OK. In progress...
This commit is contained in:
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ namespace CairoChart {
protected double rz_y_min = 0.0;
protected double rz_y_max = 1.0;
int zoom_first_show = 0;
public int zoom_first_show { get; protected set; default = 0; }
public virtual void zoom_in (double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) {
for (var si = 0, max_i = series.length; si < max_i; ++si) {
@ -304,13 +304,13 @@ namespace CairoChart {
join_calc (false);
protected virtual double compact_rec_x_pos (Series s, Float128 x, Text text) {
public virtual double compact_rec_x_pos (Series s, Float128 x, Text text) {
var sz = text.get_size(context);
return get_scr_x(s, x) - sz.width / 2.0
- sz.width * (x - (s.axis_x.zoom_min + s.axis_x.zoom_max) / 2.0) / (s.axis_x.zoom_max - s.axis_x.zoom_min);
protected virtual double compact_rec_y_pos (Series s, Float128 y, Text text) {
public virtual double compact_rec_y_pos (Series s, Float128 y, Text text) {
var sz = text.get_size(context);
return get_scr_y(s, y) + sz.height / 2.0
+ sz.height * (y - (s.axis_y.zoom_min + s.axis_y.zoom_max) / 2.0) / (s.axis_y.zoom_max - s.axis_y.zoom_min);
@ -318,157 +318,9 @@ namespace CairoChart {
public CairoChart.Math math = new Math();
protected virtual void draw_horizontal_records (Series s, Float128 step, double max_rec_height, Float128 x_min) {
// 5. Draw records, update cur_{x,y}_{min,max}.
for (Float128 x = x_min, x_max = s.axis_x.zoom_max; math.point_belong (x, x_min, x_max); x += step) {
if (joint_x) set_source_rgba(joint_axis_color);
else set_source_rgba(s.axis_x.color);
string text = "", time_text = "";
switch (s.axis_x.type) {
case Axis.Type.NUMBERS:
text = s.axis_x.format.printf((LongDouble)x);
case Axis.Type.DATE_TIME:
s.axis_x.format_date_time(x, out text, out time_text);
var scr_x = get_scr_x (s, x);
var text_t = new Text(text, s.axis_x.font_style, s.axis_x.color);
var sz = s.axis_x.title.get_size(context);
switch (s.axis_x.position) {
case Axis.Position.LOW:
var print_y = cur_y_max - s.axis_x.font_indent - (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.height + s.axis_x.font_indent);
var print_x = compact_rec_x_pos (s, x, text_t);
context.move_to (print_x, print_y);
switch (s.axis_x.type) {
case Axis.Type.NUMBERS:
case Axis.Type.DATE_TIME:
if (s.axis_x.date_format != "") text_t.show(context);
var time_text_t = new Text(time_text, s.axis_x.font_style, s.axis_x.color);
print_x = compact_rec_x_pos (s, x, time_text_t);
context.move_to (print_x, print_y - (s.axis_x.date_format == "" ? 0 : text_t.get_height(context) + s.axis_x.font_indent));
if (s.axis_x.time_format != "") time_text_t.show(context);
// 6. Draw grid lines to the s.place.zoom_y_min.
var line_style = s.grid.line_style;
if (joint_x) line_style.color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
double y = cur_y_max - max_rec_height - s.axis_x.font_indent - (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.height + s.axis_x.font_indent);
context.move_to (scr_x, y);
if (joint_x)
context.line_to (scr_x, plot_y_min);
context.line_to (scr_x, double.min (y, plot_y_max - (plot_y_max - plot_y_min) * s.place.zoom_y_max));
case Axis.Position.HIGH:
var print_y = cur_y_min + max_rec_height + s.axis_x.font_indent + (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.height + s.axis_x.font_indent);
var print_x = compact_rec_x_pos (s, x, text_t);
context.move_to (print_x, print_y);
switch (s.axis_x.type) {
case Axis.Type.NUMBERS:
case Axis.Type.DATE_TIME:
if (s.axis_x.date_format != "") text_t.show(context);
var time_text_t = new Text(time_text, s.axis_x.font_style, s.axis_x.color);
print_x = compact_rec_x_pos (s, x, time_text_t);
context.move_to (print_x, print_y - (s.axis_x.date_format == "" ? 0 : text_t.get_height(context) + s.axis_x.font_indent));
if (s.axis_x.time_format != "") time_text_t.show(context);
// 6. Draw grid lines to the s.place.zoom_y_max.
