Profiling: context.text_extents() calls number reduced.
This commit is contained in:
@ -215,11 +215,11 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
protected virtual void draw_chart_title () {
title_width = title.get_width (context);
title_height = title.get_height (context) + (legend.position == Legend.Position.TOP ? title_vindent * 2 : title_vindent);
var sz = title.size(context);
title_height = sz.height + (legend.position == Legend.Position.TOP ? title_vindent * 2 : title_vindent);
cur_y_min += title_height;
context.move_to (width/2 - title_width/2 - title.get_x_bearing(context), title.get_height(context) + title_vindent);
context.move_to (width/2 - sz.width/2 - sz.x_bearing, sz.height + title_vindent);
@ -350,11 +350,13 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
if (!s.zoom_show) continue;
var title_sz = s.title.size(context);
// carry
switch (legend.position) {
case Legend.Position.TOP:
case Legend.Position.BOTTOM:
var ser_title_width = s.title.get_width(context) + legend_line_length;
var ser_title_width = title_sz.width + legend_line_length;
if (leg_width_sum + (leg_width_sum == 0 ? 0 : legend_text_hspace) + ser_title_width > width) { // carry
leg_height_sum += max_font_h;
switch (process_type) {
@ -378,39 +380,39 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
var y = legend_y0 + leg_height_sum + max_font_heights[heights_idx];
// series title
context.move_to (x + legend_line_length - s.title.get_x_bearing(context), y);
context.move_to (x + legend_line_length - title_sz.x_bearing, y);
set_source_rgba (s.title.color);
// series line style
context.move_to (x, y - s.title.get_height(context) / 2);
context.move_to (x, y - title_sz.height / 2);
context.rel_line_to (legend_line_length, 0);
draw_marker_at_pos (s.marker_type, x + legend_line_length / 2, y - s.title.get_height(context) / 2);
draw_marker_at_pos (s.marker_type, x + legend_line_length / 2, y - title_sz.height / 2);
switch (legend.position) {
case Legend.Position.TOP:
case Legend.Position.BOTTOM:
var ser_title_width = s.title.get_width(context) + legend_line_length;
var ser_title_width = title_sz.width + legend_line_length;
leg_width_sum += (leg_width_sum == 0 ? 0 : legend_text_hspace) + ser_title_width;
max_font_h = double.max (max_font_h, s.title.get_height(context)) + (leg_height_sum != 0 ? legend_text_vspace : 0);
max_font_h = double.max (max_font_h, title_sz.height) + (leg_height_sum != 0 ? legend_text_vspace : 0);
case Legend.Position.LEFT:
case Legend.Position.RIGHT:
switch (process_type) {
case LegendProcessType.CALC:
max_font_heights += s.title.get_height(context) + (leg_height_sum != 0 ? legend_text_vspace : 0);
legend_width = double.max (legend_width, s.title.get_width(context) + legend_line_length);
max_font_heights += title_sz.height + (leg_height_sum != 0 ? legend_text_vspace : 0);
legend_width = double.max (legend_width, title_sz.width + legend_line_length);
case LegendProcessType.DRAW:
leg_height_sum += s.title.get_height(context) + (leg_height_sum != 0 ? legend_text_vspace : 0);
leg_height_sum += title_sz.height + (leg_height_sum != 0 ? legend_text_vspace : 0);
@ -474,8 +476,9 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
switch (axis.type) {
case Axis.Type.NUMBERS:
var text = new Text (axis.format.printf((LongDouble)x) + (is_horizontal ? "_" : ""), axis.font_style);
max_rec_width = double.max (max_rec_width, text.get_width(context));
max_rec_height = double.max (max_rec_height, text.get_height(context));
var sz = text.size(context);
max_rec_width = double.max (max_rec_width, sz.width);
max_rec_height = double.max (max_rec_height, sz.height);
case Axis.Type.DATE_TIME:
string date, time;
@ -484,13 +487,15 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
var h = 0.0;
if (axis.date_format != "") {
var text = new Text (date + (is_horizontal ? "_" : ""), axis.font_style);
