namespace CairoChart { /** * {@link Chart} cursors. */ public class Cursors { protected unowned Chart chart; protected List list = new List (); protected Point active_cursor = Point(); // { get; protected set; default = Point128 (); } protected bool is_cursor_active = false; // { get; protected set; default = false; } protected Cursors.CursorCrossings[] crossings = {}; /** * ``Cursors`` lines orientation. */ protected enum Orientation { /** * Vertical cursors. */ VERTICAL, /** * Horizontal cursors. */ HORIZONTAL } /** * ``Cursors`` style. */ public struct Style { /** * ``Cursors`` lines orientation. */ public Orientation orientation; /** * Maximum distance between mouse and cursor to remove it. */ public double select_distance; /** * ``Cursors`` line style. */ public LineStyle line_style; /** * Constructs a new ``Style``. */ public Style () { orientation = Orientation.VERTICAL; select_distance = 32; line_style = LineStyle(Color(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.8)); } } /** * Cursor style. */ public Cursors.Style style = Cursors.Style(); /** * Has crossings. */ public bool has_crossings { get { return crossings.length != 0; } protected set {} } /** * Constructs a new ``Chart``. * @param chart ``Chart`` instance. */ public Cursors (Chart chart) { this.chart = chart; } /** * Gets a copy of the ``Cursors``. */ public Cursors copy () { var c = new Cursors (chart); c.list = list.copy(); c.active_cursor = active_cursor; c.is_cursor_active = is_cursor_active; = style; c.crossings = crossings; return c; } /** * Sets active cursor. * @param p ``Cursor`` position. * @param remove select for removing or not. */ public virtual void set_active (Point p, bool remove = false) { active_cursor.x = chart.zoom.x0 + (p.x - chart.plarea.x0) / chart.plarea.width * chart.zoom.width; active_cursor.y = chart.zoom.y1 - (chart.plarea.y1 - p.y) / chart.plarea.height * chart.zoom.height; is_cursor_active = ! remove; } /** * Adds active cursor. */ public virtual void add_active () { list.append (active_cursor); is_cursor_active = false; } /** * Removes active cursor. */ public virtual void remove_active () { if (list.length() == 0) return; var distance = 1024.0 * 1024;//width * width; uint rm_indx = 0; uint i = 0; foreach (var c in list) { double d = distance; switch (style.orientation) { case Cursors.Orientation.VERTICAL: d = (rel2scr_x(c.x) - rel2scr_x(active_cursor.x)).abs(); break; case Cursors.Orientation.HORIZONTAL: d = (rel2scr_y(c.y) - rel2scr_y(active_cursor.y)).abs(); break; } if (d < distance) { distance = d; rm_indx = i; } ++i; } if (distance < style.select_distance) list.delete_link(list.nth(rm_indx)); is_cursor_active = false; } /** * Evaluates crossings. */ public void eval_crossings () { var all_cursors = get_all_cursors(); CursorCrossings[] local_cursor_crossings = {}; for (var ci = 0, max_ci = all_cursors.length(); ci < max_ci; ++ci) { var c = all_cursors.nth_data(ci); switch (style.orientation) { case Orientation.VERTICAL: if (c.x <= chart.zoom.x0 || c.x >= chart.zoom.x1) continue; break; case Orientation.HORIZONTAL: if (c.y <= chart.zoom.y0 || c.y >= chart.zoom.y1) continue; break; } CursorCross[] crossings = {}; for (var si = 0, max_si = chart.series.length; si < max_si; ++si) { var s = chart.series[si]; if (!s.zoom_show) continue; var points = Math.sort_points (s, s.sort); for (var i = 0; i + 1 < points.length; ++i) { switch (style.orientation) { case Orientation.VERTICAL: Float128 y = 0; if (Math.vcross(s.scr_pnt(points[i]), s.scr_pnt(points[i+1]), rel2scr_x(c.x), chart.plarea.y0, chart.plarea.y1, out y)) { var point = Point128(s.axis_x.axis_val(rel2scr_x(c.x)), s.axis_y.axis_val(y)); Point128 size; bool show_x, show_date, show_time, show_y; cross_what_to_show(s, out show_x, out show_time, out show_date, out show_y); calc_cross_sizes (s, point, out size, show_x, show_time, show_date, show_y); CursorCross cc = {si, point, size, show_x, show_date, show_time, show_y}; crossings += cc; } break; case Orientation.HORIZONTAL: