2005-06-30 15:54:14 -04:00

96 lines
12 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?><TODOLIST FILEFORMAT="6" PROJECTNAME="CMakeSetup GUI project" NEXTUNIQUEID="110" FILEVERSION="123" LASTMODIFIED="2005-06-30"><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="15732480" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="5" LASTMOD="38479.90427083" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="v1.0b" PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#000FF0" ID="1" HIGHESTPRIORITY="8" PERCENTDONE="0" POS="2"><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="15732480" STARTDATESTRING="5/30/2005" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="5" LASTMOD="38502.62243056" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="Interpret directory from dropped shortcut" COMMENTS="In DoInitFrame()
// TODO: Interpret directory from dropped shortcut
}" PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#000FF0" ID="94" PERCENTDONE="0" STARTDATE="38502.00000000" POS="2"/><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="15732480" STARTDATESTRING="5/30/2005" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="5" ALLOCATEDBY="Andy" LASTMOD="38502.94655093" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="Make sources consistent with formatting" COMMENTS="The second thing has to do with your coding standard. The indentation
would be ok (even though it is different), as long as it would be
consistent. Looks like you are using tabs sometimes, spaces some other
times, so depending on what editor you use, the code looks
different. As you notice, in CMake we always use two spaces indentation.
Also, related to this is that your code has DOS new-lines on some lines
but not on other. Inconsistent DOS new-lines sometimes confuse certain
compilers." PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#000FF0" ID="97" PERCENTDONE="100" STARTDATE="38502.00000000" DONEDATESTRING="6/2/2005" DONEDATE="38505.00000000" POS="7"/><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="15732480" STARTDATESTRING="5/30/2005" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="5" ALLOCATEDBY="Andy" LASTMOD="38502.94726852" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="A different popup window that also has an exit button" CATEGORY="Pending" COMMENTS="Oh, and another feature request, once you run generate, there is a
that says generation complete. Could you put a exit button there too?" PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#000FF0" ID="99" PERCENTDONE="0" STARTDATE="38502.00000000" POS="4"/><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="15732480" STARTDATESTRING="5/30/2005" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="5" ALLOCATEDBY="Andy" LASTMOD="38502.94839120" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="Add keyboard shortcuts to the GUI" COMMENTS="And, how difficult it is to add keyboard shortcuts to the gui? Could
duplicate ccmake's keyboard shortcuts in NG gui?
C - configure
G - generate &amp; exit
/ - search
up/down - change currently selected entry
enter - edit currently selected entry
esc - exit currently selected entrty edit
h - help
t - toggle advanced mode" PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#000FF0" ID="100" PERCENTDONE="100" STARTDATE="38502.00000000" DONEDATESTRING="6/2/2005" DONEDATE="38505.00000000" POS="8"/><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="15732480" STARTDATESTRING="6/12/2005" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="5" LASTMOD="38515.47285880" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="Parse command line to automate test and configure" COMMENTS="&gt; I know you are probably getting tired of this, but I have another
&gt; feature request. I would like to have a way to test the dialog from
That's allright ;-)
&gt; command line. I would like to do something like:
&gt; CMakeSetup --source /foo/bar/src --build /foo/bar/bin
&gt; --run-configure-and-generate" PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#000FF0" ID="103" PERCENTDONE="0" STARTDATE="38515.00000000" POS="3"/><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="13435129" STARTDATESTRING="6/12/2005" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="8" LASTMOD="38515.47834491" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="Add Licence header for every source" COMMENTS="Please just copy the header comment from another header like
and put it at the top of all your sources. If you want to add those
extra CVS $$ tokens please do so in a comment under this block so that
the copyright/license part stays consistent with the rest of the
source." PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#F900CD" ID="106" PERCENTDONE="100" STARTDATE="38515.00000000" DONEDATESTRING="6/30/2005" DONEDATE="38533.00000000" POS="5"/><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="13435129" STARTDATESTRING="6/24/2005" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="8" LASTMOD="38527.95186343" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="Implement command line options" COMMENTS="andy@andoria $ cmake
--help ~
cmake version 2.1-20050621
cmake [options] &lt;path-to-source&gt;
cmake [options] &lt;path-to-existing-build&gt;
Command-Line Options
-C&lt;initial-cache&gt; = Pre-load cmake cache from given file.
-D&lt;var&gt;:&lt;type&gt;=&lt;value&gt; = Create a cmake cache entry.
-G&lt;generator-name&gt; = Specify a makefile generator.
-E = CMake command mode.
-i = Run in wizard mode.
-L[A][H] = List non-advanced cached variables.
-N = View mode only.
--help-command cmd [file] = Print help for a single command and exit.
--help-command-list [file] = List available listfile commands and exit.
--copyright [file] = Print the CMake copyright and exit.
--help = Print usage information and exit.
--help-full [file] = Print full help and exit.
--help-html [file] = Print full help in HTML format.
--help-man [file] = Print a UNIX man page and exit.
--version [file] = Show program name/version banner and exit.
