namespace CairoChart { /** * {@link Chart} ``Legend``. */ public class Legend { Chart chart; /** * ``Legend`` position. */ public enum Position { /** * Top position. */ TOP = 0, /** * Left position. */ LEFT, /** * Right position. */ RIGHT, /** * Bottom position. */ BOTTOM } /** * Position. */ public Position position = Position.TOP; /** * ``Legend`` background color. */ public Color bg_color = Color(1, 1, 1); /** * Border line style. */ public LineStyle border_style = LineStyle (); /** * Both vertical & horizontal spacing. */ public double spacing = 5; /** * ``Legend`` width. */ public double width { get; protected set; } /** * ``Legend`` height. */ public double height { get; protected set; } /** * {@link Series} line length. */ public double line_length = 30; /** * Show legend? */ public bool show = true; /** * Constructs a new ``Legend``. * @param chart ``Chart`` instance. */ public Legend (Chart chart) { this.chart = chart; border_style.color = Color (0, 0, 0, 0.3); } /** * Gets a copy of the ``Legend``. */ public virtual Legend copy () { var legend = new Legend (chart); legend.position = this.position; legend.bg_color = this.bg_color; legend.spacing = this.spacing; legend.height = this.height; legend.line_length = this.line_length; legend.width = this.width; =; legend.max_font_heights = this.max_font_heights; return legend; } /** * Draws the ``Legend``. */ public virtual void draw () { if (!show) return; process (ProcessType.CALC); process (ProcessType.DRAW); } protected virtual void draw_rect (out double x0, out double y0) { x0 = y0 = 0; if (chart.ctx != null) { switch (position) { case Position.TOP: x0 = (chart.area.width - width) / 2; var title_height = chart.title.height + (chart.legend.position == Legend.Position.TOP ? chart.title.font.vspacing * 2 : chart.title.font.vspacing); y0 = title_height; break; case Position.BOTTOM: x0 = (chart.area.width - width) / 2; y0 = chart.area.height - height; break; case Position.LEFT: x0 = 0; y0 = (chart.area.height - height) / 2; break; case Position.RIGHT: x0 = chart.area.width - width; y0 = (chart.area.height - height) / 2; break; } chart.color = bg_color; chart.ctx.rectangle (x0, y0, width, height); chart.ctx.fill(); border_style.apply(chart); chart.ctx.move_to (x0, y0); chart.ctx.rel_line_to (width, 0); chart.ctx.rel_line_to (0, height); chart.ctx.rel_line_to (-width, 0); chart.ctx.rel_line_to (0, -height); chart.ctx.stroke (); } } protected enum ProcessType { CALC = 0, // default DRAW } double [] max_font_heights; protected virtual void process (ProcessType process_type) { var legend_x0 = 0.0, legend_y0 = 0.0; var heights_idx = 0; var leg_width_sum = 0.0; var leg_height_sum = 0.0; var max_font_h = 0.0; // prepare switch (process_type) { case ProcessType.CALC: width = 0; height = 0; max_font_heights = {}; heights_idx = 0; break; case ProcessType.DRAW: draw_rect(out legend_x0, out legend_y0); break; } foreach (var s in chart.series) { if (!s.zoom_show) continue; // carry switch (position) { case Position.TOP: case Position.BOTTOM: var ser_title_width = s.title.width + line_length; if (leg_width_sum + (leg_width_sum == 0 ? 0 : s.title.font.hspacing) + ser_title_width > chart.area.width) { // carry leg_height_sum += max_font_h; switch (process_type) { case ProcessType.CALC: max_font_heights += max_font_h; width = double.max(width, leg_width_sum); break; case ProcessType.DRAW: heights_idx++; break; } leg_width_sum = 0; max_font_h = 0; } break; } switch (process_type) { case ProcessType.DRAW: var x = legend_x0 + leg_width_sum + (leg_width_sum == 0 ? 0 : s.title.font.hspacing); var y = legend_y0 + leg_height_sum + max_font_heights[heights_idx] / 2 + s.title.height / 2; // series title chart.ctx.move_to (x + line_length, y); chart.color = s.title.color;; // series line style chart.ctx.move_to (x, y - s.title.height / 2); s.line_style.apply(chart); chart.ctx.rel_line_to (line_length, 0); chart.ctx.stroke(); s.marker.draw_at_pos (Point(x + line_length / 2, y - s.title.height / 2)); break; } switch (position) { case Position.TOP: case Position.BOTTOM: var ser_title_width = s.title.width + line_length; leg_width_sum += (leg_width_sum == 0 ? 0 : s.title.font.hspacing) + ser_title_width; max_font_h = double.max (max_font_h, s.title.height) + (leg_height_sum != 0 ? s.title.font.vspacing : 0); break; case Position.LEFT: case Position.RIGHT: switch (process_type) { case ProcessType.CALC: max_font_heights += s.title.height + (leg_height_sum != 0 ? s.title.font.vspacing : 0); width = double.max (width, s.title.width + line_length); break; case ProcessType.DRAW: heights_idx++; break; } leg_height_sum += s.title.height + (leg_height_sum != 0 ? s.title.font.vspacing : 0); break; } } // TOP, BOTTOM switch (position) { case Position.TOP: case Position.BOTTOM: if (leg_width_sum != 0) { leg_height_sum += max_font_h; switch (process_type) { case ProcessType.CALC: max_font_heights += max_font_h; width = double.max(width, leg_width_sum); break; } } break; } switch (process_type) { case ProcessType.CALC: height = leg_height_sum; switch (position) { case Position.TOP: chart.evarea.y0 += height; break; case Position.BOTTOM: chart.evarea.y1 -= height; break; case Position.LEFT: chart.evarea.x0 += width; break; case Position.RIGHT: chart.evarea.x1 -= width; break; } break; } } } }