Float128 x = 0; if (Math.hcross(s.scr_pnt(points[i]), s.scr_pnt(points[i+1]), chart.plarea.x0, chart.plarea.x1, rel2scr_y(c.y), out x)) { var point = Point128(s.axis_x.axis_val(x), s.axis_y.axis_val(rel2scr_y(c.y))); Point128 size; bool show_x, show_date, show_time, show_y; cross_what_to_show(s, out show_x, out show_time, out show_date, out show_y); calc_cross_sizes (s, point, out size, show_x, show_time, show_date, show_y); CursorCross cc = {si, point, size, show_x, show_date, show_time, show_y}; crossings += cc; } break; } } } if (crossings.length != 0) { CursorCrossings ccs = {ci, crossings}; local_cursor_crossings += ccs; } } crossings = local_cursor_crossings; } /** * Draws cursors. */ public virtual void draw () { if (chart.series.length == 0) return; var all_cursors = get_all_cursors(); calc_cursors_value_positions(); for (var cci = 0, max_cci = crossings.length; cci < max_cci; ++cci) { var low = Point128(chart.plarea.x1, chart.plarea.y1); // low and high var high = Point128(chart.plarea.x0, chart.plarea.y0); // points of the cursor unowned CursorCross[] ccs = crossings[cci].crossings; style.line_style.apply(chart); for (var ci = 0, max_ci = ccs.length; ci < max_ci; ++ci) { var si = ccs[ci].series_index; var s = chart.series[si]; var p = ccs[ci].point; var scrp = s.scr_pnt(p); if (scrp.x < low.x) low.x = scrp.x; if (scrp.y < low.y) low.y = scrp.y; if (scrp.x > high.x) high.x = scrp.x; if (scrp.y > high.y) high.y = scrp.y; if (chart.joint_x) { switch (s.axis_x.position) { case Axis.Position.LOW: high.y = chart.plarea.y1 + s.axis_x.font.vspacing; break; case Axis.Position.HIGH: low.y = chart.plarea.y0 - s.axis_x.font.vspacing; break; case Axis.Position.BOTH: high.y = chart.plarea.y1 + s.axis_x.font.vspacing; low.y = chart.plarea.y0 - s.axis_x.font.vspacing; break; } } if (chart.joint_y) { switch (s.axis_y.position) { case Axis.Position.LOW: low.x = chart.plarea.x0 - s.axis_y.font.hspacing; break; case Axis.Position.HIGH: high.x = chart.plarea.x1 + s.axis_y.font.hspacing; break; case Axis.Position.BOTH: low.x = chart.plarea.x0 - s.axis_y.font.hspacing; high.x = chart.plarea.x1 + s.axis_y.font.hspacing; break; } } chart.ctx.move_to (ccs[ci].scr_point.x, ccs[ci].scr_point.y); chart.ctx.line_to (ccs[ci].scr_value_point.x, ccs[ci].scr_value_point.y); } var c = all_cursors.nth_data(crossings[cci].cursor_index); switch (style.orientation) { case Orientation.VERTICAL: if (low.y > high.y) continue; chart.ctx.move_to (rel2scr_x(c.x), low.y); chart.ctx.line_to (rel2scr_x(c.x), high.y); // show joint X value if (chart.joint_x) { var s = chart.series[chart.zoom_1st_idx]; var x = s.axis_x.axis_val(rel2scr_x(c.x)); string text = "", time_text = ""; switch (s.axis_x.dtype) { case Axis.DType.NUMBERS: text = s.axis_x.format.printf((LongDouble)x); break; case Axis.DType.DATE_TIME: s.axis_x.print_dt(x, out text, out time_text); break; } var text_t = new Text(chart, text, s.axis_x.font, s.axis_x.color); var time_text_t = new Text(chart, time_text, s.axis_x.font, s.axis_x.color); var print_y = 0.0; switch (s.axis_x.position) { case Axis.Position.LOW: print_y = chart.area.y1 - s.axis_x.font.vspacing - (chart.legend.position == Legend.Position.BOTTOM ? chart.legend.height : 0); break; case Axis.Position.HIGH: var title_height = chart.title.height + (chart.legend.position == Legend.Position.TOP ? chart.title.font.vspacing * 2 : chart.title.font.vspacing); print_y = chart.area.y0 + title_height + s.axis_x.font.vspacing + (chart.legend.position == Legend.Position.TOP ? chart.legend.height : 0); switch (s.axis_x.dtype) { case Axis.DType.NUMBERS: print_y += text_t.height; break; case Axis.DType.DATE_TIME: print_y += (s.axis_x.date_format == "" ? 0 : text_t.height) + (s.axis_x.time_format == "" ? 0 : time_text_t.height) + (s.axis_x.date_format == "" || s.axis_x.time_format == "" ? 