namespace CairoChart { /** * ``Chart`` axis. */ public class Axis { protected unowned Chart chart; protected unowned Series ser; protected string _format = "%.2Lf"; protected string _date_format = "%Y.%m.%d"; protected string _time_format = "%H:%M:%S"; protected int _dsec_signs = 2; // 2 signs = centiseconds protected bool is_x; /** * ``Axis`` title. */ public Text title; /** * ``Axis`` range/limits. */ public Range range = new Range(); /** * ``Axis`` relative range/limits. */ public Range place = new Range(); /** * Data type. */ public enum DType { /** * Float128 numbers. */ NUMBERS = 0, /** * Date/Time. */ DATE_TIME } /** * Data type. */ public DType dtype; /** * ``Axis`` scale type. */ public enum Scale { /** * Linear scale. */ LINEAR = 0, /** * Logarithmic scale. */ // LOGARITHMIC, } /** * Scale type. */ public Scale scale; /** * ``Axis`` position. */ public enum Position { /** * Bottom/Left ``Axis``. */ LOW = 0, /** * Top/Right ``Axis``. */ HIGH = 1, /** * 2 ``Axes``. */ BOTH = 2 } /** * Position. */ public Position position = Position.LOW; /** * Float128 numbers print string format. */ public virtual string format { get { return _format; } set { // TODO: check format _format = value; } default = "%.2Lf"; } /** * Date print string format. */ public virtual string date_format { get { return _date_format; } set { // TODO: check format _date_format = value; } default = "%Y.%m.%d"; } /** * Time print string format. */ public virtual string time_format { get { return _time_format; } set { // TODO: check format _time_format = value; } default = "%H:%M:%S"; } /** * Number of second's signs after point. * * 2 signs means centiseconds, 3 signs means milliseconds, etc... */ public virtual int dsec_signs { get { return _dsec_signs; } set { // TODO: check format _dsec_signs = value; } default = 2; } /** * ``Axis`` Font style. */ public Font font = new Font (); /** * ``Axis`` color. */ public Color color = Color (); /** * ``Axis`` line style. */ public LineStyle line_style = LineStyle (); /** * Number of equally placed points to evaluate records sizes. */ public int nrecords = 128; /** * Constructs a new ``Axis``. * @param chart ``Chart`` instance. * @param ser ``Series`` instance. * @param is_x is X-axis or not (Y-axis otherwise). */ public Axis (Chart chart, Series ser, bool is_x) { this.chart = chart; this.ser = ser; this.is_x = is_x; title = new Text (chart, ""); } /** * Gets a copy of the ``Axis``. */ public virtual Axis copy () { var axis = new Axis (chart, ser, is_x); axis._date_format = this._date_format; axis._dsec_signs = this._dsec_signs; axis._format = this._format; axis._time_format = this._time_format; axis.color = this.color; axis.font = this.font.copy(); axis.line_style = this.line_style; axis.range = this.range.copy(); =; axis.position = this.position; axis.scale = this.scale; axis.title = this.title.copy(); axis.dtype = this.dtype; axis.nrecords = this.nrecords; return axis; } /** * Prints date/time to strings with a current formats. * @param date returns formatted date string. * @param time returns formatted time string. */ public virtual void print_dt (Float128 x, out string date, out string time) { date = time = ""; var dt = new DateTime.from_unix_utc((int64)x); date = dt.format(date_format); var dsec_str = ("%."+(dsec_signs.to_string())+"Lf").printf((LongDouble)(x - (int64)x)).offset(1); time = dt.format(time_format) + dsec_str; } /** * Zooms out ``Axis``. */ public virtual void zoom_out () { range.zoom_out(); place.zoom_out(); } /** * Joins equal axes. * @param nskip returns number of series to skip printing. */ public virtual void join_axes (ref int nskip) { Axis axis = this; if (!ser.zoom_show) return; if (nskip != 0) {--nskip; return;} var max_rec_width = 0.0, max_rec_height = 0.0; calc_rec_sizes (axis, out max_rec_width, out max_rec_height, is_x); var max_font_spacing = is_x ? axis.font.vspacing : axis.font.hspacing; var max_axis_font_width = axis.title.text == "" ? 