using Cairo; namespace CairoChart { /** * ``Chart`` series. */ public class Series { protected unowned Chart chart { get; protected set; default = null; } /** * 128-bit (X;Y) points. */ public Point128[] points = {}; /** * Sort style. */ public enum Sort { /** * Sort by X. */ BY_X = 0, /** * Sort by Y. */ BY_Y = 1, /** * Do not sort points on draw(). */ UNSORTED } /** * Sort style. */ public Sort sort = Sort.BY_X; /** * X-axis. */ public Axis axis_x; /** * Y-axis. */ public Axis axis_y; /** * Title of the ``Chart``. */ public Text title; /** * ``Marker`` style. */ public Marker marker; /** * Grid style. */ public Grid grid = new Grid (); /** * ``Series`` line style. */ public LineStyle line_style = LineStyle (); /** * ``Series`` color (set only). */ public Color color { protected get { return Color(); } set { line_style.color = value; axis_x.color = value; axis_y.color = value; = value; = 0.5; } default = Color (0, 0, 0, 1); } /** * Show the ``Series`` in zoomed area or not. */ public bool zoom_show = true; /** * Constructs a new ``Series``. * @param chart ``Chart`` instance. */ public Series (Chart chart) { this.chart = chart; title = new Text(chart); axis_x = new Axis(chart, this, true); axis_y = new Axis(chart, this, false); this.marker = new Marker(chart); } /** * Gets a copy of the ``Series``. */ public virtual Series copy () { var series = new Series (chart); series.axis_x = this.axis_x.copy (); series.axis_y = this.axis_y.copy (); series.grid = this.grid.copy (); series.line_style = this.line_style; series.marker = this.marker; series.points = this.points; series.sort = this.sort; series.title = this.title.copy(); series.zoom_show = this.zoom_show; return series; } /** * Draws the ``Series``. */ public virtual void draw () { var points = Math.sort_points(this, sort); line_style.apply(chart); // draw series line for (int i = 1; i < points.length; ++i) { Point c, d; if (Math.cut_line ( Point(chart.plarea.x0, chart.plarea.y0), Point(chart.plarea.x1, chart.plarea.y1), get_scr_point(points[i-1]), get_scr_point(points[i]), out c, out d) ) { chart.ctx.move_to (c.x, c.y); chart.ctx.line_to (d.x, d.y); } } chart.ctx.stroke(); for (int i = 0; i < points.length; ++i) { var p = get_scr_point(points[i]); if (Math.point_in_rect (p, chart.plarea.x0, chart.plarea.x1, chart.plarea.y0, chart.plarea.y1)) marker.draw_at_pos(p); } } /** * Gets screen point by real ``Series`` (X;Y) value. * @param p real ``Series`` (X;Y) value. */ public virtual Point get_scr_point (Point128 p) { return Point(axis_x.scr_pos(p.x), axis_y.scr_pos(p.y)); } /** * Gets real ``Series`` (X;Y) value by plot area screen point. * @param p (X;Y) screen point. */ public virtual Point128 get_real_point (Point p) { return Point128 (axis_x.axis_val(p.x), axis_y.axis_val(p.y)); } /** * Zooms out the ``Series``. */ public virtual void zoom_out () { zoom_show = true; axis_x.zoom_out(); axis_y.zoom_out(); } } }