0 : s.axis_x.font.vspacing); break; } break; } var print_x = s.axis_x.compact_rec_pos (x, text_t); chart.ctx.move_to (print_x, print_y); switch (s.axis_x.dtype) { case Axis.DType.NUMBERS:; break; case Axis.DType.DATE_TIME: if (s.axis_x.date_format != ""); print_x = s.axis_x.compact_rec_pos (x, time_text_t); chart.ctx.move_to (print_x, print_y - (s.axis_x.date_format == "" ? 0 : text_t.height + s.axis_x.font.vspacing)); if (s.axis_x.time_format != ""); break; } } break; case Orientation.HORIZONTAL: if (low.x > high.x) continue; chart.ctx.move_to (low.x, rel2scr_y(c.y)); chart.ctx.line_to (high.x, rel2scr_y(c.y)); // show joint Y value if (chart.joint_y) { var s = chart.series[chart.zoom_1st_idx]; var y = s.axis_y.axis_val(rel2scr_y(c.y)); var text_t = new Text(chart, s.axis_y.format.printf((LongDouble)y, s.axis_y.font)); var print_y = s.axis_y.compact_rec_pos (y, text_t); var print_x = 0.0; switch (s.axis_y.position) { case Axis.Position.LOW: print_x = chart.area.x0 + s.axis_y.font.hspacing + (chart.legend.position == Legend.Position.LEFT ? chart.legend.width : 0); break; case Axis.Position.HIGH: print_x = chart.area.x1 - text_t.width - s.axis_y.font.hspacing - (chart.legend.position == Legend.Position.RIGHT ? chart.legend.width : 0); break; } chart.ctx.move_to (print_x, print_y);; } break; } chart.ctx.stroke (); // show value (X, Y or [X;Y]) for (var ci = 0, max_ci = ccs.length; ci < max_ci; ++ci) { var si = ccs[ci].series_index; var s = chart.series[si]; var point = ccs[ci].point; var size = ccs[ci].size; var svp = ccs[ci].scr_value_point; var show_x = ccs[ci].show_x; var show_date = ccs[ci].show_date; var show_time = ccs[ci].show_time; var show_y = ccs[ci].show_y; chart.color = chart.bg_color; chart.ctx.rectangle (svp.x - size.x / 2, svp.y - size.y / 2, size.x, size.y); chart.ctx.fill(); if (show_x) { chart.color = s.axis_x.color; var text_t = new Text(chart, s.axis_x.format.printf((LongDouble)point.x), s.axis_x.font); chart.ctx.move_to (svp.x - size.x / 2, svp.y + text_t.height / 2); if (chart.joint_x) chart.color = chart.joint_color;; } if (show_time) { chart.color = s.axis_x.color; string date = "", time = ""; s.axis_x.print_dt(point.x, out date, out time); var text_t = new Text(chart, time, s.axis_x.font); var y = svp.y + text_t.height / 2; if (show_date) y -= text_t.height / 2 + s.axis_x.font.vspacing / 2; chart.ctx.move_to (svp.x - size.x / 2, y); if (chart.joint_x) chart.color = chart.joint_color;; } if (show_date) { chart.color = s.axis_x.color; string date = "", time = ""; s.axis_x.print_dt(point.x, out date, out time); var text_t = new Text(chart, date, s.axis_x.font); var y = svp.y + text_t.height / 2; if (show_time) y += text_t.height / 2 + s.axis_x.font.vspacing / 2; chart.ctx.move_to (svp.x - size.x / 2, y); if (chart.joint_x) chart.color = chart.joint_color;; } if (show_y) { chart.color = s.axis_y.color; var text_t = new Text(chart, s.axis_y.format.printf((LongDouble)point.y), s.axis_y.font); chart.ctx.move_to (svp.x + size.x / 2 - text_t.width, svp.y + text_t.height / 2); if (chart.joint_y) chart.color = chart.joint_color;; } } } } /** * Gets delta between 2 cursors values. * @param delta returns delta value. */ public bool get_delta (out Float128 delta) { delta = 0; if (chart.series.length == 0) return false; if (list.length() + (is_cursor_active ? 1 : 0) != 2) return false; if (chart.joint_x && style.orientation == Orientation.VERTICAL) { Float128 val1 = chart.series[chart.zoom_1st_idx].axis_x.axis_val(rel2scr_x(list.nth_data(0).x)); Float128 val2 = 0; if (is_cursor_active) val2 = chart.series[chart.zoom_1st_idx].axis_x.axis_val(rel2scr_x(active_cursor.x)); else val2 = chart.series[chart.zoom_1st_idx].axis_x.axis_val(rel2scr_x(list.nth_data(1).x)); if (val2 > val1) delta = val2 - val1; else delta = val1 - val2; return true; } if (chart.joint_y && style.orientation == Orientation.HORIZONTAL) { Float128 val1 = chart.series[chart.zoom_1st_idx].axis_y.axis_val(rel2scr_y(list.nth_data(0).y)); Float128 val2 = 0; if (is_cursor_active) val2 = chart.series[chart.zoom_1st_idx].axis_y.axis_val(rel2scr_y(active_cursor.y)); else val2 = chart.series[chart.zoom_1st_idx].axis_y.axis_val(rel2scr_y(list.nth_data(1).y)); if (val2 > val1) delta = val2 - val1; else delta = val1 - val2; return true; } return false; } /** * Gets delta formatted string. */ public string get_delta_str () { Float128 delta = 0; if (!get_delta(out delta)) return ""; var str = ""; var s = chart.series[chart.zoom_1st_idx]; if (chart.joint_x) switch (s.axis_x.dtype) { case Axis.DType.NUMBERS: str = s.axis_x.format.printf((LongDouble)delta); break; case Axis.DType.DATE_TIME: var date = "", time = ""; int64 days = (int64)(delta / 24 / 3600); s.axis_x.print_dt(delta, out date, out time); str = days.to_string() + " + " + time; break; } if (chart.joint_y) { str = s.axis_y.format.printf((LongDouble)delta); } return str; } protected struct CursorCross { uint series_index; Point128 point; Point128 size; bool show_x; bool show_date; bool show_time; bool show_y; Point scr_point; Point scr_value_point; } protected struct CursorCrossings { uint cursor_index; CursorCross[] crossings; } protected virtual Float128 rel2scr_x(Float128 x) { return chart.plarea.x0 + chart.plarea.width * (x - chart.zoom.x0) / chart.zoom.width; } protected virtual Float128 rel2scr_y(Float128 y) { return chart.plarea.y0 + chart.plarea.height * (y - chart.zoom.y0) / chart.zoom.height; } protected List get_all_cursors () { var all_cursors = list.copy_deep ((src) => { return src; }); if (is_cursor_active) all_cursors.append(active_cursor); return all_cursors; } protected virtual void calc_cursors_value_positions () { for (var ccsi = 0, max_ccsi = crossings.length; ccsi < max_ccsi; ++ccsi) { for (var cci = 0, max_cci = crossings[ccsi].crossings.length; cci < max_cci; ++cci) { // TODO: Ticket #142: find smart algorithm of cursors values placements unowned CursorCross[] cr = crossings[ccsi].crossings; cr[cci].scr_point = chart.series[cr[cci].series_index].scr_pnt (cr[cci].point); var d_max = double.max (cr[cci].size.x / 1.5, cr[cci].size.y / 1.5); cr[cci].scr_value_point = Point (cr[cci].scr_point.x + d_max, cr[cci].scr_point.y - d_max); } } } protected virtual void cross_what_to_show (Series s, out bool show_x, out bool show_time, out bool show_date, out bool show_y) { show_x = show_time = show_date = show_y = false; switch (style.orientation) { case Orientation.VERTICAL: show_y = true; if (!chart.joint_x) switch (s.axis_x.dtype) { case Axis.DType.NUMBERS: show_x = true; break; case Axis.DType.DATE_TIME: if (s.axis_x.date_format != "") show_date = true; if (s.axis_x.time_format != "") show_time = true; break; } break; case Orientation.HORIZONTAL: if (!chart.joint_y) show_y = true; switch (s.axis_x.dtype) { case Axis.DType.NUMBERS: show_x = true; break; case Axis.DType.DATE_TIME: if (s.axis_x.date_format != "") show_date = true; if (s.axis_x.time_format != "") show_time = true; break; } break; } } protected virtual void calc_cross_sizes (Series s, Point128 p, out Point128 size, bool show_x = false, bool show_time = false, bool show_date = false, bool show_y = false) { if (show_x == show_time == show_date == show_y == false) cross_what_to_show(s, out show_x, out show_time, out show_date, out show_y); size = Point128 (); string date, time; s.axis_x.print_dt(p.x, out date, out time); var date_t = new Text(chart, date, s.axis_x.font, s.axis_x.color); var time_t = new Text(chart, time, s.axis_x.font, s.axis_x.color); var x_t = new Text(chart, s.axis_x.format.printf((LongDouble)p.x), s.axis_x.font, s.axis_x.color); var y_t = new Text(chart, s.axis_y.format.printf((LongDouble)p.y), s.axis_y.font, s.axis_y.color); var h_x = 0.0, h_y = 0.0; if (show_x) { size.x = x_t.width; h_x = x_t.height; } if (show_date) { size.x = date_t.width; h_x = date_t.height; } if (show_time) { size.x = double.max(size.x, time_t.width); h_x += time_t.height; } if (show_y) { size.x += y_t.width; h_y = y_t.height; } if ((show_x || show_date || show_time) && show_y) size.x += double.max(s.axis_x.font.hspacing, s.axis_y.font.hspacing); if (show_date && show_time) h_x += s.axis_x.font.hspacing; size.y = double.max (h_x, h_y); } } }