0 : axis.title.width + axis.font.hspacing; var max_axis_font_height = axis.title.text == "" ? 0 : axis.title.height + axis.font.vspacing; var si = Math.find_arr(chart.series, ser); if (si == -1) return; if (is_x) join_rel_axes (si, true, ref max_rec_width, ref max_rec_height, ref max_font_spacing, ref max_axis_font_height, ref nskip); else join_rel_axes (si, true, ref max_rec_width, ref max_rec_height, ref max_font_spacing, ref max_axis_font_width, ref nskip); // for 4.2. Cursor values for joint X axis if (si == chart.zoom_1st_idx && chart.cursors.has_crossings) { switch ( { case Cursors.Orientation.VERTICAL: if (is_x && chart.joint_x) { var tmp = max_rec_height + axis.font.vspacing; switch (axis.position) { case Axis.Position.LOW: chart.plarea.y1 -= tmp; break; case Axis.Position.HIGH: chart.plarea.y0 += tmp; break; } } break; case Cursors.Orientation.HORIZONTAL: if (!is_x && chart.joint_y) { var tmp = max_rec_width + font.hspacing; switch (position) { case Axis.Position.LOW: chart.plarea.x0 += tmp; break; case Axis.Position.HIGH: chart.plarea.x1 -= tmp; break; } } break; } } if (is_x && (!chart.joint_x || si == chart.zoom_1st_idx)) { var tmp = max_rec_height + max_font_spacing + max_axis_font_height; switch (axis.position) { case Axis.Position.LOW: chart.plarea.y1 -= tmp; break; case Axis.Position.HIGH: chart.plarea.y0 += tmp; break; } } if (!is_x && (!chart.joint_y || si == chart.zoom_1st_idx)) { var tmp = max_rec_width + max_font_spacing + max_axis_font_width; switch (position) { case Axis.Position.LOW: chart.plarea.x0 += tmp; break; case Axis.Position.HIGH: chart.plarea.x1 -= tmp; break; } } } /** * Draws horizontal axis. * @param nskip number of series to skip printing. */ public virtual void draw (ref int nskip) { if (!ser.zoom_show) return; var si = Math.find_arr(chart.series, ser); if (si == -1) return; if ((is_x && chart.joint_x || !is_x && chart.joint_y) && si != chart.zoom_1st_idx) return; // 1. Detect max record width/height by axis.nrecords equally selected points using format. double max_rec_width, max_rec_height; calc_rec_sizes (this, out max_rec_width, out max_rec_height, is_x); // 2. Calculate maximal available number of records, take into account the space width. long max_nrecs = (long) (is_x ? chart.plarea.width * place.zrange / max_rec_width : chart.plarea.height * place.zrange / max_rec_height); // 3. Calculate grid step. Float128 step = Math.calc_round_step (range.zrange / max_nrecs, dtype == Axis.DType.DATE_TIME); if (step > range.zrange) step = range.zrange; // 4. Calculate min (range.zmin / step, round, multiply on step, add step if < range.zmin). Float128 min = 0; if (step >= 1) { int64 min_nsteps = (int64) (range.zmin / step); min = min_nsteps * step; } else { int64 round_axis_min = (int64)range.zmin; int64 min_nsteps = (int64) ((range.zmin - round_axis_min) / step); min = round_axis_min + min_nsteps * step; } if (min < range.zmin) min += step; // 4.2. Cursor values for joint axes if (chart.cursors.has_crossings) if ( is_x && chart.joint_x && == Cursors.Orientation.VERTICAL || !is_x && chart.joint_y && == Cursors.Orientation.HORIZONTAL) { var tmp = 0.0; if (is_x) tmp = max_rec_height + font.vspacing; else tmp = max_rec_width + font.hspacing; switch (position) { case Axis.Position.LOW: if (is_x) chart.evarea.y1 -= tmp; else chart.evarea.x0 += tmp; break; case Axis.Position.HIGH: if (is_x) chart.evarea.y0 += tmp; else chart.evarea.x1 -= tmp; break; } } // 4.5. Draw Axis title if (title.text != "") { if (is_x) { var scr_x = chart.plarea.x0 + chart.plarea.width * (place.zmin + place.zmax) / 2; var scr_y = 0.0; switch (position) { case Axis.Position.LOW: scr_y = chart.evarea.y1 - font.vspacing; break; case Axis.Position.HIGH: scr_y = chart.evarea.y0 + font.vspacing + title.height; break; } chart.ctx.move_to(scr_x - title.width / 2, scr_y); chart.color = color; } else { var scr_y = chart.plarea.y0 + chart.plarea.height * (1 - (place.zmin + place.zmax) / 2); switch (position) { case Axis.Position.LOW: var scr_x = chart.evarea.x0 + font.hspacing + title.width; chart.ctx.move_to(scr_x, scr_y + title.height / 2); break; case Axis.Position.HIGH: var scr_x = chart.evarea.x1 - font.hspacing; chart.ctx.move_to(scr_x, scr_y + title.height / 2); break; } } if (is_x && chart.joint_x || !is_x && chart.joint_y) chart.color = chart.joint_color; else chart.color = color;; } if (is_x) draw_recs (min, step, max_rec_height); else draw_recs (min, step, max_rec_width); chart.ctx.stroke (); var tmp1 = 0.0, tmp2 = 0.0, tmp3 = 0.0, tmp4 = 0.0; join_rel_axes (si, false, ref tmp1, ref tmp2, ref tmp3, ref tmp4, ref nskip); if (nskip != 0) {--nskip; return;} var tmp = 0.0; if (is_x) tmp = max_rec_height + font.vspacing + (title.text == "" ? 0 : title.height + font.vspacing); else tmp = max_rec_width + font.hspacing + (title.text == "" ? 0 : title.width + font.hspacing); switch (position) { case Axis.Position.LOW: if (is_x) chart.evarea.y1 -= tmp; else chart.evarea.x0 += tmp; break; case Axis.Position.HIGH: if (is_x) chart.evarea.y0 += tmp; else chart.evarea.x1 -= tmp; break; } } /** * Gets compact placement position on the screen. * @param axis_value real ``Axis`` value. * @param text to place on the screen. */ public virtual double compact_rec_pos (Float128 axis_value, Text text) { return is_x ? scr_pos(axis_value) - text.width / 2 - text.width * (axis_value - (range.zmin + range.zmax) / 2) / range.zrange : scr_pos(axis_value) + text.height / 2 + text.height * (axis_value - (range.zmin + range.zmax) / 2) / range.zrange; } /** * Gets screen position by real ``Axis`` value. * @param axis_value real ``Axis`` value. */ public virtual double scr_pos (Float128 axis_value) { return is_x ? chart.plarea.x0 + chart.plarea.width * (place.zmin + (axis_value - range.zmin) / range.zrange * place.zrange) : chart.plarea.y0 + chart.plarea.height * (1 - (place.zmin + (axis_value - range.zmin) / range.zrange * place.zrange)); } /** * Gets real ``Axis`` value by screen position. * @param scr_pos screen position. */ public virtual Float128 axis_val (double scr_pos) { return is_x ? range.zmin + ((scr_pos - chart.plarea.x0) / chart.plarea.width - place.zmin) * range.zrange / place.zrange : range.zmin + ((chart.plarea.y1 - scr_pos) / chart.plarea.height - place.zmin) * range.zrange / place.zrange; } protected virtual void calc_rec_sizes (Axis axis, out double max_rec_width, out double max_rec_height, bool horizontal = true) { max_rec_width = max_rec_height = 0; for (var i = 0; i < axis.nrecords; ++i) { Float128 x = (int64)(axis.range.zmin + axis.range.zrange / axis.nrecords * i) + 1/3.0; switch (axis.dtype) { case Axis.DType.NUMBERS: var text = new Text (chart, axis.format.printf((LongDouble)x) + (horizontal ? "_" : ""), axis.font); max_rec_width = double.max (max_rec_width, text.width); max_rec_height = double.max (max_rec_height, text.height); break; case Axis.DType.DATE_TIME: string date, time; axis.print_dt(x, out date, out time); var h = 0.0; if (axis.date_format != "") { var text = new Text (chart, date + (horizontal ? "_" : ""), axis.font); max_rec_width = double.max (max_rec_width, text.width); h = text.height; } if (axis.time_format != "") { var text = new Text (chart, time + (horizontal ? "_" : ""), axis.font); max_rec_width = double.max (max_rec_width, text.width); h += text.height; } max_rec_height = double.max (max_rec_height, h); break; } } } protected virtual void join_rel_axes (int si, bool calc_max_values, ref double max_rec_width, ref double max_rec_height, ref double max_font_spacing, ref double max_axis_font_size, ref int nskip) { for (int sj = si - 1; sj >= 0; --sj) { var s2 = chart.series[sj]; if (!s2.zoom_show) continue; bool