table.Subtable)) return;
var row = r as Table.Row;
cidx = row.index_of(c as Table.Cell);
var subtable = s as Table.Subtable;
ridx = subtable.index_of(row);
var atable = tab as Table.ATable;
if (subtable == atable.first_header)
subtable_idx = 0;
else if (subtable == atable.header)
subtable_idx = 1;
else if (subtable == atable.table)
subtable_idx = 2;
else if (subtable == atable.footer)
subtable_idx = 3;
else if (subtable == atable.last_footer)
subtable_idx = 4;
for (int i = 0, sum = 0; i < resize_info.rowsvv.length[1]; ++i) {
var rowsvv_i = resize_info.rowsvv[subtable_idx,i];
if (rowsvv_i == 0) rowsvv_i = 1;
if (ridx >= sum && ridx < sum + rowsvv_i) {
row_idx = ridx - sum;
} else {
sum += rowsvv_i;
for (int i = 0, sum = 0; i < resize_info.colsv.length; ++i) {
var colsv_i = resize_info.colsv[i];
if (colsv_i == 0) colsv_i = 1;
if (cidx >= sum && cidx < sum + colsv_i) {
col_idx = cidx - sum;
} else {
sum += colsv_i;
uint recursive_walk (Queue<IDoc> doc_stack,
// Plugin name // Object suffix
Gee.HashMap<string, Gee.HashMap<string, AnswerValue>> requests,
Stage stage, ResizeInfo? resize_info = null) {
uint ret = 1;
var doc = doc_stack.peek_tail ();
var stack_len = doc_stack.get_length();
switch (doc.get_type().name()) {
case "LAviewTableTabular":
var tabular = doc as Table.Tabular;
var resize_info_new = new ResizeInfo();
if (stage == Stage.FILL) resize_table (tabular, resize_info_new);
doc_stack.push_tail ((doc as Table.Tabular).table);
recursive_walk (doc_stack, requests, stage, resize_info_new);
doc_stack.pop_tail ();
if (stage == Stage.FILL && stack_len > 1)
ret = split_table (doc_stack.peek_nth (stack_len - 2) as Glob, tabular, resize_info_new);
case "LAviewTableLongtable":
var longtable = doc as Table.Longtable;
var resize_info_new = new ResizeInfo();
if (stage == Stage.FILL) resize_table (longtable, resize_info_new);
doc_stack.push_tail (longtable.first_header);
recursive_walk (doc_stack, requests, stage, resize_info_new);
doc_stack.pop_tail ();
doc_stack.push_tail (longtable.header);
recursive_walk (doc_stack, requests, stage, resize_info_new);
doc_stack.pop_tail ();
doc_stack.push_tail (longtable.table);
recursive_walk (doc_stack, requests, stage, resize_info_new);
doc_stack.pop_tail ();
doc_stack.push_tail (longtable.footer);
recursive_walk (doc_stack, requests, stage, resize_info_new);
doc_stack.pop_tail ();
doc_stack.push_tail (longtable.last_footer);
recursive_walk (doc_stack, requests, stage, resize_info_new);
doc_stack.pop_tail ();
if (stage == Stage.FILL && stack_len > 1)
ret = split_table (doc_stack.peek_nth (stack_len - 2) as Glob, longtable, resize_info_new);
case "LAviewTableSubtable":
doc_stack.push_tail ((doc as Table.Subtable).caption);
recursive_walk (doc_stack, requests, stage, resize_info);
doc_stack.pop_tail ();
foreach (var subdoc in doc as Table.Subtable) {
doc_stack.push_tail (subdoc);
recursive_walk (doc_stack, requests, stage, resize_info);
doc_stack.pop_tail ();
case "LAviewTableCell":
doc_stack.push_tail ((doc as Table.Cell).contents);
recursive_walk (doc_stack, requests, stage, resize_info);
doc_stack.pop_tail ();
case "LAviewGraphics":
var path = (doc as Graphics).path;
string object_suffix, object_cmd;
var plugin = find_plugin (path, out object_suffix, out object_cmd);
if (plugin == null) break;
switch (stage) {
case Stage.ANALYSE:
if (!requests.has_key(plugin.get_name() + object_suffix))
requests[plugin.get_name() + object_suffix] = new Gee.HashMap<string,AnswerValue>();
requests[plugin.get_name() + object_suffix][object_cmd] = new AnswerString();
case Stage.FILL:
(doc as Graphics).path =
(requests[plugin.get_name() + object_suffix][object_cmd] as AnswerString).value;
case "LAviewText":
try {
/* Replace requests with answers */
var regex = new Regex ("{\\[}[^][}{]*{\\]}");
MatchInfo match_info;
regex.match ((doc as Text).text, 0, out match_info);
var out_text = (doc as Text).text;
while (match_info.matches ()) {
var word = match_info.fetch (0);
var request = word.substring (3, word.length - 6);
// Find plugin which name conforms to request
string object_suffix, object_cmd;
var plugin = find_plugin (request, out object_suffix, out object_cmd);
if (plugin == null) {; continue; }
switch (stage) {
case Stage.ANALYSE:
AnswerValue answer;
var dimension = 0;
if (in_table(doc_stack)) {
// Determine answer type (text, vector, matrix).