max_rec_width = double.max (max_rec_width, text.get_width(context));
h = text.get_height(context);
var sz = text.size(context);
max_rec_width = double.max (max_rec_width, sz.width);
h = sz.height;
if (axis.time_format != "") {
var text = new Text (time + (is_horizontal ? "_" : ""), axis.font_style);
max_rec_width = double.max (max_rec_width, text.get_width(context));
h += text.get_height(context);
var sz = text.size(context);
max_rec_width = double.max (max_rec_width, sz.width);
h += sz.height;
max_rec_height = double.max (max_rec_height, h);
@ -685,13 +690,15 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
protected virtual double compact_rec_x_pos (Series s, Float128 x, Text text) {
return get_scr_x(s, x) - text.get_width(context) / 2.0 - text.get_x_bearing(context)
- text.get_width(context) * (x - (s.axis_x.zoom_min + s.axis_x.zoom_max) / 2.0) / (s.axis_x.zoom_max - s.axis_x.zoom_min);
var sz = text.size(context);
return get_scr_x(s, x) - sz.width / 2.0 - sz.x_bearing
- sz.width * (x - (s.axis_x.zoom_min + s.axis_x.zoom_max) / 2.0) / (s.axis_x.zoom_max - s.axis_x.zoom_min);
protected virtual double compact_rec_y_pos (Series s, Float128 y, Text text) {
return get_scr_y(s, y) + text.get_height(context) / 2.0
+ text.get_height(context) * (y - (s.axis_y.zoom_min + s.axis_y.zoom_max) / 2.0) / (s.axis_y.zoom_max - s.axis_y.zoom_min);
var sz = text.size(context);
return get_scr_y(s, y) + sz.height / 2.0
+ sz.height * (y - (s.axis_y.zoom_min + s.axis_y.zoom_max) / 2.0) / (s.axis_y.zoom_max - s.axis_y.zoom_min);
protected virtual void format_date_time (Axis axis, Float128 x, out string date, out string time) {
@ -741,15 +748,17 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
var sz = s.axis_x.title.size(context);
// 4.5. Draw Axis title
if (s.axis_x.title.text != "") {
var scr_x = plot_area_x_min + (plot_area_x_max - plot_area_x_min) * ( + / 2.0;
double scr_y = 0.0;
switch (s.axis_x.position) {
case Axis.Position.LOW: scr_y = cur_y_max - s.axis_x.font_indent; break;
case Axis.Position.HIGH: scr_y = cur_y_min + s.axis_x.font_indent + s.axis_x.title.get_height(context); break;
case Axis.Position.HIGH: scr_y = cur_y_min + s.axis_x.font_indent + sz.height; break;
context.move_to(scr_x - s.axis_x.title.get_width(context) / 2.0, scr_y);
context.move_to(scr_x - sz.width / 2.0, scr_y);
if (common_x_axes) set_source_rgba(common_axis_color);
@ -772,7 +781,7 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
var text_t = new Text(text, s.axis_x.font_style, s.axis_x.color);
switch (s.axis_x.position) {
case Axis.Position.LOW:
var print_y = cur_y_max - s.axis_x.font_indent - (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : s.axis_x.title.get_height(context) + s.axis_x.font_indent);
var print_y = cur_y_max - s.axis_x.font_indent - (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.height + s.axis_x.font_indent);
var print_x = compact_rec_x_pos (s, x, text_t);
context.move_to (print_x, print_y);
switch (s.axis_x.type) {
@ -791,7 +800,7 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
var line_style = s.grid.line_style;
if (common_x_axes) line_style.color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
double y = cur_y_max - max_rec_height - s.axis_x.font_indent - (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : s.axis_x.title.get_height(context) + s.axis_x.font_indent);
double y = cur_y_max - max_rec_height - s.axis_x.font_indent - (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.height + s.axis_x.font_indent);
context.move_to (scr_x, y);
if (common_x_axes)
context.line_to (scr_x, plot_area_y_min);
@ -799,7 +808,7 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
context.line_to (scr_x, double.min (y, plot_area_y_max - (plot_area_y_max - plot_area_y_min) *;
case Axis.Position.HIGH:
var print_y = cur_y_min + max_rec_height + s.axis_x.font_indent + (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : s.axis_x.title.get_height(context) + s.axis_x.font_indent);
var print_y = cur_y_min + max_rec_height + s.axis_x.font_indent + (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.height + s.axis_x.font_indent);
var print_x = compact_rec_x_pos (s, x, text_t);
context.move_to (print_x, print_y);
@ -819,7 +828,7 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
var line_style = s.grid.line_style;
if (common_x_axes) line_style.color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
double y = cur_y_min + max_rec_height + s.axis_x.font_indent + (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : s.axis_x.title.get_height(context) + s.axis_x.font_indent);
double y = cur_y_min + max_rec_height + s.axis_x.font_indent + (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.height + s.axis_x.font_indent);
context.move_to (scr_x, y);
if (common_x_axes)
context.line_to (scr_x, plot_area_y_max);
@ -857,11 +866,11 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
switch (s.axis_x.position) {
case Axis.Position.LOW:
cur_y_max -= max_rec_height + s.axis_x.font_indent
+ (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : s.axis_x.title.get_height(context) + s.axis_x.font_indent);
+ (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.height + s.axis_x.font_indent);
case Axis.Position.HIGH:
cur_y_min += max_rec_height + s.axis_x.font_indent
+ (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : s.axis_x.title.get_height(context) + s.axis_x.font_indent);
+ (s.axis_x.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.height + s.axis_x.font_indent);
@ -904,17 +913,19 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
var sz = s.axis_y.title.size(context);
// 4.5. Draw Axis title
if (s.axis_y.title.text != "") {
var scr_y = plot_area_y_max - (plot_area_y_max - plot_area_y_min) * ( + / 2.0;
switch (s.axis_y.position) {
case Axis.Position.LOW:
var scr_x = cur_x_min + s.axis_y.font_indent + s.axis_y.title.get_width(context);
context.move_to(scr_x, scr_y + s.axis_y.title.get_height(context) / 2.0);
var scr_x = cur_x_min + s.axis_y.font_indent + sz.width;
context.move_to(scr_x, scr_y + sz.height / 2.0);
case Axis.Position.HIGH:
var scr_x = cur_x_max - s.axis_y.font_indent;
context.move_to(scr_x, scr_y + s.axis_y.title.get_height(context) / 2.0);
context.move_to(scr_x, scr_y + sz.height / 2.0);
@ -929,17 +940,18 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
var text = s.axis_y.format.printf((LongDouble)y);
var scr_y = get_scr_y (s, y);
var text_t = new Text(text, s.axis_y.font_style, s.axis_y.color);
var text_sz = text_t.size(context);
switch (s.axis_y.position) {
case Axis.Position.LOW:
context.move_to (cur_x_min + max_rec_width - text_t.get_width(context) + s.axis_y.font_indent - text_t.get_x_bearing(context)
+ (s.axis_y.title.text == "" ? 0 : s.axis_y.title.get_width(context) + s.axis_y.font_indent),
context.move_to (cur_x_min + max_rec_width - text_sz.width + s.axis_y.font_indent - text_sz.x_bearing
+ (s.axis_y.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.width + s.axis_y.font_indent),
compact_rec_y_pos (s, y, text_t));
// 6. Draw grid lines to the
var line_style = s.grid.line_style;
if (common_y_axes) line_style.color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
double x = cur_x_min + max_rec_width + s.axis_y.font_indent + (s.axis_y.title.text == "" ? 0 : s.axis_y.title.get_width(context) + s.axis_y.font_indent);
double x = cur_x_min + max_rec_width + s.axis_y.font_indent + (s.axis_y.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.width + s.axis_y.font_indent);
context.move_to (x, scr_y);
if (common_y_axes)
context.line_to (plot_area_x_max, scr_y);
@ -947,15 +959,15 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