has_intersection = false; Axis a2 = s2.axis_x; if (!is_x) a2 = s2.axis_y; for (int sk = si; sk > sj; --sk) { var s3 = chart.series[sk]; if (!s3.zoom_show) continue; Axis a3 = s3.axis_x; if (!is_x) a3 = s3.axis_y; if (Math.coord_cross(,,, || a2.position != a3.position || a2.dtype != a3.dtype) { has_intersection = true; break; } } if (!has_intersection) { if (calc_max_values) { var tmp_max_rec_width = 0.0, tmp_max_rec_height = 0.0; calc_rec_sizes (a2, out tmp_max_rec_width, out tmp_max_rec_height, is_x); max_rec_width = double.max (max_rec_width, tmp_max_rec_width); max_rec_height = double.max (max_rec_height, tmp_max_rec_height); max_font_spacing = double.max (max_font_spacing, is_x ? a2.font.vspacing : a2.font.hspacing); max_axis_font_size = double.max (max_axis_font_size, a2.title.text == "" ? 0 : is_x ? a2.title.height + font.vspacing : a2.title.width + font.hspacing); } ++nskip; } else { break; } } } protected virtual void draw_recs (Float128 min, Float128 step, double max_rec_size) { // 5. Draw records, update cur_{x,y}_{min,max}. for (Float128 v = min; Math.point_belong (v, min, range.zmax); v += step) { if (is_x && chart.joint_x || !is_x && chart.joint_y) { chart.color = chart.joint_color; = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } else chart.color = color; string text = "", time_text = ""; var time_text_t = new Text(chart); var crpt = 0.0; switch (dtype) { case Axis.DType.NUMBERS: text = format.printf((LongDouble)v); break; case Axis.DType.DATE_TIME: print_dt(v, out text, out time_text); time_text_t = new Text(chart, time_text, font, color); crpt = compact_rec_pos (v, time_text_t); break; } var scr_v = scr_pos (v); var text_t = new Text(chart, text, font, color); var tthv = title.text == "" ? font.vspacing : title.height + 2 * font.vspacing; var ttwh = title.text == "" ? font.hspacing : title.width + 2 * font.hspacing; var dtf = (date_format == "" ? 0 : text_t.height + font.vspacing); var py0 = chart.plarea.y0, ey0 = chart.evarea.y0, py1 = chart.plarea.y1, ey1 = chart.evarea.y1; var px0 = chart.plarea.x0, ex0 = chart.evarea.x0, px1 = chart.plarea.x1, ex1 = chart.evarea.x1; var ph = chart.plarea.height, pw = chart.plarea.width; switch (position) { case Axis.Position.LOW: if (is_x) { var print_y = ey1 - tthv; chart.ctx.move_to (compact_rec_pos (v, text_t), print_y); switch (dtype) { case Axis.DType.NUMBERS:; break; case Axis.DType.DATE_TIME: if (date_format != ""); chart.ctx.move_to (crpt, print_y - dtf); if (time_format != ""); break; } // 6. Draw grid lines to the; double y = ey1 - max_rec_size - tthv; chart.ctx.move_to (scr_v, y); if (chart.joint_x) chart.ctx.line_to (scr_v, py0); else chart.ctx.line_to (scr_v, double.min (y, py0 + ph * (1 -; break; } else { chart.ctx.move_to (ex0 + max_rec_size - text_t.width + ttwh, compact_rec_pos (v, text_t));; // 6. Draw grid lines to the; double x = ex0 + max_rec_size + ttwh; chart.ctx.move_to (x, scr_v); if (chart.joint_y) chart.ctx.line_to (px1, scr_v); else chart.ctx.line_to (double.max (x, px0 + pw *, scr_v); break; } case Axis.Position.HIGH: if (is_x) { var print_y = ey0 + max_rec_size + tthv; chart.ctx.move_to (compact_rec_pos (v, text_t), print_y); switch (dtype) { case Axis.DType.NUMBERS:; break; case Axis.DType.DATE_TIME: if (date_format != ""); chart.ctx.move_to (crpt, print_y - dtf); if (time_format != ""); break; } // 6. Draw grid lines to the; double y = ey0 + max_rec_size + tthv; chart.ctx.move_to (scr_v, y); if (chart.joint_x) chart.ctx.line_to (scr_v, py1); else chart.ctx.line_to (scr_v, double.max (y, py0 + ph * (1 -; break; } else { chart.ctx.move_to (ex1 - text_t.width - ttwh, compact_rec_pos (v, text_t));; // 6. Draw grid lines to the; double x = ex1 - max_rec_size - ttwh; chart.ctx.move_to (x, scr_v); if (chart.joint_y) chart.ctx.line_to (px0, scr_v); else chart.ctx.line_to (double.min (x, px0 + pw *, scr_v); break; } } } } } }