dimension += row_has_addrows (doc_stack.peek_nth(doc_stack.length - 4) as Table.Row) ? 1 : 0;
var len = doc_stack.length;
var table = doc_stack.peek_nth(len - 6) as Table.ATable;
var row = doc_stack.peek_nth(len - 4) as Table.Row;
var cell = doc_stack.peek_nth(len - 3) as Table.Cell;
dimension += atable_has_addcols (table, row, cell) ? 1 : 0;
switch (dimension) {
case 1: answer = new AnswerArray1D(); break;
case 2: answer = new AnswerArray2D(); break;
default: answer = new AnswerString(); break;
if (!requests.has_key(plugin.get_name() + object_suffix))
requests[plugin.get_name() + object_suffix] = new Gee.HashMap<string,AnswerValue>();
requests[plugin.get_name() + object_suffix][object_cmd] = answer;
case Stage.FILL:
var answer = requests[plugin.get_name() + object_suffix].get(object_cmd);
var dimension = 0;
if (answer is AnswerArray1D) dimension = 1;
if (answer is AnswerArray2D) dimension = 2;
switch (dimension) {
case 1: // Array 1D
var arr = answer as AnswerArray1D;
var row_idx = 0, col_idx = 0;
get_relative_indexes(doc_stack, resize_info, out row_idx, out col_idx);
var max_idx = int.max(row_idx, col_idx);
if (max_idx < arr.value.length)
out_text = arr.value[max_idx];
out_text = _("IdxError");
case 2: // Array 2D
var arr = answer as AnswerArray2D;
var row_idx = 0, col_idx = 0;
get_relative_indexes(doc_stack, resize_info, out row_idx, out col_idx);
if (row_idx < arr.value.length[0] && col_idx < arr.value.length[1])
out_text = arr.value[row_idx, col_idx];
out_text = _("IdxError");
default: // Text/String
out_text = out_text.replace("{[}"+request+"{]}", (answer as AnswerString).value);
/* Replace ViewName */
regex = new Regex ("@LAview\\.ViewName=[^@]+@");
regex.match (out_text, 0, out match_info);
if (match_info.matches ()) {
var word = match_info.fetch (0);
out_text = out_text.replace(word, "");
(doc as Text).text = out_text ;
} catch (RegexError e) {}
if (doc is ADocList) {
var d = doc as ADocList<IDoc>;
for (var i = 0; i < d.size; ) {
var subdoc = d[i];
doc_stack.push_tail (subdoc);
i += (int)recursive_walk (doc_stack, requests, stage, resize_info);
doc_stack.pop_tail ();
return 1;
string doc_tex_path () {
return Path.build_path (Path.DIR_SEPARATOR_S, AppDirs.cache_dir, "document.tex");
string doc_lyx_path () {
return Path.build_path (Path.DIR_SEPARATOR_S, AppDirs.cache_dir, "document.lyx");
string doc_pdf_path () {
return Path.build_path (Path.DIR_SEPARATOR_S, AppDirs.cache_dir, "document.pdf");
void generate_document_tex () throws Error {
if (document == null)
throw new IOError.FAILED (_("Prepare document first."));
var doc_stack = new Queue<IDoc> ();
out_document = document.copy () as Glob;
doc_stack.push_tail (out_document);
recursive_walk (doc_stack, requests, Stage.FILL);
FileUtils.set_contents (doc_tex_path (), out_document.generate ());
string generate_document_lyx () throws Error {
generate_document_tex ();
var converter = new Conv.Converter.new_with_paths (_lyx_path, _latexmk_pl_path, _perl_path);
var sp = converter.tex2lyx (doc_tex_path(), doc_lyx_path());
if (sp.wait_check() == false) throw new IOError.FAILED(_("Error running tex2lyx subprocess."));
if (!File.new_for_path(doc_lyx_path()).query_exists())
throw new IOError.FAILED(_("Cann't create lyx document for editing."));
return doc_lyx_path();
void clear_cache () throws Error {
try {
rm_rf (File.new_for_path (AppDirs.cache_dir));
} catch (Error e) {
File.new_for_path (AppDirs.cache_dir).make_directory();