namespace CairoChart { /** * ``Font`` direction. */ public enum FontDirect { /** * Horizontal font/text direction. */ HORIZONTAL = 0, /** * Vertical font/text direction. */ VERTICAL } /** * ``Font`` style. */ public struct Font { /** * A font family name, encoded in UTF-8. */ string family; /** * The new font size, in user space units. */ double size; /** * The slant for the font. */ Cairo.FontSlant slant; /** * The weight for the font. */ Cairo.FontWeight weight; /** * Font/Text direction. */ FontDirect direct; /** * Constructs a new ``Font``. * @param family a font family name, encoded in UTF-8. * @param size the new font size, in user space units. * @param slant the slant for the font. * @param weight the weight for the font. * @param direct font/text direction. */ public Font (string family = "Sans", double size = 10, Cairo.FontSlant slant = Cairo.FontSlant.NORMAL, Cairo.FontWeight weight = Cairo.FontWeight.NORMAL, FontDirect direct = FontDirect.HORIZONTAL ) { = family; this.size = size; this.slant = slant; this.weight = weight; = direct; } } }