var line_style = s.grid.line_style;
if (joint_x) line_style.color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
double y = cur_y_min + max_rec_height + s.axis_x.font_indent + (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.height + s.axis_x.font_indent);
context.move_to (scr_x, y);
if (joint_x)
context.line_to (scr_x, plot_y_max);
context.line_to (scr_x, double.max (y, plot_y_max - (plot_y_max - plot_y_min) * s.place.zoom_y_min));
protected virtual void draw_horizontal_axes () {
for (var si = series.length - 1, nskip = 0; si >=0; --si) {
var s = series[si];
if (!s.zoom_show) continue;
if (joint_x && si != zoom_first_show) continue;
// 1. Detect max record width/height by axis.nrecords equally selected points using format.
double max_rec_width, max_rec_height;
s.axis_x.calc_rec_sizes (this, out max_rec_width, out max_rec_height, true);
// 2. Calculate maximal available number of records, take into account the space width.
long max_nrecs = (long) ((plot_x_max - plot_x_min) * (s.place.zoom_x_max - s.place.zoom_x_min) / max_rec_width);
// 3. Calculate grid step.
Float128 step = math.calc_round_step ((s.axis_x.zoom_max - s.axis_x.zoom_min) / max_nrecs, s.axis_x.type == Axis.Type.DATE_TIME);
if (step > s.axis_x.zoom_max - s.axis_x.zoom_min)
step = s.axis_x.zoom_max - s.axis_x.zoom_min;
// 4. Calculate x_min (s.axis_x.zoom_min / step, round, multiply on step, add step if < s.axis_x.zoom_min).
Float128 x_min = 0.0;
if (step >= 1) {
int64 x_min_nsteps = (int64) (s.axis_x.zoom_min / step);
x_min = x_min_nsteps * step;
} else {
int64 round_axis_x_min = (int64)s.axis_x.zoom_min;
int64 x_min_nsteps = (int64) ((s.axis_x.zoom_min - round_axis_x_min) / step);
x_min = round_axis_x_min + x_min_nsteps * step;
if (x_min < s.axis_x.zoom_min) x_min += step;
// 4.2. Cursor values for joint X axis
if (joint_x && cursor_style.orientation == Cursor.Orientation.VERTICAL && cursors_crossings.length != 0) {
switch (s.axis_x.position) {
case Axis.Position.LOW: cur_y_max -= max_rec_height + s.axis_x.font_indent; break;
case Axis.Position.HIGH: cur_y_min += max_rec_height + s.axis_x.font_indent; break;
var sz = s.axis_x.title.get_size(context);
// 4.5. Draw Axis title
if (s.axis_x.title.text != "") {
var scr_x = plot_x_min + (plot_x_max - plot_x_min) * (s.place.zoom_x_min + s.place.zoom_x_max) / 2.0;
double scr_y = 0.0;
switch (s.axis_x.position) {
case Axis.Position.LOW: scr_y = cur_y_max - s.axis_x.font_indent; break;
case Axis.Position.HIGH: scr_y = cur_y_min + s.axis_x.font_indent + sz.height; break;
context.move_to(scr_x - sz.width / 2.0, scr_y);
if (joint_x) set_source_rgba(joint_axis_color);
draw_horizontal_records (s, step, max_rec_height, x_min);
context.stroke ();
double tmp1 = 0, tmp2 = 0, tmp3 = 0, tmp4 = 0;
s.join_relative_x_axes (this, si, false, ref tmp1, ref tmp2, ref tmp3, ref tmp4, ref nskip);
if (nskip != 0) {--nskip; continue;}
switch (s.axis_x.position) {
case Axis.Position.LOW:
cur_y_max -= max_rec_height + s.axis_x.font_indent
+ (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.height + s.axis_x.font_indent);
case Axis.Position.HIGH:
cur_y_min += max_rec_height + s.axis_x.font_indent
+ (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.height + s.axis_x.font_indent);
series[si].draw_horizontal_axis (this, si, ref nskip);
@ -742,7 +594,7 @@ namespace CairoChart {
CursorCross[] crossings;
protected CursorCrossings[] cursors_crossings = {};
public CursorCrossings[] cursors_crossings = {};
protected List<Point?> get_all_cursors () {
var all_cursors = cursors.copy_deep ((src) => { return src; });
@ -185,5 +185,160 @@ namespace CairoChart {
protected virtual void draw_horizontal_records (Chart chart, Series s, Float128 step, double max_rec_height, Float128 x_min) {
// 5. Draw records, update cur_{x,y}_{min,max}.