context.line_to (double.max (x, plot_area_x_min + (plot_area_x_max - plot_area_x_min) *, scr_y);
case Axis.Position.HIGH:
context.move_to (cur_x_max - text_t.get_width(context) - s.axis_y.font_indent - text_t.get_x_bearing(context)
- (s.axis_y.title.text == "" ? 0 : s.axis_y.title.get_width(context) + s.axis_y.font_indent),
context.move_to (cur_x_max - text_sz.width - s.axis_y.font_indent - text_sz.x_bearing
- (s.axis_y.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.width + s.axis_y.font_indent),
compact_rec_y_pos (s, y, text_t));
// 6. Draw grid lines to the
var line_style = s.grid.line_style;
if (common_y_axes) line_style.color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
double x = cur_x_max - max_rec_width - s.axis_y.font_indent - (s.axis_y.title.text == "" ? 0 :s.axis_y.title.get_width(context) + s.axis_y.font_indent);
double x = cur_x_max - max_rec_width - s.axis_y.font_indent - (s.axis_y.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.width + s.axis_y.font_indent);
context.move_to (x, scr_y);
if (common_y_axes)
context.line_to (plot_area_x_min, scr_y);
@ -992,10 +1004,10 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
switch (s.axis_y.position) {
case Axis.Position.LOW:
cur_x_min += max_rec_width + s.axis_y.font_indent
+ (s.axis_y.title.text == "" ? 0 : s.axis_y.title.get_width(context) + s.axis_y.font_indent); break;
+ (s.axis_y.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.width + s.axis_y.font_indent); break;
case Axis.Position.HIGH:
cur_x_max -= max_rec_width + s.axis_y.font_indent
+ (s.axis_y.title.text == "" ? 0 : s.axis_y.title.get_width(context) + s.axis_y.font_indent); break;
+ (s.axis_y.title.text == "" ? 0 : sz.width + s.axis_y.font_indent); break;
@ -1407,10 +1419,10 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
var x_t = new Text (s.axis_x.format.printf((LongDouble)p.x), s.axis_x.font_style, s.axis_x.color);
var y_t = new Text (s.axis_y.format.printf((LongDouble)p.y), s.axis_y.font_style, s.axis_y.color);
double h_x = 0.0, h_y = 0.0;
if (show_x) { size.x = x_t.get_width(context); h_x = x_t.get_height(context); }
if (show_date) { size.x = date_t.get_width(context); h_x = date_t.get_height(context); }
if (show_time) { size.x = double.max(size.x, time_t.get_width(context)); h_x += time_t.get_height(context); }
if (show_y) { size.x += y_t.get_width(context); h_y = y_t.get_height(context); }
if (show_x) { var sz = x_t.size(context); size.x = sz.width; h_x = sz.height; }
if (show_date) { var sz = date_t.size(context); size.x = sz.width; h_x = sz.height; }
if (show_time) { var sz = time_t.size(context); size.x = double.max(size.x, sz.width); h_x += sz.height; }
if (show_y) { var sz = y_t.size(context); size.x += sz.width; h_y = sz.height; }
if ((show_x || show_date || show_time) && show_y) size.x += double.max(s.axis_x.font_indent, s.axis_y.font_indent);
if (show_date && show_time) h_x += s.axis_x.font_indent;
size.y = double.max (h_x, h_y);
@ -1487,6 +1499,7 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
var text_t = new Text(text, s.axis_x.font_style, s.axis_x.color);
var sz = text_t.size(context);
var time_text_t = new Text(time_text, s.axis_x.font_style, s.axis_x.color);
var print_y = 0.0;
switch (s.axis_x.position) {
@ -1497,10 +1510,10 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
+ (legend.position == Legend.Position.TOP ? legend_height : 0);
switch (s.axis_x.type) {
case Axis.Type.NUMBERS:
print_y += text_t.get_height(context);
print_y += sz.height;
case Axis.Type.DATE_TIME:
print_y += (s.axis_x.date_format == "" ? 0 : text_t.get_height(context))
print_y += (s.axis_x.date_format == "" ? 0 : sz.height)
+ (s.axis_x.time_format == "" ? 0 : time_text_t.get_height(context))
+ (s.axis_x.date_format == "" || s.axis_x.time_format == "" ? 0 : s.axis_x.font_indent);
@ -1517,7 +1530,7 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
