namespace CairoChart { /** * Cairo/GTK+ ``Chart``. */ public class Chart { /** * ``Chart`` Position. */ public Area area = new Area(); /** * Plot area bounds. */ public Area plarea = new Area.with_abs(0, 0, 1, 1); /** * Current evaluated plot area. */ public Area evarea = new Area.with_abs(0, 0, 1, 1); /** * Zoom area limits (relative coordinates: 0.0-1.0). */ public Area zoom = new Area.with_abs(0, 0, 1, 1); /** * Cairo ``Context`` of the Drawing Area. */ public Cairo.Context ctx = null; /** * Background ``Color``. */ public Color bg_color = Color(1, 1, 1); /** * Border ``Color``. */ public Color border_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.3); /** * ``Chart`` Title. */ public Text title; /** * Legend. */ public Legend legend = new Legend(); /** * ``Chart`` Series array. */ public Series[] series = {}; /** * Index of the 1'st shown series in a zoomed area. */ public int zoom_1st_idx { get; protected set; default = 0; } /** * Joint/common X axes or not. */ public bool joint_x { get; protected set; default = false; } /** * Joint/common Y axes or not. */ public bool joint_y { get; protected set; default = false; } /** * Joint/common {@link Axis} ``Color``. */ public Color joint_color = Color (0, 0, 0, 1); /** * Selection line style. */ public LineStyle selection_style = LineStyle (); /** * ``Chart`` cursors. */ public Cursors cursors { get; protected set; default = null; } /** * Set paint color for further drawing. */ public Color color { private get { return Color(); } set { ctx.set_source_rgba (,,, value.alpha); } default = Color(); } /** * Constructs a new ``Chart``. */ public Chart () { cursors = new Cursors (this); title = new Text(this, "Cairo Chart"); } /** * Gets a copy of the ``Chart``. */ public Chart copy () { var chart = new Chart (); chart.area = this.area.copy(); chart.bg_color = this.bg_color; chart.border_color = this.border_color; chart.ctx = this.ctx; chart.cursors = this.cursors.copy(); chart.evarea = this.evarea.copy(); chart.joint_color = this.joint_color; chart.joint_x = this.joint_x; chart.joint_y = this.joint_y; chart.legend = this.legend.copy(); chart.plarea = this.plarea.copy(); chart.selection_style = this.selection_style; chart.series = this.series; chart.title = this.title.copy(); chart.zoom = this.zoom.copy(); chart.zoom_1st_idx = this.zoom_1st_idx; return chart; } /** * Clears the ``Chart`` with a {@link bg_color} background color. */ public virtual void clear () { if (ctx != null) { color = bg_color; ctx.paint(); } } /** * Draws the ``Chart``. */ public virtual bool draw () { evarea = area.copy(); draw_title (); fix_evarea (); legend.draw (this); fix_evarea (); rot_axes_titles (); cursors.get_crossings(); eval_plarea (); draw_haxes (); fix_evarea (); draw_vaxes (); fix_evarea (); draw_plarea_border (); fix_evarea (); draw_series (); fix_evarea (); cursors.draw (); fix_evarea (); return true; } /** * Draws selection with a {@link selection_style} line style. * @param area selection area. */ public virtual void draw_selection (Area area) { selection_style.apply(this); ctx.rectangle (area.x0, area.y0, area.width, area.height); ctx.stroke(); } /** * Zooms the ``Chart``. * @param area selected zoom area. */ public virtual void zoom_in (Area area) { foreach (var s in series) { if (!s.zoom_show) continue; var real_x0 = s.get_real_x (area.x0); var real_x1 = s.get_real_x (area.x1); var real_width = real_x1 - real_x0; var real_y0 = s.get_real_y (area.y0); var real_y1 = s.get_real_y (area.y1); var real_height = real_y0 - real_y1; // if selected square does not intersect with the series's square if ( real_x1 <= s.axis_x.range.zmin || real_x0 >= s.axis_x.range.zmax || real_y0 <= s.axis_y.range.zmin || real_y1 >= s.axis_y.range.zmax) { s.zoom_show = false; continue; } if (real_x0 >= s.axis_x.range.zmin) { s.axis_x.range.zmin = real_x0; = 0.0; } else { = (s.axis_x.range.zmin - real_x0) / real_width; } if (real_x1 <= s.axis_x.range.zmax) { s.axis_x.range.zmax = real_x1; = 1.0; } else { = (s.axis_x.range.zmax - real_x0) / real_width; } if (real_y1 >= s.axis_y.range.zmin) { s.axis_y.range.zmin = real_y1; = 0.0; } else { = (s.axis_y.range.zmin - real_y1) / real_height; } if (real_y0 <= s.axis_y.range.zmax) { s.axis_y.range.zmax = real_y0; = 1.0; } else { = (s.axis_y.range.zmax - real_y1) / real_height; } } zoom_1st_idx = 0; for (var si = 0; si < series.length; ++si) if (series[si].zoom_show) { zoom_1st_idx = si; break; } var new_zoom = zoom.copy(); var rmpx = area.x0 - plarea.x0; var zdpw = zoom.width / plarea.width; new_zoom.x0 += rmpx * zdpw; var x_max = zoom.x0 + (rmpx + area.width) * zdpw; new_zoom.width = x_max - new_zoom.x0; var rmpy = area.y0 - plarea.y0; var zdph = zoom.height / plarea.height; new_zoom.y0 += rmpy * zdph; var y_max = zoom.y0 + (rmpy + area.height) * zdph; new_zoom.height = y_max - new_zoom.y0; zoom = new_zoom.copy(); } /** * Zooms out the ``Chart``. */ public virtual void zoom_out () { foreach (var s in series) s.unzoom(); zoom = new Area.with_abs (0, 0, 1, 1); zoom_1st_idx = 0; } /** * Moves the ``Chart``. * @param delta delta Δ(x;y) value to move the ``Chart``. */ public virtual void move (Point delta) { var d = delta; d.x /= -plarea.width; d.y /= -plarea.height; var z = zoom.copy(); zoom_out(); d.x *= plarea.width; d.y *= plarea.height; var x0 = plarea.x0 + plarea.width * z.x0; var x1 = plarea.x0 + plarea.width * z.x1; var y0 = plarea.y0 + plarea.height * z.y0; var y1 = plarea.y0 + plarea.height * z.y1; d.x *= z.width; d.y *= z.height; var px1 = plarea.x1; var py1 = plarea.y1; if (x0 + d.x < plarea.x0) d.x = plarea.x0 - x0; if (x1 + d.x > px1) d.x = px1 - x1; if (y0 + d.y < plarea.y0) d.y = plarea.y0 - y0; if (y1 + d.y > py1) d.y = py1 - y1; zoom_in( new Area.with_rel( x0 + d.x, y0 + d.y, plarea.width * z.width, plarea.height * z.height ) ); } protected virtual void fix_evarea () { if (evarea.width < 0) evarea.width = 0; if (evarea.height < 0) evarea.height = 0; } protected virtual void rot_axes_titles () { foreach (var s in series) s.axis_y.title.font.orient = Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL; } protected virtual void eval_plarea () { plarea.x0 = evarea.x0 + legend.spacing; plarea.width = evarea.width - 2 * legend.spacing; plarea.y0 = evarea.y0 + legend.spacing; plarea.height = evarea.height - 2 * legend.spacing; // Check for joint axes joint_x = joint_y = true; int nshow = 0; foreach (var s in series) { if (!s.zoom_show) continue; if (!s.equal_x_axis(series[0])) joint_x = false; if (!s.equal_y_axis(series[0])) joint_y = false; ++nshow; } if (nshow == 1) joint_x = joint_y = false; for (var si = series.length - 1, nskip = 0; si >= 0; --si) series[si].join_axes(true, si, ref nskip); for (var si = series.length - 1, nskip = 0; si >= 0; --si) series[si].join_axes(false, si, ref nskip); } protected virtual void draw_plarea_border () { color = border_color; ctx.set_dash(null, 0); ctx.rectangle(plarea.x0, plarea.y0, plarea.width, plarea.height); ctx.stroke (); } protected virtual void draw_title () { var title_height = title.height + title.vspacing * 2; evarea.y0 += title_height; evarea.height -= title_height; color = title.color; ctx.move_to (area.width/2 - title.width/2, title.height + title.vspacing);; } protected virtual void draw_haxes () { for (var si = series.length - 1, nskip = 0; si >=0; --si) series[si].draw_horizontal_axis (si, ref nskip); } protected virtual void draw_vaxes () { for (var si = series.length - 1, nskip = 0; si >=0; --si) series[si].draw_vertical_axis (si, ref nskip); } protected virtual void draw_series () { foreach (var s in series) if (s.zoom_show && s.points.length != 0) s.draw(); } } }