var context = chart.context;
var joint_x = chart.joint_x;
for (Float128 x = x_min, x_max = s.axis_x.zoom_max; chart.math.point_belong (x, x_min, x_max); x += step) {
if (joint_x) chart.set_source_rgba(chart.joint_axis_color);
else chart.set_source_rgba(s.axis_x.color);
string text = "", time_text = "";
switch (s.axis_x.type) {
case Axis.Type.NUMBERS:
text = s.axis_x.format.printf((LongDouble)x);
case Axis.Type.DATE_TIME:
s.axis_x.format_date_time(x, out text, out time_text);
var scr_x = chart.get_scr_x (s, x);
var text_t = new Text(text, s.axis_x.font_style, s.axis_x.color);
var sz = s.axis_x.title.get_size(context);
switch (s.axis_x.position) {
case Axis.Position.LOW:
var print_y = chart.cur_y_max - s.axis_x.font_indent - (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.height + s.axis_x.font_indent);
var print_x = chart.compact_rec_x_pos (s, x, text_t);
context.move_to (print_x, print_y);
switch (s.axis_x.type) {
case Axis.Type.NUMBERS:
case Axis.Type.DATE_TIME:
if (s.axis_x.date_format != "") text_t.show(context);
var time_text_t = new Text(time_text, s.axis_x.font_style, s.axis_x.color);
print_x = chart.compact_rec_x_pos (s, x, time_text_t);
context.move_to (print_x, print_y - (s.axis_x.date_format == "" ? 0 : text_t.get_height(context) + s.axis_x.font_indent));
if (s.axis_x.time_format != "") time_text_t.show(context);
// 6. Draw grid lines to the s.place.zoom_y_min.
var line_style = s.grid.line_style;
if (joint_x) line_style.color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
double y = chart.cur_y_max - max_rec_height - s.axis_x.font_indent - (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.height + s.axis_x.font_indent);
context.move_to (scr_x, y);
if (joint_x)
context.line_to (scr_x, chart.plot_y_min);
context.line_to (scr_x, double.min (y, chart.plot_y_max - (chart.plot_y_max - chart.plot_y_min) * s.place.zoom_y_max));
case Axis.Position.HIGH:
var print_y = chart.cur_y_min + max_rec_height + s.axis_x.font_indent + (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.height + s.axis_x.font_indent);
var print_x = chart.compact_rec_x_pos (s, x, text_t);
context.move_to (print_x, print_y);
switch (s.axis_x.type) {
case Axis.Type.NUMBERS:
case Axis.Type.DATE_TIME:
if (s.axis_x.date_format != "") text_t.show(context);
var time_text_t = new Text(time_text, s.axis_x.font_style, s.axis_x.color);
print_x = chart.compact_rec_x_pos (s, x, time_text_t);
context.move_to (print_x, print_y - (s.axis_x.date_format == "" ? 0 : text_t.get_height(context) + s.axis_x.font_indent));
if (s.axis_x.time_format != "") time_text_t.show(context);
// 6. Draw grid lines to the s.place.zoom_y_max.