I would add:
cmake [options] &lt;path to cmake cache&gt;
Andy" PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#F900CD" ID="108" PERCENTDONE="0" STARTDATE="38527.00000000" POS="6"/><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="15732480" STARTDATESTRING="6/24/2005" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="5" LASTMOD="38527.95687500" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="Commit source to CVS" PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#000FF0" ID="109" PERCENTDONE="0" STARTDATE="38527.00000000" POS="1"/></TASK><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="15732480" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="5" LASTMOD="38479.90443287" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="Next releases" PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#000FF0" ID="2" HIGHESTPRIORITY="7" PERCENTDONE="0" POS="1"><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="15732480" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="5" LASTMOD="38479.90533565" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="Adjust build path to project path when selected, and append (build) when present" PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#000FF0" ID="5" PERCENTDONE="0" POS="2"/><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="15732480" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="5" LASTMOD="38480.40458333" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="Most recent used file menu" PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#000FF0" ID="7" PERCENTDONE="0" POS="9"/><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="15732480" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="5" LASTMOD="38482.70638889" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="New project based management for user options" COMMENTS="This can contain overridden options and extra injected options for e.g.
Also the build path can be static, or linked to a date or build increment" PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#000FF0" ID="29" PERCENTDONE="0" POS="8"/><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="15732480" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="5" LASTMOD="38482.70771991" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="Write down log for exvery action performed" COMMENTS="When user selects something log this so the last known config can be traced back" PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#000FF0" ID="31" PERCENTDONE="0" POS="6"/><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="16122042" STARTDATESTRING="5/12/2005" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="7" LASTMOD="38486.63013889" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="AUTOFILL option. For users frequently configuring, where some paths may be located, the user can create vars for it" COMMENTS="DART_TEST_PATH when e.g. specified in the AUTOFILL options, it will be filled with the proper paths automatically" PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#BA00F6" ID="41" PERCENTDONE="0" STARTDATE="38484.00000000" POS="13"/><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="15732480" STARTDATESTRING="5/19/2005" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="5" LASTMOD="38492.77642361" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="Use a thread for configuring" COMMENTS="Is it possible to get the window to respond to events quickly during the configuration? This has always plagued the old GUI. Fixing it would require the window interface to run in a separate thread. Does wxWidgets make this easy?" PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#000FF0" ID="50" PERCENTDONE="0" STARTDATE="38491.00000000" POS="5"/><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="15732480" STARTDATESTRING="5/19/2005" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="5" LASTMOD="38492.93082176" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="Add a way to search the data properties" COMMENTS="Add a way to search the entries. CCMake does it the VI style, you
&gt; press / and the string and it will find the variable with that name
That sounds good. I like how Thunderbird does it. You have a little
magnifying glass icon with a pulldown, where you can pick Subject,
Sender, or any other field you want to search. In CMake's case, that
would be &quot;Variable name&quot;, &quot;Variable value&quot;, &quot;Both&quot;. Then, once you type
some text, the gui would eliminate all entries that do not match the
search string." PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#000FF0" ID="52" PERCENTDONE="0" STARTDATE="38491.00000000" POS="3"/><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="15732480" STARTDATESTRING="5/22/2005" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="5" LASTMOD="38494.81545139" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="Find search query with toggable uppercase and lowercase" PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#000FF0" ID="58" PERCENTDONE="0" STARTDATE="38494.00000000" POS="7"/><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="15732480" STARTDATESTRING="5/23/2005" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="5" LASTMOD="38495.92858796" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="Show all NOT-FOUND items" COMMENTS="In the search query, have the following menu layout;
Search in name
Seach in value
Search in both
Only show NOTFOUND" PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#000FF0" ID="62" PERCENTDONE="0" STARTDATE="38495.00000000" POS="10"/><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="10544896" STARTDATESTRING="5/23/2005" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="2" LASTMOD="38495.93019676" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="Make flags parser" COMMENTS="Make a parser that can parse all the flags that are given in the various CMAKE_??_FLAGS entries, and determine based on the compiler that is selected what the compiler options are." PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#00E7A0" ID="63" PERCENTDONE="0" STARTDATE="38495.00000000" POS="1"/><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="15732480" STARTDATESTRING="5/28/2005" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="5" LASTMOD="38500.54894676" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="Grid enhancements" PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#000FF0" ID="90" HIGHESTPRIORITY="6" PERCENTDONE="0" STARTDATE="38500.00000000" POS="11"><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="15925332" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="6" LASTMOD="38482.46628472" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="Implement sorting of grid items when adding with AddPropItem" PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#5400F3" ID="25" PERCENTDONE="0" POS="1"/><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="15925332" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="6" LASTMOD="38482.58564815" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="Implement wxGridTableBase for property grid, to better relate client data to wxPropertyItem" PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#5400F3" ID="27" PERCENTDONE="0" POS="2"/></TASK><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="16122042" STARTDATESTRING="5/30/2005" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="7" LASTMOD="38502.88064815" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="Remove most recent changed list and replace it with wxFileHistory!!!" PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#BA00F6" ID="96" PERCENTDONE="0" STARTDATE="38502.00000000" POS="12"/><TASK PRIORITYCOLOR="15732480" STARTDATESTRING="6/12/2005" TEXTWEBCOLOR="#000000" PRIORITY="5" LASTMOD="38515.47637731" TEXTCOLOR="0" TITLE="Use commandline info to set WXWIDGETS values / CMAKE values" COMMENTS="&gt; This would run configure followed by generate and exit. By doing
&gt; that we
&gt; would get some coverage of it. If you feel ambitious, then you could
&gt; even try to set widget values etc.
Nice idea :-) I will add it to the todo list to see what I can do." PRIORITYWEBCOLOR="#000FF0" ID="105" PERCENTDONE="0" STARTDATE="38515.00000000" POS="4"/></TASK></TODOLIST>