-add a RESULT_VARIABLE to INCLUDE() -add CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE for specifiying your (potentially crosscompiling) toolchain -have TRY_RUN() complain if you try to use it in crosscompiling mode (which were compiled but cannot run on this system) -use CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX in TRY_RUN(), probably TRY_RUN won't be able to run the executables if they have a different suffix because they are probably crosscompiled, but nevertheless it should be able to find them -make several cmake variables presettable by the user: CMAKE_C/CXX_COMPILER, CMAKE_C/CXX_OUTPUT_EXTENSION, CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME, CMAKE_SYSTEM_INFO_FILE -support prefix for GNU toolchains (arm-elf-gcc, arm-elf-ar, arm-elf-strip etc.) -move ranlib on OSX from the file command to a command in executed in cmake_install.cmake -add support for stripping during install in cmake_install.cmake -split out cl.cmake from Windows-cl.cmake, first (very incomplete) step to support MS crosscompiling tools -remove stdio.h from the simple C program which checks if the compiler works, since this may not exist for some embedded platforms -create a new CMakeFindBinUtils.cmake which collects the search fro ar, ranlib, strip, ld, link, install_name_tool and other tools like these -add support for CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH for all FIND_XXX commands, which is a list of directories which will be prepended to all search directories, right now as a cmake variable, turning it into a global cmake property may need some more work -remove cmTestTestHandler::TryExecutable(), it's unused -split cmFileCommand::HandleInstall() into slightly smaller functions Alex
97 lines
2.8 KiB
97 lines
2.8 KiB
Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator
Module: $RCSfile$
Language: C++
Date: $Date$
Version: $Revision$
Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
#ifndef cmFindBase_h
#define cmFindBase_h
#include "cmCommand.h"
/** \class cmFindBase
* \brief Define a command to search for an executable program.
* cmFindBase is a parent class for cmFindProgramCommand, cmFindPathCommand,
* and cmFindLibraryCommand, cmFindFile
class cmFindBase : public cmCommand
* This is called when the command is first encountered in
* the CMakeLists.txt file.
virtual bool ParseArguments(std::vector<std::string> const& args);
cmTypeMacro(cmFindBase, cmCommand);
virtual const char* GetFullDocumentation()
{return this->GenericDocumentation.c_str();}
enum RootPathMode { RootPathModeBoth, RootPathModeOnlyRootPath, RootPathModeNoRootPath };
void PrintFindStuff();
void ExpandPaths(std::vector<std::string> userPaths);
void HandleCMakeFindRootPath();
// add to the SearchPaths
void AddPaths(std::vector<std::string>& paths);
void AddFrameWorkPaths();
void AddAppBundlePaths();
void AddEnvironmentVariables();
void AddCMakeVariables();
void AddSystemEnvironmentVariables();
void AddCMakeSystemVariables();
void ExpandRegistryAndCleanPath(std::vector<std::string>& paths);
// see if the VariableName is already set in the cache,
// also copy the documentation from the cache to VariableDocumentation
// if it has documentation in the cache
bool CheckForVariableInCache();
cmStdString GenericDocumentation;
// use by command during find
cmStdString VariableDocumentation;
cmStdString VariableName;
std::vector<std::string> Names;
std::vector<std::string> SearchPaths;
std::vector<std::string> SearchPathSuffixes;
cmStdString CMakePathName;
cmStdString EnvironmentPath; // LIB,INCLUDE
bool AlreadyInCache;
bool AlreadyInCacheWithoutMetaInfo;
bool NoDefaultPath;
bool NoCMakePath;
bool NoCMakeEnvironmentPath;
bool NoSystemEnvironmentPath;
bool NoCMakeSystemPath;
RootPathMode FindRootPathMode;
bool SearchFrameworkFirst;
bool SearchFrameworkOnly;
bool SearchFrameworkLast;
bool SearchAppBundleFirst;
bool SearchAppBundleOnly;
bool SearchAppBundleLast;