var line_style = s.grid.line_style;
if (joint_x) line_style.color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
double y = chart.cur_y_min + max_rec_height + s.axis_x.font_indent + (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.height + s.axis_x.font_indent);
context.move_to (scr_x, y);
if (joint_x)
context.line_to (scr_x, chart.plot_y_max);
context.line_to (scr_x, double.max (y, chart.plot_y_max - (chart.plot_y_max - chart.plot_y_min) * s.place.zoom_y_min));
public virtual void draw_horizontal_axis (Chart chart, int si, ref int nskip) {
var s = chart.series[si];
if (!s.zoom_show) return;
if (chart.joint_x && si != chart.zoom_first_show) return;
// 1. Detect max record width/height by axis.nrecords equally selected points using format.
double max_rec_width, max_rec_height;
s.axis_x.calc_rec_sizes (chart, out max_rec_width, out max_rec_height, true);
// 2. Calculate maximal available number of records, take into account the space width.
long max_nrecs = (long) ((chart.plot_x_max - chart.plot_x_min) * (s.place.zoom_x_max - s.place.zoom_x_min) / max_rec_width);
// 3. Calculate grid step.
Float128 step = chart.math.calc_round_step ((s.axis_x.zoom_max - s.axis_x.zoom_min) / max_nrecs, s.axis_x.type == Axis.Type.DATE_TIME);
if (step > s.axis_x.zoom_max - s.axis_x.zoom_min)
step = s.axis_x.zoom_max - s.axis_x.zoom_min;
// 4. Calculate x_min (s.axis_x.zoom_min / step, round, multiply on step, add step if < s.axis_x.zoom_min).
Float128 x_min = 0.0;
if (step >= 1) {
int64 x_min_nsteps = (int64) (s.axis_x.zoom_min / step);
x_min = x_min_nsteps * step;
} else {
int64 round_axis_x_min = (int64)s.axis_x.zoom_min;
int64 x_min_nsteps = (int64) ((s.axis_x.zoom_min - round_axis_x_min) / step);
x_min = round_axis_x_min + x_min_nsteps * step;
if (x_min < s.axis_x.zoom_min) x_min += step;
// 4.2. Cursor values for joint X axis
if (chart.joint_x && chart.cursor_style.orientation == Cursor.Orientation.VERTICAL && chart.cursors_crossings.length != 0) {
switch (s.axis_x.position) {
case Axis.Position.LOW: chart.cur_y_max -= max_rec_height + s.axis_x.font_indent; break;
case Axis.Position.HIGH: chart.cur_y_min += max_rec_height + s.axis_x.font_indent; break;
var sz = s.axis_x.title.get_size(chart.context);
// 4.5. Draw Axis title
if (s.axis_x.title.text != "") {
var scr_x = chart.plot_x_min + (chart.plot_x_max - chart.plot_x_min) * (s.place.zoom_x_min + s.place.zoom_x_max) / 2.0;
double scr_y = 0.0;
switch (s.axis_x.position) {
case Axis.Position.LOW: scr_y = chart.cur_y_max - s.axis_x.font_indent; break;
case Axis.Position.HIGH: scr_y = chart.cur_y_min + s.axis_x.font_indent + sz.height; break;
chart.context.move_to(scr_x - sz.width / 2.0, scr_y);
if (chart.joint_x) chart.set_source_rgba(chart.joint_axis_color);
draw_horizontal_records (chart, s, step, max_rec_height, x_min);
chart.context.stroke ();
double tmp1 = 0, tmp2 = 0, tmp3 = 0, tmp4 = 0;
s.join_relative_x_axes (chart, si, false, ref tmp1, ref tmp2, ref tmp3, ref tmp4, ref nskip);
if (nskip != 0) {--nskip; return;}
switch (s.axis_x.position) {
case Axis.Position.LOW:
chart.cur_y_max -= max_rec_height + s.axis_x.font_indent
+ (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.height + s.axis_x.font_indent);
case Axis.Position.HIGH:
chart.cur_y_min += max_rec_height + s.axis_x.font_indent
+ (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.height + s.axis_x.font_indent);
Reference in New Issue
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