case Axis.Type.DATE_TIME:
if (s.axis_x.date_format != "") show_text(text_t);
print_x = compact_rec_x_pos (s, x, time_text_t);
context.move_to (print_x, print_y - (s.axis_x.date_format == "" ? 0 : text_t.get_height(context) + s.axis_x.font_indent));
context.move_to (print_x, print_y - (s.axis_x.date_format == "" ? 0 : sz.height + s.axis_x.font_indent));
if (s.axis_x.time_format != "") show_text(time_text_t);
@ -1581,8 +1594,9 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
string date = "", time = "";
format_date_time(s.axis_x, point.x, out date, out time);
var text_t = new Text(time, s.axis_x.font_style);
var y = svp.y + text_t.get_height(context) / 2;
if (show_date) y -= text_t.get_height(context) / 2 + s.axis_x.font_indent / 2;
var sz = text_t.size(context);
var y = svp.y + sz.height / 2;
if (show_date) y -= sz.height / 2 + s.axis_x.font_indent / 2;
context.move_to (svp.x - size.x / 2, y);
if (common_x_axes) set_source_rgba (common_axis_color);
@ -1593,8 +1607,9 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
string date = "", time = "";
format_date_time(s.axis_x, point.x, out date, out time);
var text_t = new Text(date, s.axis_x.font_style);
var y = svp.y + text_t.get_height(context) / 2;
if (show_time) y += text_t.get_height(context) / 2 + s.axis_x.font_indent / 2;
var sz = text_t.size(context);
var y = svp.y + sz.height / 2;
if (show_time) y += sz.height / 2 + s.axis_x.font_indent / 2;
context.move_to (svp.x - size.x / 2, y);
if (common_x_axes) set_source_rgba (common_axis_color);
@ -1603,7 +1618,8 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
if (show_y) {
var text_t = new Text(s.axis_y.format.printf((LongDouble)point.y), s.axis_y.font_style);
context.move_to (svp.x + size.x / 2 - text_t.get_width(context), svp.y + text_t.get_height(context) / 2);
var sz = text_t.size(context);
context.move_to (svp.x + size.x / 2 - sz.width, svp.y + sz.height / 2);
if (common_y_axes) set_source_rgba (common_axis_color);
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
public FontStyle style = FontStyle ();
public Color color = Color();
Cairo.TextExtents get_extents (Cairo.Context context) {
public Cairo.TextExtents get_extents (Cairo.Context context) {
context.select_font_face (,
@ -17,26 +17,53 @@ namespace Gtk.CairoChart {
public double get_width (Cairo.Context context) {
var extents = get_extents (context);
if (style.orientation == FontOrient.HORIZONTAL)
return extents.width;
return extents.height;
switch (style.orientation) {
case FontOrient.HORIZONTAL: return extents.width;
case FontOrient.VERTICAL: return extents.height;
default: return 0.0;
public double get_height (Cairo.Context context) {
var extents = get_extents (context);
if (style.orientation == FontOrient.HORIZONTAL)
return extents.height;
return extents.width;
switch (style.orientation) {
case FontOrient.HORIZONTAL: return extents.height;
case FontOrient.VERTICAL: return extents.width;
default: return 0.0;
public double get_x_bearing (Cairo.Context context) {
var extents = get_extents (context);
if (style.orientation == FontOrient.HORIZONTAL)
return extents.x_bearing;
return extents.y_bearing;
switch (style.orientation) {
case FontOrient.HORIZONTAL: return extents.x_bearing;
case FontOrient.VERTICAL: return extents.y_bearing;
default: return 0.0;
public struct Size {
double width;
double height;
double x_bearing;
public Size size (Cairo.Context context) {
var sz = Size();
var extents = get_extents (context);
switch (style.orientation) {
case FontOrient.HORIZONTAL:
sz.width = extents.width;
sz.height = extents.height;
sz.x_bearing = extents.x_bearing;
case FontOrient.VERTICAL:
sz.width = extents.height;
sz.height = extents.width;
sz.x_bearing = extents.y_bearing;
return sz;
public Text (string text = "",
Reference in New Issue
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