namespace CairoChart { /** * ``CairoChart`` Text. */ public class Text { Chart chart; string _text; Font _font; Cairo.TextExtents? _ext; /** * ``Text`` string. */ public string text { get { return _text; } set { _text = value; _ext = null; } } /** * ``Text`` font style. */ public Font font { get { return _font; } set { _font = value; _font.notify.connect((s, p) => { _ext = null; }); _ext = null; } } /** * ``Text`` color. */ public Color color = Color(); /** * Vertical spacing. */ public double vspacing = 4; /** * Horizontal spacing. */ public double hspacing = 4; /** * Both vertical & horizontal spacing (set only). */ public double spacing { protected get { return 0; } set { vspacing = hspacing = value; } default = 4; } /** * Cairo ``Text`` extents. */ virtual Cairo.TextExtents ext { get { if (_ext == null) { chart.ctx.select_font_face (, font.slant, font.weight); chart.ctx.set_font_size (font.size); chart.ctx.text_extents (text, out _ext); } return _ext; } protected set { } } /** * ``Text`` width. */ public virtual double width { get { switch (font.orient) { case Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL: return ext.width; case Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL: return ext.height; default: return 0.0; } } protected set { } } /** * ``Text`` height. */ public virtual double height { get { switch (font.orient) { case Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL: return ext.height; case Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL: return ext.width; default: return 0.0; } } protected set { } } /** * ``Text`` size. */ struct Size { /** * ``Text`` width. */ double width; /** * ``Text`` height. */ double height; } /** * ``Text`` @{link Size}. */ virtual Size size { get { var sz = Size(); var e = ext; switch (font.orient) { case Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL: sz.width = e.width + e.x_bearing; sz.height = e.height; break; case Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL: sz.width = e.height; // + e.x_bearing ? sz.height = e.width; // +- e.y_bearing ? break; } return sz; } protected set { } } /** * Show ``Text``. */ public virtual void show () { chart.ctx.select_font_face(, font.slant, font.weight); chart.ctx.set_font_size(font.size); if (font.orient == Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) { chart.ctx.rotate(- GLib.Math.PI / 2.0); chart.ctx.show_text(text); chart.ctx.rotate(GLib.Math.PI / 2.0); } else { chart.ctx.show_text(text); } } /** * Constructs a new ``Text``. * @param chart ``Chart`` instance. * @param text ``Text`` string. * @param font ``Text`` font style. * @param color ``Text`` color. */ public Text (Chart chart, string text = "", Font font = new Font(), Color color = Color() ) { this.chart = chart; this.text = text; this.font = font; this.color = color; } /** * Gets a copy of the ``Text``. */ public virtual Text copy () { var text = new Text (chart); text.chart = this.chart; text.text = this.text; text.font = this.font; text._ext = this._ext; text.color = this.color; return text; } } }